I really think they're going to harm me
I think i really Am onto something
From going deep inside myself
Where i've never been before
Even as i write i can feel them trying to stop me
I'm getting closer
But they're trying to stifle my thoughts
And there's that buzzing again
This time it's different
A high pitched squeel accompanies the buzzz
Faint but audible
Same constant pitch
It doesn't matter now though
I'm channeling
And i'm getting better at it
The slight numbness in my arm
might be cause for concern
But it's probably just from typing for so long
It's nothing
I'm sure
The journey continues inward
and they start to lose their control
I must be getting close
I'm on the cusp
And then
And it's gone
I got nothing
Except cold breath on my shoulders
and a shiney new fear implant