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Bob B Feb 2017
Alternative facts, fallacious assumptions,
And false equivalency are stunning
As Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conjob,
And Sean Spicer hit the ground running.

Regarding the Bowling Green Massacre, Conjob
Said she'd misspoken. Not a crime.
However, the last time she said it, she'd
Misspoken her "fact" for the third time.

What about Spicer's outlandish statement
That recent marchers were paid? What's FUNNY is
No one paid me a cent to march.
I want to know where my MONEY is.

Trump said the "dishonest" press
Once again has been refusing
To publish reports of recent attacks
By terrorists here. Very amusing!

Imagine our press NOT covering
Most attacks here and abroad!
Another of Trump's alternative facts
Like the one on voter fraud.

This disconnection from the truth--
This constant need to fictionalize--
Doesn't bode well for this country.
When are they going to dispense with these lies?

- by Bob B (2-7-17)
521 · Oct 2016
Our Friend the Ego
Bob B Oct 2016
Our ego can be a dangerous thing.
Now “ego” here simply means
That sense of “I” that gets in our way.
I wonder: is it in our genes?
(I’m not referring to the ego discussed
By the famous Austrian, Sigmund Freud;
All of that psychological jargon
Is something I intend to avoid.)
The ego that I am talking about
Is the one that loves to believe
That the WHOLE world REVOLVES around it,
And won’t give but loves to receive.
It’s the same ego that feeds our impatience
When many people simply don’t see
That their actions reflect the attitude,
"Don't you know it’s all about ME?”
Our ego, too, can fan our temper
When unexpected incidents upset us,
And when things go wrong we think
That somebody is out to get us.
Our friend the ego—a bit insecure—
Has us believing in retribution,
And any affront to our character demands
That getting even's our only solution.
The poor ego is devastated
When it feels major rejection;
And men’s egos are completely destroyed
When they can’t get an *******.
If we can somehow let go of our ego
And  try to take life as it comes,
We’ll encounter much less stress
And end up chewing on fewer Tums.
Or we'll find that conquering our ego
Will provide the consolation
Of truly appreciating our lives
With much less medication.

- by Bob B
520 · Nov 2016
Disturbing to Say the Least
Bob B Nov 2016
The FBI has a faction
That's bordering on insurrection
As it tries hard to influence
The current presidential election.

One member even reported,
"This is Trumpland." Not very smart.
There clearly are some scoundrels here
Trying to upset the applecart.

Basing their findings on a sham book,
They're leaking "secret" information.
Politics shouldn't eclipse their main
Task, which is investigation.

Members of the FBI
Can vote for anybody they please.
However, they have to be very careful
Not to misuse their expertise.

I guess in any organization
You'll find some who abuse their positions.
An independent agency,
The FBI must heed admonitions.

(11-4-16) By Bob B
Bob B Mar 2017
A doer--yes, that's what you are.
A challenge is always good for you.
But people around you learn very quickly
That you resent being told what to do.

Through you are a hard worker,
Too many details can be a shackle.
But you are eager to initiate
Projects that others don't want to tackle.

You are assertive and impulsive.
New adventures always thrill you.
Showing others that you are a leader
Motivates and helps fulfill you.

Being a lively participant
In the everyday bustle of life excites you.
Being able to finish what
You start always thrills and delights you.

Physical accomplishments
Show that your energy is abundant.
To say that you are always in motion
Would, of course, be redundant.

In fact, to everything that happens,
You have a physical reaction.
To anything that's enterprising,
You have a natural attraction.

You have a lot of inner strength;
You are open and direct.
But a disregard for others
Occurs if energy goes unchecked.

Your independent nature is fine,
Since inwardly you are so strong.
But you can also be self-centered.
To say that wouldn't be wrong.

Generous in many ways
With time and energy, you know
That keeping high ideals in mind
Is the surest way to go.

You march headstrong into combat--
Verbal or physical. Forward you trudge.
Your anger never lasts for long,
And seldom do you hold a grudge.

But you can be impatient, pushy,
And sometimes a little overzealous.
But because of your honesty,
If something is wrong, you will tell us.

Watch that your self-confidence
Doesn't end up being excessive.
Learn the difference between being
Confidently and rudely aggressive.

Ready to try anything once,
You always maintain a frantic pace.
But disappointment of stifled efforts
Shows up clearly on your face.

You're always ready to fight injustice.
There are few doubts--if any--
Whether you can accomplish your tasks.
Just try NOT to take on too many.

- by Bob B (3-23-17)
519 · Oct 2016
Hard, Easy; Easy, Hard
Bob B Oct 2016
Why is it easy to put on the pounds
But so **** hard to lose?
It's always a breeze to pass on the peas,
But ice cream is hard to refuse.

Often we catch ourselves driving too fast;
Are we ever driving too slow?
Our brains are less like a Rafael
And more like a Vincent van Gogh.

Time plods along when we're waiting in line
But races when we're having fun.
As hard as we try to stick to a budget,
There's usually cost overrun!

Medical costs are so Brobdingnagian;
Why can't they be Lilliputian?
It's easy to make but tough to keep
A New Year's resolution.

Doesn't it also seem easy to sink
Yet hard to stay afloat?
Finding the exact words is a challenge;
It's a cinch to misquote.

Love--it seems--should be so simple.
Why is there so much hate?
Being early is usually good,
But sometimes you want to be late.

Life's little inconsistencies:
Always a daily test…
All we can do is go with the flow
And try to do our best.

- by Bob B
517 · Sep 2017
Poem 600
Bob B Sep 2017
This poem is number 600
Of poems I have "published" on the Web.
My steady enthusiasm for writing
Poetry hasn't started to ebb.

That's six hundred since the spring
Of the year twenty fourteen. Okay,
I know I sound like a chatterbox,
But I thought I had a lot to say.

The process is electrifying:
It happens after I immerse
Myself in an ocean of thoughts and feelings
And out pop my comments in verse.

There's always something to write about--
Something to question, discuss or explore.
Some might say, "Enough! Enough!"
While others say, "Give me more!"

I've always admired a great poet
With a facile tongue and a flowing pen.
I'll never be a Shakespeare or Milton,
A Wordsworth, Keats, or Shelley, but then

That's not important. I'll still write poems.
If one of them strikes a chord that will be
Nice; but if a poem falls flat,
All I can say is, "C'est la vie!"

If there is a lull in my writing,
Do not fret, for goodness' sake.
I probably haven't kicked the bucket;
I'm probably just taking a break.

-by Bob B (9-5-17)
517 · Oct 2016
Three Poisons
Bob B Oct 2016
Greed, hatred, and delusion:
The three unwholesome roots.
They are responsible for so much suffering:
Pain, sadness, disputes…

"I want, I want, I want…":
Such is the urge that drives us.
And we, poor fools, are unable to see
The goodness of which it deprives us.

Hatred buttresses the ego
With vengeance, distrust, and despair.
We end up being inextricably
Caught in its captious snare!

Delusion poisons us all
And obscures wrong and right.
We flounder about in blind confusion,
Unable to see the light.

But, hark! All is not lost.
Three antidotes exist:
Generosity, loving-kindness,
And wisdom--just a short list.

Generosity quenches
Our constant, greedy craving.
A truly magnanimous spirit leaves
No room for misbehaving.

With loving-kindness we see
The good that comes from caring.
Ugly hatred can't survive
When it's kindness that we're sharing.

