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bones May 2014
On some days
even quiet days
my only chance
of momentary peace
is noise so loud
I cant hear any more

On those days
in that moment
that deafeningly peaceful moment
my head pounds
much less
than it pounds
in any silence
Ive ever known.
bones May 2014
knee replacement surgery
is now available
on the NHS.
For the meek at least,
its proving a lengthy wait
bones May 2014
Next time
you find yourself
standing in line
think a little differently
step sideways
or back
and commit a very small act of rebellion


not when queuing
at a supermarket checkout
if your hungry

and not
whilst waiting
at passport border control
as trigger fingers may start to twitch

and it would be best
to avoid doing so altogether
at a public ******
where stepping sideways
or back
can be a risky business
even with the place to yourself

on reflection it appears
there is a time
and a place
for everything
very small acts of rebellion

it ought to be said

a rebellion
that knows no hunger

a rebellion
that challenges neither borders
or control

a rebellion
that overly concerns itself with
******* in the designated area

has probably
missed the point.
excuse the ramble
Ive been eating a lot of cheese
bones May 2014
Roll up.
Minds for sale.
Getcha minds for sale.
Step this way
ladies and gentlemen please.
Closed minds
form an orderly queue
for uniforms and direction
to the right.
Step lively now
Chop chop.
Im sorry Sir
all questions are strictly forbidden.
Open minds
mingle freely
if you please,
we will find one another
sooner or later.
Yes Miss
thats right
a penny is all you need
once its dropped
you'll be fine.
For all the Undecided's
there is a fence somewhere
to sit on
or hide behind
while you wait.
I apologise for offering a choice,
there is a little devilment
inside us all.
Please excuse me mine.
Minds for sale
Getcha minds for sale.
Roll up.
Roll up.
We cater for all.
bones May 2014
I like the sound the rain makes
I like to hear it land
with the thunderous drumming
of a punk rock band.
I like it dancing off the roof tiles
tapping at the glass
tickling the fields
although its quieter on grass.
I like its change in rhythm
as it navigates trees
the ragged umbrellas
that Im standing underneath.
I like it playing percussion
on the surface of the sea
when the only people still outside
are listening like me.
I like the sound the rain makes
wherever it lands
I like the sound the rain makes
but I also understand
your devotion to the sun
so theres a possibility
if you listen to the rain fall
you might understand me.
and I quite like the wind too.
I like the sound the wind makes
blah blah blah. :o)
bones May 2014
Using silence as the means
to express his dismay
he was going to make a statement
and say nothing all day
but his mother just assuming
he had nothing much to say
sent the silent revolutionary
back outside to play.
Outmaneuvered by his mom
and her total disregard
for his wild campaign of muteness
the rebellion fell apart
peaceful protest hadn't worked
he should have guessed right from the start
it makes no difference when you're quiet
if no-ones listening very hard.
Back when I was a nipper my parents moved us away from our home in the city. I didn't speak to them for weeks. They either didn't notice or were  more practiced in the art of psychological warfare than me. I suspect the latter

Early learning..

Using silence
like a megaphone
to broadcast his dismay

he tried
to make a statement
without speaking for a day

but his mother
just assuming that
he'd nothing much to say

sent her silent
son outside to play;

in the kitchen
by his mother's disregard

for the planned
campaign of muteness,
his rebellion fell apart

to the sound
of scuffing shoes
and the grumble in his heart

cos peaceful protests
tend to lose
when no-one's listening very hard..
bones May 2014
To be smiling as you cross the finish line
would be nice wouldn't it.
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