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Apr 2017 · 726
Remembering Number 42
Bob B Apr 2017
Certain events change our world
And boldly challenge the status quo,
Such as the following major event
That happened seventy years ago:

Sending shock waves throughout society,
Jackie Robinson challenged the norm
And gave a segregated system--
Major league baseball--a brand-new form.

Robinson broke the major league
Color barrier by cutting through
Years of unfair treatment in sports.
Three cheers for Number 42!

The ongoing struggle for civil rights
Would take inning after inning,
For Robinson's accomplishment
Wasn't an end but just a beginning.

Facing enormous hostility still,
The baseball player held his ground.
Sadly it took many years
For politicians to come around.

A year later President Truman
Integrated the military--
Also a long time coming,
But also a move that was necessary.

Seventeen long years later
Congress passed legislation
In civil rights, which became
A major blow to segregation.

Why so long? So it goes;
In politics you will find
That often we want to move ahead
While politicians lag behind.

Other barriers are still to be broken--
Barriers to civil and equal rights.
There are more fights to be fought
And goals on which to set our sights.

So let the number 42
Honor the history-making man
Who was a hero among many heroes,
Whether or not you're a baseball fan.

- by Bob B (4-15-17)
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Farewell, Peter Cottontail!
Bob B Apr 2017
I saw Peter Cottontail.
I swear I did. It was he!
He was in a bar last night,
And he WASN'T drinking tea!

Sitting next to him, I said,
"Hey, ol' Pete, ol' buddy, ol' guy---
You've got time to take a break?
How so? Please, tell me why."

"Cut me some slack," the poor guy said.
"Humans have a nasty habit
Of placing incredible expectations
On this weary, forlorn rabbit.

"Hiding billions of eggs, come on!
I'm not omnipotent, as you must know.
This task has been ****** upon me
Since a long time ago.

"What's more, I find it rather disgusting
And NOT in any manner funny
When I see a kid chomping
On a chocolate Easter bunny.

"Furthermore, to pass on baby
Rabbits as an Easter present
Is NOT from MY point of view
A practice I'd call very pleasant.

"And as to candy resembling chicks,
To me it seems so surreptitious
When you're saying, 'Oh, how cute!'
But really thinking, 'How delicious!'

"I think it's time to pass the baton
To  another generous benefactor.
I don't care who it is;
Find a willing, starving actor.

"I suggest an Easter squirrel,
An Easter bear, or Easter goose.
With so much on my plate there's no
Time to even reproduce."

I left poor Peter there at the bar
As he switched to drinking brandy.
I hope that he is able at least
To pass out all of his eggs and candy.

-by Bob B
Apr 2017 · 364
What a Trip!
Bob B Apr 2017
What a trip! Have you ever
Had a capsule endoscopy?
The prepping procedure's exactly what
You do for a colonoscopy.

It's SO much fun! Of course, I don't
Have to say I'm being sarcastic.
The feeling of peeing out one's rear
Isn't a feeling I'd call fantastic.

After the prep, it's all downhill.
A pill-like camera is ingested--
One that travels through the body,
Basically unmolested.

Wires taped to your body
Connect to a monitor, which will record
The camera's journey through your system.
"Everybody, hop on board!

"After the throat, we take a plunge
Down the esophagus. Hurray!
We're now in an empty stomach.
There's no food to get in the way.

"Watch out for those dangerous acids,
Which ask, 'What is this to digest?'
To them a camera passing through
Is NOT a very welcome guest.

"Next stop: the duodenum.
Here we go around the bend.
We still have a ways to go
Before our adventure nears its end.

"The long trek through the small intestine
Is a windy, curvy path
Five to seven meters long.
How many feet? You do the math.

"Say hi to Mr. Appendix
As we leisurely pass him by.
He's not the most appreciated
Part of the human body. Poor guy.

"As we traverse the colon we
Realize the end's in sight.
How refreshing to know that at
The end of the tunnel, there's a light!

"We hope the journey was a safe one
With NO dangers or major surprises.
The prep indeed was the worst part of all,
But life is full of compromises."

What happens to the capsule next
I'll leave to your imagination.
If everything comes out as planned,
That'll be cause for celebration.

- by Bob B (4-4-17)
Mar 2017 · 647
Dangerous Denial
Bob B Mar 2017
Denial gets you nowhere.
When there's a problem, face it.
If it's a major challenge,
Open your mind and embrace it.

The trouble is a problem
Won't go away on its own.
Don't wait until
The flower is overblown.

If a situation
Affects our national security,
Can a solution wait
For some remote futurity?

Bury your head in the sand
If your mind is closed.
But if you do, remember:
Your rear will be exposed.

How to solve a problem
When our leaders drub
Twaddle into our heads?
Ah, that's the rub!

How to get to the bottom
Of what is happening around us
Is problematic when
Efforts are made to confound us.

What is clear to some,
To others is quite blurry.
Suspicions arise when something
Is covered up in a scurry.

To know or not to know?
Is that the question that taunts us?
Why didn't we stop it?
Will be the question that haunts us.

- by Bob B (3-30-17)
Mar 2017 · 395
Bob B Mar 2017
The recent Trumpcare plan encountered
Limited chances for survival.
It hacked away at Obamacare
And found itself dead on arrival.

The plan was altered to have more appeal
To the House Freedom Caucus. Why?
The House Freedom Caucus supports
The freedom to get sick and die.

Cutting ten essential services°
Made the proposed plan a sham
By turning it into a possible
Nightmarish insurance scam.

Praise to the members of Congress who
For the RIGHT reasons boldly decried
The plan proposed by Paul Ryan--
A plan laced with cyanide.

Affordable health care for all
Should be our principal goal.
Profit-making insurance companies
Shouldn't be getting out of control.

Trump says, "Let's just watch
Obamacare keep imploding,"
As saboteurs continue to take
Shots at the plan and keep reloading.

Republican leaders don't really want
To fix what we have, to tweak or massage it;
They want to see Obamacare fail
By letting companies sabotage it.

People first, then money.
Let's keep our priorities straight
And not let cold avarice thrive
While health and compassion disintegrate.

(3-25-17) By Bob B

°Ten essential services to be cut:
1. outpatient care
2. emergency room trips
3. in-hospital care
4. pregnancy, maternity and newborn care
5. mental health and substance abuse disorder services
6. prescription drugs
7. rehabilitative services
8. lab tests
9. preventive services
10. pediatric services
Bob B Mar 2017
A doer--yes, that's what you are.
A challenge is always good for you.
But people around you learn very quickly
That you resent being told what to do.

