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God is indeed a jealous God—
He cannot bear to see
That we had rather not with Him
But with each other play.

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you—Nobody—Too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise—you know!

How dreary—to be—Somebody!
How public—like a Frog—
To tell one’s name—the livelong June—
To an admiring Bog!
Dominique Arnold Mar 2014
The city of unaccomplished goals and dreams have many who sit and mope, some just procrastinate, while others tried but lost hope.

But there's one young man who wants to succeed so bad that it hurts. He's tired of falling and failing, and he's tired of the taste of dirt.

He wants the sweet taste of victory, but lemons are abundant here, but there is no sugar anywhere so lemonade is just bitter tears.

All the houses are made of card board and are blown down by the Big Bad Wolf. But the young man has no home, he walks and roams and it has made him strong and tough.

The Witch of the East in the morning she loves to disturb the city's peace. While the Witch of the West preferred the interruption of the city's rest.

So at night he goes to a secluded place and lays under the stars, and there he meets the man in the moon and they'd converse for hours. He'd tell stories of a cat and a fiddle, and a cow that could jump so high that even the dog would giggle.

He tells him of times that have come and gone, and of things he may never see, but the young man takes this all in awe cause the moon has his curiosity.

He tells the moon that one day he'll finally succeed, he'll have a family and everything and won't have a want or a need. And when he's old and meets with Death he'll have no fear in his heart, but he'll tell her about a theory he has that began his unexpected start.
Dominique Arnold Mar 2014
The President of the United States is what I said I'd be when I was a kid, until I talked to my grandma and she said I was black and that's not something that we did.

Cause at that time there was no distinction between race, just people male and female and I didn't judge by the color of there face.

But things change and sometimes, I wish they didn't, because after that talk I began to notice the difference, and the change came not just in color.

It was in the environment, the culture, and the way we talk to each other.

It was at that moment that I felt a tunnel get smaller, I felt limited by words and I couldn't grow any taller.

Being black I felt that all I could be was a rapper or ball player. That my life was predetermined and was already tailored.  

But I'm pushing forward in the military determined to be pilot because one thing is true, the only person to stop you from succeeding is You.
Dominique Arnold Mar 2014
So tell me who did you come to see the Butcher, the Baker, or the Rhyme Maker or probably all three.

Well they say the Butcher is a wonder with the meat, that's why he has all the women clamoring in the street. He wills and kills to tenderize that veil making it soft and sweet so they know the deal.  

They say the Baker is always up to no good, and he's also one of the main problems that stood, because he would cook it, cut it, and sell it for a profit. Had them all hooked as they said, they could fly while on it.
They say the Rhyme Maker keeps to his own.
That his minds an endless wander, and he always seems to roam. You can catch him on a park bench writing to a beat, or just calmly walking as he takes in the street. He's a nut, he's a genius that's what some might say, but I know the truth, he just writes what he felt and saw that day.
Dominique Arnold Mar 2014
Your tears are starting to get confused with laughter my dear, I've told you this many times before but you don't seem to hear.

Our maybe it's not your laugh I hear but it's mine, you see I find it entertaining when you complain and whine.  

It would appear that though you have everything, you still want more, your greed has no bounds as you continue on your quest that not even God knows what for.
I've given you all the love I have in this romantic hell of a tragedy that won't end, yet you have turned this into a comedy for me, I laugh while you lurk around your den.  
But the game has begun and it is one that will go down in fame, and I assure I will win cause you have already driven me insane.
A poem for a friend "things are going to change."
Dominique Arnold Jan 2014
Yeah I'm afraid.
one a clock and the thick air in this room has me feeling enslaved.

But it's not even the air it's my mind that's got me trapped.

I've been struggling trying to get out of this thought but I'm stuck in sap.

And this only seems to happen at night, that's when the thought creeps in my head, as I lay heart pounding upon my bed.
But since my sister passed it's been happening even more than before.

And I still have no answer to what's on the other side of that door.

She was 24 when she left questions unanswered.

I was waiting on her to come back and give me an answer.
That there is more to life then just this physical state that there is more to come after my inevitable fate.

I don't know if I believe in ghosts but I know what my religion tells me, but I can't explain why I want an answer to something with theses mortal eyes I'll never see.

I'm 22 and still most people can't understand why.

The only thing I'm truly afraid of is what happens when I die.
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