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Bob B 1d
Oh, how sad! Too many voters
Refused to listen to the warning.
Because of that, this day this year
Should be a national day of mourning.

We mourn the loss of what we know
Has truly made our country great,
For now we have a person in charge
Who wrote the playbook on how to hate.

A whiny child who cannot handle
Criticism. THAT is he.
If you want to work for him,
You MUST declare your loyalty.

He's no less vicious, no less selfish,
No less shameless, no less crass.
He loves how Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk,
And others line up to kiss his ***.

He says he stands for unity.
Do people really think he has changed?
His speech and actions show that he
Is no less divisive, no less deranged.

Watch as Trumplicans fall in line
And cave in to his ruthless threats
As he lays out his disastrous agenda,
Vindictive and vengeful, with no regrets.

Amazingly, there are voters
Who think the man was heaven sent!
A pathological liar and felon
Should not be our president!

And so we grieve for America.
What will it take to ease our fears?
What will it take for hope to return?
How will we get through these next four years?

-by Bob B (1-20-25)
4d · 59
Bob B 4d
Why do many religious folks
Tend to get their feathers ruffled
If people say they are atheists?
Why should atheists have to be muffled?

Atheists are often considered
The devil incarnate or evil unveiled.
They are attacked, their lives are threatened,
They're ostracized and even jailed--

Done in the "name of God," of course.
Oh, the reasons that people give
In countries all over the world where people
Refuse to practice "live and let live"!

Do we need a god to tell us
How to live or how to behave?
If I blindly follow dogma,
Don't I become religion's slave?

Constantly seeking, questioning,
Observing, expressing healthy doubt,
Exploring the many facets of life,
Discovering what life's about,

And learning how to sift through all
The knowledge that we humans have gained
Will help us put more focus on
Issues that can be explained.

Some things, yes, are inexplicable,
Mystifying, beyond our knowing.
A question we must ask ourselves
Should always be "Am I still growing?"

There ARE religious people who aren't
Threatened by what others believe.
Secure in their beliefs, they aren't
Fearful, brain-washed, and naïve.

They do not judge nonbelievers
And tell them they are going to hell.
Tempering their beliefs with love
Is what they do so very well.

And then there are the ones who feel
Compelled to express their condemnation.
They need to mind their OWN business
And worry about their OWN salvation.

If you as a nonbeliever are asked
Your position, a way to convey it
Is merely "I'm an atheist
And I am not afraid to say it."

-by Bob B (1-17-25)
Jan 13 · 35
One of Many Ironies
Bob B Jan 13
We read that Jesus was a Jew--
A Palestinian Jew.
He was a poor itinerant preacher
And far from well-to-do.

A Jewish god was thus, of course,
The one to whom he prayed.
Not all, but many Jewish laws
Were ones that he obeyed.

He walked around with twelve disciples--
Also Jewish men--
Who, I guess, were probably
Considered "born again."

The twelve disciples felt he was
The Jewish Messiah, though he
Wasn't exactly what most Jews
Thought the Messiah would be.

To them the Messiah would be a hero
Whose praises they would sing
For being both a peacemaker AND
A powerful, conquering king.

The Jewish Messiah was going to bring
Justice to the land.
The strong Jewish nation would then
Have the upper hand.

They thought that he'd restore the nation
To its former glory.
They needed a powerful leader who
Would fit in with their story.

How could Jesus be their Messiah--
A man so scorned and rejected?
He COULDN’T have been the Anointed One
Whom they had expected.

It really does seem quite ironic
And also very odd
How a rejected Jewish Messiah
Became a Christian god.

-by Bob B (1-12-25)
Bob B Jan 10
Today I got
My booster shot.
I never had
A second thought.
Two shots first,
Then THIS makes three.
No, COVID's not for me.

Hi ** the derry o!
Vaccinations work and so
I've known since long ago:
Getting sick is not for me.

My booster shot
Protects me now.
The scientists
Should take a bow.
Aren't fun, you see.
So, COVID's not for me.

You MIGHT not want
To get your shot.
It’s hard to un-
Derstand why not.
Experts say
That when we do,
It's best for me and you.

If only all
Would persevere
To help make CO-
VID disappear!
We’re in luck
For we have got
A safe, effective shot.

Yes, herd immunity:
We know what that's all about.
Let’s stand in unity.
Get your booster shot and shout,
I got my shot today!"

-by Bob B (10-25-21)

°This poem could be sung to the melody of the 1940 song "I’ve Got No Strings" by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington for the Disney film PINOCCHIO. If you don’t know the song, check it out on YouTube. Knowing the melody helps with the rhythm of the poem.

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 55
Letter from Putin
Bob B Jan 10
"Dear Donald Trump, my friend,
I bet your patience is wearing thin.
Because of your democracy,
Investigations are closing in.

"Since I can use my magic
To make people disappear,
Such investigative threats
Are never going to happen here.

"From watching your revolving-door
Administration, I can see
That you, like me, expect one thing
Above all others: loyalty.

"What is all this talk about
Ties with Russian oligarchs?
Don't your people realize that
Our bites are much, much worse than our barks?

"Although I appreciate
What you did during your campaign--
The helpful steps you took to soften
Your stance on giving aid to Ukraine--

"We still have a ways to go.
But one thing that I have to say
Is you have been good about
Respecting our little NDA.°

Lifting sanctions would be a big help.
I thought that maybe a good incentive
Would be our many ICBMs,
For you know we're very inventive.

But, no, let's not talk about threats.
If your cards are rightly played,
You will be as strong as I.
In other words, you'll have it made.

Ah, silence is golden, no?
One thing is sure as shootin':
I'd hate to have to spill the beans
'Bout you know what. Your friend, Putin.

-by Bob B (4-2-18)

°non-disclosure agreement

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
Sometimes you see her admiring herself
In the mirror that's hanging next to the shelf.
And when she does it, oh, how she shines!
Is that, dear cat, how you practice your lines?
She seems not to care if we pay attention,
But maybe right here I ought to make mention
That being an actress, she's disinclined
To always reveal what's going on in her mind.
And she'll never, never tell you her age--
Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

She says, "You know…I'm not one to cuss,
But when I am hungry, I WILL make a fuss."
Yes, she can certainly put on a scene
And act as though she's an importunate queen.
She says, "My dears, if I'm weak or mild,
I'll never drive the audience wild."
That critical scene is repeated each night--
A regular tour de force all right.
Yes, it's best to try to assuage
Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

Her eyes were surely her greatest feature;
She THUS scoured the town for a drama teacher,
"Who," she says dolefully, "told me one night he
Could make me a star. ME: Aphrodite!"
But as it turned out, ol' Mr. Mittens
Made her instead a mom of eight kittens.
"But," she says, "THAT'S between you and me.
You know how I like my privacy."
It's good to always be on the same page
With Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

One thing you learn is for her it's the norm
To act a bit slighted when asked to perform.
She must be totally in the mood
Or else she behaves in a manner subdued.
And heaven help you if you are neglectful
Of if her audience is disrespectful.
She'll exit the room like a "cat" out of hell,
And you may not see her for quite a long spell.
You never want to see her rage--
Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

She sighs and says, "It's such a shame that
Few playwrights write good roles for a cat.
My friends say--when they see me upset--
'Commercials might be a better bet.'
My talents, however, as you might have guessed,
Best fit the stage. But now I must rest."
With that she lifted her nose in the air
And strutted out of the room with great flair.
It's always nice: advice from a sage
Like Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

-by Bob B (1-24-20)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 33
Bob B Jan 10
He died at seventy years of age;
His words had poisoned a nation.
Much of what he ranted about
Was total fabrication.