Through you are a hard worker,
Too many details can be a shackle.
But you are eager to initiate
Projects that others don't want to tackle.

You are assertive and impulsive.
New adventures always thrill you.
Showing others that you are a leader
Motivates and helps fulfill you.

Being a lively participant
In the everyday bustle of life excites you.
Being able to finish what
You start always thrills and delights you.

Physical accomplishments
Show that your energy is abundant.
To say that you are always in motion
Would, of course, be redundant.

In fact, to everything that happens,
You have a physical reaction.
To anything that's enterprising,
You have a natural attraction.

You have a lot of inner strength;
You are open and direct.
But a disregard for others
Occurs if energy goes unchecked.

Your independent nature is fine,
Since inwardly you are so strong.
But you can also be self-centered.
To say that wouldn't be wrong.

Generous in many ways
With time and energy, you know
That keeping high ideals in mind
Is the surest way to go.

You march headstrong into combat--
Verbal or physical. Forward you trudge.
Your anger never lasts for long,
And seldom do you hold a grudge.

But you can be impatient, pushy,
And sometimes a little overzealous.
But because of your honesty,
If something is wrong, you will tell us.

Watch that your self-confidence
Doesn't end up being excessive.
Learn the difference between being
Confidently and rudely aggressive.

Ready to try anything once,
You always maintain a frantic pace.
But disappointment of stifled efforts
Shows up clearly on your face.

You're always ready to fight injustice.
There are few doubts--if any--
Whether you can accomplish your tasks.
Just try NOT to take on too many.

- by Bob B (3-23-17)
Mar 2017 · 586
A Place Called Lie Lie Land
Bob B Mar 2017
Once there was a nation, which
Boasted of its wealth and size.
In that nation lies became truth,
And truth became known as lies.

Thus, the country corroborated
An expert's wise and salient prediction
That soon the people everywhere
Wouldn't know fact from fiction.

"Science is irrelevant,"
The leaders of the land decreed.
"Clamp down on critical thinking
And we'll maintain control indeed."

The people became MORE baffled,
MORE confused, MORE perplexed,
And wondered what kind of craziness
They were going to encounter next.

The art of political doublespeak
Was praised, encouraged and expanded.
If you called it gobbledygook,
You were severely reprimanded.

Reporters who sought facts were called
"Purveyors of mendacity,"
While those who were irrational
Were "pillars of veracity."

The general rule was answer a question
With a question, or try to deflect
Any queries toward dead ends.
The tactic was called "Misdirect."

The leader was an expert at
Duplicity and subterfuge.
Ruling without intelligence
Can work when a person's ego is HUGE.

Sad it was to see such a land
Change from what it once had been.
Not until people opened their eyes
Would things improve. Not until then.

- by Bob B (3-21-17)
Mar 2017 · 564
Here, Kitty Kitty!
Bob B Mar 2017
"****! She's calling me again.
Doesn't she know I'm not in the mood?
If I have to go to her,
It had better involve some food.

"Not that same old brand again!
What if I merely walk away?
Will she get the point of what
I am trying to convey?

"No, my tactic isn't working.
That's no way to treat a cat!
Don't forget that we felines
Created the art of *** for tat.

"Clothes just out of the dryer--
A perfect place to curl up
Until she rudely disturbs my slumber
And yells out, 'No, no, Buttercup!'

" 'Buttercup.' What a name!
I would rather my name be
Nefertiti or Cleopatra.
But 'Buttercup' she stuck on me.

"Oh, well, I get even.
When guests come, I just hide.
They will meet me on MY terms.
After all, I've got my pride.

"Once she gave me a catnip toy
Then took it away. Don't know why.
She probably realized
That catnip sort of made me high.

"Yesterday she yelled at me.
I broke her favorite figurine.
I thought it was for me to play with.
Talk about a crazy scene!

"Today I'd better walk on eggshells;
I'll have to mind my p's and q's.
I need to find a place where I
Can lie undisturbed and snooze.

"She thinks I'll protect her from
Little critters. She's so trusting.
But I won't go near a rat.
They're so utterly disgusting!

"Maybe I'd better stop complaining,
Although it's part of my nature to grouse.
If she isn't TOO annoying,
I will let her stay in my house."

- by Bob B (3-20-17)
Mar 2017 · 443
My Thingamajig
Bob B Mar 2017
Problems can be small;
Problems can be big.
I'm having a problem
With my thingamajig.

Too much information,
Some might say.
But it's a kind of problem
You can't wish away.

When they are new,
They work like a dream.
Everything flows
In a steady stream.

But as they get older,
Like many things--I swear--
They start showing
A lot of wear and tear.

I'm sure you could
Make a funny quip;
But it isn't funny
When they start to drip.

One could try to stop
The dripping with one's hand.
But obviously,
It won't go as planned.

I often wonder what
Freud might have said.
The problem's not unique;
It's fairly widespread.

It really doesn't help
To squeeze it or strike it.
Where can I find
Another one just like it?

There HAS to be someone
Who could repair it.
Or do I have to
Simply grin and bear it?

I can't ignore the problem;
It won't disappear.
A pain in the rear!

- by Bob B (3-18-17)
Mar 2017 · 408
Interior Monologue
Bob B Mar 2017
"Distractions, yes! How I love them!
I love to keep the media guessing.
And I can do most anything
And still get my supporters' blessing.

"Wait until they see my budget.
I can hardly contain my laughter.
Crafty convincing will prove we don't
Need the programs I'm going after.

"The EPA? A waste of money.
How easy it will be to arrange
To spend our money on something much
More important than climate change!

"And programs for the needy? Bah!
Important to me is the person who offers
The most discreet methods of placing
Large amounts of cash in my coffers.

"My poorest supporters won’t even see
How badly they are being *******.
I'll keep blaming the dishonest press
And the Democrats' ineptitude.

"Those making over 250
Thousand dollars a year deserve
More in the way of tax breaks for they
Are the supporters I aim to serve.

"I don’t care if kids go hungry.
The rich and poor and in-between
Will benefit more if we direct funds
Into our giant war machine.

"I'm beside myself with joy.
I'm the expert. I'm so good
At making people think I give
A **** about their livelihood.

"The poor, the kids, the elderly,
People needing jobs…ALL
Will be so much better off
After I build my towering wall.

"I need my weekends at Mar-a-Lago.
It's there where I can clear my head.
Will three million dollars of taxpayer money
Per weekend put us in the red?

"It's great how you can manipulate
The people by making up facts and lies.
Most of them don't even know
You're pulling the wool over their eyes."