Delusion is maybe the hardest
Unwholesome root to destroy.
But just imagine conquering ignorance
And bathing in radiant joy!

If we applied to the poisons
The antidotes listed above,
What a world we could ALL live in!--
A world full of peace and love.

- by Bob B
512 · Nov 2016
Nightmare Team
Bob B Nov 2016
As he assembles his team, Trump
Is as extreme as extreme could be,
Surrounding himself with controversy
In practically every nominee.

General Flynn, whose hothead ideas
And out-of-the-mainstream policies reflect
An extreme anti-Muslim stance,
Is very dangerous if he's unchecked.

Stephen Bannon with his alt-right,
Scary white-supremacist ties
And wacky conspiracy theory ideas
Is someone that people of conscience despise.

Jeff Sessions was deemed too racist
In 1986 and so
Say good-bye to advances made
In civil rights since long ago.

And then there's Jared Kushner. When
Trump wants advice, he's there. Ta da!
Who is going to be running this country--
Donald Trump or his son-in-law?

It's hard to believe that in these times
Our civil rights would be under attack.
The people won't allow a team
Of political hacks to turn the clock back.

If Trump and his team go unrestrained
And no wise heads intervene,
They will ignite civil unrest,
The likes of which we've never seen.

- by Bob B (11-19-16)
505 · Oct 2016
Elusive Time
Bob B Oct 2016
It takes a YEAR for planet Earth
To revolve around the sun;
It takes Neptune eighty-four Earth years
To complete a single run.
So if I’d been born on the planet Neptune,
I say as I’m sighing,
BEFORE I even turned ONE year old,
I’d have a good chance of dying.
(Yes, I know that I couldn’t LIVE
On Neptune; nevertheless,
I’m using the example to make my point.
Forgive me: I digress.)
Our solar system orbits the center
I’m sure there’s a method of calculating
The length of a cosmic day.
If it takes over 200 MILLION YEARS
To revolve, then it’s very clear
That our solar system has
A very long COSMIC YEAR.
In fact, the last time our solar system
Was where it is right now,
Dinosaurs were walking on Earth.
If that’s not amazing, and how!
Clusters of galaxies also spin—
Wow! This is getting too BIG.
To figure out how much time that takes,
I need to know physics and trig.
Grasping the vastness of the universe
Is hard. What we must do
Is understand that time is relative
And depends on our point of view.
My hair—once brown—has now turned gray;
My gait is slower. It seems
The world, universe, life, and time
Are nothing but phantoms and dreams.

- by Bob B
Bob B Jan 2017
Championing the highest principles
To which humanity can aspire,
You are the great idealist;
When there's a cause, you're on fire.

You're the "organization" person
Who fights for equal rights and fairness
For all people. You're the one
Who raises other people's awareness.

Your loyalty and fairness both
Bring in a lot of dividends,
For you tend to attract many
Loyal acquaintances and friends.

Being asked to do a task
Is seldom a real problem for you.
But heaven forbid should anyone
Try to tell you what to do.

You despise authoritarian
Demands; you hate pressure as well.
When you're pushed to act against
Your better judgment, you rebel.

But when you decide that a cause
Is worthwhile, then you give your all.
When criticized for your decisions,
Instead of budging, you stand tall.

You often find fascination
In things that might be odd or unique.
Your strong likes and dislikes can also
Bring to light your stubborn streak.

You're an independent thinker,
So current trends interest you little.
Because you are so independent,
Some people think you're noncommittal.

Your passion seems to be more directed
At causes, so without a doubt,
In your close relationships,
Your partners have trouble figuring you out.

Loving many people at once
Is so natural for you that
If your partner is insecure,
You often feel called on the mat.

And yet, when you are deeply in love,
Your passion can be inspirational.
People are attracted to you
Since you are so gravitational.

Your unpredictable nature might
Cause you to do the unexpected.
Be aware of the signs when
Your other half is feeling neglected.

A people-oriented person,
You don't care that much about wealth.
Watch out, for nervous disorders
Might adversely affect your health.

Restrictions on your self-expression
Can cause in you a violent reaction.
Working for the common good
Is what gives you satisfaction.

Since people are so important
You aren't always in the mood
To eat a lot; instead you find
That useful knowledge is the best food.

Always ready to change the world,
You are the humanitarian.
Be true to yourself, and you
Will prove that you're a true Aquarian.

- by Bob B (1-21-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
When hardened hearts ignore the plaintive tears
Of those who are invisible yet present,
They disregard the strugglers' hopes and fears
And make a situation more unpleasant.
Many suffer hazardous conditions
And work that earns a pittance but still brings
A lifestyle that won't **** their true ambitions.
How dare we think that they all live like kings!
Imagine living daily with the terror
Or harsh presentiment--with stress and pain--
Of knowing that despite abuse or error,
Your hands are tied, for you cannot complain.
Your life becomes a sad catch-22.
To keep on going is all that you can do.

Imagine fleeing poverty and war
And frightful acts of cruel persecution.
Your life at least is better than before,
But you await a permanent solution.
Your kids are now American at heart,
But jobs and college cause much consternation.
You work two jobs; you try to do your part;
Yet there's the constant threat of deportation.
When people turn their heads and look away,
A blaze of cruel injustice wildly rages.
The ones affected most can have no say
In how to fix what's NOT worked well for ages.
Solutions lacking heart are cold and numbing
And demonstrate how ugly we're becoming.

- by Bob B (2-23-17)
498 · May 2017
The Big Swindle
Bob B May 2017
House Republicans just couldn't wait
To annihilate Obamacare.
They swindled the American people,
And now the louses are walking on air.

They've rushed through a disastrous bill
With no hearings and no score.
The message they are sending out
Is one that's difficult to ignore.

Denying essential benefits
Now would be up to the state.
Older Americans also could be
Charged a much higher rate.

The plan for people with pre-existing
Conditions? The cutthroat Republicans gored it.
According to them, you'll be covered.
If, that is, you can afford it!

Millions would lose their health insurance,
But our leaders care not a jot.
That Medicaid would be gutted,
They didn't give a second thought.

Minimum requirements
Won't be a priority.
Those with excellent coverage
Will be in the minority.

The plan is NOT a health care plan.
Listen to their sales pitch.
What it all boils down to is
A huge tax break for the rich.

After voting on a bill
That screws millions of people, they
Had a victory celebration--
A nauseating, sickening soirée.

If this is the best that they can do
To make our lives better, let the truth
Mercilessly come back to haunt them
Next time in the voting booth.

- by Bob B (5-5-17)
496 · Apr 2017
Bob B Apr 2017
That's what Trump says
Is going to save the nation.

To hell with the environment
And social media activist memes.
Let the coal industry dump
Coal debris in rivers and streams.

Forget greenhouse gas emissions.
There are rules to rearrange,
Repeal, expunge, delete, rescind…
Who cares about climate change?

Good-bye to banking restrictions.
Give tighter controls the ax.
Down with all consumer protections!
Three cheers for Goldman Sachs!

Who needs the EPA?
Why do all the activists seethe
When factories pollute the air?
The air is JUST something we breathe.

Caveat emptor--
That's the rule that's going to last.
Caveat venditor
Will become a thing of the past.

Benefiting the 1%
Has to be a worthwhile goal.
How else will those at the top
Keep the people under control?

Through rollbacks in regulations
Runs one common thread:
Relief for the corporations;
The rest of us can all drop dead.

That, according to Donald Trump,
Is going to save the nation.