White identity politics:
He set a blueprint for that.
And when he criticized liberals,
He upped the thermostat.

Race-baiting for him was certainly
Par for the course.
Constant attack was his strategy,
With no hint of remorse.

Being politically INcorrect
To show his point of view
And crossing the line of propriety
Were what he loved to do.

True he had his loyal fans
Who would never condemn
His bigotry and conspiracy theories.
What is wrong with them?

The Capitol insurrectionists,
Naturally, he'd spout,
Were NOT thugs, but patriots!
Figure that one out.

When giving him the Medal of Freedom
Despite his divisive ways,
Trump insulted all the people
Really deserving of praise.

There are some who’ll jump for joy,
Knowing that Rush is gone.
But sadly all his vitriol
Continues to live on.

-by Bob B (2-18-21)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10

So if you're a U.S. Senator
And your state is besieged by cold,
Extreme weather, putting the state
In a catastrophic stranglehold,

With power outages, houses flooding
From bursting pipes, people dying,
Shortages of food and supplies--
The situation terrifying--

How do you help your constituents?
How do you show them that you are in tune
With all their pain and misery?
I know: why not fly to Cancún?

Ask Ted Cruz. That's what he did.
He did it for his kids, he said.
Why suffer here when he could
Play on a Mexican beach instead?

Actually, he cut his trip short,
And flew back home earlier than planned,
Only because he'd gotten caught
And had to leave the sun and sand.

Cruz reveals how little he cares
About the people and dodges attacks.
In a crisis, leadership matters.
And that is something the Senator lacks.

-by Bob B (2-19-21)


(This poem can be sung to the melody of the song "Fly Me to the Moon" by Bart Howard.)

Fly me to Cancún
So I can play upon the sand.
Let me get away from Texas.
Cold I can't withstand.
I want to play…in the sun.
I want to play….Who will miss me?

People in my state
Should understand what it's about.
I don't think the government
Should have to bail you out.
Just blame the Dems; they're the cause.
Yeah, blame the Dems, and their laws.

Anyone who wants
To leave can do it if they choose.
I am being attacked
Just because my name's Ted Cruz.
Some people say I'm not fair.
In simple words…
In simple words
I don't care.

-by Bob B (2-19-21)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 41
Bob B Jan 10
Every day it seems that we hear on the news
That someone else has a few loose screws:
Anti-vaxxers causing disruptions on our planes.
Trying to be obnoxious, they go to great pains.
Defying mask rules, they are picking fights,
Intimidating passengers and delaying flights.
Physically and verbally abusive, they don't care
If they cause disturbance on the ground or in the air.

Foolishly trying to assert their independence,
They spit at, and yell at, and curse at flight attendants,
Who must bear the burden of all the lunacy.
It also is a serious threat to you and me.
Recently, we've heard that a certain nutcase
Punched a flight attendant right in the face,
Knocking out two teeth! Another commandeered
The plane's PA system. Boy, was that weird!

Some unruly passengers have so turned up the heat
That they have had to be duct taped to their seat.
To spread misinformation about our vaccines,
Some of them resort to using any means.
Screeching and preaching, expressing their defiance
Of epidemiologists who rely on science,
Some of these crazies seem to be intent
On being as obnoxious as the former president.

It's so sad to see that we have come to this.
It makes a person wonder what has gone amiss.
Why do some people choose to reject
Behavior toward others that involves more respect?
Fools! They show a lack of common sense.
Fools are the ones who come to their defense.
Fools! I can't think of any other word--
Fools!--to describe behavior so absurd.


-by Bob B (10-18-21)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
Twenty twenty-one is now
Behind us and we're moving on.
But sadly we are starting out
This brand new year with Omicron.

Concerned individuals
Observe the facts and then implore us
To put our heads together to deal
Wtih challenges that lie before us:

Catastrophes from climate change,
Threats to our democracy,
COVID variants running rampant,
Distrust and religious hypocrisy….

Also, wherever you look these days,
You'll notice many a trend-setter--
The toxic, obstreperous type who feels
The more obnoxious you are the better.

Lies spread like wildfire.
Far too many people pursue them
And let them color their fantasies
Instead of trying to see right through them.

And so we have a giant task:
To spread the truth and let it guide us--
To put more faith into checking facts
And not let fallacies divide us.

So that's my VOW if I may have
A vow for 2022--
Mainly because relying on reason
Is surely the proper thing to do.

-by Bob B (1-1-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
January 6 last year
Wasn't just your average day;
Instead, it was one in which
Dark forces were put into play.

We watched in horror as violent thugs
Stormed the Capitol, leaving behind
A mass of desecration and death,
Reflecting their brutal state of mind.

Capitol police were not
Prepared to handle the riotous crowd--
A crowd eager to show that a peaceful
Transfer of power would not be allowed.

Incited by Trump and even members
Of Congress, the mob chose to defy
The results of a fair, secure election
And promulgated Trump's Big Lie.

Since then, efforts have been made
To gaslight the day's shocking events
By people trying to alter the facts
And siding with the malcontents.

Indictments and investigations
Continue, and the more we learn,
The more we’re aware of things that make
A caring person’s stomach turn.

We MUST insist on the rule of law.
Although the task seems insurmountable,
All who were involved in any
Manner must be held accountable.

Some will celebrate the sixth,
And if they do, shame on them
For seeing the violent insurrection
As something to praise and not to condemn.

If our democracy survives,
May future observers continue to see
The events of January 6
As a blemish on our history.

-by Bob B (1-6-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 34
Bob B Jan 10
Have you ever heard of dyscalculia?
It's often the culprit in situations
When people have great difficulty
With mathematical calculations.

I guess it's common for some of us
To learn that math is not our domain,
But having dyscalculia implies
A certain miswiring within the brain.

I read in multiple languages,
But math has always been hard for me.
There was only ONE math class
I liked, and that was geometry.

But algebra class? No way! Forget it.
We didn't get along at all.
I took the required classes and passed,
But often it was a very close call.