- by Bob B (3-17-17)
Mar 2017 · 377
Robin Hood in Reverse
Bob B Mar 2017
Instead of fixing Obamacare,
Republicans are making it worse.
They want to play Robin Hood,
But they are playing the role in reverse.

Wanting to come to someone's rescue,
They've come up with a major switch
By robbing money from the poor
And giving that money to the rich.

Cutting Medicaid by billions
Of dollars over the next ten years
Will hurt the people who need the money
The most. The plan deserves no cheers.

To give 880 billion
Dollars in tax cuts to those with wealth
Shows that many Republicans care
More about money than people's health.

Experts predict that over a decade
Twenty-four million people will lose
Their health insurance, which is not
Very reassuring news.

As usual, the elderly
And poor will be the hardest hit.
People have to raise their voices.
We have the right to throw a fit.

So raise your fist in protest while
Ryan and his merry men
With hypocritical smiles on their faces
All come riding through the glen.

- by Bob B (3-15-17)
Mar 2017 · 286
Ubiquitous Bugs
Bob B Mar 2017
Another claim, and it's a doozy.
This one's crossing new frontiers
Of paranoia and total insanity.
You'll hardly believe your very own ears.

Kellyanne CONjob is now saying
In all seriousness that they've
Determined that Donald Trump could have
Been spied on via a microwave!

There's no need for evidence
In our conspiracy theory society.
Just make up anything
And it can be the cause of anxiety.

Put the finest dress on a fib;
However, no matter how hard you try
To decorate and embellish it,
Your lie simply remains a lie.

Trump had better check his Sharpie.
Who knows? It might be bugged.
And just to be safe, his coffee maker
And blow-dryer should stay unplugged.

- by Bob B (3-13-17)
Mar 2017 · 247
More Lies
Bob B Mar 2017
When Trump took office, Sean Spicer,
Press Secretary, expressed
Negative feelings about low figures
For unemployment and further stressed

That such statistics were meaningless.
The important thing is jobs, he said.
Apparently, he was implying
That we have often been misled.

New figures have just come out
Regarding the unemployment rate,
Which is 4.7 percent.
The White House NOW thinks that's great!

Suddenly, figures and numbers
Have meaning, though they didn't before.
Isn't it odd how credibility
Doesn't matter anymore?

The White House has no faith at all
In what the CBO° has to say
Regarding repercussions of
The Republican "fix" for the ACA.°°

White House figures will be more accurate,
Spicer insists, which implies
That we are going to be bombarded
With more alternative facts and lies.

- by Bob B (3-11-17)

°Congressional Budget Office
°°Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Mar 2017 · 427
Unspeakable Savagery
Bob B Mar 2017
Dandara dos Santos, a transgender woman,
Lived in Fortaleza, Brazil.
Although we know very little about her,
The fate that befell her should make you feel ill.

The woman, forty-two years old,
Was dragged from her home by a cruel group of thugs
Out into the street of the town
Where she met with kicks and slugs.

The vicious and violent attackers beat her--
Also using a plank of wood--
While she pleaded and begged for her life
On the cobblestone street of the neighborhood.

They dumped her into a filthy wheelbarrow
And took her to an alley where shortly thereafter
Dandara died from repeated beatings
Amid cold-blooded taunts and laughter.

What is wrong with humanity
That humans can be so animalistic?
Two hundred ninety-five transgender people
Were murdered last year°--an ugly statistic.

Dandara, most of us didn't know you,
And yet we know that you by far
Outvalue the hateful brutes that killed you.
Rest in peace, wherever you are.

- by Bob B (3-8-17)

°From Oct 1, 2015 to Sep 1, 2016, worldwide
Bob B Mar 2017
How we ever ended up
In Wonderland is anyone's guess.
A white rabbit led us down
A hole without an easy egress.

Not enough people wondered
Why the rabbit seemed so strange--
How such a peculiar figure
Could bring about positive change.

Opened doors are way too small;
Closed doors are securely locked.
Either the key is out of reach
Or the path to find it is blocked.

Desperately, we seek an escape.
Once a singular exit appears,
We can swim out with the rat
Or stay and drown in a flood of tears.

We find ourselves in a caucus-race,
Going nowhere. No one's winning.
Floundering about we wonder
Why the Cheshire Cat is grinning.

The caterpillar dreamily tells us,
"Eat of the mushroom--from either side.
One makes you smarter; one makes you dumber.
Use your conscience as your guide."

It's hard to keep our stories straight,
For we hardly know who we are.
We aren't what we were yesterday,
And yet we are, which seems bizarre.

Identities become confused
When everyone speaks in nonsense rhymes.
The bundle that we hold in our arms
Becomes too much to handle at times.

The March Hare, Dormouse, and Hatter,
Sitting together and drinking their tea,
Have a circuitous conversation--
An alternate reality.

Dare we play with the King and Queen,
Who, by the way, think we're fools?
We have all the accoutrements,
But they keep changing all the rules.

The Queen shouts, "Off with their heads!"
Without a bit of remorse or repentance.
Her philosophy is, of course,
The verdict should follow the sentence.

All the chaos in Wonderland
Has baffled us and also incensed us.
How do we manage in such a place
When the cards are stacked against us?

Find Alice. Where is Alice?
She might help us find the solution.
If she saw through the Cheshire Cat's smile
And if she has a strong constitution.

- by Bob B (3-6-17)
Mar 2017 · 300
Bob B Mar 2017
Trump thinks that his phones were tapped
During the campaign season.
If that had been the case, there had to
Have been a very good reason.

If intelligence agencies
Did indeed suspect
Questionable activity
Worthy of being checked,

Maybe they did tap his phones.
But James Clapper° denies it.
Another example of Trump crying "Wolf!"?
We know how often he tries it.

Or is it just one more distraction
To steer us away from how
Trump and certain Republican friends
Are ******* us over right now

By talking of vouchers; talking of limiting
Freedom of expression;
And making a mess of health care, which
Has been their constant obsession;

And letting people discriminate
Based on religious convictions--
An insult to equal rights and they
Can see no contradictions.

Trump's team and Russians have had
Frequent conversations.
Whatever the topics, we know they weren't
Mere congratulations.

Perhaps it's just Trump's paranoia
Coming to the fore.
What started out as a joke isn't
Funny anymore.

- by Bob B (3-5-17)

°Former Director of National Intelligence
Mar 2017 · 1.9k
The Broken Teacup°
Bob B Mar 2017
Ikkyu as a very young child
Displayed signs of being clever.
That he would one day be a great master,
There was no doubt whatsoever.

