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Skin so soft and creamy smooth
I think it's time i make my move

I caress her arm with my finger tips
Leaving fuzzy goosebumps and giggles

I gently kiss the angels neck
I gently kiss her ear

She grabs me and kisses my mouth
with her heavenly lips

Sweet strawberry flavoured lip gloss

The clear kind
The kind that makes her lips
look like i want to **** it right
off of them

So i do

Her top one first
All the way around her supple pink
with my tongue

And then her bottom one

Taking my time til her moist
strawberry is transfered from
her lips to mine

She shows her appreciation
through sighs
with her tongue

Wet strawberry softness
My glossy Godess
Seven years old
took a ride in a car

With my moms boyfriend
but not very far

It was a white convertable

But where in the hell
was my real daddy?

So when we got home
i jumped on the hood

"Don't do that David!"
Then i kicked it real good

Ran down the street
to sit in the park

I didn't come home
til well after dark

"What the heck David?
Where have you been?"

"Mom. Why doesn't my real daddy love me?"

A boy without a dad
can rip apart his soul

Took a ride in a car
i was seven years old
It breaks my heart
when you cry

So i hug you
And we hold each other

You know you're safe
because you are in my arms

Where no one can hurt you
Where nothing else exists

It's only you and me
Everything else just melts away

The only thing you feel
is my heart beating with yours

I just hold you for a while

Through our heartbeats our love dances
and you smile your beautiful smile

I whisper

"I love you"

And that one whisper
echoes through your
heart and mind forever

Always telling you
even when i'm not there

I whisper i love you
and it melts into your soul

You know it's pure love
You feel it

Everything bad
that has ever happened
ceases to exist

Love wipes your tears
Love keeps you safe
Love gives you what you truly deserve

Car horns in the distance
roll in on my oscilating fans waves

Their volume
ebbs and flows with its tide

Every now and then
dogs barking a few streets over
wag their woofs
through the windy spinning weather

Muffles ocean
crashes in rhythm
on claritys shores

It is my heartbeat in this womb
The lullaby that eases me to sleep

It's my ******* fan ya'll
And i love him dearly
Hanging on by my fingertips
Dirt under my nails
The endless pit below my dangling feet
I'm slipping

They're calling my name down there

Don't look down

It starts to rain
I'm losing my grip

Still they call my name

I claw and grab
But the soil is slipping away in muddy rivers

Dirt and tears sting my eyes

They call my name

Maybe i should just let go
I mean how long can i hang on anyway

I close my eyes and contemplate

Through the lids a bright red glow

I open my eyes
The rain has stopped

There is only beautiful glowing radiance
No words just pure joyeous light
conveying one message

Let go

Suprised at first i claw at the dirt

Let go

Loving comforting energy fills me

Let go

I stop struggling
I release
And drop

The voices from below rush towards me
Or i towards them

We love you David
Let go
Come back to us now
You're safe here
Let her go David
She's gone but we're still here
We love you
It's not your fault

The next day i finally visit my daughters grave
I release her from my heart
Though she will always be there
To play and wait for me in the golden fields
Leaves treated roughly
Storms hail raining through green skin
Trees still wave goodbye
With eyes like Neptune
she carved a hole in my soul

Somehow the sun gets lost inside and freezes

Discovering your love
with a mathematical prediction

Hiding true thoughts
to avoid an friction

Weighing on my soul
like a Great Dark Spot

My love for you is like the sun
it's just ten times as hot

I don't know why
i've go to keep it bottled up inside

These unreleased overwhelming
feelings that i hide

But since your gaze has frozen over
my ever burning heart

I'll light a spark on Neptune
it's the only place to start

Look at me baby

I love you
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