Maybe some of us live on the spectrum
That goes all the way from mild to severe.
Fortunately, I didn't have to
Use heavy math throughout my career.

I've always loved to deal with words;
Languages I find exciting.
But word problems, fractions, numbers,
And calculations are uninviting.

Although I can handle simple math,
My trouble with major problems lingers.
But, shhh!, please don't tell anyone
That sometimes I still will count with my fingers.

-by Bob B (2-10-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
This is a tale of a ruler;
Vladimir Putin's his name.
Unlike a man with a conscience,
This one has no sense of shame.

His paranoia controls him.
His ego controls him as well.
Among our current world leaders,
We can find no parallel.

Running the world's largest country
Can be a challenge that's tough;
However, as large as it is,
To Putin it's not large enough.

So now he has sent Russian troops
Into the land of Ukraine.
Putin's great thirst for power
Is something that he can't contain.

Putin can't stand the idea
Of having a country next door
That's strong and democratic.
For him that's a reason for war.

He came up with false excuses
To justify his attack.
How does one deal with a lying

How many people will suffer?
How many people will die?
How many now will be homeless?
How many children will cry?

How many more dissenters
Will end up going to jail?
Which world democracies
Will Putin try to derail?

Who is the next to be poisoned
For speaking his or her mind?
With how many more rubles
Will Putin's pockets be lined?

Most of the world agrees
That Putin is clearly a brute.
Praise that day when the Russians
Finally give him the boot!
Yes, praise that day when the Russians
Finally give him the boot!

-by Bob B (2-27-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 41
Ah, Ukraine!
Bob B Jan 10
Ah, Ukraine! It pains the heart
To see what you are going through.
How are you ever going to survive
What Vladimir Putin is doing to you?

Homes, schools, and hospitals bombed…
Roughly two million people fleeing…
The country's infrastructure collapsing…
It's hard to believe what we are seeing.

All because of an insecure
Madman who rules the country next door--
A madman who lies to his people in order
To justify his cruel war.

Will Putin level all the cities?
"Level"--a horrible palindrome!
What will returning Ukrainians find
Standing if they ever come home?

Putin rules with an iron fist.
For anybody to stop him is tough.
We have to rely on the Russian people
To say, "We have had enough!"

How much more can the rest of the world
Do to help--to ease your pain?
You need much more than cautious concern
To end the anguish, dear Ukraine.

-by Bob B (3-11-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
Florida wants to show
Its hateful, nasty side
By lashing out at gays
With zeal that it won't hide.
Governor DeSantis
Will not be outdone.
He wants to make a case
Where there's really none.
But who cares what
DeSantis has to say?
Turn his words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

Other states will now
Attempt to follow suit
With explanations that
They will convolute.
It matters not to them
What is right or wrong.
It's just a culture war
That nudges them along.
When states try to put
Their bigotry on display,
Turn their words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

Using toxic words
Like "groomers" to suggest
That anyone who's gay
Is on a lecherous quest,
Backers of the bills
Frequently beguile
Voters with the use
Of worlds like "*******."
When fanatics try
To bully you this way,
Turn their words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

Autocratic rulers,
Backed by troglodytes,
Scorn intolerance
And stomp on human rights.
Don’t let other people
Intimidate you. No!
Just be who you are,
And tell them where to go.
Love is love is love,
So don't be led astray.
Turn their words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

-by Bob B (4-11-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 25
In the News...
Bob B Jan 10
-R v. W and Kansas-

SCOTUS! Oh, my: what a sham!
And boy, are we in a jam!
The ruling it made
On Roe versus Wade
Sets us back fifty years. ****!

With their extremist mentality,
They THINK they're defending morality.
They merely show
What we all know:
That they're out of touch with reality.

The people of Kansas decided
That they will not be misguided.
Women won't lose
Their right to choose,
For reason and sense have presided.


China is rattling its saber
And hurling more threats at its neighbor.
Taiwan be free?
That just can't be:
A point China loves to belabor.

-Brittney Griner-

Brittney Griner has learned
How easy it is to get burned
In Putin's domain--
A scary terrain.
We all want Griner returned!

Let Russia be struck from your list
Of places to visit. The gist?
People's small actions
Are major infractions,
For justice there doesn't exist.

-by Bob B (8-4-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 37
D.T., You'll See
Bob B Jan 10
(This poem could be sung to the melody of "Michelle" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.)

D.T., you'll see:
Though you fool your minions with your lies,
You don't fool me.
D.T., je sais…
Je sais qui vous êtes vraiment…se sais…
Je sais vraiment.
Say, what the hell were you thinking?
When you took all those docs?
You think that simple locks
Will protect top secret docs from getting out of your hands?

D.T., I'll say
You aren't fit to run this country, no,
I say no way.
There are folks out there who want you
To be their shining star.
They don't see who you are.
Or if they do, they might see through your guise, and they dare
Not to care.

You HAVE to know that you aren't guilt free.
But does that faze you? No.
You just put on your show.
To get your way you have to play the martyr each day.

D.T., you'll see.
Fess up to your wrongs and be a man.
Yes, be a man.
I say accountability's a word that you have to learn,
Dear D.T.

D.T., you'll see:
Though you fool your minions with your lies,
You don't fool me.

-by Bob B (8-14-22)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 27
Bob B Jan 10
Do people tell you that you have
An RBF by any chance,
And when you're in their company,
You find that many look askance?

Having such a face might not
In the long run be so bad.
People just aren't sure if you
Are happy, bored, upset, or mad.

In fact, with an RBF,
Your ****** skin needs much less care
Because with fewer smiles or frowns,
Your face shows fewer signs of wear.

Our happy, smiling, laughing, frowning,
Or scowling faces can, I guess,
Have an expressive look right now
But soon become a wrinkled mess.

You've surely heard of Bette Davis,
The actress of the stage and screen.
When it comes to RBFs,
People say she was the queen.

Some don't like the expression at all.
When they hear it, ooh, they lose it.
That's why I, of course, must say
That I would never, ever use it.

-by Bob B (9-8-22)

°Resting ***** face

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
My memories give me a lot of comfort,
And every single one of them mends
My heart, which suffers from the loss
Of family, relatives, and friends.

Ah, those glorious days we spent
Together as we journeyed through life,
Sharing love, laughter, and cheer,
And sometimes struggles through storm and strife.

Lifetimes have varied--some were cut short
Long before we'd ever expected.
They are considered short stories
Among life's stories that we've collected.

Others have been more fortunate.
Their lives are Russian novels, I'd say.
They lived through multiple generations--
Their skin grew wrinkled; their hair turned gray.

Some folks plan to reunite
With loved ones for all eternity.
Others are more inclined to believe
The idea: whatever will be will be.

Of course, we'd rather have the departed
With us, and in a way they are.
The light of their being shines on us
As does the light of a distant star.

