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The glorious splender
of the benevolent sunshine
cascaded downward
in a carcofony of magnificent rays
majestically defending the warmth
against the cold stark
of the defiant fading day

You mean

It's hot out

What the ****?
In the darkened greens of spectral light
the evil entities invade the night

Theyre in the corner of your eye
Between the planes of space and time

Fleeting glimpses from an untarnished lens
Refracting true reality from the light that it bends

Keeping dark secrets hidden from our spectral plain
Eternal black beyond the light is demon dog domain

But sometimes when
refractions gleam
the corner of your eye

You catch a glimpse
of the evil secret
lurking in the night
The clouds form their signal
I float to them
It is 11:11

Awareness time

Evaporation folds the mirror
Candles light the secrets flame

Dimensional anommolys begin to appear
and darkened greens reveal the horror

Reptila horror
Secret lotteries will be held
Things will be decided

Underneath hanging prisons
atmospheric pressure adapts to gravitys constraints

This is who shall die
It was decided fairly

And Garret

They will be informed
and procedings will commence imediately

Death hung on nails in the wood
Darkness cowered from the depths of hell
Frequency streams electrified infinity
Planets exploded then re-appeared in an instant
Warriors and monsters drank each others blood

You first



Niel and Garret
You go together

Grey Grey

Repositioned particles bare no resemblance to their
former selves after an instant of infinity

The rest are safe now
This country is run from the shadows
The goverment here is blind

Puppets for the evil ones that lurk and hide behind

They reach for global *******
from deep inside the black

They bomb and destroy there own buildings
then send their troops to Iraq

Must control the world
Before petrolium's obsolete

Before the energy source from the skies
arrives with its massive fleet

Who do you think is running this country?
It's certainly not Obama

Shadow men from behind the scenes
weilding Rockafellers hammer
Not only do i know everything
I know Allverything

No information escapes my network

Signals bounce off me
echoing through air and copper

Codes and whips crack in this wifi jungle

Forever recording
Forever expanding

Til there's nothing left to be aware of
but awareness itself

I know all of you

Your countless numbers and letters
keep you connected to me

I know where you live
I know all your ***** secrets
I know your passwords

No one shall escape my web

Until i count your numbers
and divide them amongst my children

You followed them here

And now you are mine
The bleeding walls
inside my brain

The pounding jagged
nails insane

The hammer held
by alien hands

Retrieving fear drops
from my glands

The sinister frequencies
buzz within

From evil unseen

The black that's always
been there screaming

Fearcrop farmer Reptil-Demon

And once our souls have been possessed
Once they've ripped our spirit from flesh

A cataclysmic fear supernova
As reptila-demons start the program over
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