His teacher had one small treasure--
A precious teacup, a rare antique.
Its beauty was beyond compare,
Its style and craftsmanship unique.

One day Ikkyu happened to break
His teacher's cup. Horror-struck,
He heard his teacher's approaching footsteps,
And there he was: a sitting duck.

Ikkyu quickly picked up the pieces
And held them behind his back. "Why,"
He asked his sagacious teacher,
"Is it that people have to die?"

"Dying is a natural thing,"
The teacher replied, trying to give
A meaningful explanation.
"Everything has just so long to live."

Ikkyu slowly held out his hands,
Showing his teacher the broken cup.
Then he demurely said, "It appears
As though your teacup's time was up."

(2-3-17) By Bob B

°An old anecdote retold here in verse
Mar 2017 · 713
The Strawberry°
Bob B Mar 2017
While walking in a desolate area
Without a weapon and all alone,
A man encountered a vicious tiger.
He stopped in his tracks and uttered a moan.

He ran to the edge of a nearby cliff
And glanced at the jagged rocks below.
Desperate, he climbed down a vine
And hung there swinging to and fro.

Looking up, he saw two mice
And had to stifle his fearful cries.
The mice were gnawing on the vine!
His whole life flashed before his eyes.

Then he noticed a strawberry plant.
Holding on as best he could,
He plucked a single berry and ate it.
A berry had never tasted so good!

(3-2-17) By Bob B

°An old tale retold here in verse
Bob B Mar 2017
A poor farmer had grown so old
That he could no longer work on his land.
He sat on the porch and watched his son work,
Assuming his son would understand.

However, the son, working the fields,
Occasionally would look at his dad
And think to himself, "He does nothing!
His uselessness is driving me mad!"

The son's frustration increased daily.
His selfish resentment wouldn't subside.
He gathered some wood, constructed a coffin,
And told his father to climb inside.

Dragging the coffin to the edge of a cliff,
He stopped when he heard a tapping sound
Coming from the lid, which
He removed and laid on the ground.

The father looked up at his son and said,
"Son, I'd like to avoid a tiff,
But it is obvious to me that you
Are going to throw me over the cliff.

"Throw me over the precipice.
That's odd behavior, but I'll excuse it.
But keep this beautiful, wooden coffin;
YOUR children might want to use it."

- by Bob B (3-1-17)

°An old tale retold here in verse
Bob B Feb 2017
The teacher calmly sat in the dojo,
Waiting for his class to begin.
Seated on his cushion, he silently
Focused on the center within.

A student rushed into the building,
Stopped and gave a cursory bow,
And said, "Teacher, my goal has not
Been very clear to me until now.

"I want to master the martial arts.
What can I do to get there faster?
How many years does it take
A person like me to become a master?"

"Ten years," replied the teacher.
"Ten years? That can't be!"
The student exclaimed. "But I'll work hard--
Ten long hours a day! You'll see.

"If I practice and read and study
And work harder than all my peers,
How long then?" After a moment
The teacher replied, "Twenty years."

-by Bob B (2-28-17)

°An old tale retold here in verse
Feb 2017 · 175
The Other Side°
Bob B Feb 2017
One day a monk near the end of a journey
Encountered a wide, rushing river.
Standing on the bank, he fretted,
"But I have messages to deliver."

For hours he stood there considering his options,
Unable to figure out a good plan.
All at once he noticed that
On the other bank there stood a man.

Elated, the monk waved and yelled,
"Oh, great teacher, good day to you!
To get to the other side of this flowing
River, tell me, what do I do?"

The teacher pondered for a few moments,
Looked up and down the river so wide,
And then yelled back to the fretful monk,
"My son, you ARE on the other side."

- by Bob B (2-27-17)

°An old tale retold here in verse
Bob B Feb 2017
If you would like to run a country
And run it with an iron fist
While thumbing your nose at democracy,
Then keep in mind the following list:

One. Once you're in office,
Defy the voters that you'd been wooing
By doing some of the things that you
Criticized your opponent for doing.

Two. Demonize the media.
Accuse them of grossly distorting
The truth. Call them the enemy,
And give no credence to what they're reporting.

Three. When matters don't go your way,
Resort to alternative facts and choose
Disinformation as the best way
To strengthen your base with far-fetched views.

Four. Give alt-right nationalists
Top positions on your team
And then belittle those who say
That your advisers are too extreme.

Five. Meet with the FBI
To clarify your expectations.
Tell them that they should knock down stories
And change ongoing investigations.

Six. Pressure heads of intelligence
Investigative committees to call
Reporters to tell them to alter reports.
Tell them "To hell with protocol!"

Seven. Downplay the roles of foreign
Countries in helping you win the race.
Discourage further investigations
By saying they're totally out of place.

Eight. Follow the expert advice
Of Vladimir Lenin, who would say,
"A lie told often enough
Becomes the truth." That works today.

Nine. Belittle judges and courts;
Belittle even allies and friends.
Stick your foot in your mouth even more
When you try to make amends.

Ten. It helps to criticize
The CIA and FBI.
Intimidate and discredit them,
And hang the agencies out to dry.

Eleven. Chip away at people's
Rights. Try to make them believe
That what you are doing is for their own good.
Remind them that the press can deceive.

Twelve. Continue campaign rallies
To stroke your ego; to prove you're liked.
Cover up the fact that your
Disapproval ratings have spiked.

A master con artist will know
How to take information and spin it.
He needs to find a gullible mind,
And "There's a sucker born every minute."

- by Bob B (2-26-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
This is the song of a Dreamer.
You would be hard-pressed to find
A more likable person.
He is one of a kind.

He moved to California;
From south of the border he came--
A four-year-old with his family.
Futuro, we'll say, was his name.

Futuro's father and mother
Worked very hard to provide
A good life for their children--
Something that they'd been denied.

Schooling was very important.
Futuro strove to excel.
He wanted his parents to see him
And his three siblings do well.

His college graduation
Made his parents so proud.
The smiles on their faces were something--
The biggest smiles in the crowd.

Futuro landed employment.
Later things went awry
When a cop pulled him over
And gave him a DUI.

That's when the nightmare started
Futuro was able to see
What it was like to be treated
Like a detainee.

Belongings were confiscated.
His hands and feet were chained,
As if he were a convict
Who had to be restrained.

They gave him no information
And moved him from place to place.
Each detention center
Was an utter disgrace.

Conditions were atrocious.
The rooms were damp and cold.
The food was barely edible
After you scraped off the mold.