Therefore, take comfort in memories--
A gentle balm that after a while
Will ease your anguish, lessen your pain,
Dry your tears, and make you smile.

-by Bob B (1-4-23)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 30
Supporting Ukraine
Bob B Jan 10
Putin's year-long war continues
To batter Ukraine--to ****, to destroy.
The autocrat's reasons for being there
Are definitely a political ploy.

Killing civilians while also attacking
Ukraine's infrastructure as well,
The Russians are bent on total destruction.
Where this will go is hard to foretell.

And Russian sympathizers here
Join in with Putin's sing-a-long.
Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis,
Claims that Putin's done nothing wrong!

Who can tell where DeSantis gets
His false information and mistaken views?
Probably from too many incorrect
Podcasts and also from watching Fox News.

While Russia ramps up its fierce attacks,
Ukraine will fight to the bitter end.
Here's a reminder for those who've forgotten:
Putin, folks, is NOT our friend.

We pledged our support for Ukraine, and so
For the sake of freedom, we MUST follow through.
Condoning Putin's atrocities
Would certainly be the wrong thing to do.

-by Bob B (2-21-23)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 33
Who Created Whom?
Bob B Jan 10
Did God create human beings,
Or was it the other way around?
The question resembles a Zen koan--
Such as the one-handed clapping sound.

To some, merely asking the question
Is a virtual powder keg.
It's like the question: What came first--
Was it the chicken, or was it the egg?

Some things are beyond knowing:
We can only speculate
As to how and why we got here.
It's still fun to contemplate.

The writers of all religious scriptures
Have a bias they choose to share.
They hope that their ideas will make
Curious, hungry believers aware.

The story behind human existence
To some is a matter of great pith.
Others have a difficult time
Accepting a simple creation myth.

Some folks are not satisfied
And want to gaze beyond the façade--
Beyond the human formulations
That try to define the concept of God.

People adhere to what makes sense
To them, and some of them will chide me,
For I prefer to allow science,
Reason, and common sense to guide me.

Being able to think and question
Are benefits of humankind.
So who created whom? The query
Will always challenge the questioning mind.

-by Bob B (3-20-23)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Jan 10 · 34
Heart Attack!
Bob B Jan 10
You think you're healthy and in good shape.
Cholesterol is low.
Blood pressure is not a problem.
You've got some get-up-and-go.

You go on a daily four-mile walk.
You eat as well as you can.
Fruits and vegetables are both
Part of your daily plan.

Yes, you like your sweets; you feel
Life must have some perks.
You try to balance the good with the bad
And always hope that it works.

Avoiding stressful debt, you live
Comfortably in the black.
And then without any warning, what happens?
You have a heart attack!

Life we know is full of surprises.
Expect the unexpected.
It's strange how a problem with one's heart
Could long go undetected.

The help from paramedics and doctors
And nurses--I can say--
Has given me a new lease on life,
For I am alive today.

A stent in a major artery lets
The blood flow near the heart.
I hope that no more blockages
Will show up in my chart.

Although our bodies are strong and resilient,
It is also said
That despite our resiliency,
We hang by the thinnest thread.

I hope my ticker keeps on ticking,
Displacing some of my fears;
And may the beats continue to sound
For many, many years.

-by Bob B (4-2-23)

(For some reason, I found this poem in my DRAFTS. I guess I hadn't "published" it for public eyes, and it sat, along with 25 or so of my other poems, in my DRAFTS folder until today. Sorry about the delay.)
Bob B Jan 10
Donald Trump and Elon Musk--
And this, of course, is no surprise--
Continue to spread misinformation
And hope that we believe their lies.

Now it's about the devastating
Fires raging through L.A.
We are hearing attacks and blame
From Trump and his new protégé.

Musk is blaming the Dems and "wokeness"
And thus is throwing fuel on the flames;
Trump is stupidly misleading fans
By making false, inaccurate claims.

The two men rely on a place
Where lies and misinformation abound:
The Internet--now a perfect
Conspiracy theory breeding ground.

Fact-checking is crucial now
More than ever as Trump distracts
The public with his verbal garbage
And Musk with all his alternate "facts."

-by Bob B (1-10-25)
Bob B Jan 6
How can we ignore what happened
On THIS dark day four years ago?
Let us paint it as though it were
Depicted in the style of Van Gogh:

The painting must show emotional depth
To clearly demonstrate its sadness.
The brush strokes, wide and wild,
Should display the utter madness.

To show the anger--not love--apply
Thick and intense globs of red,
Which will also represent
Brutality and blood that was shed.

Apply bright streaks of yellow color
To focus on the cowardly thugs--
There as insurrectionists
And NOT there to pass out hugs.

The Capitol should be depicted
From different angles. That represents
All the absurd conspiracy theories
Believed by all the malcontents.

The paint? Of course, make sure it's thick
To show the thickness of the lies
That Trump and his supporters have told
To make us NOT believe our eyes.

Swirling strokes should indicate
A stark but vivid intensity
Of violence, for which Trump's mobs
Have a scary propensity.

The composition should guide the viewers'
Eyes to see the overall truth--
And NOT to be taken in by those
With tactics questionable and uncouth.

Now stand back; observe our painting.
We must never ever let
The horrors of that day become
A bagatelle that we forget.

-by Bob B (1-6-25)
Dec 2024 · 39
Now I Lay Me Down...
Bob B Dec 2024
An odd prayer to say at bedtime--
Especially for the children's sake--
Is one that has them saying each night
"If I should die before I wake."

“Die before I wake”? Oh, no!
That is not a comforting thought—
That all my efforts to live and breathe
This very night could come to naught?

So when the kiddies say the prayer
"Now I lay me down to sleep…,"
Just imagine all the thoughts
That into little heads might creep:

Thoughts rekindling many fears--
Of ghouls ******* out their breath,
Of monsters crawling out of the closet,
Of countless things that might cause death.

And after that, while the children's
Imaginations are on a roll,
They think that from a distant place
A "lord" is going to take their soul.

How can that be comforting?
Wouldn't something life-affirming
Be much more appropriate
And not have little bed goers squirming?

Something giving them joy and hope,
Something that will help them thrive
And learn to appreciate the world
And thus feel lucky to be alive?

Are little ones still saying that prayer?
Are there parents who still demand it?
I guess that one would have to be
A praying sort to understand it.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I hope I won't be counting sheep.
Let's ALL have pleasant dreams instead,
And wake up glad that we aren't dead.

-by Bob B (12-31-24)
Dec 2024 · 27
Santa Sings the Blues
Bob B Dec 2024
When Santa returned to the slushy North Pole--
Effects of global warming, you see--
He sat down in his old recliner,
Sighed, and muttered, "Oh, dear me."

Mrs. Claus--who had been in bed--
Entered the room and felt distressed
To see her hubby in such a state--
So disconsolate and depressed.