- by Bob B (4-17-17)
Bob B Jan 2017
Do you want to learn to be evasive,
Obnoxious, cynical, and highly abrasive?
I have the perfect teacher for you
To help you blow up an interview:

Kellyanne CONjob is her name.
An expert at the sidestepping game,
She will teach you to twist and turn
Answers to questions with no concern

For facts and truth. What do they matter
When you've got the gift of empty chatter?
She'll show you with great perfection
How to master the art of deflection.

Being sweet is one of her acts.
She loves to refer to "alternative facts"
To prove her points to the unwary.
Veracity is unnecessary.

Lies can provide great vitality
When you live in an alternate reality.
She will teach you to trick and deceive
With countless gimmicks hidden up her sleeve.

Learn how to blame the media when they
Say things you don't want them to say.
Some of her strategies might give offense,
But mainly in an Orwellian sense.

If you maintain a certain hostility
And think, "To hell with credibility!"
You could work for the president as well
Among the White House personnel.

- by Bob B (1-23-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Whistleblowers, blow your whistles;
Expose deceitful corruption and fraud.
Reveal the ghastly, vile and unethical
Doings that hide behind each façade.

Muckrakers, rake through the muck;
Bring wrongdoing and cover-ups to light.
Denounce guile and chicanery.
Raise our awareness; do what is right.

Investigative journalists,
Unveil lies and hypocrisy.
Disclose injustice wherever it is.
Protect our democracy.

People of conscience, raise your voices.
Loudly drown out the messages of hate.
Don't be bullied; don't be afraid
To express what you won't tolerate.

When your hard-earned freedoms are threatened,
Don't let your resolve give way.
"The press is the enemy of the people"
Is something only a tyrant would say.

- by Bob B (2-18-17)
Bob B Nov 2016
I was eighteen when we brought you home.
How I will always remember that day!
The prettiest baby that I’d ever seen!
(What would you expect your proud brother to say?)
A six-week-old infant had now become ours
After many months on a paperwork sea.
We held in our arms a tiny bundle—
My baby sister, Rebecca Marie.

A new baby sister can be exciting—
For a few days, that is; I cannot lie.
To babysit wasn't part of my plans.
My social life? I just knew it would die!
But somehow we managed. It wasn’t so bad.
But those ear infections! Man, what a scare!
Helpless, sometimes I held you for hours;
I’m glad we still had that old rocking chair.

It seems now that the days passed by quickly.
You started swimming before you were one.
Mom had to take you to all of your lessons;
That tearful experience for Dad was no fun.
But you grew up fast. Can you imagine
How my life quickly became so enriched
From taking you to parks and to movies
And from watching Sesame Street and Bewitched?

I’ll never forget when I joined the army—
You were that slightly rambunctious small fry—
And I had to fly from L.A. to Missouri.
It killed me inside to have to kiss you good-bye!
But I returned home after leaving the service,
Finished my schooling, began my career.
It seemed like watching a film in fast motion:
Images fleeting, you in high gear.

The seasons sped by as we journeyed onward.
We shared happy moments, along with the sad.
But the saddest days that we spent together
Were in '98 when we lost both Mom and Dad.
Then life made you, our brothers, and me
Enter a sobering, eye-opening new phase.
Though living apart, we all held together;
We kept looking forward to happier days.

I now look back at all of life’s moments
Some memories are fading, but one thing I know:
Your coming into our lives was a blessing;
You filled our lives with both sparkle and glow.
Though you are now grown-up with a family,
Whenever I see you my thoughts start to swirl,
For I can still see you prancing around me—
All I can see is that same little girl.

- by Bob B
487 · May 2019
Bob B May 2019
Will Russia's election meddling ever
Come to an end? We keep hopin'.
But now the president blatantly
Colludes with Putin out in the open!

Recently, another phone call
Between Trump and Putin occurred.
Was Russian election meddling mentioned?
According to Trump, NOT one word.

But why would Trump want to stop
Interference in our elections?
If Russia helped him win before,
Why would he NOW raise objections?

He doesn't trust investigators
Here. He'd rather demonize
The FBI, while at the same time
He swallows all of Putin's lies.

Now team Trump seeks outside help
To hopefully tarnish the reputation
Of another political opponent.
Character assassination.

No maneuver is too low for Trump.
Will his actions come back to haunt him?
One thing we know: the Russians have
Donald Trump right where they want him.

People concerned about America's
Strength and safety should be upset
As Trump spins the cylinder
In a dangerous game of Russian roulette.

-by Bob B (5-4-19)
486 · Oct 2016
Charlotte Corday, 1793
Bob B Oct 2016
When Charlotte Corday came to Paris,
She had only one thing on her mind:
To rid the world of Jean Paul Marat--
The veritable scourge of humankind.

Leaning toward the moderate Girondins,
Corday despised the Jacobin stance
Of killing opposers to the Revolution
And terrorizing the people of France.

Marat incited the Jacobin furor
With his deeply radical point of view.
Corday also blamed him for causing
The September Massacres of '92.

After journeying to Paris from Caen,
She found a shop, purchased a knife,
Wrote an address to the "friends of peace,"
And then set out to take Marat's life.

Imagine Marat in his bathtub writing--
It seems an awkward position to be in
When seeing guests, but Marat suffered
From horrible sores all over his skin.

Corday spoke of a possible uprising
And provided names at Marat's request.
Then she took out a six-inch blade
And plunged it into the "monster's" chest.

After Corday was tried and sentenced,
She stirred up some attention when
She asked to have her portrait painted.
(They milked the media way back then!)

Marat's body was marched through the streets
While Charlotte Corday lost her head.
HE became the martyr, which caused
More innocent blood to be shed.

She said she killed ONE to save a THOUSAND.
Co-conspirators? They never found any.
She took matters into her own hands;
But her plan backfired--as do many.

To act or not to act is the question;
There always will be decisions to make.
Remember, consequences will follow
Whatever course of action we take.

- by Bob B
485 · Feb 2018
The Other Memo
Bob B Feb 2018
Devin Nunes and fellow Republicans
Certainly had their hands full
When they composed a controversial
Memo that was basically bull.

Nunes' cherry-picked assertions
Were assembled to malign
The FBI and also to lay
The groundwork for firing Rosenstein.

Trump was advised not to release
The memo but did it anyway,
Nervous because the Mueller probe
Is closing in day by day.

Before Trump had even seen
The Nunes memo, he avowed
He would release it, which in turn
Would do his Republican lackeys proud.

The Democrats have sent to Trump
Another memo for release--
One that rebuts the Devin Nunes'
Attack-memo, piece by piece.

But what? Trump won't release it?
All of a sudden we all learn
That national security
Is the president's major concern.

So Russian meddling in our elections
Is not a serious issue, and yet
A memo rebutting misinformation
Is a major security threat?

"Release the memo!" messages
Won't be sent out by Russian bots
To help you, Dems. They are waiting
For Nunes to write more devious plots.

The more Trump has tried to resist--
The more he's covered up facts and lied--
The more it seems so obvious
That there is something he's trying to hide.

-by Bob B (2-10-18)
482 · Nov 2016
Ah, This Is the Life!
Bob B Nov 2016
The lion stepped out into the sun
And rubbed his side against a tree.
Surveying his exhibit at the animal park,
He said, "This is the life for me!

"Dinner is served on a regular basis;
I never have to hunt for my food.
I'm served the tastiest horsemeat and mutton.
I even eat rabbit when I'm in the mood.