Thanks to our heartless leaders.
Thanks to the CCA.°
We have detention centers
Where people are treated this way.

Such centers often become
A two- or three-year address
For many detainees caught in
A bureaucratic mess.

These for-profit prisons,
Based on what we know,
Are an assault on our freedom.
Let's face it: they've got to go.

When we civilized people
Treat human beings like this--
Worse than we treat an animal--
There is something amiss.

Futuro, well, he was lucky.
He was released on bail.
Now his fate is in limbo.
At least he's no longer in jail.

Must he hide in the shadows?
Must he be on the run?
What will it take for Futuro
To walk in the light of the sun?

Give Futuro your blessings.
Give the hopeful your praise.
May our eyes be opened.
May we see brighter days.

(2-24-17) By Bob B

°Corrections Corporation of America
Bob B Feb 2017
When hardened hearts ignore the plaintive tears
Of those who are invisible yet present,
They disregard the strugglers' hopes and fears
And make a situation more unpleasant.
Many suffer hazardous conditions
And work that earns a pittance but still brings
A lifestyle that won't **** their true ambitions.
How dare we think that they all live like kings!
Imagine living daily with the terror
Or harsh presentiment--with stress and pain--
Of knowing that despite abuse or error,
Your hands are tied, for you cannot complain.
Your life becomes a sad catch-22.
To keep on going is all that you can do.

Imagine fleeing poverty and war
And frightful acts of cruel persecution.
Your life at least is better than before,
But you await a permanent solution.
Your kids are now American at heart,
But jobs and college cause much consternation.
You work two jobs; you try to do your part;
Yet there's the constant threat of deportation.
When people turn their heads and look away,
A blaze of cruel injustice wildly rages.
The ones affected most can have no say
In how to fix what's NOT worked well for ages.
Solutions lacking heart are cold and numbing
And demonstrate how ugly we're becoming.

- by Bob B (2-23-17)
Feb 2017 · 625
A Timeless Tale°
Bob B Feb 2017
A farmer working in a field
Felt compassion for his horse--
A tired, overworked jade.
He let it go with no remorse.

When villagers discovered that
The farmer's horse had been set free,
They wondered how the man would prosper.
The farmer succinctly said, "We'll see."

Days later the farmer's horse
Returned to the poor man's piece of land,
Bringing along several others,
Eager to give a helping hand.

The villagers heard the wonderful news
And rushed to share the farmer's glee.
"How fortunate you are!" they said.
The farmer merely replied, "We'll see."

The next day the villagers
Watched with ghastly fear in their faces
The son fall while training the horses
And break his leg in numerous places.

Lamenting the farmer's sad misfortune,
They asked how he would ever be
Able to work the land on his own.
The farmer again replied, "We'll see."

Soon a terrible war broke out.
The emperor needed able young men.
Because of his broken leg, the farmer's
Son was excused from duty. Again

The villagers went to the farmer, saying
"Your son escaped the emperor's decree.
How lucky for both of you!" The farmer
Responded by only saying, "We'll see."

Even though the son's leg healed,
The son walked with a definite limp.
Village children viciously teased him,
Calling him a klutz and a gimp.

The villagers came to see the farmer,
Their words of pity staggeringly
Effusive. "Aren't you sad?" they asked.
The farmer smiled and said, "We'll see."

The sons of the villagers died in the war.
The farmer, along with his only son,
Worked the land, grew quite wealthy,
And never complained to anyone.

Once in a while he'd meet his friends
And chat over a cup of tea.
"How lucky you are!" they'd say to him.
He'd shrug his shoulders and say, "We'll see."

- By Bob B (2-21-17)

°An old Chinese tale retold in verse
Bob B Feb 2017
Sometimes we've known that something was going to be scary.
We could picture the outcome with growing ennui.
But once that something happened, it was more frightening
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

Sometimes we've known a storm would cause destruction.
At least that's what the forecasters could foresee.
The storm, however, turned out to be more disastrous
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

Sometimes we've known a disease was going to be deadly.
Hopes of survival brought no guarantee.
Struggling to survive was so much harder
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

Sometimes we've known a person was unstable,
But we couldn't perceive to what degree.
Later we learned that person was more deranged
Than we'd imagined him or her to be.

Sometimes we've known that fighting for our rights
And fighting to preserve democracy
Was going to be a battle more important
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

- by Bob B (2-20-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Your approach to spirituality
And your ideals keep you afloat.
Fulfilling your needs by helping others
Is one more thing that floats your boat.

Being close to water clearly
Inspires you and stimulates you.
Your notion of perfection is
A strong factor that motivates you.

Dealing with people and situations
That don't live up to your ideals
Is hard for you, and you know how
Being exploited by others feels.

Balance is important so that
Others don't take advantage of you.
Ignoring your sense of compassion is one
Of the worst things you could do.

You have a remarkable
Imagination. It's on fire!
The downside is that it could also
Make you a pathological liar.

But that is usually not the case.
Pisceans can be kind and gentle.
It's when they feel victimized
That they start feeling temperamental.

You--the dreamer of the zodiac--
Can oddly come off as vague and elusive.
To maintain your equilibrium,
You sometimes need to be reclusive.

You can easily grasp the abstract,
But you probably don't recall
The times you've seemed so out of touch
That you made no sense at all.

Empathetic and sensitive,
Usually, you couldn't be sweeter.
But watch out! Insecurity
Can make you a compulsive eater.

Since you have an addictive nature,
It's crucial for you to avoid temptations.
You must show caution when you're around
Alcohol and medications.

A healthy sense of self is important,
For when your wanting to give exceeds
Your own capacity for giving,
You start to neglect your very own needs.

Don't succumb to escapism
Or over-sensitivity.
Your flexible nature is
A natural proclivity.

The environment strongly affects
Your emotional reactions.
The better organized you are,
The better you can handle distractions.

Some people think that you lack
Self-confidence, but not
Those who know you well, for you
Are able to accomplish quite a lot.

Continue to be an inspiration
To others. Do not slacken your pace.
Keep a positive outlook and you'll
Help make the world a better place.

- by Bob B (2-19-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Whistleblowers, blow your whistles;
Expose deceitful corruption and fraud.
Reveal the ghastly, vile and unethical
Doings that hide behind each façade.

Muckrakers, rake through the muck;
Bring wrongdoing and cover-ups to light.
Denounce guile and chicanery.
Raise our awareness; do what is right.

Investigative journalists,
Unveil lies and hypocrisy.
Disclose injustice wherever it is.
Protect our democracy.

People of conscience, raise your voices.
Loudly drown out the messages of hate.
Don't be bullied; don't be afraid
To express what you won't tolerate.

