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4d · 23
How Many?
Bob B 4d
Recently, Israelis rescued
Four hostages. People are thrilled.
But during the rescue, how many innocent
Palestinian civilians were killed?

The attack by Hamas on October 7
Was indeed an abomination,
And when a life is saved, that
Should be a cause for celebration.

But let's not lose sight of the huge loss
Of innocent lives since all this started.
It's hard to see what's happening
In Gaza and not feel broken-hearted.

What a shame that so many people
Are caught in between two warring factions
And suffer because of Hamas's attacks
And Netanyahu's revengeful reactions.

Reports vary as to how many
Civilians have died, but numbers are high--
More civilians than combatants,
But numbers are hard to verify.°

We must put pressure on BOTH sides
In order to make these numbers drop.
They have to put an end to this conflict.
All this killing has got to stop!

-by Bob B (6-12-24)

°The U.N. estimates more than 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza and more than 1,200 people in Israel have died in the war.
5d · 22
Bob B 5d
People often say what they wish,
And when they do, it's always nice
When speakers of English express themselves
In language that is clear and precise.

Presently, if you're somewhere else,
And I would rather have you near,
And if I were speaking with you on the phone,
I'd say, "I really wish you were here."

If, however, I speak of the past,
And my disappointment I wish to convey
Because you couldn't be where I was,
"I wish you had been there" is what I would say.

For "wish" situations, if present, think past:
"I wish I knew the method right now."
Here I am saying that if I were able
To demonstrate something, I'd show you how.

For past situations, think past perfect:
"I wish I had known the secret back then."
Whatever the secret was, this means
That I didn't know it way back when.

"I wish she were able to join us today."
"We wish we had a million bucks."
"I wish you had been at the game with us."
"He wishes he hadn't said, 'That *****!'"

When "wish" expressions are used with care
And modeled for others to hear and read,
We say exactly what we mean,
And that is marvelous indeed!

-by Bob B (6-11-24)
Bob B 7d
It happened here in America:
If over our history books one pores,
He or she will find that ****
Sympathizers were on our shores.

Back in the 1930s and 40s,
While Naziism was on the rise
In Europe, there were Americans
Who eagerly bought into ******'s lies.

Henry Ford was one who had
Ideas we would call extreme.
He often spoke of the "Jewish threat"
And sympathized with the **** regime.

Charles Lindbergh also expressed
Racist beliefs. He was a critic
Of entering into a war against ******
And held views that were anti-Semitic.

Charles Coughlin,° a Catholic priest,
Spoke out loudly against the Jews.
Using radio waves, he reached
Millions with his pro-fascist views.

Philip Johnson°° was linked to Coughlin.
Fascist ideas were right up his alley.
He wrote anti-Semitic pieces
And went to many a **** rally.

Even Walt Disney attended some
Pro-**** meetings before the war
And gave a tour of his studio to
A **** director. Hmmm. What for?

The **** propaganda machine
Spread its misinformation here,
And law enforcement agencies
Were reluctant to interfere.

One goal was to keep the U.S.
Out of the war, for ****** knew
That if America entered the war,
He'd likely lose World War II.

The other goal: to cause the people
To bathe in their anger, so to speak,
To turn the people against one another
In order to make the country look weak.

Now that we have the Internet,
Propaganda can spread even faster.
And when it comes to creating chaos,
We know that Vladimir Putin's a master.

What should we do? Become informed,
Keep our eyes open, and stay alert.
Letting propaganda destroy us
Is a disaster we MUST avert.

-by Bob B (6-8-24)

°He was known as "the radio priest" and was a mass media demagogue.
°°An architect and active supporter of ******'s Third ***** and even as of 1964 said ****** was "better than Roosevelt."
Bob B Jun 7
What is this world coming to?
Sometimes I can't believe my ears.
When it comes to ludicrousness,
We are encountering new frontiers.

Mike Johnson° has told us that
Republicans value the rule of law.
However, for a very strange reason,
Their grasp of it has a major flaw:

The rule of law is important to them
When they can use it on others, you see.
But if the law is directed at them,
They want complete immunity.

Johnson has placed two House members,
Ronny Jackson°° and Scott Perry,°°°
On the Intelligence Committee.
Now try to tell me THAT'S not scary.

Demoted from admiral to captain,
Jackson has proved to be a skunk:
One, for mistreating his staff members,
And two, for treating patients while drunk.

Perry's appointment is more bizarre,
For he had had a strong connection
With plots to ignore election results
And with the Capitol insurrection.

That Johnson has placed these two men
On the committee has to defy
Reason, for now they will be
Overseeing the FBI!

A Black House member, Byron Donalds,°°°°
With his MAGA fiction in tow,
Said that Blacks were much better off
During the Jim Crow era! Whoa!

And one more thing: Trump says since
He's been accused of "alleged" crimes,
Because he's a victim, Blacks love him,
For they have suffered through difficult times.

My goodness! What is going on?
With all this crazy nonsense transpiring,
It appears that in these Republicans,
Synapses in their brains are misfiring.

-by Bob B (6-7-24)

°Current Speaker of the House
°°Republican representative from Texas
°°°Republican representative from Pennsylvania
°°°°Republican representative from Florida
Jun 5 · 34
Poem 1400
Bob B Jun 5
This is my fourteen-hundredth poem
Published on my blog so far.
My inspirations are almost endless--
Sort of like an open bar.

I'm going to quote myself this time
By using almost to the letter
Lines that come from my twelve-hundredth poem.
It's hard to say it any better:

I've "published" my poems on various sites,
Which, as I said, include my blog.
"For me, my poetry collection
Is almost like a travelogue--

"A mental travelogue depicting
My thoughts traveling to and fro."
I'm never certain where my thoughts
Will take me. "I just go with the flow.

"Today might be a little visit
To a place called 'Hypocrisy-land.'
There you'll find politicians
Who have gotten out of hand.

"Tomorrow might take me to a place
Where I spend a lot of time--
A place where animals can talk
And anecdotes are put to rhyme.

"To outer space my mind might travel;
Or out to explore nature's wonders.
Perhaps I'll take a nostalgic trip
Or write about people's triumphs or blunders."

Climate change, current events,
"Unknown figures, people of fame,
Likable folks, and miscreants, too,"--
All these topics become fair game.

Religion is not off-limits, for I
Detest religious hypocrisy,
The ways religion is misused,
And the dangers of a theocracy.

Sometimes I'll write a poem that could
Be sung to a melody of my own;
Or maybe I'll write a poem that could
Be sung to a song that is well known.

"Eschewing ambiguity
Or language rich in metaphor,
I find that a simple, conversational,
Straightforward style suits me more.

"To many poets, poems that rhyme
Are--according to them--passé.
Although it has its limitations,
Rhyming for me is here to stay."

The quoted lines are what I wrote
In December 2021.
Writing continues to be a challenge
That's stimulating, exciting, and fun.

So when it comes to poetry,
I don't want to be myopic.
I maintain that anything
Imaginable can be a topic.

-by Bob B (6-5-24)
Jun 4 · 22
Senseless Attacks
Bob B Jun 4
Sadly, we can see that in Congress,
Republicans still have a bone
To pick with Dr. Anthony Fauci.
They CANNOT leave him alone.

As much as the doctor has tried to do
To save Americans' lives
During the recent COVID pandemic,
Ignorance still thrives.

Far-right extremists in the House,
Instead of legislating,
Are wasting energy and time
Being nauseating.

It's really hard to listen to
Their baseless accusations,
Paranoid, nonsensical rants,
And ludicrous speculations.

They won't admit that they've been wrong
And even say they're sorry
For persecuting a doctor whose
Reputation is starry.