"There's no fighting to defend my territory;
That to me is a huge relief.
My kickback style might surprise some
And go against popular belief.

"The lady lions share my feelings;
They like my pomp, my manner, my style.
At the same time, they can appear
A bit stand-offish once in a while.

"I can be lazy and sleep for hours,
Or if I choose, I'll romp and play.
And when I start to feel a bit frisky--
Well, THAT'S a topic for another day.

"My friends in the wild suffer from afflictions--
An illness, an infection from a small ****….
If I catch a cold or need attention,
The humans are here to help in a flash.

"Visitors sometimes get on my nerves
As they stand and gawk and stare.
But when that happens, I can always
Ignore them or go off and hide in my lair.

"Or I can lie here and stare at the humans
And fantasize and imagine how great
It could be one day to find
A delicious human on my plate.

"I remain the king of the beasts;
The other animals still quake when I roar.
(Some of the non-differentiating types
Even tremble when I snore.)

"Ah, yes," (yawn) "I have it easy.
Although many would NOT agree.
As far as THIS lion is concerned,
My life is really the life for me."

- by Bob B
480 · Oct 2016
Wisdom Beyond Wisdom
Bob B Oct 2016
Seeking wisdom beyond wisdom
Is not as easy as some people say.
Once you think you've reached your goal,
You find you're miles and miles away.

All the words--the scriptures, the sayings--
Amount to a mere particle of dust
When compared with ultimate truth,
Beyond all measure, profound, robust.

The dangerous ones, who judge and condemn,
Who blame and shame and vilify,
Smolder in the embers of intolerant beliefs
That shape their moral battle cry.

Yongjia Xuanjiao of the Tang Dynasty--
Thinker and inspirational muse--
Cautioned humanity NOT to slander
The vast blue sky with limited views.

- by Bob B
Bob B Mar 2022
The winds of war keep blowing.
How does one explain
Putin's deadly aggression?
Keep your thoughts on Ukraine.

Hospitals being bombed…
Innocent people slain…
Citizens fleeing the country…
Keep your thoughts on Ukraine.

Cities being surrounded…
People feeling the strain
Of limited supplies…
Keep your thoughts on Ukraine.

All because of a madman
Who wallows in his disdain
For the rights of the people…
Keep your thoughts on Ukraine.

The world watches in horror.
One's sadness is hard to contain.
As Russian troops push onward,
Keep your thoughts on Ukraine.

-by Bob B (3-1-22)
479 · Aug 2021
Not Such A Sweet Revenge°
Bob B Aug 2021
A farmer was getting fed up with a fox.
He despised him like the dickens.
The fox prowled around his farm
Every night and ate his chickens.

And so the farmer set a trap
And caught the fox and said, "Aha!
You're going to regret all you've done.
This attempt was your last hurrah."

To get his revenge, the farmer tied
A bunch of flax to the fox's tail,
Set it on fire, and let him go,
Saying, "My revenge can't fail!"

The fox ran straight for the farmer's field
Where the corn was growing tall.
The fields were almost ready for cutting,
For summer was slowly turning to fall.

As you probably figured out,
All of the farmer's fields caught fire.
His crops were destroyed and he lost his harvest--
A situation extremely dire.

The fox? Well, he survived
And went away of his own accord.
The farmer, broken and devastated,
Learned that revenge is a two-edged sword.

-by Bob B (8-23-21)

°An Aesop fable, "The Farmer and the Fox," retold here in verse
471 · Nov 2016
A Poor Winner
Bob B Nov 2016
Trump continues his ongoing tirade
With baseless claims of voter fraud.
The more he rants and raves the more
We can all see through his façade.

He's what you call a "poor winner."
How easy it is to get his goat!
He just cannot stand the thought
That Clinton won the popular vote.

Demonizing the media therefore
Preoccupies Trump and his team.
Dumbing down the American public
Will be for them a constant theme.

The claims of voter fraud are only
An excuse to suppress voting rights--
An issue which must be added to
Our growing list of ongoing fights.

If we are not vigilant,
If instead we turn a blind eye
To what is really happening here,
Kiss democracy good-by.

- by Bob B (11-29-16)
Bob B Jan 2017
"Dear Mr. Trump…"

"We in Dubai are looking forward
To staying at your luxury hotel.
While there we'd like to discuss some options
And your Dubai golf course as well…."

"We talent bookers have found performers
For your big event, based on good tips.
By the way, thank you for
Your offers of ambassadorships…."

"We Kuwaitis feel the need
To move our celebration to
The Trump International Hotel
From Georgetown. Yes, we love the view…."

"We Russians admire your pick
For Secretary of State. Hurrah!
By the way, we're getting tired
Of all the sanctions blah, blah, blah…."

"We Indonesians feel your support
Of business leaders in this country should
Benefit all. Meanwhile your Bali
Hotel plans are looking good…."


-by Bob B (1-4-17)
466 · Jan 2017
Bob B Jan 2017
We hear the sounds of approaching thunder
Drowning out the cries and pleas
Of people calling out for freedom--
Urgent calls in times like these!

We hear the words that spit and sputter--
That splatter against mellifluous sounds
Of peace, of hope, of promise, of caring,
Creating verbal battlegrounds.

We see the dark and threatening clouds
Looming above, waiting to rain
On love and reason. The winds of hatred
Equal the force of a hurricane.

We see around the neck of compassion
A cruel, ever-tightening noose,
While the henchmen multiply--
A surge of bigotry on the loose.

We feel in our hearts the longing
For dreams that should be guaranteed
By thoughtful laws and not by decisions
Forged from ignorance, power, and greed.

We feel the sadness, pain, and despair
Of all who are trampled and left behind,
Of all whose rights are being denied,
Of all who are hated and maligned.

We know that we can transcend bias;
When myth prevails, wisdom departs.
We can flourish by wisely removing
The chains of intolerance from our hearts.

We know that we have the potential
To live in a country governed by laws
Embracing all the people here
And freeing us from tyranny's claws.

- by Bob B (1-31-17)
Bob B Oct 2017
Found all over the world,
And spreading the deadly views
Of hate-mongering preachers
From whom they get their cues,

Unchristianly Christians
Peddle their thou-shalt-nots
And never question the dogma
That slyly poisons their thoughts.

“It has to be right for you,
Since it's right for me.”
That’s what most of them think
Who judge to the nth degree.

If your beliefs are different
Or vary from theirs, forget
Heartfelt understanding;
You're too much of a threat.

Other religions, too,
Are certainly not exempt
From dangerous fanatics
Whose actions draw contempt.

Twisting the sacred scriptures
To suit their misinformed needs,
They act without perceiving
The shallowness of their deeds.

People are ostracized
And even lose their lives
When shameful ideology
Or noxious ignorance thrives.

And hypocrites abound.
We often hear of them--
The ones who criticize others,
Then do what they condemn.

How sad it is when people’s
Actions demonstrate
How little they love to love
But how they love to hate!