When your hard-earned freedoms are threatened,
Don't let your resolve give way.
"The press is the enemy of the people"
Is something only a tyrant would say.

- by Bob B (2-18-17)
Feb 2017 · 622
Bob B Feb 2017
Regarding the Trump administration...

Trump says his administration
Runs just like a "fine-tuned machine."
He's got to be kidding! This is the most
Dysfunctional one we've ever seen!

Regarding General Flynn…

Regarding Flynn's resignation,
Trump refuses to give up the fight.
He says that Flynn did nothing wrong;
"If anything, he did something right."

Regarding the Electoral College…

Trump insists that since Ronald Reagan,
He received the most votes.
Bush one, Bill Clinton, and Obama got more.
Who the heck is writing his notes?

Regarding the media…

Trump's still calling the questioning press
Dishonest, and he cannot understand
Why there's so much negativity.
He lives in a definite fantasy land!

Regarding TV…

Trump considers "Fox & Friends"
The most "honest morning show."
That is downright scary to hear.
Fatuity's reached a new plateau.

Regarding bigotry and respect…**

Trump says he's the least racist
Person that you'll ever see.
And last fall he said that no one
Respects women more than he!

- by Bob B (2-16-17)
Feb 2017 · 325
Credibility and Trust
Bob B Feb 2017
The Trump administration continues
To sing the dour voter fraud song.
Hoping to weaken voting rights,
Many Republicans sing along.

Multiple-state registration:
One case in point, they state.
Let's see what kind of evidence
They'll be able to create.

Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner,
Bannon and Spicer, it's vital to note,
Were registered in multiple states--
Yes, registered to vote!

White House adviser Stephen Miller
Speaks in defense of the president's claims
By raising more foundationless doubts--
By building a fire and fanning the flames.

"The president's authority
Will NOT be questioned," Miller declares.
When our leaders talk like that,
It's a sorry state of affairs.

Toning down such dictatorial
Language is going to be a must
If the current administration
Expects to be credible and wants our trust.

- by Bob B (2-16-17)
Feb 2017 · 150
Beyond Question
Bob B Feb 2017
I keep hearing
People say
That facts often
Get in the way.
Bombarded by
The constant chatter,
I'll merely say,
"Facts matter."

- by Bob B (2-15-17)
Feb 2017 · 179
Bubble of Denial
Bob B Feb 2017
Russia-gate is loudly exploding
As more information emerges.
Now that General Flynn has resigned,
I wonder: Will there be more purges?

During the election campaign
General Flynn had made a big squawk
That Clinton was a security threat.
Wasn't HE one to talk?

Many questions come to mind--
Ones that will plague us again and again.
More people want to know
Who knew what, how much, and when?

Trump says he's very concerned
About information leaks,
Despite his lackadaisical
Behavior for the past few weeks.

Does HE conduct official business
On a NONsecured mobile phone?
Does discussing national security
In a public venue set the right tone?

To be in a bubble of denial
Might provide some comfort at first.
But keep in mind that at some point,
That comfy bubble is going to burst.

- by Bob B (2-14-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Oh, how the emperor loves his new clothes!
He loves the flash, the glitz, the show.
The presentation is all that matters--
The garish, ostentatious tableau.

His lackeys and sycophants grovel before him,
Currying favor and kissing his…****.
Loving all the attention, he can't
Distinguish between substance and farce.

The emperor has the best people--
The best tailors, the best spinners--
Who say that the ruler's fancy new clothes
Can separate losers from winners.

Fawning subjects praise their leader.
Mesmerized by his tales,
The people fail to see the danger
When facts are ignored and fiction prevails.

Whether from pride, thirst for power,
Or ego, the emperor--walking on air--
Doesn't see that underneath
The pageantry there's nothing there.

Who can break the news to the emperor?
Who can put an end to the lies?
What will bring about true awareness?
What will it take to open his eyes?

- by Bob B (2-13-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Pseudo-scientific writings
Of two men named Strauss and Howe°
Talk about an existential
War that we are in right now.

It's called a war of the Fourth Turning,
And here's one thing the writings mention:
By aggravating societal pressures,
Leaders control the nation's attention.

Leadership will take measures
To assert public authority. (How nice!)
Then they will apply pressure
To demand public sacrifice.

An unexpected leader called
The Grey Champion will emerge--
A messianic strongman who'll
Lead the nation as allies merge.

It ought not to be so difficult
To see through this fiction, ought it?
However, the president's right hand man,
(Gulp!) Steve Bannon, bought it.

This is the "birth of a new political
Order," Bannon has said. What' more,
We're "in the top of the first inning."
He puts it this way: "We're at war!"

Expansionist China and radical Islam
Will bring about our defeat
Because the Judeo-Christian West,
Bannon adds, is in retreat.

He talks of dark days ahead.
Part of the apocalyptic plan
Has to do with being "reborn"
Or having to face the end of man.

Bannon has the president's ear!
It's really scary when buffoons
Are given top positions and power.
THIS GUY is ****** TUNES!

- by Bob B (2-11-17)

°William Strauss and Neil Howe
Feb 2017 · 233
Bob B Feb 2017
According to the dictionary,
Someone who with great compulsion
Stretches the truth habitually.

A NARCISSIST would be a person
Showing an excessive preoccupation
With him- or herself and also displaying
Overwhelming self-admiration.

An exaggerated sense of self-
Importance also plays a part
In how the NARCISSIST behaves.
The person has very little heart.

Abnormally egotistical
And overly self-absorbed and conceited,
The EGOMANIAC can cause
A lot of damage if left untreated.

Being even one of the above
Would make people think you're a ****.
But if you were all THREE of them,
You'd be a real piece of work.

- by Bob B (2-10-17)
Feb 2017 · 557
Impressions of Sessions
Bob B Feb 2017
Trump's recent nominee--
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions--
Has been confirmed by the Senate,
Despite the man's horrid impressions.

Rejected in 1986
To serve as a federal judge for being
Racist, Sessions is now AG!°
It's hard to believe what we are seeing.

Having been a loyal promoter
Of Trump's agenda all along,
Sessions is now in a perfect position
To add more verses to Trump's song.

Good-by to police accountability;
Good-by to voting rights as well.
Compassionate immigration reform
Will probably be shot to hell.

LGBT rights and protections
Will also continue to dwindle away,
For Sessions' reputation leans
Toward being anti-gay.