Instead, they'll put their trust in a man
Who said that viral infections
Could perhaps be treated if we
All took bleach injections!

Because of all the senseless attacks
That have taken place,
Dr. Fauci has received
Death threats from Trump's base.

Let's elect people to Congress
Who wisely use their positions
To focus on laws that help all people
And not just the politicians.

-by Bob B (6-4-24)
May 31 · 30
34 Counts!
Bob B May 31
Donald Trump, convicted felon…
We know it's power for which he thirsts.
Craving attention, he's also managed
To earn for himself a number of firsts:

The first U.S. president
Impeached by the House, not once but twice!
(He always has to one-up himself.
For MOST presidents, just ONCE would suffice.)

The first former president
Tried and convicted on thirty-four counts!
(While ONE would be enough for most,
We know how much he loves AMOUNTS.)

The first convicted felon running
For the office of U.S. president!
(How many firsts can this man handle--
This New York/Florida resident?)

Our justice system is catching up
With Donald Trump, and it's about time.
For many years the man's been able
To get away with crime after crime.

But once again he'll play the martyr--
Especially now that he's been convicted--
Even though his constant troubles
And suffering are self-inflicted.

Thirty-four counts! But wait, for there
Are more indictments. Will there be
More convictions down the road?
We will have to wait and see.

-by Bob B (5-31-24)
May 29 · 31
Language Limericks
Bob B May 29
Whether or not you seek glory,
Whenever you're writing a story,
You'll know on the double
That you're in big trouble
If you confuse "hoary"° with "whorey."

°definition: old and trite

It's really quite shocking to me
When speakers of English can't see
What they convey
Whenever they
Use "him" when they ought to use "he."

They say the subjunctive° is dying.
If I said, "Who cares?" I'd be lying.
If I were you,
I'd do what I do:
Perfect it! At least I'd keep trying.

°The subjunctive mood expresses wishes, suggestions, demands, or desires.

-Past Participle-
To another thing I must ask "Why?"
To the past participle, say "Bye!"
Why don't folks give a ****
When they say "We have swam,"
"He has ran," "I have drank"? My, oh, my!

-Past Perfect-
The past perfect tense I can tell
Can cause people problems as well.
Some folks abuse it;
Some just don't use it.
Use "had" with the past par…. Ah, hell!

-by Bob B (5-28-24)
May 27 · 22
Memorial Day 2024
Bob B May 27
Back in January this year
Sergeant Kennedy Sanders was killed.
Today, for all her dear loved ones,
The hole in their hearts remains unfilled.

Assigned to a military outpost
In Jordan, she and her team became
Targets of a drone attack.
Islamic terrorists were to blame.

Operation Inherent Resolve
Was a mission to combat hate--
The hate that's being perpetuated
By groups such as the Islamic State.

Rebuilding infrastructure was
Why the engineers were there.
The threat of danger was always something
For which the soldiers had to prepare.

Just one day prior to
The day that Kennedy met her end,
She and her mom had talked about
The kinds of Girl Scout cookies to send.

How sad! Because of fanaticism,
Countless innocent people have died.
Religious extremism proves to be
A giant thorn in humanity's side.

Unfortunately, the suffering
Is NOT just caused by militant groups.
Sometimes fanatic leaders cause grief
Through bombing raids and sending out troops.

Kennedy's friends and family
Will sadly but proudly make their way
To Kennedy's grave where they will leave
Flowers on this Memorial Day.

-by Bob B (5-27-24)
May 20 · 46
Dancing in the Nude
Bob B May 20
When growing up, I never had
The feeling that I was a finicky *****,
And even though it wasn't a custom
For us to parade around in the ****,

My easygoing Midwestern parents
Never felt that it would befoul
Our minds if after bathing they
Returned to their bedroom wrapped in a towel.

I learned, however, that some people were
In many respects less modest than others.
For instance, my friend's mother's behavior
Was very different from my mother's.

We'd be playing--my friend and I--
When all of a sudden his mom would prance
Into his room not wearing a thing,
Almost as though she was doing a dance.

It was…different, but not for me
A reason for laughing, fleeing, or fainting.
I was used to seeing scores
Of nudes in many a Renaissance painting.

Unfazed, my friend and I continued
To do whatever we were playing
As though we had merely witnessed his mom
Vacuuming, baking pies, or crocheting.

We humans are the only mammals
That stifle our belches, excuse our farts,
And feel that it's very necessary
To cover up our private parts--

Unless you are a nudist, of course.
That, we know, is a different matter.
So, birthday suit or covered body?
I think I will stick with the latter.

I have been to **** beaches
Both in the States and overseas.
Instead of feeling liberated,
I felt a little bit ill at ease.

I do not find ******
Offensive at all, so please take note:
If that's your thing, then be my guest
And do whatever floats your boat.

If "clothes make the man," as the saying goes,
****** levels the playing field.
But I feel more relaxed if certain
Body parts remain concealed.

-by Bob B (5-20-24)
May 19 · 42
Then and Now
Bob B May 19
I remember when I was a youth
How consoling it was to know
That I had little to worry about.
Ah, but that was long ago.

If, perchance, the roof had a leak,
Dad would be up there in a flash
To find the problem, and once he did,
Off to the hardware store he would dash.

Electrical trouble? He had it down.
Plumbing issues? No problem at all.
He examined the situations,
Addressing the problems large and small.

If my mom wanted a door
Moved from one wall to another,
My dad got out the sledgehammer.
Anything to please my mother.

Carpentry was not his thing.
That is where he came up short.
Intellectual creativity
Was his passion, his love, his forte.

My mom was super organized
And ready for any circumstance.
She handled the bills, managed the home,
And planned our meals weeks in advance.

Multi-talented she was!
She cooked and baked, knocked down fences,
Gardened, and kept us kids in line.
Discipline meant consequences.

She even managed to work for a store
As a bookkeeper. We always knew
That everything was under control,
Though we were far from well-to-do.

We kids all had our weekly chores,
Which we begrudgingly did, of course.
However, the way my folks made us feel
Safe and secure was a tour de force.

Life is very different now.
There's no way that I can repair
Leaky roofs, wiring, or plumbing.
I couldn't even on a dare.

I know how to call an electrician,
Plumber, roofer--anyone
To handle concerns at which I'm inept.
I want repairs correctly done.

But every so often I catch myself
Being at peace in my childhood room,
Thinking that all was well with the world
And having no thoughts of doom or gloom.

Young and naïve, all I knew
Was my little world, safe and secure.
Threats to that tranquility
Were imperceptible, obscure.

Little did I know at the time
That life for others wasn't so sweet,
That some lacked food and shelter and had
Difficulty making ends meet,

That some were caught in the middle of clashing
Armies, that innocent people were dying,
That people struggled for rights and freedom,
That life for some was horrifying.

Naïveté and complacency--
As comfortable as they might seem--
Can insulate us from world problems
As though we're living in a dream,

One from which we must awaken.
And when we do, we have to decide
Whether we'll work to better the world
Or stay in our comfy cocoon and hide.

-by Bob B (5-19-24)
May 16 · 27
Ned Kelly
Bob B May 16
(This poem can be sung to the melody of the old folk song "Tom Dooley.")

What did you want, Ned Kelly?°
What gave you grounds for hope?
Well, Ned, it can't be fun when
You're hanging from a rope.

Bushranger°° Harry Power…
Was he a loyal mate?
They say he was your mentor
Who led you to your fate.

Victims of persecution--
That's what you said you were.
Victims of your gang's horse theft
Would not at all concur.

Bush larrikins°°° were suspect.
Rather than get a job
You chose a different path when
You joined the Greta Mob.