(10-19-17) By Bob B
Bob B Oct 2016
I'm glad that dinosaurs preceded mankind
On earth by millions and millions of years.
We have enough worries these days
Than to find more reasons to add to our fears.
Imagine walking through the forest
And meeting a Tyrannosaurus Rex!
No, tyrannosaurs were NOT
The ones with the long, slender necks.
The tyrannosaur was a killing machine--
A carnivore, frightening and vicious,
Possessing powerful legs and teeth.
It would find you delightfully delicious!
Raptors, from the Mesozoic Era,
Were also among the most feared of their day.
On each hind foot they had a large claw
For killing and disemboweling their prey.
Small but deadly they were, and what's more:
Their brains were of larger than average size.
A nightly stroll in a raptor area
Is NOT something that I would advise.
The long-necked one was the Brachiosaurus--
Not much smarter than the leaves it ate.
It measured 85 feet long
And weighed 40 tons--a LOT of weight!
You think, What fun: to slide down its neck!
If I were you I'd forget that idea.
If, perchance, it stomped on you,
You'd be as flat as a flour tortilla.
The spiked, plated dinosaur
Was the Stegosaurus--a plant-eater, too.
It didn't have a very big brain
And didn't last long. So, what's one to do?
There were thousands of species of dinosaurs.
We're lucky that they exist no more.
You wouldn't want to worry about danger
Every time you walked out your door.
But wait, that's no different from now!
Maybe one difference; let me propound it:
You wouldn't be STEPPING on dinosaur ****,
But you would be making long treks around it.

- by Bob B
462 · Jan 2020
In Praise of Cats
Bob B Jan 2020
Dogs and cats can enhance our lives--
At least when we don't break out in hives,
Constantly sneeze and blow our nose,
And have to experience other woes.
Dogs are very demonstrative,
Quick to obey, and quick to forgive.
Cats, however, are more mysterious,
Less predictable, surely more serious.

It’s true that when a cat’s in heat,
The sounds she makes are far from sweet.
But rub your hand across her fur
And listen to her soothing purr.
Dogs insist on making their mark
By giving a loud, annoying bark.
They scare you with a threatening growl
And drive you crazy when they howl.

Of course, dogs can learn to shake
And sit--both a piece of cake.
They'll fetch, roll over, heel, and stay,
And try to do other things you say.
Cats will hear your every command
But ACT as though they don't understand.
They understand but find it stifling
When asked to do what they find trifling.

If you have a coffee table,
Tie things down if you are able.
Larger dogs will never fail
To knock things off with a wagging tail.
Cats will daintily tiptoe by
And not leave everything awry,
For cats have had much greater success
At demonstrating their finesse.

When dogs perchance let out a ****,
Your nose will crinkle, your eyes will smart.
Cats, however, have much more class;
You hardly know that they've passed gas.
When dogs are out to walk or play,
They'll **** and then just walk away.
With dirt or sand, cats construe
A way to cover up number two.

I have friends who say to me
That dogs make better company--
That dogs provide more dividends
Because they make much better friends.
But I say there should be no shame
If cats make calm restraint their aim.
And I choose friends who in no case
Would slobber on me and lick my face.

Dogs must always get a whiff
Of everything that they can sniff.
One wonders what's going on in their minds
When they smell one another's behinds.
Cats bring manners up a notch:
They don't walk up and sniff your crotch.
They're more subtle and wouldn't dare;
They display more savoir faire.

While dogs don't like to be alone,
Cats…well they do fine on their own.
Dogs out there should NOT be offended;
Any insults were unintended.
I must say I have no regrets
Discussing what I prefer in pets.
Surely, some of you think I'm nuts,
But I still prefer cats to mutts.

-by Bob B (1-27-20)
Bob B Feb 2017
Your approach to spirituality
And your ideals keep you afloat.
Fulfilling your needs by helping others
Is one more thing that floats your boat.

Being close to water clearly
Inspires you and stimulates you.
Your notion of perfection is
A strong factor that motivates you.

Dealing with people and situations
That don't live up to your ideals
Is hard for you, and you know how
Being exploited by others feels.

Balance is important so that
Others don't take advantage of you.
Ignoring your sense of compassion is one
Of the worst things you could do.

You have a remarkable
Imagination. It's on fire!
The downside is that it could also
Make you a pathological liar.

But that is usually not the case.
Pisceans can be kind and gentle.
It's when they feel victimized
That they start feeling temperamental.

You--the dreamer of the zodiac--
Can oddly come off as vague and elusive.
To maintain your equilibrium,
You sometimes need to be reclusive.

You can easily grasp the abstract,
But you probably don't recall
The times you've seemed so out of touch
That you made no sense at all.

Empathetic and sensitive,
Usually, you couldn't be sweeter.
But watch out! Insecurity
Can make you a compulsive eater.

Since you have an addictive nature,
It's crucial for you to avoid temptations.
You must show caution when you're around
Alcohol and medications.

A healthy sense of self is important,
For when your wanting to give exceeds
Your own capacity for giving,
You start to neglect your very own needs.

Don't succumb to escapism
Or over-sensitivity.
Your flexible nature is
A natural proclivity.

The environment strongly affects
Your emotional reactions.
The better organized you are,
The better you can handle distractions.

Some people think that you lack
Self-confidence, but not
Those who know you well, for you
Are able to accomplish quite a lot.

Continue to be an inspiration
To others. Do not slacken your pace.
Keep a positive outlook and you'll
Help make the world a better place.

- by Bob B (2-19-17)
458 · Oct 2016
Fleeting Time
Bob B Oct 2016
Fleeting time:
Just try to contain it;
Try to grasp it,
Hold it, regain it.
Time evades us
Like liquid through a sieve.
Our best option
Is to LIVE and LET LIVE.
To appreciate the moment:
Make that your VOW.
Bask in the light
Of the eternal NOW.

- by Bob B
Bob B Oct 2016
A life so early beset by struggles
Was yours when your family fled from Hanoi
And in South Vietnam sought refuge and freedom—
It’s sad what conflicting ideals can destroy.
The South was only a tentative haven
While you attended French schools through the years.
The North-versus-South conflict exploded;
Your country was hurled into suffering and tears.
But luckily you escaped with your children,
Again seeking refuge, this time in the West:
In Europe, Canada, and then California—
A safe life for your children, your constant quest.
Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.
We met in the 80s and as fate would have it
We became friends. I’ll never forget
How we thoughtfully guided our students—
Our work together: the perfect duet.
I could sit and listen forever
As you shared interesting tales from your past.
Your knowledge was thorough, your stories intriguing,
Your manner so charming, your wisdom so vast.
I miss our dinners and social occasions.
In thinking about them I have to smile:
We’d talk for hours over large bowls of phở,
And I’d get a word in just once in a while.
Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.
If anyone needed a helping hand,
You would be there, offering support.
Then, not needing to earn recognition,
You’d turn down all praise; you’d sell yourself short.
How I envied your mastery of languages—
English, French, Vietnamese!
Your mellifluous voice—I can still hear it—
Tender, angelic, as soft as a breeze.
Our phone conversations—whenever they happened—
Were always an adventure. Oh, yes, but I swear
That I could never be in a hurry—
I needed at least a whole hour to spare.
Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.
Teacher, friend, sister, cousin—
I saw you in so many ways—
Your kindness and generosity inspired me,
Broadened my world, brightened my days.
You lived for your family—who always came first—
And never resentful, you never complained.
Imagine how much you influenced your children
With your giant heart! Just think what they’ve gained!
How much you accomplished in your precious life!
How much you managed to do on your own!
You, with that tiny, delicate frame,
Were one of the mightiest people I’ve known.
Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.

- by Bob B
Bob B Oct 2016
Balance is a key word for you.
You give back what you've been given--
In relationships, that is.
You're a doer, creative and driven.

You lack passion, some people think.
But that is truly not the case.
A compromise between passion
And intellect must be in place.