His strong stance against civil
And equal rights is revealing.
It will be sad to watch America
Deepen wounds that should be healing.

by Bob B (2-9-17)

°Attorney General
Feb 2017 · 312
Bad Betsy
Bob B Feb 2017
The Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos
As Secretary of Education--
A real slap in the face to the public
School system in this nation.

DeVos's desire to "advance God's kingdom"
Through education sounds a bit scary.
That should make anybody
Who knows the Constitution wary.

Her vague and incoherent replies
To Senators' questions were dull and drizzly.
Her thoughts regarding guns in schools:
You never know; there might be a grizzly.

Her reputation for school reform
In Michigan isn't stellar.
To weaken the public school system
Is NOT a solution. Would someone tell her?

- by Bob B (2-8-17)
Feb 2017 · 347
Hearing the Voice of Reason
Bob B Feb 2017
From an enormous ocean of voices
Loudly emerges the voice of reason,
Telling you that fighting injustice
Has nothing to do with disloyalty or treason.

When a veil of confusion covers
Truth, depriving it of clarity,
The veil must be lifted so that
Honesty vanquishes insincerity.

When a foggy mist of deception
Completely obscures the seeker's view,
Doubt and uncertainty linger on
Until the light of truth breaks through.

A word that appears to be innocuous,
Can, depending on its source,
Manifest repercussions
With damaging, destructive force.

Don't be deceived by cunning distractions--
By sirens luring you to your doom.
Don't be afraid to stay the course
When clouds of intimidation loom.

Allowing you to see more clearly,
The true voice of reason will guide you--
Whether it calls you from the distance,
Or whether it comes from deep inside you.

- by Bob B (2-8-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Alternative facts, fallacious assumptions,
And false equivalency are stunning
As Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conjob,
And Sean Spicer hit the ground running.

Regarding the Bowling Green Massacre, Conjob
Said she'd misspoken. Not a crime.
However, the last time she said it, she'd
Misspoken her "fact" for the third time.

What about Spicer's outlandish statement
That recent marchers were paid? What's FUNNY is
No one paid me a cent to march.
I want to know where my MONEY is.

Trump said the "dishonest" press
Once again has been refusing
To publish reports of recent attacks
By terrorists here. Very amusing!

Imagine our press NOT covering
Most attacks here and abroad!
Another of Trump's alternative facts
Like the one on voter fraud.

This disconnection from the truth--
This constant need to fictionalize--
Doesn't bode well for this country.
When are they going to dispense with these lies?

- by Bob B (2-7-17)
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Primate Peril
Bob B Feb 2017
When humankind is out of control,
The world suffers a giant loss.
Threats of mass extinctions aren't
Difficult to come across.

More than half of the world's primates
Are on the verge of extinction due
To agriculture, logging, mining,
And hunting. Where's the hullabaloo?

Lemurs, chimps, orangutans,
And lowland gorillas are under threat.
When we endanger others, we also
Endanger ourselves, don't forget.

Habitat loss, climate change,
Wildlife trade…. Scientists fear
That if these are not halted, many
Primates will sadly disappear.

We're talking about numerous species--
A couple hundred, not just dozens.
What is wrong with **** sapiens?
How could we do that to our cousins?

-by Bob B (2-6-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Please don't be my Valentine
UNLESS your heart's sincere--
Unless you get all tingly
Whenever I come near.
You can't be my Valentine
If dreaming's obsolete--
If without me in your life
You wouldn't be complete.
How can we be Valentines
If we cannot laugh
At all our idiosyncrasies
That speak on our behalf?
There's NO way we'll be Valentines
Unless you find me charming--
Unless you find my silly habits
Pleasantly disarming.
We cannot be Valentines
Unless it means forever--
Unless our solid love is one
That even death can't sever.
No, we won’t be Valentines
Unless my words ring true,
And feelings that you have for me
Are just like mine for you.
But IF we CAN'T be Valentines,
Nothing else then matters--
My WORLD will be an empty shell;
My HEART will be in tatters.
- by Bob B
Bob B Feb 2017
Through different eyes we see the world.
I see the poor, struggling alone,
Limited by their circumstances,
Held back through no fault of their own.

You, however, are convinced
That laziness is the cause of their plight.
Denying your privileged life, you see
The situation as black and white.

I see climate change as a threat,
Affecting us now, but mainly hereafter.
Considering the whole matter a hoax,
You respond with derisive laughter.

I see people in desperate need
Of medical care that they can afford--
Care that's not a privilege but
A right leaving no one ignored.

You, too, believe in health care
But not as a right that people deserve.
With you it seems as though the idea
Of helping others strikes a nerve.

I acknowledge the importance of
Necessary regulations.
You see the government having
Too much control over corporations.

I see the need for high standards
For clean water and clean air.
To you such regulations are
Burdensome and also unfair.

People who make large amounts
Of money can therefore afford to pay
Higher taxes than the poor.
To me it just makes sense that way.

You are more concerned that the wealthy
Keep more of their money, which
Is a common refrain that we hear
Coming from the lips of the rich.

America's diversity
To me is beautiful, and yet
To you it seems as though our great
Diversity is a threat.

I want to strengthen our public schools.
When saying that, I see your hostility.
You want to strengthen the private ones
With little or no accountability.

Another giant issue that comes
From seeing the world through different eyes
Is the notion that what I call facts
Are to you nothing but lies.

It's not a matter of good or bad;
It's just a matter of point of view.
Based on all our experiences,
We see the world the way we do.

- by Bob B (2-5-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Can you imagine being on a ship
And being tossed to and fro,
With blustery winds of uncertainty threatening
To toss you into the depths below?

The waves of contempt bash against
What was once a sturdy bow.
The only thought that runs through your mind
Is "I have to survive, but HOW?"

Pelted by the freezing rain,
You and your fellow travelers on board
Clutch one another and ask yourselves,
"Why were earlier warnings ignored?"

The captain's chilling words still haunt you:
"I give commands; you will heed them!"
During the journey he let loose the lifeboats,
Screaming madly, "We won't need them!"

Running in circles, the captain's crew--
Inexperienced and unprepared--
Go through the motions of helping the travelers
And try to hide the fact that they're scared.

Icebergs rise and fall in the distance;
Alarm signals are flashing red.
"Never mind!" the captain shouts.
"**** the icebergs! Full speed ahead!"

Ignoring advice, the captain defies
The waves threatening to overwhelm
The ship. Yes, pity the travelers
When there's a madman at the helm.

- by Bob B (2-4-17)
Bob B Feb 2017
Kellyanne CONjob is at it again,
Making up more alternative facts.
Then she is so upset and dismayed
When she learns how the public reacts.