Some say you were a hero
Who thought he was doing good.
You said the poor need justice;
You were their Robin Hood.

Others call you an outlaw,
Killer, and evil guy.
You killed with no compunction,
So you deserved to die.

What did you want, Ned Kelly?°
What gave you grounds for hope?
Well, Ned, it can't be fun when
You're hanging from a rope.

Your gang shot three policemen
Camped at Stringybark Creek.
Who then would put a stop to
Your game of hide and seek?

You murdered Aaron Sherritt;°°°°
You thought he was a snitch.
Maybe you learned your lesson:
Karma could be a *****.

There at your final shootout
You lost your loyal friends.
Well, Ned, you learned that it was
Too late to make amends.

Right after you were sentenced,
Your judge made it his goal
To say he hoped that God would
Have mercy on your soul.

What he said didn't faze you.
You countered blow for blow.
You turned to him and said, "I'll
See you there where I go."

They led you to the gallows.
Different reporters said
What words you might have spoken
Before the rope fell, Ned.

What did you want, Ned Kelly?°
What gave you grounds for hope?
Well, Ned, it can't be fun when
You're hanging from a rope.

-by Bob B (5-16-24)

°Famous Australian outlaw (1854-1880)
°°Australians who took up "robbery under arms" and used the bush as their base
°°°Rowdies who defied social and political conventions
°°°°An associate of Ned Kelly's gang of outlaws
Bob B May 14
Have you ever heard of the clipper LOCH ARD?
Its story reminds us to be on our guard.
In 1878--oh, such grief!--
She shipwreck occurred when the ship hit a reef.

It happened just off the Australian coast--
Where shipwrecks caused many to give up the ghost--
Because of some miscalculations and fog
And not 'cause the captain was drinking his grog.

The crew had tried hard but could not get a grip
On any way that they could save the great ship.
Only two people--does this strike a chord?--
Survived of the 54 people on board.

A lucky crew member--Tom Pearce was his name--
Made sure survival became his chief aim.
A small upturned boat was for him within reach.
He hung on till he found himself on the beach.

Eva Carmichael was lucky as well.
She hung on to objects afloat in that hell.
When the young woman was pulled from the tide,
She learned that her folks and her siblings had died.

Tom had helped rescue her; he'd heard her cries.
He saw that she struggled and feared her demise.
The two nineteen-year-olds were both tired and sore.
They drank from some bottles that drifted ashore.

Tom searched for other survivors in vain.
He hoped that he had enough strength to sustain
His efforts to scale the sheer cliffs, which he did.
It could have been deadly in case he had slid.

After their rescue and it became known
How the survivors' two lives had been thrown
Together in such a way, people thought they--
Eva and Tom--would get married one day.

Could THIS be a love story starting to bud,
Or would their relationship end with a thud?
They shared a link that was special, of course;
But love is not something that people can force.

Both of them married but not with each other.
In Ireland years later she married another.
Tom and his wife had two sons who would be
On ships--sad but true--when they both died at sea.

As lovely as bodies of water appear,
Oceans and seas can be something to fear.
Eva and Tom were both lucky and brave.
The ocean came close to becoming their grave.

-by Bob B (5-14-24)
May 12 · 30
Mother's Day 1998
Bob B May 12
The year was 1998.
The day to celebrate my mother
In retrospect turned out to be
A day unlike any other.

Not because that Mother's Day
Was from any observation
Unique in form or different from
Any previous celebration.

No, that day was different, for
No matter how much in vain I'd strive
To turn back the clock, that day was
The last I saw my mother alive.

If only I had known, I would
Have had the greatest party of all
With music blaring, food galore,
And party guests from wall to wall.

That's what my mother would have deserved.
For her, however, it would suffice
Merely to be with family.
Reflecting on this, I have some advice.

When you're with family and friends,
This rule should be hard and fast:
Act as though that day together
Very well could be your last.

Show them your appreciation,
Love, devotion, and heartfelt concern.
Demonstrate your loving-kindness,
And you'll receive it in return.

The best way now to celebrate
My mom in actuality
Would be for me to be the person
She'd have wanted me to be.

Having our moms in our memories
And hearts is fine, but one thing's clear:
As wonderful as that might be,
It's not the same as having her here.

-by Bob B (5-12-24)
May 11 · 25
Missing Ed
Bob B May 11
Ed was my mom's first cousin by marriage.
Thus, I guess to me,
First cousin once removed
By marriage he had to be.

He lived most of his life in the Land
Of Enchantment: New Mexico,
Where mesas and rugged mountains tower
And wailing desert winds blow.

I loved the phone conversations I had
With Ed and my cousin, for they
Were charming relatives who always
Had so much to say.

Separated by 800 miles,
We had to resort to the phone
To stay in touch, and when she died
And Ed was on his own,

We continued our phone conversations.
It was a sheer delight
To hear the knowledge and wisdom expounded
By someone so wise and bright.

Ed was a man of science and reason
And could get a little bit snarky
When people expressed unfounded beliefs.
Religion to him was malarkey.

We are saved by reason and NOT
By a mythological god.
Myths are fine if understood
As myths, but they are flawed.

He felt that sadly too many people
Do not use their brains.
Instead of trusting reason, they are
Bound by religious chains.

If I brought up astrology
Or Tarot ***** nilly,
Ed would laugh and say that he
Found them just as silly.

Ed would say that reason should guide
Politics as well.
Too many people share the home
Where folly and ignorance dwell.

Whether or not you agreed with him,
You could always be sure
That when you conversed, you'd be on
A fascinating tour.

Ed wanted to donate his body
To science after his death
And made arrangements to do so once
He took his final breath.

In December 2022,
He peacefully died in his sleep.
Great times and great conversations are
The memories I'll keep.

I think about what a character
He was and have to laugh.
"A man who wouldn't put up with nonsense"
Should be his epitaph.

-by Bob B (5-11-24)
May 9 · 30
Bob B May 9
(This D.T. monologue could be sung to the melody of Billy Joel's "Honesty.")

I'm not seeking truth or love;
They won't help me climb.
I just want what lets me get ahead.
Wealth and recognition are
What matter at this time,
For I will not need either when I'm dead.

Loyalty is what I really need;
It will always make my day.
Loyalty will help me to succeed
To make sure folks do what I say.

I want folks to say to me
The things I want to hear.
Everything's transactional to me.
It's known that power and control
Are two things I revere.
I will not do anything for free.

Loyalty is what I really need;
It will always make my day.
Loyalty will help me to succeed
To make sure folks do what I say.

People have betrayed me;
Some have turned their backs.
They stupidly believe that I'll be numb to their attacks.
But, **** it, I'll go after them
And stop them in their tracks!
You'll see, you'll see, you'll see….

People who will work for me
Know what I expect.
I expect allegiance through and through.
But if they prove untrustworthy,
We'll have a huge disconnect.
They MUST be members of my MAGA coup!

Loyalty is what I really need;
It will always make my day.
Loyalty will help me to succeed
To make sure folks do what I say.

-by Bob B (5-8-24)
Bob B May 8
The hush money trial continues in court
While Trump's in the midst of electioneering.
Based on what witnesses there are saying,
This is a tidbit of what we've been hearing:

Allen Weisselberg° went to McConney°°
And said to send money to Michael Cohen,
Who had borrowed money to pay
Stormy Daniels. The money's now flowin'.

Stormy Daniels, of course, is the **** star
With whom Trump had an intimate fling.
The fling itself is not illegal;
However, the hush money is, ka-ching!

Trump signed the checks that went to his "Fixer,"
For Cohen expected to be reimbursed.
Deep in the pool of complicity,
Trump and Cohen both were immersed.