You really need other people;
Your need to be liked must be fulfilled.
Though reluctant to face confrontation,
Sometimes you can be strong-willed.

You probably like to entertain.
Your grace and charm can make you flirty.
You want to make your surroundings pleasant
Without getting your hands very *****.

To achieve peace and harmony
You will go to amazing lengths.
Being an expert communicator
Is considered one of your strengths.

Regarding physical exercise,
You could have a lazy streak.
You need motivation since
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

If you lack comfy surroundings,
You can easily be depressed.
Your stamina runs in cycles.
Be aware when you need rest.

Partnerships are important to you.
Just keep your head out of the clouds.
You relish being around other people,
But not necessarily crowds.

Diplomacy helps you succeed
As long as your wit and charm aren't obsessive.
When your wiles are ineffective,
Watch that you don't become aggressive.

If you try to please others too hard,
You lose your individuality.
It's crucial for you that others can see
Your kindness, fairness, and impartiality.

When you know it's time to move on,
You can do it with no hesitation.
Being knocked off balance can cause you
Emotional and mental frustration.

Your love of beauty in all forms
Is on an intellectual level.
You--with your social grace--
Could even charm the pants off the Devil.

- by Bob B
456 · Jul 2019
Murder in Pakistan
Bob B Jul 2019
Maya Akbar° feared going home
To her hometown in Pakistan.
The person whom she feared was her father--
Obviously, an intolerant man.

Staying with friends in the town of Peshawar,
She didn't trust her family's pleas
For her to return to her parents' home.
Her friends deeply felt her unease.

Maya's father assured the police
That his daughter wouldn't be harmed.
The 19-year old transgender daughter
Nevertheless remained alarmed.

Reluctantly, she went home.
Hours later her friends' hearts sank:
Maya's bullet-ridden body
Was found beside a riverbank.

Police arrested Maya's father.
Her uncle and brothers are also being sought.
All over the world transgender people
Die because of the hatred that's taught.

Some call it an "honor killing."
Honor? No, it's ******, truly.
When ignorance fans the fires of hatred,
Many people suffer unduly.

Efforts are made all over to fight
Laws that are discriminatory.
Laws can change, but changing hardened
Hearts? That’s a different story.

-by Bob B (7-3-19)

°Formerly known as Aftab Aurangzeb, from Nowshera, Pakistan
Bob B Nov 2019
It's hard to watch as Republicans
In Congress parrot Putin's words.
In spouting Putin's talking points,
What they're doing is polishing turds.
°И это делает Путина очень счастливым.

Brandishing conspiracy theories
And fantasies that have been debunked,
They are showing the world how their
Integrity is now defunct.
И это делает Путина очень счастливым.

Bending the truth with the Putin/Russian
Intelligence narrative flies in the face
Of all that we have done for years
To keep democracy in place.
И это делает Путина очень счастливым.

Putin loves to see Americans
Attack one another by going for the throat.
After stirring up discord here,
He can then sit back and gloat.
И это делает Путина очень счастливым.

Putin's friends in the White House, too,
Bolster the leader's insidious plot
And say that Putin is innocent
While the country Ukraine is not.
И это делает Путина очень счастливым.

What has happened to America--
The land of the free, the home of the brave?
George Washington must be
Turning over in his grave.
И это делает Путина очень счастливым.

-by Bob B (11-22-19)

°I eto delajet putina otchen shastliwim.
455 · Jul 2019
A Dream Come True
Bob B Jul 2019
I dreamed the day finally arrived
When ALL people realized
And understood why Donald Trump
Deserved to be so despised.

People everywhere saw through
His empty words, his lies, his act,
His bigoted, odious promises,
His thought process so inexact.

No one acknowledged his asinine tweets
Or listened to his divisive rants.
No one went to his vacuous rallies
And started shouting racist chants.

No one let him- or herself
Be duped by the man's endless stream
Of worthless gibberish and hateful talk
That once made non-supporters scream.

Our country had respect again
From countries worthy of respect.
Foreign relations were also mended
After having suffered neglect.

No longer did we admire
Autocrats and dictators.
We looked up to our allies and praised
Diplomatic negotiators.

The voices of white supremacy
Were drowned by voices of love and inclusion.
Voting rights would be protected.
That became a foregone conclusion.

Russia and other countries couldn't
Interfere with our elections.
All people living in
The U.S. had equal protections.

Religious freedom meant that people
Could practice beliefs across the nation
And NOT use religion as
A handy excuse for discrimination.

Clean air and clean water
Became a focus, AND what's more,
Climate change wasn't considered
A silly hoax that we should ignore.

Children were not separated
From parents at our border gate.
People weren't dehumanized
And made to feel second rate.

The taxation system was fair
And benefited not only the wealthy.
Everyone had health insurance
With emphasis on being healthy.

To presidential abuse of power
Legislators said farewell.
And egomaniacal Donald Trump
Languished in a prison cell.

What a dream--what a vision--
Where joyous hopes began anew!
If only it could come to fruition!
It would be a dream come true.

-by Bob B (7-19-19)
450 · Jul 2018
Advice from Putin
Bob B Jul 2018
"Donald, you are learning fast.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Excuse me for a minute while
I adjust the puppet strings….

"Fooling the public is a must.
Listening to me will ease your fears.
I have been duping people
All over the world for many years.

"You are learning in leaps and bounds.
Sometimes I even think you're smart.
Calling the press the enemy
Is a wonderful way to start.

"Controlling the media is a must.
Your tweets are useful memoranda.
Your Sinclair Group and Fox News
Can help you spread your propaganda.

"It's very important to keep up the lies.
Let your admin team transmit them.
They will ride roughshod over
The people; they won't know what hit them.

"When your attacks on the FBI
And DOJ are intensified,
I can't help admitting that
I get all tingly inside.

"Of course, one thing that makes
It easy for you to break the rules
Is the fact that many of your
Republican members of Congress are fools.

"You also must remember that NATO
Countries are your REAL foes.
When you trash them, I say to myself,
'Donald'***** it on the nose.'

"Oh, about those deals you mentioned...
Well, we can discuss them later.
We appreciate all you're doing
To help us make Russia greater.

"Don't forget: When people mention
Subjects that for you are taboo,
Just stop and ask yourself,
'What would Vladimir Putin do?'"

-by Bob B (7-17-18)
450 · Dec 2017
The Move
Bob B Dec 2017
Last December we saw that Santa
Had a FOR SALE sign on his "land."
Reporters went to find out whether
His property had been in demand.

"Well," said Santa, "I've had offers
From large fishing enterprises
Who want to move in and take advantage
As the ice melts and the sea rises."

The companies applied great pressure
To make Santa cave; instead he
Declined their offers, for overfishing
Had been a problem there already.

"Oil companies also want
My property in order to drill.
I told them, 'Over my dead body!'
Holy crap, if looks could ****!

"Once I thought that I could make
This work, but that was wishful thinking.
How could I survive up here
With animals dying and my land shrinking?

"Where there's tundra melting, methane
Gas is escaping into the air.
Rats from ships have entered the area;
You can find them everywhere.

"Sea currents and air currents
Both are bringing ugly pollution.
When are world leaders going to
Come up with a lasting solution?

"We are far away from large
Human populations, and yet
Our whole Arctic ecosystem
Is dangerously under threat."

Reporters noticed a weary look
Of sadness in Santa's face, which proved
That things were really affecting the man.
Where would he go if he moved?

