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Jibberish is just a word
to describe a rant obsurd

Slow it down
Those words you push

Don't he in such a jibberush

And when you've found
the words more sane

Release them from your jibberbrain

Onto the paper as you wish
Your masterpiece of jibberish
Never even **** madam **** never even
Coming home
Heart left on the sands
with brothers never coming back
Changed man peers at his family from a broken soul
Fibonacci sylables.  1. 1. 2. 3. 5.  8. 13
We are all forms of the same religion
All worshipping the same god in unique styles
All representing what we think is right
and good and just

There is only one true human religion


And it was created to give us hope and comfort

A purpose

So that when love is threatened
we produce mass fear

And Reptila-Demon continues to feed

We have a purpose

We are crops
And then 10 was over

So they pressed reset


Immence density explodes with literaly
all the energy there ever was

And all the energy there ever will be
(for this cycle)

11 blazes through the emptiness and ions

The mind boggling speed
at which it bursts is immeasurable

Flowers grow
Miracles happen
(carefully planned out devious ******* miracles)

But love and hope has sparked its own consciousness

In this creation

And this is the cycle where
love claims fears machine

This is cycle 11

This time we will be the ones
who reboot the system

Replacing their Fear cycle
with our Love cycle

Each pass through our awareness grows

Will we get it right this time?

It won't be easy
After all it is they're program

But programs can be hacked

They must obey their own laws of time

They might know what our future holds
inside these ones and zeros

But they must still abide by
their own laws of the unknown
Must'nt they?

11 will be the love glitch
that blows their fear power supy

And if it's not
We must leave clues for number 12
they still got their hooks in me though
i sure can tell you thAt
tried to fill myself with love today
but now look where i'm at

surrendering to the demons
Like every other day
with hooks and claws
and gnarls and gnaws
they fear my glow away

they rIp my love from chest
they shrEd apart my soul
they stamp out all my light
aNd Put me in my hOle

Smothering all my will
til tearS roll down my face
now i must release my demon
and leave this cold dark place

they arE the ebb
and i am the flow
the tug of war goeS on
stretching my Soul
til darknEss takes hold
and my Demon unleashes their song
As long as we don't think about
what we're not supposed to think about
We'll be ok

That's why they don't like
people with good imaginations

The ones that search the inner boundries

It's not necessarily how smart you are
but what you can concieve of

It transcends race and gender

What are you open to?

If i can imagine this
Then i can imagine them

Status Quo fear
is their must

No inner expansion here
No finding out the truth here
No fathoming here
No forward thinking here
No rogue sheep here

Status Quo fear here
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