Nine of the checks that Trump had signed
Came from his personal bank account.
The money that Cohen received in return
From Trump was even a larger amount.

Criminal conspiracy!
Hush money paid before an election
To wrongly influence election results!
In THIS case it has a salacious connection.

To mix a couple figures of speech,
There is a saying in Latin that goes
"***** erectus non habet conscientiam."°°°
Yep, that hits it right on the nose!

For his involvement, Cohen was found
Guilty and served his sentence. Let's see
If Trump will find a way to finagle
A not-guilty verdict and get off scot-free.

-by Bob B (5-8-24)

°Trump's former financial chief
°°Jeffrey McConney, former Trump Organization employee
°°°"An ***** ***** has no conscience."
Bob B May 6
Huey Long° was the kind of fellow
You wouldn't double cross.
He ran his state as though he was
A genuine mob boss.

Bootlickers and flatterers
On whom he could rely
Helped him gain his wealth and power.
That you can't deny.

He stacked his government with folks
Who'd answer only to him.
His dissenters found themselves
Out on a shaky limb.

Hey, Huey,
We all know
The things you did
So long ago.
Your power grabs
Were tried and true.
We know someone
Much like you.

Harnessing the discontent
Of people was his plan.
His gift of gab as a populist
Made him a popular man.

His cadre of guards sufficiently armed
Made him feel quite smug.
Although he got things done, he was
Essentially a ****.

Taking control of elections, he
Sidestepped prosecution.
With power on display, he'd declare,
"I am the Constitution."

Hey, Huey,
We all know
The things you did
So long ago.
In a way
You primed the pump
And set the stage
For Donald Trump.

Calling himself "the Kingfish," Huey
Found corruption handy.
Power, control, and kickbacks were
His modus operandi.

Reporters whom he didn't like
Were ones he would abuse.
They'd be beaten, and he'd call
Their papers "lyinnews."

A glimpse of how a strongman would
Appear in the U.S.A.
Was Huey Long's rehearsal for
A dictatorship today.

Hey, Donald
We see through
All the things
You've tried to do.
Although this
Is NOT your song,
You're a lot
Like Huey Long.

-by Bob B (5-6-24)

°40th governor of Louisiana and U.S. senator from 1932 until his assassination in 1935.
May 4 · 25
What a Mess!
Bob B May 4
Ongoing instability
Continues in the Middle East.
All who long for peace can't wait
Until this brutal conflict has ceased.

We know it started long ago--
Disputes over territory.
We can also see that there
Are TWO sides to this sad story.

Israelis versus Palestinians:
We've watched back-and-forth retribution.
Why must it be so difficult
For there to be a two-state solution?

Why does it have to be so hard
For the world to pressure both sides to meet
To iron out a workable plan
So neither side must admit defeat?

We're saddened by the loss of lives
And feel a sense of deep frustration.
But there is a feeling of optimism
Expressed in the following quotation:

"From the seeds of hope, the tree
Of peace will grow…."° If THAT'S fulfilled,
The tree will shelter both sides AND
No more blood will have to be spilled.

I treasure such optimistic words
But feel as though I want to shout,
"Israelis and Palestinians,
Together work this **** thing out!"

-by Bob B (5-4-24)

°Quote by Nadeem Ahmed
Bob B May 2
During a recent interview,
Donald Trump presented a slice
Of what he would do in a second term.
Before, he said, he was far too nice.

Nice? My goodness! If that's what he calls
Being nice, then when he's mean
He will be a thousand times
More obnoxious and more obscene!

He says he'll use the military
To round up millions for deportation,
As though hard-working immigrants
Are a serious threat to our nation!

Funds appropriated by Congress--
He says---he will refuse to release.
The functions of the office that studies
Possible future pandemics will cease.

Our independent judiciary
Soon will be a thing of the past,
For Trump will control the DOJ.
Its role under him will be recast.

States will be able to monitor
Pregnancies, he says; what's more,
The number of prosecutions of those
Defying abortion bans will soar.

He will deploy the national guard
To any place that he sees fit.
His staff will have to back the Big Lie;
Good riddance to those who challenge it.

He plans to gut the civil service.
Loyalty and THAT alone
Will be what he demands of all--
The image for all to bow down to: his own.

On hearing Trump's alarming words,
It's really hard to comprehend
That if you love democracy,
How your hair would NOT stand on end.

-by Bob B (5-2-24)
Apr 27 · 42
Interconnecting Karmas
Bob B Apr 27
We often hear about karma and think,
"My karma is all about me."
And it indeed is personal,
At least to a certain degree.

But when we think of all life forms
And how we interact,
Karma's a much, much grander thing--
Unfathomable, in fact.

Societies have karma, too.
Let THAT idea gel.
And all the nations on this earth
Have their karmas as well.

Because of causes and conditions
All of us are here,
Inhabiting a planet that
Resembles a giant sphere.

What we do affects other people
In ways we can't always know.
And we are currently reaping what
Was sown long ago.

But karma, instead of being a system
Of punishment or reward,
Is more just knowing that consequences
Should not be ignored.

We can't undo the past; we can't
Change it in any way.
What we CAN be mindful of
Is how we behave today.

Therefore, it's incumbent on us
To think everything through.
Mindfulness should always influence
All that we say and do.

The karmas of all living things are so
Intricately intertwined,
That trying to understand the connections
Boggles the human mind.

-by Bob B (4-26-24)
Bob B Apr 21
There's a scammer born every minute!
Every time you turn around
There's someone with a scam.
It's frustrating to always have
A mailbox full of spam.
Can anything be done about it?
Maybe not, so ****!
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
Whether it is on the phone,
An email, or a text,
Or whether they are at your door,
What will they think of next?
The matter makes me furious,
Disgusted and perplexed.
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
How DO they live without a conscience?
That's how they survive.
By lying and deceiving they will
Keep their schemes alive.
Unsuspecting victims are
Their targets; thus, they thrive.
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
Unethical, unprincipled,
Amoral, creepy, vile,
Repugnant, shameless, loathsome, hateful,
They are full of guile.
Sorry, but to see them have to pay
Would make me smile.
There's a scammer born every minute!

-by Bob B (4-21-24)
Bob B Apr 15
Preparing the house for fumigation
Isn't fun at all.
But it's also distressful to know
That termites have paid a call.

At first there is no evidence.
"Life is grand," you say.
Then you discover that throughout your house
Termites are chomping away.

"Eek!" you scream. "Those NASTY critters!
How dare they incommode
This household! Look at how they are
Destroying our humble abode!"

How dreadful that in our sanctuaries
These blasted insects lurk!
Removing or double-bagging food
Is a lot of work.

Not only food, it's cough drops, meds--
Whatever can be ingested--
That must be taken care of when
Your domicile is infested.

If you lived in an igloo, then
You would NOT be dealt
A termite problem, but global warming
Would make your igloo melt.

Also, where would you put your router?
Each electronic device
Might not be compatible
Surrounded by all that ice.

What about a house of glass?
Maybe that would be good.
A house of steel? A house of stones?
Anything but wood!

If all the termites living on Earth--
Parents, daughters, and sons--
Were put on a scale, they'd weigh four hundred
Forty-five MILLION tons!

Humans would weigh 350
Million tons if we
Were all put on a scale together.
That would be fun to see!

So, you can see that we're outnumbered.
The termites are in command.
Will we win, or will those little
Bugs get the upper hand?

If we fail to act right now,
The damage will keep getting worse.
Maybe termites are helpful in nature;
For us they are a curse.

Preparing the house for fumigation:
What a pain in the rear!
I can't wait till it's over and we
Can hear the words "ALL CLEAR!"