"I thought that maybe in Switzerland
A nice, cold glacier would do.
But then again, maybe not,
For glaciers there are melting, too.

"Maybe Hawaii; maybe Tahiti.
That would be a change of scene.
I'll trade the slushy, melting ice
For somewhere colorful, warm, and green."

With that, Santa looked at his watch,
Said good-bye, and went back to work,
Trying hard to keep his thoughts
Away from places where phantoms lurk.

-by Bob B (12-9-17)
450 · Oct 2016
If There's Hope, Then...
Bob B Oct 2016
It’s been said that HOPE springs eternal—
That it elevates one’s point of view.
Three cheers to Alexander Pope!
Perhaps my DREAM may yet come true.
I DREAMED that people worked together,
Eager to put their differences aside;
Their beliefs in no way clouded their reason;
And this happened worldwide.
I DREAMED that nations conquered hunger—
All people had enough to eat.
Everyone shared without begrudging
Those who struggled to make ends meet.
I DREAMED that tolerance and acceptance
Were the order of the day—
That hatred and discrimination
Finally both died away.
I DREAMED that people realized
The world did not revolve around them—
That their selfishness and egoism
Had only stifled them and drowned them.
I DREAMED that people loved the Earth
And taught their children to respect it;
In so doing their children learned
To appreciate it and protect it.
I DREAMED that anger dissipated
And that out of vengeance no one killed;
Wars became nonexistent;
Therefore, no more blood was spilled.
I DREAMED that people in all nations
Acknowledged everybody’s rights,
Pushing the goals of inclusiveness
And caring to amazing heights.
I DREAMED that our entire world
Worked together to vanquish disease;
Health care and housing everywhere
Were automatic guarantees.
Precious HOPE, I’ll hold you tight;
If my visions are mistaken
And the world becomes more hostile,
Then from this DREAM let me not waken.

- by Bob B
449 · Apr 2019
Who Cares?
Bob B Apr 2019
Who cares if the earth becomes
Uninhabitable in so many years?
Who cares if the Antarctic
And Arctic ice disappears?

Who cares if worldwide
The ocean's coral reefs are dying?
Who cares if extreme weather
Around the world's intensifying?

Who cares if coastal areas
Become flooded as sea levels rise?
Who cares if we must see
The rain forests' tragic demise?

Who cares if methane's released
From melting Arctic permafrost?
Who cares if global chaos
Causes countless lives to be lost?

Who cares if instability
Causes huge worldwide migrations?
Who cares what we leave
Behind for future generations?

Who cares if temperature
Extremes "cook" parts of the earth?
Who cares if crops fail
Because the land's of little worth?

Who cares if our warming planet
Allows for a greater spread of disease?
Who cares if the temperature
On earth rises a few degrees?

Who cares who suffers from
Particle and plastic pollution?
Who cares if leaders fail
To seek a climate change solution?

I care! We all should.
This is the only home we possess.
Complacency is dangerous.
Heed the call of the SOS!

-by Bob B (4-16-19)
448 · Mar 2017
My Thingamajig
Bob B Mar 2017
Problems can be small;
Problems can be big.
I'm having a problem
With my thingamajig.

Too much information,
Some might say.
But it's a kind of problem
You can't wish away.

When they are new,
They work like a dream.
Everything flows
In a steady stream.

But as they get older,
Like many things--I swear--
They start showing
A lot of wear and tear.

I'm sure you could
Make a funny quip;
But it isn't funny
When they start to drip.

One could try to stop
The dripping with one's hand.
But obviously,
It won't go as planned.

I often wonder what
Freud might have said.
The problem's not unique;
It's fairly widespread.

It really doesn't help
To squeeze it or strike it.
Where can I find
Another one just like it?

There HAS to be someone
Who could repair it.
Or do I have to
Simply grin and bear it?

I can't ignore the problem;
It won't disappear.
A pain in the rear!

- by Bob B (3-18-17)
Bob B Jul 2019
(This poem can be sung to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan's song "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General.")

He is a prime example of a modern racist president.
What a shame he has to be the current White House resident.
He lacks so much in what it takes to truly be an honest man.
What is so amazing is how anyone can be a fan.
He knows how to maximize racial hatred. What a shame!
He wonders why he's criticized; he only has himself to blame.
Watch his motivations in the policies he puts in place.
To him race-baiting is the way to strongly galvanize his base.

To him race-baiting is the way to strongly galvanize his base.
To him race-baiting is the way to strongly galvanize his base.
To him race-baiting is the way to strongly galvanize his base, his base!

He knows how to stir the ***, for racists all give him a nod.
He has many people fooled to think that he's a man of God.
What a shame he has to be the current White House resident,
For he's a prime example of a modern racist president.

What a shame he has to be the current White House resident,
For he's a prime example of a modern racist president.

For many years he said Barack Obama wasn't born here. No!
His many racist words and actions date way back to long ago.
Now he's telling Congresswomen in a tweet and with a sneer
That they should go back home but it so happens that their home is here.
He never wants to criticize supporters' hateful, racist views.
Sadly, white supremacists are those from whom he gets his cues.
He doesn't think that putting kids in cages is insanity,
Or realize his policies are crimes against humanity.

Or realize his policies are crimes against humanity.
Or realize his policies are crimes against humanity.
Or realize his policies are crimes against human-humanity.

He knows to win elections all you have to do is lie and cheat.
He lashes out at other folks because he cannot take the heat.
What a shame he has to be the current White House resident,
For he's a prime example of a modern racist president.

What a shame he has to be the current White House resident,
For he's a prime example of a modern racist president.

-by Bob B (7-16-19)
Bob B Oct 2019
(Try singing this poem to the tune of the song "The Phantom of the Opera," by Andrew Lloyd Webber.)

From New York State he came
And conned his way
Right past the White House gate
And chose to stay.
To be unethical
He is inclined.
The phantom of the White House is a threat
To humankind.

He does not care about
What people need.
He answers more to calls
Of graft and greed.
When making deals with him,
He'll rob you blind.
The phantom of the White House is a threat
To humankind.

He speaks in code just like
A mafia boss.
To find his good points, you
Are at a loss.
His hateful rhetoric
Is unrefined.
The phantom of the White House is a threat
To humankind.

His rank hypocrisy's
A common theme.
All his deceitfulness
Is not a dream.
Speak words against him and
You'll be maligned.
The phantom of the White House is a threat
To humankind.

To purge the White House of
This noisome ghost,
The answer's to remove
Him from his post.
May people everywhere
All keep in mind:
The phantom of the White House is a threat
To humankind.

Beware the phantom of the White House….
He's there--the phantom of the White House….
Beware the phantom of the White House….

-by Bob B (10-6-19)
437 · Nov 2018
Giving Thanks?
Bob B Nov 2018
A couple with eyes swollen from grief
Sits at the Thanksgiving table,
Wanting to let the sadness depart,
But at the moment they aren't able.

You see, the husband and wife just lost
Their son in a shooting two weeks prior.
An angry gunman entered a club,
Took out his gun, and opened fire.

The topic of being thankful arises.
The couple wonders, should they be
Thankful that their country permits
Shootings to happen to such a degree?

Should they also be thankful that
So many lawmakers have been unwilling
To tackle a problem that's out of control--
To stop or curtail the senseless killing?

Likewise, should they be thankful that
Hypocrisy and greed exist?
They--along with callousness--
Allow such nightmares to persist.