She offered to make him a cup of hot coffee--
Something that Santa would never refuse--
As he wrote lyrics to what he called
"The Merry Little Christmas Blues":°

"I don't like what's happening to Christmas;
It's just not the same.
It's now so
Commercial that it's such a shame.

"I don't like what's happening to Christmas;
Gone are peace and joy.
I now fear
For every little girl and boy.

"Wars rage on bringing suffering
All around the world. So sad.
Many folks follow autocrats.
Oh, I think the world's gone mad.

"If the people will not say good-bye to
Hatred, war, and greed,
I fear that compassion cannot intercede.
Compassion's what all people in the world need."

That's what Santa sang to the missus,
And she--poor lady--started to cry.
Santa then repeated two stanzas
While gently wiping a tear from his eye.

"Wars rage on bringing suffering
All around the world. So sad.
Many folks follow autocrats.
Oh, I think the world's gone mad.

"If the people will not say good-bye to
Hatred, war, and greed,
I fear that compassion cannot intercede.
Compassion's what all people in the world need."

"I'm sorry, my dear," said Mrs. Claus,
"But your sad song is making me weep.
You have had a busy night.
Go lie down and get some sleep."

-by Bob B (12-28-24)

°Santa wrote his lyrics to a blues version of the melody to "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
Bob B Dec 2024
The House has released an official report
On Matthew Gaetz, former member.
The special, unwanted Christmas gift
Was given to him this December.

Accused of having obstructed Congress
And violated House rules,
Gaetz apparently thinks that he
Can do no wrong and we are fools.

If you ask some members of Congress
To share the impression that they have had
Of Gaetz since they have gotten to know him,
They would say that he's a cad.

They learned that he paid thousands of dollars
For drug use and also for ***.
Can he deny the evidence?
I wonder if he paid with checks.

That isn't all, of course, for Gaetz's
Shocking list of infractions gets finer:
On top of everything else, he's been
Accused of having *** with a minor.

And this is the guy that Trump had wanted
To be AG! Not surprising,
For Trump would very likely think,
"Oh, he's merely womanizing."

Gaetz admits that he's sent "funds"
To women he has dated. I see.
Whatever he calls it, it sounds as though
He was paying for *** to me.

-by Bob B (12-26-24)
Dec 2024 · 37
The New President
Bob B Dec 2024
We will have a new president,
And no, it won't be Donald Trump.
Actually, it's Elon Musk--
Trump's newest sidekick-chump.

It's Elon Musk--the money man,
And one for whom Trump has the hots--
Who will be the one in charge.
Musk will now be calling the shots.

When you're the richest man on Earth,
You can do whatever you want.
Flash your money at Trump and you'll
Be his newest confidant.

The richest man on Earth can also
Use his money to threaten those
Who do not do his bidding or who,
Instead of ayes, will give him noes.

Interestingly, Elon Musk
Wasn't even born in the States
And legally couldn't run for office.
What kind of nonsense now awaits?

Privatization is his goal.
Social programs are under attack.
If he and his cronies get their way,
Consider how far they'll set us back.

Now that Musk is in Trump's ear,
Trump will be the titular head,
But President Musk without a doubt
Will be running the show instead.

Musk has wormed his way to the top;
The consequences could be huge.
I wonder how long their friendship will last
And which one of them is the other one's stooge.

-by Bob B (12-21-24)
Dec 2024 · 38
The Aftermath
Bob B Dec 2024
Where was all the election fraud
That Trump declared was going on
As he vigorously campaigned
And as his battle lines were drawn?

Oh, I see: fraud occurs
In the event he does not win,
For IF Republicans should lose,
Fraud's the story that they spin.

After a vicious, nasty campaign
Of stirring up fear and employing deceit,
Trump has won a second term
With help from his buddies on easy street.

Once he is in office again,
We will see an escalation
Of his being able to get his way
Through vengeance and intimidation.

He and his crony Elon Musk,
Who has become his partner in crime,
Are ramping up the threats already.
So here's a Trumpian nursery rhyme:

Donnie Trumpy, pudding and pie,
Wants his way or else he'll cry.
Watch him as he flouts our laws;
How much damage will he cause?

-by Bob B (12-19-24)
Bob B Dec 2024
When you were a child, did you
Believe in Santa Claus? If so,
Did you ever doubt his actions?
Or was that far too long ago?

Did you wonder how the man
Could know which kids were naughty or nice,
Or how he could give gifts to so many
Kids in the world and be so precise?

It's like today: a lot of people
Find no fault with Trump's absurd
Policies and promises
And never attempt to question his word.

They do not think his tariff plans
Will have a negative effect
On the nation's economy,
Which could easily be wrecked.

They don't consider how mass deportations
Of millions of people living here hurts
ALL of us, including extremist
Americans with whom Trump flirts.

They can't imagine how the crackpots
That he appoints to his admin team
Will put us in danger as they support
His anti-rule-of-law regime.

They don't even react when Trump
Thumbs his nose at rules and laws.
Yes, a lot of adults--it appears--
Still believe in Santa Claus.

-by Bob B (12-10-24)
Dec 2024 · 38
The Pardon
Bob B Dec 2024
So President Biden pardoned Hunter.
Of course, he was attacked--
Especially by the Right that had
To scream and overreact.

"Corrupt!" they called him. They said he had
Abused his power. Oh, no!
Have they forgotten what Trump had done
Just a few years ago?

Consider the REAL crooks that Trump
Pardoned and also set free.
No president has ever been
As corrupt as he.

Some of those he's pardoned are being
Given positions as well
In government, and yet Trump now
Screams to *******.

Trump has also said he will pardon
Insurrectionists, who
To him were merely patriots.
A warped point of view.

But Biden is favoring family,
Some people will say.
Trump did that before and still
Continues to do it today.

He says that Biden has weaponized
The DOJ. Oh, my!
Trump must learn to take the log
Out of his own eye.

His pick for future AG has
A hit list to carry out.
With Trump in his ear, who knows what
Nonsense will come about.

If you're upset with Biden now,
Get over it, and hurry.
After Trump's in office again,
You'll have a bigger worry.

-by Bob B (12-3-24)
Nov 2024 · 33
The Gumyocho Bird
Bob B Nov 2024
This is the tale of the gumyocho bird.
It had two heads, which would suggest
That IF two heads are better than one,
The gumyocho bird should have been blessed.

But it had two personalities.
Each head thought it was always right,
And so, as you can surely surmise,
The bird's two heads would constantly fight.

One day while one head was asleep,
The other head, an herbivore,
Feasted on luscious fruits and flowers
Until its stomach could take no more.

When the other head woke up,
Its body was feeling indigestion.
Food sounded good, but it was so full
That eating was certainly out of the question.

The head--so angry, resentful, and bitter--
Planned to get even, but not being shrewd,
When hungry again, it slyly led
The other head to some poisonous food.

