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 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
I   think    
                                     she holds all happiness

her thighs feet arms lips

                                     my life on a dime

waiting for the fulfillment teetering

                                   her hand wrapped around me pulling me in

happy for now...
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
When I was in second grade a boy punched me
and I punched him back
until his nose bled on mulch

and ever since then I don’t chase boys
and I do not care for blonde hair anymore

when I was in second grade I would make
homes for fairies in the dirt using
moss and leaves and dandelion stems

when I was in second grade I had a house I could rattle around in
I could sulk like an angry ghost in a house built in 1867

I would wander around in the forest with two boys
I convinced them we should break into old houses
and our neighbors sheds

We created a world of green and vine and stumps
For Christmas one year we decorated a tree

We were the little ones who never wanted to go home
We called ourselves Peter Pan
Because we were never growing up

That was all before I moved
And the last day with them they crowned me Queen

I would climb on the roof at night
and feel the warmth of the sun still lingering there
and that was back when I was scared of what was in my closet

but since then I’ve befriended it
i feel


but vulnerably so;

i don't want to let you in,
show you the deepest crevices of my soul
not for fear of embarrassment,

i'm just not going to let you break me in half
like that.

"leave before getting left,"

a motto for girls like me.
                                                             you don't know the frustration
                                                           when things don't go as planned.
stop saying

You keep me awake
Writhing ‘neath the moon, listen
Can you hear me howl?

He Wolf

I made you howl, *****
I’ll make you howl again, and
This time I’ll join you.
Yikes, full moon must have got to me!  :-D
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
I struggle to explain
My Irish Girl
the colors of my love for you
your perfection
your breathtaking beauty
your calm
your religion
your lines
your river runs to me
timeless motion
on a line only seen by God
Rain is dripping




Rolling to the frosty ground.

Rain is dripping, freezing there,

Falling through the frigid air.

Rain is plopping on my nose.

Plinking, plonking, down it goes.

Freezing to my window pane.

Little moments in the rain...
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