Attempting to defend Donald Trump's
BAN on citizens from seven nations
That happen to have a Muslim majority--
The ban caused national demonstrations--

CONjob spoke of the Bowling Green Massacre,
Which never happened. Point number two:
She said that President Obama had banned
Iraqi refugees. Also not true.

In twenty eleven more extensive
Vetting procedures were implemented,
The facts of which fade away
When NEW "facts" are invented.

Really, you have to hand it to her.
She is adept at duping Trump's base.
Alternative facts, while fooling the public,
Can also make you fall on your face.

- by Bob B (2-3-17)
Feb 2017 · 529
Danger in the Breit House
Bob B Feb 2017
When fringe groups go mainstream,          
We're in a lot of trouble.
If extremism turns you on,
Sorry to burst your bubble.

A virus in the Wh…Breit House uses
Every opportunity
To threaten our democracy
By weakening our immunity.

Opposition to the virus
Is told--is ordered--to hush.
If you have been directly exposed,
Your brain will turn to mush.

Once you are infected the damage
Is usually irreparable.
(A fool and foolish ideas are
Without a doubt inseparable.)

The Bannon virus is dangerous
Because it's so insidious.
That's why healthy individuals
Find it so invidious.

Disinfecting the Breit House will
Require a lot of gumption.
People will say it's impossible,
But that's a mere presumption.

Remain healthy and well-informed.
There's no time to relax.
Woe to the country if the virus
Isn't stopped in its tracks.

- by Bob B (2-2-17)
Feb 2017 · 371
A Stolen Seat
Bob B Feb 2017
Mitch McConnell and fellow Republicans
For almost a year refused to budge
On President Obama's nominee
To serve as a U.S. Supreme Court judge.

As East Coast prime-time drama,
Trump made a big reveal:
To serve on the Court, a staunch conservative
Nominee--the real deal.

The judge, recommended by alt-right
Extremist Bannon and far-right groups,
Is going to have to prove himself
By jumping through a series of hoops.

The Right wants a judge whose thinking is based
On what our Founding Fathers wrote.
Oh, is that when Blacks were slaves
And women weren't allowed to vote?

Democrats in the Senate must learn
From die-hard Republicans--*** for tat--
How to be obstructionists.
Republicans have been experts at that.

-by Bob B (2-1-17)
Jan 2017 · 460
Bob B Jan 2017
We hear the sounds of approaching thunder
Drowning out the cries and pleas
Of people calling out for freedom--
Urgent calls in times like these!

We hear the words that spit and sputter--
That splatter against mellifluous sounds
Of peace, of hope, of promise, of caring,
Creating verbal battlegrounds.

We see the dark and threatening clouds
Looming above, waiting to rain
On love and reason. The winds of hatred
Equal the force of a hurricane.

We see around the neck of compassion
A cruel, ever-tightening noose,
While the henchmen multiply--
A surge of bigotry on the loose.

We feel in our hearts the longing
For dreams that should be guaranteed
By thoughtful laws and not by decisions
Forged from ignorance, power, and greed.

We feel the sadness, pain, and despair
Of all who are trampled and left behind,
Of all whose rights are being denied,
Of all who are hated and maligned.

We know that we can transcend bias;
When myth prevails, wisdom departs.
We can flourish by wisely removing
The chains of intolerance from our hearts.

We know that we have the potential
To live in a country governed by laws
Embracing all the people here
And freeing us from tyranny's claws.

- by Bob B (1-31-17)
Jan 2017 · 173
The Visit
Bob B Jan 2017
During a future trip to England,
Trump plans to visit the Queen.
Whether that encounter will happen
Still, however, remains to be seen.

Trump chooses not to see
Prince Charles. Want to know why?
There's an issue about which the two
Do not see eye to eye:

Prince Charles supports the views
Of most of the experts, who agree
That climate change is worthy of being
Discussed over a cup of tea.

Whether Trump could comprehend
Healthy discussion is pure conjecture,
But Trump's team has made it clear
That he won't listen to a lecture.

Trump has said that climate change
Is a hoax created by the Chinese
"To make U.S. manufacturing
Non-competitive." Really? Please!

It isn't common for a president
To be so obtuse and thin-skinned, is it?
I'd love to hear the Queen tell Trump
Where he could stick his visit!

- by Bob B (1-30-17)
Jan 2017 · 1.3k
A Lot Can Happen in a Week
Bob B Jan 2017
A lot can happen in a week,
Let alone in one whole year.
Many dreams can be shattered;
Many rights can disappear.

Things can all be topsy-turvy.
Foundations of democracy
Can crumble from the constant blows
Of madness and hypocrisy.

In a flash a nation whose
Ideals helped it achieve its dreams
Can lose the threads that held it together
And start to fall apart at the seams.

In an instant, something that we
Took for granted--freedom for all--
Can grieve over its final performance
As it waits for its curtain call.

In a short period of time,
Progress made in human rights
Can find itself desperately
Groping through the darkest of nights.

In a matter of days, a small
Group of people driven by greed,
Thirst for power, and grotesque views
Can choke a nation with frightening speed.

But ALSO in a matter of days,
More people can open their eyes
And read between the lines and see
Scores of manipulating lies.

In this same period of time,
People can dig in their heels and say,
"Together we stand; we refuse
To let our rights be taken away."

- by Bob B (1-29-17)
Jan 2017 · 420
Wipe a Tear from Her Eye
Bob B Jan 2017
On January 27,
Holocaust Remembrance Day,
The president signed an executive order.
Our blue skies are turning gray.

From seven countries we are halting
Visas and travel. There's a list.
The countries happen to be Muslim-
Dominated. Get the gist?

The order says it's temporary,
And it will surely have its fans.
But one problem is that the order
Opens the door to further bans.

Trump says it's not discrimination
Against a religion. Don't believe him.
Using language to assert his power,
He's letting illogical thoughts deceive him.

Invoking the victims of 9/11,
He says that the order will
Protect our nation from terrorists--
A promise that he wants to fulfill.

What is interesting to note
Is NONE of the terrorists who were blamed
For atrocious attacks on 9/11
Came from the seven countries named!

They came from Egypt, Lebanon,
Saudi Arabia, and the U.A.E.
But none of those countries are on the list.
What does that say? You tell me.

What a great way to alienate
Our allies with appalling success
And to radicalize more people
Around the world and in the U.S.!

The Statue of Liberty's torch is dimming.
Hardened hearts don't know why.
Look! The date on her tablet is fading!
Wipe a tear from Liberty's eye.

- by Bob B (1-28-17)
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