-by Bob B (4-14-24)
Apr 12 · 24
Going in Reverse
Bob B Apr 12
It's such a disruption to my peace of mind
To witness the plunge of our great humankind.
Amazing potential is what we possess,
But **** it if we are not making a mess!

The human attention span's clearly decreasing,
And humankind's selfish demands are unceasing.
Conspiracy theories are way out of whack,
And good education is under attack.

Our probing, inquiring, sharp journalism
Is no longer trusted and faces a schism.
Reason is too often stopped in its tracks,
For too many people are falling for quacks.

And what about people who don't have a clue
Of being accountable for what they do?
They WILL not admit that they're wrong, and they claim
That other folks ought to be taking the blame.

So many people don't listen to reason--
That their form of patriotism is treason,
That storming the Capitol is a real crime
And that those who do it might have to serve time.

It also amazes me how an adult
Can fall for a weird personality cult.
Are people so desperate that they'll believe
The lies that their precious cult leader will weave?

A lot of folks don't trust the experts who say,
"Tomorrow depends on our actions today."
Such folks don't mind if we keep burning coal;
Renewable energy isn't their goal.

And then there are those who will NOT bid good-bye
To Trump's undeniably wacky Big Lie.
It really astounds me how some folks can't see
How dangerous their careless actions can be.

They'll trust information that's propagandistic,
And many of them have become nativistic.
Critical thinking has gone down the drain.
Is half of the country now going insane?

What--I'll keep asking--will be the solution
For stopping what seems like reverse evolution?
The thought has me feeling a bit ill at ease
That once again we might be swinging from trees.

-by Bob B (4-12-24)
Apr 11 · 26
Back to 1864
Bob B Apr 11
The highest court in Arizona,
Stuck in 1864,
Just dug up an abortion ruling
Written during the Civil War.

Amazingly, the seven judges
Must have found a time machine,
And no, this is not a film
We're watching on the giant screen.

The law banning nearly all
Abortions was a barricade
To women's right to choose until
It was blocked by Roe v. Wade.

Reflecting the times, the law exposes
Feelings that were deeply rooted.
Physicians who assisted women
Could easily be prosecuted.

Hmmm. I wonder where the court's
Time machine will take them next.
Will they soon unearth another
Old, antiquated text?

Republicans who might agree
With what the court is doing, now
Are scaling back their rhetoric
In hopes that they'll squeak through somehow.

All who champion women's rights
Should honestly be mortified.
Choosing to favor the court's decision
Should be political suicide.

Fortunately, a lot of folks
Who've heard the news are having fits.
Take out your sledgehammers
And smash that time machine to bits!

-by Bob B (4-11-24)
Apr 10 · 25
Shame on Them!
Bob B Apr 10
Shame on the Republicans--
Those who want to abandon Ukraine.
Shame on those who cater to
A Russian leader who's inhumane.

Shame on them for being swayed
By Putin's propaganda, for he
Has shown contempt for anyone
Who threatens his authority.

Shame on them for holding up
The passing of bills to offer assistance
To the Ukrainian cause as the people
Fight to defend their very existence.

Instead of siding with Putin, those
Republicans should open their eyes
And see how dangerous it is
For them to fall for all of his lies.

Instead of sitting on their hands,
They should see where inaction leads.
They will help secure the West
By giving Ukraine the help it needs.

With the assistance of NATO, Ukraine
Has vowed to fight to the bitter end.
Republicans in Congress should know
That Vladimir Putin is NOT our friend.

-by Bob B (4-10-24)
Apr 8 · 26
Lie, Deny, Delay
Bob B Apr 8
Lie, deny, delay. These are
Three methods that Trump employs
To con his way through life. And, yes,
He's good at making lots of noise.

What comes easy for him, of course,
Without a doubt is all the lying.
He is also very adept
At method number two: denying.

Delaying is a bit of a challenge.
To accomplish that, his team resorts
To throwing spaghetti at the wall
To see what sticks in cases in courts.

How ironic: he claims to be
The candidate of law and order
But makes up lies about what is
Occurring on our southern border.

Law and order? What a joke!
The first thing that he'll do, says he,
If he's back in the White House to serve
One more term in office will be

To pardon the thugs who've been convicted
Of crimes involving their connection
With the January 6
Shocking Capitol insurrection.

What a cruel, insensitive,
Vicious, heartless slap in the face
To law enforcement officers
Who were attacked while guarding the place!

If Trump agrees that democracy
And Law and Order are major concerns,
Why then are the ones who protect
Democracy the ones he spurns?

Will Donald Trump once again
Lie and deny his way to the top?
Or will his cold, uncaring campaign
Turn out to be a giant flop?

-by Bob B (4-8-24)
Bob B Apr 6
DT sings to himself in the mirror:

I LOVE how folks bow down to me
And say my work's a job well done.
That's because so many can see
That Donald Trump is the Chosen One.

I alone can fix this land.
My work here has just barely begun.
When I have the upper hand,
I'll prove I am the Chosen One.

You'll get away with everything.
Stringing people along is fun.
And you can act as though you're king,
Or better than that: the Chosen One.

The Bible I have never read,
But bucks will flow in by the ton
When I sell it, for it's said
That I am really the Chosen One.

Christ and I are much alike--
Each a victim; each a son.
Opponents all can take a hike.
Best beware of the Chosen One.

I'm invincible 'cause I'm smart.
Are there folks who are brighter? None!
But still some want to tear me apart.
Look what they're doing to the Chosen One.

If I do not win this fall,
The election, I'll say, was badly run.
How could anyone have the gall
Not to vote for the Chosen One?

All the folks who criticize
What I do are those we'll shun.
I'll make it my enterprise
To market myself as the Chosen One.

With the Trump card, we will win.
Look at me: I made a pun!
I'm flawless, for I never sin--
Not when I'm the Chosen One.

Oh, my goodness, I'm so proud
Of all the tales that I have spun.
I know how to work a crowd,
Pretending I'm the Chosen One.

Me be scrupulous? No way!
You'll get farther if you're un-.
I don't care what critics say
Because I am the Chosen One!

-by Bob B (4-6-24)
Apr 3 · 36
Bob B Apr 3
How lucky we have been in life!
We found each other, and then voila!
We became a partnership,
Clearly defying Murphy's Law.

One thing, however, that's certain is death.
No, we don't know when or how
We'll have to bid adieu to each other
And sadly take our final bow.

If I'M to go FIRST, it breaks my heart
To think of leaving you alone,
Even though I know that you'll
Be able to manage on your own.

If, however, your death must
Precede mine, without a doubt,
It will be unbearable,
For you'll be hard to live without.

A sad inevitability--
An aspect of life we must accept--
Is that one day we'll have to part.
Death is not a promise unkept.

Courage and love are what we need.
Our love, for certain, is overflowing.
To help me deal with uncertainties,
My courage still needs room for growing.

We've had many years together.
I hope life gives us many more
Before it's time for us to cross
Over to the other shore.

-by Bob B (4-3-24)
Bob B Mar 31
Strongmen and their death squads.
In many countries, both exist.
The squads inflict terror while
The strongmen rule with an iron fist.

The people have to watch what they say,
Watch what they do, and live in fear.
Often they will end up in a morgue;
Sometimes they'll merely disappear.

Indirectly, Donald Trump
Appears to have his death squads, too--
Far-right extremists who
Are a rather deplorable crew.

All that Trump must do is find
Someone out there to criticize--
Opponents, prosecutors, judges,
Their families--with vicious lies,

And suddenly, they will have
Giant targets on their backs.
They live in constant fear for their lives
Merely because of Trump's attacks.

Many Republicans also fear
Opposing Trump and therefore feel
Coerced into supporting him.
The chances of being a target are real.