The head then ate its fill with gusto.
You can imagine what happened next.
Since the two heads shared one body,
No one should be surprised or perplexed.

Before dying, the vengeful head
Realized the mistake it had made
And hoped a compassionate buddha would feel
Pity for it and come to its aid.

Transported to an awakened realm,
The bird tells its story for our sake,
To help us see the repercussions
That come from decisions that all of us make.

Listen to the gumyocho bird.
It has a relevant story to tell:
When we’re hurtful to other people,
We're hurtful to ourselves as well.

-by Bob B (11-24-24)
Nov 2024 · 47
The Spider and Its Prey
Bob B Nov 2024
The spider spins its silky web,
Carefully constructing its trap.
Then it sits and waits for its prey
To figuratively land in its lap.

Patiently, it waits and waits.
It hopes an unsuspecting fly
Will dart into its fibrous silk
Where it will then bid life good-bye.

The web shakes. Aha! A victim!
Very aware of the struggling shape,
The spider rushes to nab the creature,
For whom there will be no escape.

After injecting the fly with venom,
Then it quickly and deftly bestrides
Its helpless and now paralyzed victim.
The venom will liquify its insides.

The spider also wraps its capture.
Soon the sneaky spiderweb spinner
Will hungrily **** out every bit
Of liquified parts of the fly for dinner.

Of course, not all spiders spin webs.
Some just sit and patiently wait
For their prey to wander by.
Then they pounce and seal its fate.

So who's the spider? Vladimir Putin.
Its prey? Americans who pretend
That Putin is NOT our adversary,
But, instead, a trustworthy friend.

-by Bob B (11-22-24)
Nov 2024 · 30
Bob B Nov 2024
This is NOT the time to give up.
To throw in the cards wouldn't be wise.
In order to save our democracy,
People, we've got to mobilize!

Medicare and social security:
Watch them fade before your eyes.
Protect the benefits we have earned.
People, we've got to mobilize!

People's rights are being threatened.
Discrimination is on the rise.
The wolf is knocking on the door.
People, we've got to mobilize!

****** autonomy
Of women is threatened by those who devise
Draconian laws that are killing mothers.
People, we've got to mobilize!

Our health will be in serious danger
By those who want to legitimize
Wild and crazy conspiracy theories.
People, we've got to mobilize!

Look at the suffering that's caused
By lawmakers who demonize
Our immigrant community.
People, we've got to mobilize!

Yes, at times there is too much
Over which to agonize,
So vote, march, write, make calls!
People, we've got to mobilize!

You feel the cards are stacked against you?
Remember: keep your eyes on the prize.
They will try to beat you down.
People, we've got to mobilize!

-by Bob B (11-21-24)
Nov 2024 · 45
A Monster Story (Part 1)
Bob B Nov 2024
The MAGA-monster reared his head
To see how far his venom would spread.
"How dare they defy me!" he loudly exclaimed.
His hatred and anger could never be tamed.
Whether he told the truth or lied,
Whatever he said could not be defied.
If you chose to disagree,
His enemy was what you would be.
Loyalty was a major concern;
Those who withheld it were those he would spurn.

"I will show 'em!" he loudly roared.
His face turned orange as he brandished his sword.
His sycophantic subjects drew near,
Obsequiously kowtowing in fear.
He didn't care if someone should suffer.
His other concern: to take care of his fluffer--
One of the slimiest toadies around,
Who made the country his new battleground.
The two of them, salaciously smiling,
Had looks on their faces, oddly beguiling.

The monster's coffers were filled to the brim.
EVERYTHING was all about HIM.
He gave the semblance of caring, but no,
His woeful act was all bluster and show.
In other lands, to get more support,
He looked for other monsters to court.
Urged on by callous and heartless trolls
Who helped him achieve his nefarious goals,
The monster displayed an ego that grew
Taller than buildings on Fifth Avenue.

Where are the heroes who are not afraid
To challenge the monster and come to our aid.
Where are the champions, so brave and so deft,
To fight him from both his right and his left.
The MAGA-monster wields his power
To make all the people around him cower.
A nation once full of hope and freedom
Has turned into an all-about-me-dom.
The selfish, contemptible, carrot-topped,
And cruel monster has got to be stopped.

(End of Part 1)

-by Bob B (11-19-24)
Nov 2024 · 47
Bob B Nov 2024
Thanks to people who didn't vote
For putting us all in the mess we're in.
Thanks to those who were uninformed
For making sure that Trump would win.

A number of voters who took to the polls
Did us all a disservice because,
For one thing, a lot of them didn't
Even know what a tariff was.

For some, the word "autocrat"
Was not in their vocabulary.
A lot of those people voted for Trump.
Frankly, that is downright scary.

And even though in history classes
We have studied the past, it seems
That many people have forgotten
Or still don’t know what “fascism” means.

There were voters who said they'd never
Vote for a woman, and so they chose
To cast their vote for Donald Trump
To be a part of the party of bros.

To voters who cast a protest vote,
Now are you satisfied?
Do you see what happens when
Common sense and anger collide?

Of course, some just like the man.
They like Trump for his tough guy stance.
Watch as he and Elon Musk
Carry out their bro-romance.

A lot of people were clueless about
How the Biden administration
Played a substantial role in helping
Americans across our nation.

And so, we are stuck with a man
Who'll do his best to cater to
Extremists and wackos everywhere.
The damage will be hard to undo.

-by Bob B (11-18-24)
Nov 2024 · 46
Disastrous Picks
Bob B Nov 2024
Trump's picks for his Cabinet
Are in-your-face kinds of picks.
It's obvious from what he's doing
That he is up to his old tricks.

He doesn't want the FBI
To be involved in the nominees' vetting,
Which Democrats and conscientious
Republicans find very upsetting.

For Secretary of Defense,
Pete Hegseth, a veteran who
Displays as part of his body art
A white supremacist tattoo?

Tulsi Gabbard as DNI°
Who couldn't pass a background check
Because she's compromised by Russia?
Trump's feelings: What the heck?

Matt Gaetz as Attorney General--
A grifter and a trouble-maker
Accused of ***-trafficking?
For Trump that's NOT a deal breaker.

Hegseth, Gabbard, and Gaetz are all
Deeply unfit for such positions.
A competent president wouldn't
Select them under any conditions.

It’s almost as if in making his choices
Trump is trying to deride
All of us by asking himself,
"Who is the most unqualified?"

Will Republicans cave in
To pressure from Trump or show some spine
And tell him no when he attempts
To sidestep rules and cross the line?

-by Bob B (11-16-24)

°Director of National Intelligence
Nov 2024 · 52
Unfortunate Decision
Bob B Nov 2024
Americans have made a decision.
Why did they decide
To put someone into office who
Will take them for a ride?

They elected a man so full
Of vengeance and desperation
That his campaign was principally
Lies and misinformation.

