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I really think they're going to harm me
I think i really Am onto something
From going deep inside myself
Where i've never been before

Even as i write i can feel them trying to stop me

I'm getting closer

But they're trying to stifle my thoughts
And there's that buzzing again

This time it's different

A high pitched squeel accompanies the buzzz
Faint but audible
Same constant pitch

It doesn't matter now though
I'm channeling
And i'm getting better at it

The slight numbness in my arm
might be cause for concern
But it's probably just from typing for so long
It's nothing
I'm sure

The journey continues inward
and they start to lose their control

I must be getting close
I'm on the cusp

And then
And it's gone
I got nothing

Except cold breath on my shoulders
and a shiney new fear implant
I'm up with the particals
Floating around on beams

My body's down there
Chained between the screams

Forever fading distant
My fallen memory

Which now
faster than the speed of light
comes flooding back to me

Though current course is full of bliss
a yearning pulls me back

The hearts of all i'll love and miss
derail me from bliss track

So i re-enter
between the screams
to don my chains once more

To battle through
these cold dark dreams
for those who i adore
Magnetic fields warp from gravity
bending fabric and minds eternal

Cosmic wobbles fold the continuem

Past and future implode on the present
Density exlodes from nothing into a big bang

Magnetic riccochettes scorch time
and race towards the perimeter

Tearing the black once more
while initiating another implosion

The end is the begining is the end
Lived as a devil
Reading same forwards backwards
Lived as a devil
Begining through end
Manipulating time warp
End through begining
Jagged mess opens

Black terror rolling inward

Bleeding red waters
I've always been a big admirer of Jesus
Though not for religous reasons

He is the all time greatest inspirer

The greatest message
of hope and love
there has ever been

The finest example
of a human being
we have ever produced

The giver of all givers
Loving and caring for Everyone

His light still
and always will
shine on brighter
than any other
Although humbly

Hope through love

And he will be our savior
But not from the bible in his hand

From the love in his heart
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