Whether or not Trump likes it, his thugs
Are there to terrorize us. Alas!
Imagine the nightmare if for Trump
A win in November should come to pass!

-by Bob B (3-30-24)
Mar 26 · 26
Bob B Mar 26
It's sad when people lie about you
And say that you said what you hadn’t said.
One would think that they should have
Better things to do instead.

What is it that makes them so?
Do they really believe their lies?
Or is the truth beyond their reach--
A thing they don't even recognize?

Do they feel so desolate?
Are they so insecure within?
Are their lives so out of sorts--
An imbalance of yang and yin?

It doesn't make me angry. Not really,
When they are so mendacious…disjointed.
If I feel hurt at all,
It's mainly because I'm disappointed--

Disappointed that they don't see
How their actions reflect on them
And NOT on the people whom they choose
To lie about, malign, or condemn.

And so I wonder if they'll ever
See the error of their ways
And maybe be able to turn their unkind
Comments from calumny to praise.

-by Bob B (3-26-24)
Mar 25 · 29
The Bell Tolls
Bob B Mar 25
Trump with all his indictments and cases
Continues playing his usual games.
Political motivations are
What guide the indictments! That's what he claims.

He's trying to get the sympathy
From voters across the country who feel
That poor, innocent Donald Trump
Has gotten a horrible, horrible deal.

Victimhood's his major tactic.
He says it's all a witch hunt, and then
He and his lawyers keep trying to
Delay the process again and again.

Stalling is a strategy
That he has worked out to perfection.
He wants to postpone his trials until
After the presidential election.

If you're innocent, Donald Trump,
Then prove your innocence in court.
But that's not easy when honesty
And integrity are not your forte.

With all the evidence against him,
It’s hard to imagine him going free.
Don't ask "for whom the bell tolls,"
Donald Trump; "it tolls for thee."

-by Bob B (3-25-24)
Mar 23 · 195
A Protest Vote?
Bob B Mar 23
A protest vote?° What the hell?
It really makes no sense.
Young voters can protest, but
It's at their own expense.

A protest vote? Trump over Biden
To shake up the status quo?
That's like shooting oneself in the foot:
Not voting for Joe.

A protest vote? What exactly
Are they trying to prove?
That putting Trump in the White House again
Is an appropriate move?

A protest vote? They'd rather have
A con man and a fake--
A man who caters to Putin when
So much is at stake?

A protest vote? As though Trump has
THEIR interests at heart?
To vote in an egomaniac
Wouldn't be very smart.

A protest vote? They'll find out
If off to the right they swerve,
That come November they will get
The turmoil that they deserve.

-by Bob B (3-23-24)

°Based on reports of protest votes in the primaries
Mar 13 · 51
The Angel of Augsburg
Bob B Mar 13
Have you heard of the Angel of Augsburg?
Agnes Bernauer was her name.
Her fairy tale start had a tragic ending.
What happened to her was a horrible shame.

She lived in the early 1400s
And worked as a servant in Augsburg, where she
Met Duke Albrecht von Würtemberg
Who promised to make her his wife-to-be.

Agnes was said to have been a beauty,
With fine noble features and long golden hair.
Even her enemies praised her appearance.
Those who beheld her would all stop and stare.

Duke Ernest, who was the young duke's father,
Unfortunately, could not get behind
The thought that Albrecht would marry Agnes.
He had another young lady in mind.

Father and son both quarreled, and Albrecht
Took a major step in his life.
Defying his father's unfair demands,
He made the lovely Agnes his wife.

They moved to Straubing and lived in a castle.
Albrecht surrounded her with a court.
However, their happily-ever-after
Life--you can guess--would soon be cut short.

Duchess Agnes had known all along
That Ernest's wrath was something to fear.
He was a tiger observing its prey,
Awaiting the time to pounce to draw near.

When Albrecht was away on business,
Ernest made happen plan part one:
He had Agnes imprisoned for being
A witch who had enchanted his son.

How ruthless people can be at times!
But what was there for Agnes to do?
Nothing but wait to be tried and sentenced
As Ernest carried out plan part two.

The verdict: guilty. The sentence: drowning.
Such a cruel and heartless rebuke!
Agnes was going to be drowned in the river
In Straubing. The papers were signed by the duke.

Thrown from a bridge and into a river,
Agnes was able to drift ashore.
The hangman then held her head underwater
Until the poor woman could breathe no more.

History has demonstrated--
And if we ignored it, we'd be remiss--
How power, religion, corruption, and money
Play a strong part in cases like this.

The body of Agnes, the Angel of Augsburg,
Lies there in Straubing, where she'd lived and died.
Only a person whose heart has been hardened
Could hear how she suffered and still stay dry-eyed.

-by Bob B (3-12-24)
Bob B Mar 11
Watch Donald Trump. Watch what he does.
Beware of what might ensue
If he's in the Oval Office again
And does what dictators do.

Viktor Orbán° came to his home--
A strong man through and through
Who has rejected democracy,
For that's what dictators do.

Orbán and Putin are mentors to Trump.
He loves their world view.
He doesn't care how they step on rights,
For that's what dictators do.

He swears that he'll go after opponents
If he is elected anew.
Trump wants loyalists only because
That's what dictators do.

His anti-migrant rhetoric
Has a frightening hue
As he dehumanizes others.
That's what dictators do.

Repeat a lie often enough
And people will think it's true.
Trump is a master at bending the truth.
That's what dictators do.

Figuratively, his nose has grown
At least a foot or two
From all the lies he's told so far.
That's what dictators do.

Republicans who don't obey him
Or line up in his queue
Are censured, for Trump has called them out.
That's what dictators do.

The former president now has
Indictments up the *****.
Our system of justice he says is unfair.
That's what dictators do.

Criticizing others is fine.
To Trump that's not taboo.
But criticize him and he'll get even.
That's what dictators do.

He starts with others, and then just watch:
He'll COME after me and you.
It's incumbent on all of us
To STOP what dictators do.

-by Bob B (3-11-24)

°The prime minister (and current autocrat) of Hungary
Mar 10 · 35
Fundie Baby Voice
Bob B Mar 10
After President Biden gave
His annual state of the union address,
Alabama's Senator Britt
Had some people to try to impress.

There she sat in the kitchen where
She gave her corny rebuttal speech,
Or maybe we should say that THAT's
The place from which she chose to preach.

She wanted Christian nationalists
To have a reason to rejoice,
And so she used what people call
Her sappy, "fundie° baby voice."

People who watched were flabbergasted.
There were Republicans as well
Who listened in disbelief and asked
One another "What the hell?"

Blaming all the nation's struggles
On President Biden, she showed her fixation
With following Trump's playbook regarding
Inflaming fears about immigration.

We later discover that some of her comments
Were really nothing but nasty lies.
Perhaps that's par for the course when there's
Someone or something to demonize.

Not to bear false witness is
One of the Ten Commandments. Aha!
Doesn't that mean that Senator Britt
Basically broke a religious law?

Oh, well! Hypocrisy
Is fine, I guess, for those who believe
That THEIR path is the ONLY path
And there are millions of folks to deceive.

-by Bob B (3-10-24)

°from "fundamentalist"
Mar 6 · 50
The Regal Cat
Bob B Mar 6
Cleo is quite the regal cat.
Whenever strangers meet her
They must pay close attention to
The manner in which they greet her.

A "Hi, kitty, kitty!" just won't do;
That she won't allow.
She prefers, "Your majesty!"
Followed by a bow.

"Such a princess!" people say
On seeing her noble mien.
"I beg your pardon," Cleo thinks.
"Princess? No, it's QUEEN!"

