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how does a rainbow know what colors he must use
when there are so many  from which he can choose
are these what he likes and dosent want a change
would a change of color make him somewhat strange
maybe thats the way that its meant to be
with the colors  that he has for all the world to see
my cat he chased a bird up my willow tree
the bird was very scared shaking bad was he
he went a shade of pale very very white
his heart was pounding fast he had such a fright
i took the cat in doors he knew that i was mad
i locked him up inside and told him he was bad
went back to the bird got him from the tree
he was very scared and flew upon my knee
he sat there a while to forget about his scare
then off he flew again high up in the air
now when in the garden and theres birds about
the cat he stays indoors and i dont let him out
Don't tell me that you're scared
When you have been so brave
All along

Black and white
And words

With  my thoughts
With my feelings
Make me stop believing
In everything

It's more difficult
To live this way
It's easier
To live this way

Is it okay
To believe in a lie
If it's true
empty casings
lie beside
empty bodies

tell me
where the souls go
the ones that disappear
every second
the ones
whose shadows
lie red
on the road

keep my eyes
on their echoes
i am too afraid
to contemplate
the infinity

i am brave enough
to contemplate
the lack
of eternity
that reaches me
before forever
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
I am being watched from every angle.
I don't know what to do and I am scared.
I want to be left alone.
Not helpless and afraid, no,
Just step back!
I don't need to go, I don't want to go,
Stop reading the words I write specifically to escape from
The world you brought me into!

Just stop....
I'm going back to notebooks. I am sick and tired of this. Mom? This is aimed at you. Thank you for taking one of the only places I can be heard without you eavesdropping. What more do you want?
You listen
You don't listen
Do you

The words you hate to say
I will nod
And smile
And you will
Never notice
Tainting them

Your words
Stopped making sense
Weeks ago
And I'm sick
Of your rhyming
aa bb aa
a b a b a

Leave me
It's easier
To believe in a dishonesty
When you hear it
Over and over
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