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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Close your eye; Dissolve into the uncertainty of the dawn. It's coming regardless of how prepared or at peace you are with it. It is coming for you; It is coming for me. It is coming with bloodied fingers and cruel words. As the light blinds us; Dawns bright light. So cold; so cruel. Let it wash you into the sea with impure intentions. Let it's fingers wrap around your neck like a lover. Scream; Yell; Shout. Nothing is nothing; And we are all small nothings in the sea. Swept away with all the shipwrecks and whale bones. Decay is all we are; Big bags of decay. We waste and we squander all of our being. As non-existent time ticks on; So does our dying bones to the dawn. Let us close around our deep bruises and bleed our black sour blood to the wind. For if we don't live, what are we left to do but decompose into ash and waste away to the earth. It is an unsightly faith for which only we with our "superiority" hold dear. As we count and die by the dozens. Like flies; We fall off the cliff face like lemmings. One after another; Mother after brother. Down they fall. So they perish. Or so they fly; Fall; Die; Live. But the truth of it is inevitable; We are all dying in our skin.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
everyone is posting videos
forgetting science
and trying to burn snow
well *** holes it’s called sublimation and
******* for not liking my picture I posted 26 minutes ago

where else is my poor narcissistic soul going to get my ego boost from
I have 34 likes and I need at least 50 to feel like I can be deemed fuckable by the general public
please help me

and you posted a picture
and I liked it and so did your ex-girlfriend
and I ******* hate her and how she can relate to you
and she knows what an IV to the heart feels like and I don’t
but you make me wish I was ill or near death just so I can feel like maybe just maybe we can lay in opposite hospital beds
this is really, really horrible poetry. its not even poetry and I wrote this on a napkin when I was drunk.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I think the movies ruined my life
I think you ruined my life

I think im sick
I think you made me sick in the head when you left

I think im nuclear waste in a biohazard zone
I think my arms are going to fall off

I check for cancer every day in hopes I have it and
I won't have a reason to live or maybe something more along the lines of
an excuse to say I want to die because
I have this stupid body I'm stuck in

and all I've wanted to ever do was see my bones
I used to think I was in love with the female body but now
I know I'm just in love with my own

for the past three years I have been slaving to the whiteness of my bones
I have been trying to **** myself so I can be cut open

I've been looking at my blood like
I'll finally find the poison that is inside of me

I just need a culprit to blame for this disease that floats around in my skull and wakes up all the dreams I never wanted to see
I just need a reason

I talk like poetry and
I move like a mistake most people don’t understand me because
I speak in similes and metaphors

I speak like coffee is dripping out between my teeth
look I'm doing it here and I don’t know how to stop

I question like a demand and
I have no excuses for the way I move

Maybe I'm just ready to blow the twin towers down again
Maybe I'm ready to crash this body like an airplane
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Its funny that you should mention me ******* your blood tonight
its funny you should say you would cut your forearms open for me
if it wasn’t going to leave scars

like I didn’t know drinking blood and razors were about sexuality

its funny you should mention any of it
because tonight was the first night since the beginning of October
that ive cut myself open just to watch my carcass BLEED

so I wonder what you'll say when you see me in two days
and you find that ive created slits in my skin
that go from shoulder to wrist on both arms

will you ask me to cut one more just so you can put your mouth to it
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Have you ever seen someone in so much pain
something in their face looks like they are on fire?

I am in love with a burning man

Do you feel this in your heart

I cut my veins open so you could stitch yourself into them

And all you got from trying to steal that gargoyle statue
last semester was a cracked spine

I like to kiss the insides of your hip bones

I like to trace my tongue along the surgery scars

And run my fingertips along the space where
your bellybutton should be

You are a burning man
All intensity
Looking in your eyes reveals a fire

You drink liquor like its water
and always have a few pills ready to be crushed

Then again, so do I

I guess that’s why when we were listening to
Morrison in my friends back seat
I took my $2 bill and snorted a line straight to the brain

And she whispered
“you two are a match made in heaven”

And I guess we are
If we believed in all that

Personally, when I die I want to go to hell

Because Hell is where you always seem to be
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I’m sorry I drank your bottles of tequila
but you left me by myself the whole summer
with a broken heart and a ****** job and an empty house

you left me rattling in the wind
you left me like bones in a ditch

you left me with a drawer full of drugs
and smoke coming out of my pores

you left me trying to bleach my bones with the sunlight

and when you came home after 4 months of me destroying myself
and you found me in a drugged slumber with a cigarette in my hand

you threw the now empty bottles at the wall
and the shards are still there
cutting themselves in the glare through the window

but what did you expect
I'd been hearing things from people that i don't wanna talk to
like it matters who you're sleeping with now

The shards of glass are still embedded in the wall
You are still embedded in my heart

And here's me
Smoking a cigarette in your sweatshirt

And there's you
Anywhere but here
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
"I love you" should not be used as a choke chain
it should not bring you crawling back

You should have no Master

Anyone who says love hurts has been on a leash
I am no different
I too have marks around my neck

If you really want to hurt me do not call me
***** or sadist or selfish

If you really want to hurt me add a razors edge
when you whisper that I am
undeserving and weak

Pour salt on my pillow when you approach my sleeping form
and tell me I am not
mysterious or interesting

And I’ll pretend I was asleep the entire time
Another incident of hate put to rest with my sleepy head

And when I leave in the morning you will put the collar laced with lies around my neck

But love is about appreciation not possession
and you have never loved nor owned me
****Do not be confused, this poem is not about **** or ******* and submission. There are no real leashes or collars involved, they are only figurative. I used the term Master as more of a dog to owner, not as a bedroom title. Personally I really like the whole dom/sub thing so I just wanted to make a side note.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I know for a fact
that im an insomniac.
awake at the darkest hours
only to watch
my demons devour my mind
lay it to rest of tranquility
and eat me away from the inside out.
Never will I believe
in a bed time
or peaceful sleep
because those moments
are far and few between.
I don't give myself credit
for the right things ive done during the day
and it breaks me when I feel
that ive been anything but productive.
maybe my mind is still awake
because I feel like I need
to do something to prove my worth.
or maybe I just cant fathom
the terrible dreams that occur
when I finally fall into sleep.
whatever the reason may be
all I ask is to put my mind at ease
and let me
for once
have a blissfully silent slumber.
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