"Where's my scepter? Where's my crown?"
She asks as she marches away
To sit on her throne--a padded chair--
And keep her subjects at bay.

If forced to move from her comfy spot
She makes her displeasure known
With angry looks and a meow expressed
In a very undignified tone.

"There's no justice in this base world
If subjects can treat you so,"
Cleo thinks as she leaves the room
With her pride taking a blow.

She finds a safe, secluded room
That isn't filled with noise
And waits for her evening banquet when she
Can surely regain her poise.

Her subjects know that her taste is refined;
Her needs must be addressed.
Food that's fit for a queen must do--
In other words, the best.

If the quality suffers, Cleo
Will turn up her nose, refusing
To eat another bite and thinks,
"I DON’T find this amusing!"

When people address her as Cleo, she wonders,
"Why don't people see
That Cleopatra is really what
MY name ought to be?

"But, alas, I must remember
That humans are all substandard.
They think they control the world,
And WE'RE the ones who are slandered."

At nighttime Cleo will seek a place
Where she will be undisturbed.
Everyone knows to leave her alone,
Or she will be quite perturbed.

She dreams of sitting alone on a chaise
Pulled by a team of mice
And then of eating her favorite meal:
Anchovies on ice.

-by Bob B (3-6-24)
Bob B Mar 5
I'm totally baffled how anyone
Can be so heartless and inhumane
To make dehumanizing migrants
The focus of his election campaign.

But Donald Trump is doing that now.
With a complete lack of restraint
He spews his venom. He doesn't care
How many minds he's able to taint.

Insinuating that migrants come
From mental institutions and jails
And prisons and even "insane asylums,"
He's an obnoxious teller of tales.

Tying them to a cannibalistic
Killer named Hannibal Lecter? For shame!
And Trump's supporters who think it's funny
To vilify migrants share the blame.

According to Trump, the languages
That many migrants bring to this nation
Sound as though they come from Mars.
More attempts at stigmatization.

Trump also claims that migrants
Poison the blood of our country. Scary:
****** felt the very same way!
People everywhere ought to be wary.

-by Bob B (3-5-24)
Mar 2 · 67
Frankie, aka Lucifer
Bob B Mar 2
Frankie, the devil-cat, was always
The infamous focus of blame.
Folks said Lucifer would have been
A more appropriate name.

Always in trouble he was! You couldn't
Find a more wicked cat.
If you can name one more evil than Frankie,
I will eat my hat.

Sometimes he would want your attention.
Bah! Attention indeed.
If you pet him, he'd bite your arm
And scratch it and make it bleed.

You couldn't walk across the floor
Barefoot, for if you tried,
Frankie would attack your foot
And bite it until you cried.

He had a strange design on his forehead
Which frightened the local priest.
"Beware!" the priest told Frankie's owners.
"The cat has the mark of the beast."

You might wake up from a peaceful sleep
In the darkness of the night.
Two yellow eyes would be staring at you,
And make you jump up in fright.

"****, **** cat!" you'd yell at Frankie,
And he would yowl and hiss.
When you got up in the morning, you'd sense
That something was amiss.

Your favorite knick-knack would be lying
In pieces on the floor,
And Frankie would stay hidden until
You were no longer sore.

When he was hungry, you wouldn't have
A single moment of peace
Until you filled his bowl with food.
THEN the racket would cease.

When Frankie's owners would leave the house,
It was as though he would boast
That now he could use their luxury couch
As his favorite scratching post.

They never caught him in the act.
A scary thing happened when
A guest who said Frankie should be declawed
Was never heard from again.

Frankie would sit by the window and wait
For other cats to come near,
Then he would scream so loudly that he
Would fill them all with fear.

One day out of meanness Frankie
Started to chew on a wire.
Zap! He was electrocuted.
What a way to expire!

The owners say he's in kitty heaven,
But people who knew him well
Roll their eyes and under their breath
Say, "More like kitty hell."

"Frankie, aka Lucifer:
The meanest cat around!"
Should be Frankie's epitaph
Now that he's underground.

-by Bob B (3-2-24)
Feb 24 · 48
Stay Out!
Bob B Feb 24
Republicans, please stay out
Of women's uteruses, okay?
What EACH one does with her ******
Is something in which you have no say.

Another thing: While you're at it,
Please leave women's eggs alone.
Why turn people's bodies into
A stupid political combat zone?

Stay OUT of our bedrooms, and stop making
Our intimacy an issue for you.
It's as though you are unable
To find something better to do.

There are many important matters
That should be addressed. Oh, but no!
Instead, you are hung up on
What to do with an embryo.

Instead of obsessing about such things
As women's embryos and eggs,
Worry about yourselves and what
Happens between YOUR OWN legs!

-by Bob B (2-24-24)
Feb 21 · 48
The Buddha-Cat
Bob B Feb 21
Sam was known as the Buddha-cat,
Mainly because of the way that he sat.
His feline posture was fascinating:
He always appeared to be meditating.
Quiet and still, he'd sit there for hours
As though he possessed remarkable powers.
People would say that he gave the impression
Of being in the midst of a calm zazen session.
Never upset or angry or frightened,
He made all who knew him think he was enlightened.

"But tell us: why 'Sam'?" people would query
So often that both of Sam's owners grew weary.
"It's short for Samantabhadra," they'd say,
"Who's just like a Buddhist saint in a way."
"Yes," Sam would think, "That's who I am.
But, everyone, PLEASE, just call me 'Sam.'"
Then Sam would continue his deep meditation,
Sometimes counting each long exhalation.
And when he was finished, he'd patiently wait
To see if a treat might appear on his plate.

He'd stare through the window pane when it was raining.
To him it was one type of mindfulness training.
He never would chase after insects or mice,
And if one ran by, he wouldn't look twice.
He was content just to take life with ease.
One thing that he couldn't stand, though, was fleas!
But he wouldn't **** them, for his point of view
Was clearly: that's what his owners should do.
He knew that life had both good times and bad,
And since life was so, he didn't get mad.

Sam was not a strict vegetarian.
His rules for dining were more nonsectarian.
He'd chant when you gently would stroke his soft fur,
Though folks said it sounded more like a purr.
He was a true inspiration to many.
Did he have enemies? No, not any.
When visitors came, Sam wouldn't hide.
Of all cats, he was the most dignified.
Sam felt that egos were dangerous, so
Everyone has to learn how to let go.

As Sam grew older, he slept day and night,
And fur on his face began to turn white.
He ate much less food--not a whole plateful,
But he continued to always be grateful.
He still meditated, although bit by bit,
He felt it was better to lie than to sit.
One sad morning Sam's owners awoke
To find that old Sam had died of a stroke.
For Sam there would be no more mañana,
For he had entered parinirvana.

-by Bob B (2-21-24)
Bob B Feb 20
It's funny how the followers
Of one religion often find
The myths of their religion as real
And true and easy to get behind,

While the myths of other religions
To them are merely stories, fiction,
Implausible beliefs, and they
Express their feelings with great conviction.

Oftentimes the god or gods
Of someone else's religion become
Devils or evil forces to certain
Believers. A case of zero sum.

It's also odd how many believers
Profess that their beliefs are strong--
That followers of other religions
Are in the dark, deluded, wrong.

In other words, they insist
That their religious point of view
Tops all others, as though they're saying,
"What's good for ME is good for YOU."

I resent it when anyone
Tries to make it his or her goal
To tell me what I should believe
And then attempts to "save my soul."

I also resent it when legislators
Use the pulpit to make our laws
And very conveniently ignore
The fact that such a process has flaws.

"Be a light unto yourself."
Beware of any religion that smothers
The truth, deceitfully pressuring us
To blindly follow the path of others.

