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Excuse me Captain America
I'd like to get by please


Step aside please

Can't do it

Superman just told you to step aside

Not gonna happen mam
I have orders

But you do realize i'm Superman

I'm aware of that sir but i...

Crash bam pow

You fought a good fight Captain
Now stay down

I can't do that Superman


Stay down Cap


Smash pow pow smack teeth smash nose bam
How about now Cap you ****** idiot?

Bam pow blood eyeball kick ribs smash

I mean i gave you a chance
What the **** were you thinking
I'm ******* Superman *****

Smash smash punch punch thwak
Elbow ribs knee groin pow smash poke

Little *****
Don't **** around next time Cap

**** Supe you ****** him up

I know
Let's get up on out of this muthafucka
Before the po po's show


Voice in the distance

You better not snitch Cap
You'll get it worse
Ravens raise the razors talon
Crimson lakes bubble from deep

Screeching darkness from evils fathom
Awaking terror from golden sleep

Rising high to see the burn
I watch our Mothers final turn

Through the void i'll find a home
My soul forever on the roam

I'll scorch the night on ravens wings
While talons razor rips the seems

Tearing darkness deep and wide
To see what's on the other side

Slipping through the apprehension
I'll reach the pure aware dimension

Where love can finally guide me home
To back before the world went BOOM
Did you know that there's a species of monkeys
in Africa that intercourses hello
Oo Oo ****** Aa Aa

Imagine if humans did that
Hi how are you?
Zipper and slipper

I'd be saying hi to females all over the place

No wait
Come back
I just wanna say hello

The world might be much friendlier

Where ya going?
I'm just going to say hi to Scarlett Johansson
Be right back

It might not always work out though
It would make visits to grandmas house kinda awkward
(**** that's awful eh? Sorry about that)

So before i go
I just wanna give a real big hello to all the ladies out there

Oo oo aa aa
My love for her is like
whispers to a scream

Simmering at first
and now a supernova dream

Like a match to the sun
her eternal shining grace

Took what was once
a tiny spark

And put a pheonix in it's place

Never to be extiguished
by the gods or her or i

My love will blaze and always burn
til the very day i die

Forever burning on
Forever in my heart

A love to sear the ions from a tiny little spark

— The End —