He pandered to the people's worries--
Worries that he created
By turning people against the folks
That he has deprecated.

He won't focus on key issues;
No, those he ignores.
He would rather perpetuate
Hateful culture wars.

Islamo-, trans-, and homophobia
Will now be on the rise
As players in Trump's administration
Begin to mobilize

Racist stooges surrounding him
Will always be in his ear,
Chipping away at human rights
And constantly stoking fear.

The deportation of immigrants
He says is first on his list
Of things to do, for he is such
A heartless nativist.

Loyalty above all else
Is what he always demands.
With autocrats all over the world,
He'll be shaking hands.

We’ve all seen that Trump's whole world
Is strictly quid pro quo.
With Elon Musk so tight with him,
Will Musk be running the show?

With no more guardrails to keep Trump in line,
He'll FURTHER disunite
Americans, and that will be
Much to Putin's delight.

I'm glad I wasn't complicit in choosing
One of the vilest of men
To take a seat in the Oval Office
And wreck the country again.

-by Bob B (11-13-24)
Bob B Nov 2024
Beware of populist demagogues.
Don't let them be misunderstood:
They build their popularity
Without promoting the public good.

They pander to passions and prejudice
And also hold reason and truth in contempt.
From all accountability
Demagogues want to remain exempt.

They are masters of the masses
And try to tear down norm after norm.
Using tricks to betray the people,
They are experts at how to perform.

Using their popular support,
They undermine our institutions.
Swindling us through sophistry,
They stand firm in their resolutions.

Wearing contempt that they invite
As a badge of honor, they hope
That no one scrutinizes them
Or puts them under a microscope.

Notice their quest for unrestrained power,
Their hunger for vengeance, their thirst for control.
Support for ideas that violate
The rights of others is often their goal.

Controlling the hearts and minds of the people,
They want you to think that they are friends.
Then they leverage your support
For their own political ends.

It's scary to think that Americans
Could eagerly cast their vote in a fog,
Electing a dangerous person who is
Clearly a populist demagogue.

-by Bob B (11-9-24)

°Inspired by the writings of Dani Rudrik, Eli Merritt, and Emily Pears
Nov 2024 · 42
Cry, Beloved Country
Bob B Nov 2024
Cry, beloved country,
For what we fear will come.
A bleak, uncertain future
Leaves us feeling numb.

Weep about the darkness
That's crept into our day
As fear and hate extinguish
The torch that guides our way.

Mourn the loss of judgment
At dark times such as this.
For far too many people,
Ignorance is bliss.

Grieve the loss of hope
That many of us had known.
Despair has now replaced it,
And hearts have turned to stone.

Lament the death of knowledge
That always has been needed
To help ensure that lessons
Of history are heeded.

Bewail the sad misfortune
That empathy's now gone,
While those who deeply suffer
Are treated with a yawn.

Cry, beloved country.
Was ALL of this our fate?
Can we turn the tide,
Or might it be too late?

-by Bob B (11-7-24)
Nov 2024 · 74
Up to No Good
Bob B Nov 2024
Listen to this: We all know
That Vladimir Putin is not our friend.
When you hear what he's doing right now,
Every hair should stand on end.

Iran and North Korea have both
Assisted in Putin's bombing campaign.
Now North Korean troops
Are helping Russia to fight in Ukraine!

Putin also asked the owner
Of Starlink Satellite if he'd
Not let it be activated
Over Taiwan. The owner agreed.

Who is the owner? Elon Musk,
Who we know has also had
Secret communications with Putin.
Are you upset? At least a tad?

Putin said that his request
Was a favor to China. Oh, well.
But there is more. It is going
To make you wonder, "What the hell?"

Putin asked Musk NOT to let
Ukraine access his satellite
Over the Black Sea area
Where Russia hoped to exert its might.

Musk has contracts with NASA and with
The DOD. Wouldn't you bet
That his close ties with Putin make him
A national security threat?

We've watched as he's turned Twitter into
A huge propaganda machine.
His connections with Trump and Putin
Show which way his loyalties lean.

We have a serious problem here.
Choose to agree or disagree,
But someone assisting our adversaries
Sounds a lot like a traitor to me.

-by Bob B (11-5-24)
Nov 2024 · 50
The Voting Chant
Bob B Nov 2024
(Clap) One, two, three, four…

Come on, put on your shoes and socks
And traipse on down to the ballot box
If you haven't voted yet.
Do it now before you forget.
Please, however, heed my advice:
Don't be sneaky and try to vote twice.
We know that some voters cast
Second votes for Trump in the past.

Clap your hands and stamp your feet!
Let's all try to stay upbeat!

We are lucky we can vote.
Let's all keep that right afloat.
This election's consequential;
That means that your vote's essential.
Do not fall for someone who
Lies until his face is blue.
How can anybody laud
A liar who screams "Election fraud!"?

Clap your hands and stamp your feet!
Let's all try to stay upbeat!

Voting right means voting smart;
Vote with both your head and heart.
The one to vote for should be clear:
One talks freedom; the other talks fear.
Her I'll gladly get behind.
He is clearly losing his mind.
Let's all hope the winner will be
The one who'll save democracy.

Clap your hands and stamp your feet!
Let's all try to stay upbeat!

-by Bob B (11-4-24)
Bob B Nov 2024
At a campaign rally,
Trying to be Mr. Hot,
Trump said HE'LL protect women
Whether they like it or not.

Protect women? Hmmm.
Eight years ago we heard
Trump disparaging women.
Every salacious word!

In dealing with women, he said,
Your stardom's easy to flaunt.
Grab their private parts
And do whatever you want.

Has he protected women
Who died from lack of care
Due to abortion bans
Cropping up everywhere?

How about when he was
A predator on the loose
And faces allegations
Of ****** abuse?

I can't imagine women
Wanting Trump's "protection"
Or EVEN casting a vote
For him in any election.

-by Bob B  (11-3-24)
Nov 2024 · 37
Another Victim
Bob B Nov 2024
After high school graduation
In May 2023,
Eighteen-year-old Nevaeh Crain
Discovered she was a mother-to-be.

A mother-to-be in Texas, however,
Is no longer a top priority,
For her body turns into something
Over which she has no authority.

Excited about the pregnancy,
Nevaeh--vibrant, young, and strong--
Was doing well until the day
Of her baby shower, when something went wrong.

She grew ill and had to go
To the hospital. Time number one.
They gave her antibiotics and sent
Her home; her troubles had barely begun.

Back to the hospital she went
Writhing in pain. That is when
They said she had a UTI
And sent her home with some meds again.

Nevaeh returned to the hospital.
A miscarriage was suspected.
However, they couldn't act until
No fetal heartbeat was detected.

Nevaeh's mother panicked when seeing
Her daughter's ****** hospital gown.
Things grew worse as sepsis started
To shut Nevaeh's organs down.