-by Bob B (2-20-24)
Feb 18 · 52
Sudden Death Syndrome
Bob B Feb 18
As the world mourns the death of Alexei Navalny,
The truth of how he died won't be disclosed--
At least while Putin maintains an iron grip on the country,
For we all know he hates being opposed.

Beware of mourning in public if you live in Russia
Or if you demand the truth of Navalny's death.
Beware of consequences when your country is run
By someone who's as cruel as Lady Macbeth.

Russian penal colonies are far from pleasant,
But no one expects them to be comfy resorts.
However, couldn’t conditions at least be more humane?
Inmates end up in a torture chamber of sorts.

"Sudden death syndrome" is how Navalny died.
That's what we're told. Sounds suspicious, no?
That could run the gamut from colds or flu to ******.
However he died, his death was a horrible blow.

Beware if you go to Russia while Putin is in control,
For speaking your mind might be something you rue.
As long as the tyrant continues to have unlimited powers,
"Sudden death syndrome" could happen to you.

-by Bob B (2-18-24)
Feb 17 · 30
Poor Donald
Bob B Feb 17
Poor Donald. What took place?
You received the ruling of another case.
Consequences sometimes can be hard to face.
Poor Donald.

Poor Donald. What'll you do
Now that all your lies are catching up with you?
Accountability can be a dream come true.
But poor Donald.

Poor Donald. Don't say, "Pshaw!"
Conspiracy and fraud are both against the law.
The judge got fed up hearing all your blah, blah, blah.
So, poor Donald.

Poor Donald. Though you fight,
I guess that facts and truth can be your kryptonite.
The judge was baffled that you weren't at all contrite.
Yes, poor Donald.

Poor Donald. Do not pout.
Based on past experience there is no doubt
That donors and the RNC will bail you out.
Still, poor Donald.

Poor Donald. Hey, what now?
You'll be back in court, but it's amazing how
Folks can still consider you their sacred cow.
Yet, poor Donald.

-by Bob B (2-17-24)

(The format of this poem was inspired by a verse in Stephen Sondheim's song "Poor Baby.")
Bob B Feb 16
Opposition leader in Russia
Alexei Navalny sadly has died.
Putin is surely rejoicing because
Navalny had been a thorn in his side.

In a remote prison that lies
Above the Arctic Circle was where
Navalny spent his final days
To get him out of Putin's hair.

Having survived attempts on his life,
He kept blasting the Putin regime,
Saying leaders were crooks and thieves.
Corruption was his central theme.

Eventually, ******* up charges
Sent him to prison, thus preventing
His attempt to run against Putin,
Whose cruel tactics are unrelenting.

Who'll now lead the opposition,
Knowing that efforts will be curtailed?
High-profile critics of Putin
End up dead, exiled, or jailed.

Navalny wasn't afraid to speak up;
He wasn't afraid to bell the cat.
He hoped to liberate Russia from
The rule of a crooked autocrat.

-by Bob B (2-16-24)
Bob B Feb 15
(This poem can be sung to the tune of the 1922 song "Toot…Toot…Tootsie, Good-bye.")

Tucker,° can't you say when?
You have done it again.
What IS your fascination
With someone who's a real threat to our free nation?
Giving Putin free rein
Is nothing short of insane!
How could you not
Be overwrought
When you let the Russian tyrant bolster his plot?
Therefore, fingers are crossed
That you'll somehow get lost!

Letting Putin spread lies,
Tucker, isn't so wise.
You, of course, are guilty of that,
And when you do you cater to the autocrat.
You think Moscow's so nice.
So, I won't tell you twice.
Surely you could
Do what you should:
Pack your bags, get on a plane, and move there for good.
When your jet's in the sky,
Tucker, we’ll wave good-bye!

-by Bob B (2-14-24)

°Tucker Carlson: political talk show host fired from Fox News in 2023
Feb 5 · 37
Bob B Feb 5
(This poem is based on Poe’s poem “The Bells.”)

I. (Initial rain)

It’s the luscious sound of rain—
Gentle rain.
How it seems to soothe my nerves and calm my weary brain!
How it patters, patters, patters
In the early morning hours!
And we're certain that it matters
That with every drop that splatters
It will feed the hungry flowers
As it falls, falls, falls,
Dripping down the roofs and walls.
Oh, the wonder of the music made so gloriously plain
From the rain, rain, rain, rain,
Rain, rain, rain--
From the gentle pitter-patter of the rain.

II. (Subsequent days of rain)

It's the dreadful sound of rain--
Heavy rain.
How the constant pummeling is driving me insane!
How it beats and beats and beats
On all our windows and our walls!
And the windows now are leaking
And some inside walls are streaking
As the dismal water falls.
And it pelts, pelts, pelts
As my optimism melts,
And my hopes for storms to quickly pass are miserably in vain.
It's the rain, rain, rain, rain,
Rain, rain, rain--
The depressing and distressing sound of rain.

-by Bob B (2-5-24)
Bob B Feb 3
“This happened because that happened.”
That’s what the Buddha is said to have said.
It permeates the thousands of pages
Of Buddhist writings that can be read.

Of course, people will probably say,
"That is neither profound nor sublime."
Ah, but the words are really both
Complex and simple at the same time.

It sounds as though we're talking about
Chain reactions or cause and effect.
The words can make a great deal of sense
When we view things in retrospect.

All the interconnected events
That brought us to this moment can be
Overwhelming, to say the least,
For there is so much that we cannot see.

Although we might not notice it,
Simple reactions occur this way:
You offer someone a genuine smile,
And maybe you made that person's day.

When we look at history
And how religions arose and grew,
Interconnections are much more complex
But clearly are at work there, too.

Viewing historical events
In depth can help us understand
Why things are the way they are
And how ideas get out of hand;

How the human ego works
And how human behavior evolved;
Why so many conflicts exist
And why so many remain unresolved.

The process of deeply examining
Ourselves and our world can open our eyes
To why we think in a certain fashion
And how to see through falsehoods and lies.

“This happened because that happened.”
Although we cannot erase the past,
We can alter the way we think
And then make positive changes that last.

-by Bob B (2-3-24)
Feb 1 · 33
Bob B Feb 1
Allah, Jehovah, Brahma, Zeus…
They're all the same to me
And represent humankind's
Quest to find a key--

A key that will unlock the door
To what can't be explained
And hopefully confirm that seekers'
Hopes can be sustained.

People search for meaning that
Transcends the commonplace
Within this giant universe
Of particles and space.

Some say that instead of looking
Outward, search within.
To search for deeper truths, that is
A good place to begin.

And if we think we have the answer,
We should not forget
That other folks with different answers
Should not be a threat.

Ultimately, if we do
Or don't see eye to eye,
Frankly, none if it will truly
Matter when we die.

-by Bob B (2-1-24)
Jan 31 · 31
Putin's War Drags On
Bob B Jan 31
Putin's war drags on and on
Since his forces invaded Ukraine.
For two years now, Russian soldiers
Have followed his orders. Imagine the pain!

Actually, the Russian attack
Dates way back to twenty-fourteen
When Putin stole Ukrainian land.
The current invasion's a bloodier scene.

Life goes on for the rest of the world.
We work; we play; we party; we feast.
Ukrainians are suffering,
But some people don't care in the least.

Extremist Republicans who kiss
The ring of king Trump, do not care
If Ukraine falls, or if the country
Is torn to shreds by the eastern bear.

If Putin is victorious, then
Other countries may fall as well.
People will suffer, and what's more
The Russian brute will be hard to repel.

Pressure on Putin and aid to Ukraine
Are two ways to put an end to the war.
The dictator already has
A great deal to answer for.

-by Bob B (1-31-24)
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