That far too many members of Congress
And the highest court in all the land
Are out of step with most of the people,
Whose wishes they fail to understand:

Should the couple be thankful for that?
Will anything change when they're less distraught?
Deciding what to be thankful for
At the moment would take a lot of thought.

No, it's better not to ask them
While their hearts are rent from sorrow.
What they need right now is hope
That there could be a brighter tomorrow.

-by Bob B (11-23-18)
437 · May 2018
Bloodbath in Gaza
Bob B May 2018
While American and Israeli officials
Clink their champagne glasses and schmooze
At an embassy in Jerusalem,
One thing is barely making the news:

Over one hundred twelve° Palestinians
Have been killed at the Gaza Strip
Since March 30 by Israeli soldiers
Demonstrating their marksmanship.

Over 13,000° have been
Injured, having wounds that consist
Of large, gaping holes in the victims--
Bullet holes the size of a fist.

The bullets shot from high-velocity
Weapons on hitting their target explode
Expanding and mushrooming inside the body.
Israeli cruelty à la mode?

People from all walks of life gathered
To demonstrate and express their frustration
For living conditions in their Gaza prison--
An abominable situation.

Conditions, in fact, are among
The worst that the world has seen.
May 14 was the bloodiest day
Since the strife in twenty fourteen.

Israelis call it "self-defense";
It's really shoot-to-injure or ****.
Are snipers keeping track of how many
Palestinian coffins they'll fill?

One uncle never imagined
That he would need a body bag.
He carried home his 8-month old niece
Wrapped in a Palestinian flag.

The people want a place that's home.
But while negotiations stall--
And marginalized by circumstances--
They live inside or outside a wall.

-by Bob B (5-19-18)

°Based on a report by journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous
433 · Jan 2017
A Three-part Tweet!
Bob B Jan 2017
Trump has found another target.
This time it's Meryl Streep.
Once again he's demonstrated
How his thirst for vengeance runs deep.

He didn't like a comment that she
Had made at the Golden Globes, and so
He blasted her with a series of tweets--
Three tweets all in a row.

Streep had referred to a disabled news
Reporter whom Trump had imitated.
Trump lashed back, saying the award-
Winning actress was "over-rated."

A mature and intelligent man
Would move on and do what it takes
To model decent behavior, but that
Is difficult for a man with no brakes.

Poor Trump is still stuck
In the na-na-na-na-na-stage,
Which makes him appear childish and is
Unbecoming for someone his age.

- By Bob B (1-10-17)
433 · Oct 2016
Joe, the Bully
Bob B Oct 2016
Joe, our grade school bully,
Never bullied me.
Flying under the radar,
I got off scot-free.

Though I felt relieved,
I should have been incensed,
For seldom were his victims
Ever recompensed.

I wish I'd had the chutzpah
To walk up to him and intone,
"Hey, brainless buttface,
Leave that kid alone!"

What I would have done next,
I haven't the slightest clue.
I was a geeky kid
Who'd jump if you said "Boo!"

I should at least have tried
An approach more diplomatic
And NOT have selected
An expression so…emphatic.

Nonetheless, I never
Castigated Joe.
I was a helpless kid;
What the heck did I know?

We adults see bullying,
And we don't make a fuss.
Are we just delighted
That no one's bullying us?

We all know what happens
When people are afraid
To speak out against injustice:
Humanity is betrayed.

- by Bob B
433 · Nov 2016
A Tale of Two Countries
Bob B Nov 2016
Once upon a time,
There was a Distant Land--
In the north were hills and valleys,
In the south desert sand.

Once a powerful empire,
This land now faced a threat
From outside intervention
That many would regret.

It welcomed a Mighty Country's
Involvement from far away--
Not fully realizing
The role that it would play.

A group from the Mighty Country
Helped organize a coup,
Destabilizing the other
And setting things askew.

A new regime replaced
The one that had been deposed.
However, the regime's tyranny
Soon became disclosed.

Discontentment grew;
The leader fled for his life
And begged the Mighty Country
For asylum for himself and his wife.

The people in the Distant Land--
Angry and abused--
Wanted their leader returned;
The Mighty Country refused.

So, the people took
Matters into their own hands,
Taking fifty-two hostages
For negotiating demands.

For 444 days
Conditions remained very tense
Until the release of the captives.
The damage was immense.

"Be careful what you ask for"
Is a common phrase.
The Distant Land now suffered
Tyranny in other ways.

The new religious leader
Ruled with an iron fist
And added more names
To his enemy list.

Eventually the Distant Country
Was attacked by its Neighbor,
Which received outside assistance
To help it sharpen its saber.

Help--for example--
From the Mighty Nation consisted
Of the selling of poisonous chemicals.
Frankly, that sounds pretty twisted.

Imagine the horrible suffering
From a war that went on and on--
Ending eight long years after
Battle lines had been drawn.

The Distant Once-Glorious Nation
And the Mighty Nation maintained
Their strained, aggressive relationship
From which nothing was gained.

Both accused the other
Of harboring evil intentions;
Both stubbornly resisted
Peaceful interventions.

The people were the ones who suffered
From dis- and misinformation.
The ones caught in the middle
Always experience privation.

Could this story end
Not with tears but with laughter?
Will the two ever live
Happily ever after?

- by Bob B
432 · Mar 2017
Unspeakable Savagery
Bob B Mar 2017
Dandara dos Santos, a transgender woman,
Lived in Fortaleza, Brazil.
Although we know very little about her,
The fate that befell her should make you feel ill.

The woman, forty-two years old,
Was dragged from her home by a cruel group of thugs
Out into the street of the town
Where she met with kicks and slugs.

The vicious and violent attackers beat her--
Also using a plank of wood--
While she pleaded and begged for her life
On the cobblestone street of the neighborhood.

They dumped her into a filthy wheelbarrow
And took her to an alley where shortly thereafter
Dandara died from repeated beatings
Amid cold-blooded taunts and laughter.

What is wrong with humanity
That humans can be so animalistic?
Two hundred ninety-five transgender people
Were murdered last year°--an ugly statistic.

Dandara, most of us didn't know you,
And yet we know that you by far
Outvalue the hateful brutes that killed you.
Rest in peace, wherever you are.

- by Bob B (3-8-17)

°From Oct 1, 2015 to Sep 1, 2016, worldwide
430 · May 2019
The Showdown
Bob B May 2019
Congress has numerous duties
With oversight being one.
The president's decided that
Such oversight he will shun.

In other words, he chooses to thumb
His nose at our Constitution.
His lackeys in Congress refuse to defy him,
Fearing his nasty retribution.

Refusing to cooperate with
The lawful demands of Congress, he
Thinks that he's above the law,
Which justifies an inquiry.

Occurring at the moment is
A constitutional crisis, which
The president craftily plans
To pull off without a hitch.

Defying subpoenas and trying to silence
Witnesses' testimonies,
He's rejecting checks and balances
With the help of some of his cronies.

The president seems to think
That certain people should be exempt
From testifying. But watch as they
All are cited for contempt.

Americans deserve to know
What is really happening here.
Trump's obstruction of justice and his
Abuse of power are something to fear.

What it boils down to is this:
It's Trump versus the truth. That's it!
If you dig deep, you will find
What motivates the hypocrite.

If his record were squeaky clean,
Hearings could be set aside.
However, his suspicious behavior
Keeps us wondering, "What's there to hide?"

-by Bob B (5-9-19)
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