Delayed miscarriage treatment
Meant the untimely and sad demise
Of young Nevaeh Crain who suffered
And died before her mother's eyes.

Again, doctors in Texas are fearing
Prosecution for doing what's right--
For giving needed care to women,
On whom strict laws have cast a blight.

Do not listen to lawmakers
Who push their agenda with lies and distortion.
Abortion bans EVEN **** women
Who normally wouldn't have an abortion.

-by Bob B (11-2-24)
Nov 2024 · 66
A Billionaire Boys Club
Bob B Nov 2024
If Trump wins a second term,
Apparently, he has a plan
To make the multi-billionaire
Elon Musk his number-one man.

Musk in a Cabinet-level position?
People might say, "No big deal."
Think about the consequences.
Come on, people! Let's get real!

The following is one idea
That Elon Musk is recommending:
Cut the federal government.
Good-bye, discretionary spending!

To carry out his plan we must
Expect a hardship, he adds. But hey!
That is very easy for
A billionaire like him to say.

Many leading economists
Who hear Trump's plans tend to agree
That his proposals would really crash
Our current booming economy.

Musk with all his secret ties
To Vladimir Putin is also suspicious.
No wonder his election support
For Trump has been so overambitious.

Republicans will do away,
With needed regulations and let
All of us see the removal of
Our basic social safety net.

Trump and his billionaire amigos
Think their schemes will be a plus.
Maybe it's good for lining their pockets
But NOT good for the rest of us.

-by Bob B (11-1-24)
Oct 2024 · 45
Remember Josseli
Bob B Oct 2024
Josseli Barnica was a young mother
Who unfortunately became
The victim of laws in Texas denying
Women their rights. Remember her name.

This happened in 2021,
Even before the overturning
Of Roe v. Wade, and all of us
Should find Josseli's story concerning.

The 28-year-old pregnant mother,
Thrilled to be having child number two,
Learned that she was miscarrying--
Suddenly, and out of the blue.

Occurring shortly after Texas
Had passed strict abortion bans,
The incident reminds us that life
Doesn't always heed our plans.

The doctors faced a dilemma here.
The matter should have been routine,
But the new abortion laws
Made it a crime to intervene.

They said they wanted to help the patient
But told her that their hands were tied.
Because of their delay in treatment,
The young mother, Josseli, died.

Sepsis had taken the mother's life.
Abortion bans can sadly make
Pregnancies quite dangerous,
And many women's lives are at stake.

Lawmakers, are you happy now?
You SHOULD have been aware of the flaws
In your reckless attempts to control
Women with your draconian laws!

-by Bob B (10-31-24)
Oct 2024 · 44
It Could Happen Here
Bob B Oct 2024
How often throughout our history
When it was growing clear
That danger approached did people say
"It couldn't happen here"?

Could Russians imagine atrocities
That Stalin would engineer?
How many of them might have thought
"It couldn't happen here"?

When ******'s concentration camps
Started to appear,
How many Germans also insisted
"It couldn't happen here"?

Chairman Mao had policies
So vile, cruel and severe
That millions died. How many had said
"It couldn't happen here"?

Pol *** with his Killing Fields
Caused millions to shed a tear.
Had Cambodians also thought
"It couldn't happen here"?

Complacency is dangerous
When there are reasons to fear
That tyranny is possible,
For it could happen here!

-by Bob B (10-29-24)
Oct 2024 · 27
An Easy Decision
Bob B Oct 2024
Some folks don't like Harris's giggle;
Some folks do not like her laugh.
Some don't like what people say
When they speak on her behalf.

Some, of course, don’t like the fact
That she's a Democrat. Oh, my!
And some would never cast their vote
For her because she's not a guy!

Some don't like her stance on women's
Reproductive rights and choice.
There are those who say they can't
Stand to listen to her voice.

And, of course, there are many
Who think that it is quite all right
To say that they would never vote
For her because she isn't White.

When I hear such stupid, racist,
Misogynistic reasons, I'll stress--
And many folks must also agree--
That all of that is pure BS!

They'd rather vote for a man, who,
When asked difficult questions, balks?
They'd VOTE for a man who sounds just like
A racist and fascist when he talks?

A man who'll chase down his opponents?
(We all know he's keeping tallies.)
Whose speakers belittle Puerto Ricans
When speaking at his campaign rallies?

Dehumanizing immigrants
In general is Trump's M.O.
You think he will not go any lower?
Just WATCH! You'll see how low he'll go.

Even if a person doesn't
Agree with Harris one hundred percent,
How could anyone not think that
She'd be a better president?

Protecting our democracy:
That's the pivotal issue here.
Should people vote for her or him?
The answer should be very clear.

-by Bob B (10-28-24)
Bob B Oct 2024
Fighting for our freedoms is
A goal within our reach.
That's a major focus when
Michelle gives a speech.°

If she sings your praises, then
That is something each
And everyone should cherish when
Michelle gives a speech.

If YOU embrace important thoughts
That speakers want to teach,
Then you'll appreciate it when
Michelle gives a speech.

Rightly she unmasks the man
The House did twice impeach.
The words are blunt and lucid when
Michelle gives a speech.

She SIMPLY calls it what it is
And doesn't have to preach.
Each word hits the target when
Michelle gives a speech.

Trump's thick barrier of lies
Is what her words can breach.
Everyone should listen when
Michelle gives a speech.

Some folks always rant and rave
And shout and shriek and screech.
However, you won't hear that when
Michelle gives a speech.

If you've never heard her speak,
Then you I do beseech
To take the time to hear her when
Michelle gives a speech.

-by Bob B (10-27-24)

°Referring to Michelle Obama's speech at the Harris rally in Kalamazoo, MI, on 10-26-24
Oct 2024 · 26
Really Now!
Bob B Oct 2024
So Mike Johnson° and Mitch McConnell°°
Are angry with Harris, for she
Called Donald Trump a fascist.
Oh, my goodness me!

Let's just say there COULD be a reason
Why she went out on a limb:
She was just agreeing with
People who'd worked with him.

General Kelly°°° and General Milley°°°°
Expressed a condemnation
Directed at Trump. They said he was
A dangerous threat to this nation.

Perhaps there is another reason
Why she would concur.
But first, let's look at some of the things
That Trump has said about her:

He has called her a communist,
A fascist and Marxist and still
Continues to say that she is stupid
And also mentally ill.

When Trump criticizes others--
Something he'll often do--
His words reflect aspects of
Himself. That's so true!

Frankly, after hearing and seeing
All he's said and done,
If either of the two were a fascist,
HE would be the one.

Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell
Ought to open their eyes
To see how they hurt America
By spreading MAGA lies.

-by Bob B (10-26-24)

°Current speaker of the House
°°Senate minority leader
°°°Former White House chief of staff
°°°°Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
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