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 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Micheal Wolf
Often Imagined
Sometimes yearned for with a longing so deep it Unsettles the whole body
Wanton in display by some, unbridled
Trepidation in that first touch of lips by others
More often an empty display in greeting
Bodies charged to react, yet they may replulse
As chemistry can create, yes it can also destroy.
Moving closer like a precision landing
Eyes wide open until the moment
The touch, then closed
As the peach flesh of the lips collide
What happens next..
Only they will know
An offering after Seth kisses for the first time
City of Angels
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
I feel more comfortable in this vessel of mine than I ever have before
and I suppose I have you to thank for that

because now I can walk without seeming like a question mark
and trying to blend into the wall

I can walk without looking down like an apology
so this is me saying thank you

but now I realize that I don’t need you nor do I want you

and I am happy with the sense of freedom that comes with that

you weren’t special until I made you so
and I didn’t realize my worth until we were walking away from each other

and once, back when you were good
and I still believed in you

we climbed the roof of a school and took pictures
and I didn't want to jump off  

and I scraped my leg before we started doing graffiti

and we heard the sirens from two miles away
so we dropped the spray paint and ran

and I guess they were warning us in more ways than one

Hurry now
"Something wicked this way comes"
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Calli Kirra
These bees
And this ink machine
And the rattle never comes
But I wait for it
Come cut the gray screen from me,
The prettiest scissors I've ever seen
But oh, the bees
They, yes, rumble me
"You're okay,"
I hope today's the day
But my LA is full of rain
And so is its gold girl,
It's scene
It's party queen
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Amy Perry
Do you remember our first date?
You wore a black T-shirt, running a bit late.
You had a head full of hair and glasses,
I swear you were my first real crush.
It was a little too much.
I had you ask my Dad if I could go,
'Cause I was too nervous he would say no.
We wanted to watch Saw II but got rejected.
We were too young, and the theatre by default selected
That we'd watch "Chicken Little" the only other movie they showed,
At our town's little theatre, we passed by the Skittles,
And watched the show in quiet excitement.
Then we waited for our rides, and feeling resentment,
Listened to the end credits of the movie we'd rather have seen,
If only we were eighteen.
It was a song we liked called "Burn the Witch,"
We sang along and smiled, feeling enriched by each other's presence,
We knew this was Heaven.
We didn't kiss or cuddle,
We may have hugged, and that would have settled.
It was a teenage bliss,
Excitement, nerves, wants that would someday be satiated,
But even now that I have with you all of this,
Marriage, and ***, and a morning kiss,
I look back on our first date when we were kids,
And know everything we ever did
Was a result of that fearful question,
"Do you want to go on a date?"
And yes, I did.
I would all over again.
Happy Birthday, Husband.
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
To only value goodness in the human being deprives one of perceiving the vast and rich realities of the human soul.

KT Feb 28, 2014
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Glass bottle memories
Litter my mind
Some green, blue, one is even purple.
But most of them are clear.
Transparent and fragile
And most are broken,
Shards of them intermingled with the others
Indistinguishable from the next.
The worst are unfortunately protected the most
And visited most frequently.
They all have lids to keep them contained
But they do no good because
Everyone knows glass bottles are transparent.
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Barely used
(But it kinda depends on who you ask)
Highly guarded
(Except when sweet-talked...)
Like new
(Except a few foot prints)
Highly Valuable
(Although it has sold for less)
Full of love
(Well, what's left anyway)
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