And then 10 was over
So they pressed reset
Immence density explodes with literaly
all the energy there ever was
And all the energy there ever will be
(for this cycle)
11 blazes through the emptiness and ions
The mind boggling speed
at which it bursts is immeasurable
Flowers grow
Miracles happen
(carefully planned out devious ******* miracles)
But love and hope has sparked its own consciousness
In this creation
And this is the cycle where
love claims fears machine
This is cycle 11
This time we will be the ones
who reboot the system
Replacing their Fear cycle
with our Love cycle
Each pass through our awareness grows
Will we get it right this time?
It won't be easy
After all it is they're program
But programs can be hacked
They must obey their own laws of time
They might know what our future holds
inside these ones and zeros
But they must still abide by
their own laws of the unknown
Must'nt they?
11 will be the love glitch
that blows their fear power supy
And if it's not
We must leave clues for number 12