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Bob B Sep 2024
The Trump v. Harris TV showdown
Had long been anticipated,
And Trump's usual windstorm of lies
Continued to blow unabated.

I saw a text by a friend who wrote,
"That was amazing. Wasn't Trump great?"
I had to ask, "Were she and I
Both watching the same debate?"

Trump repeated again and again
His strange and false information
Regarding our economy,
Roe v. Wade, and immigration.

He couldn't speak on policies
Or even describe his healthcare plan.
Refusing to look at Harris, he looked
More like a weak, pitiful man.

When talking about a world leader
Who sang his praises, what did he do?
He referred to Viktor Orbán--
A demagogue, through and through!

Harris spoke of child tax credits,
Job creation, business assistance,
Energy plans, women's choice,
Moving forward, and coexistence.

True, a couple of times she did
Sidestep her questions; that I admit.
For Trump, that is par for the course.
And when he's pressed, he throws a fit.

How could any voter be
Undecided when it's so clear
Who is fit to lead us forward
Toward a hopeful, new frontier?

-by Bob B (9-11-24)
Bob B Sep 2024
Watch out, childless cat ladies!
This is as crazy as it gets:
JD Vance says migrants who
Shouldn't be here are eating our pets.

Republicans continue to push
A giant disinformation campaign--
One that makes conscientious
People ask: "ARE THEY INSANE?"

Throwing spaghetti at the wall,
They say, "Whatever sticks will do"
And hope that with their tactics they
Can stir up fear in me and you.

If there's a way that they can create
A fear of immigrants, they will try it.
It's the old scapegoat idea
That they are pushing. They hope you'll buy it.

And many of these Republicans
Have taken their giant erasers out
In order to erase our past,
Cause confusion, and bring up doubt.

To rewrite history is their goal.
They want to ignore our racist past.
Historians are wrong, they say.
The truth is out, at long last.

Russian asset Tucker Carlson,
Embracing Holocaust deniers,
Is touring the country with JD Vance,
Spreading poison and looking for buyers.

They insists that the Holocaust
Was principally a Jewish hoax,
Created with the intention to
Defame white Christian folks!

Voters have to realize
How dangerous these nuts can be
And how with power in their hands
They're a threat to democracy.

-by Bob B (9-10-24)
Bob B Sep 2024
(Do you know the 1958 Sheb Wooley song "The Purple People Eater"? Here is a poem/song version for 2024.)

Well, this strange phenomenon came walking our way
With a deep orange glow. Boy what a day!
'Twas the weirdest creature you ever could see.
It looked like an orangish freedom hater to me.

It was a big ol', foul-mouthed, lyin' orangish freedom hater.
(Big ol', foul-mouthed, lyin' orangish freedom hater.)
A big ol', foul-mouthed, lyin' orangish freedom hater.
NOT so fun to see! (Loud mouth?)

So he came to this land to spread all of his hate
And he told people here that he would make them great.
He also said he's the chosen one!
His first time here was a mere dry run!

It was a big ol', foul-mouthed, lyin' orangish freedom hater.
(Big ol', foul-mouthed, lyin' orangish freedom hater.)
A big ol', foul-mouthed, lyin' orangish freedom hater.
'Twas so weird to see! (Big old?)

We asked the orangish freedom hater, "What's your plan?"
Then HE said, "Doing what it takes to be a moneyman.
But what's more important is to meet my goal:
To kick out non-loyalists and be in control."

Well, boogeyman, Putin fan, lyin' orangish freedom hater,
Addled-brained, unrestrained, lyin' orangish freedom hater.
(He wears golf pants) lyin' orangish freedom hater.
Looks so strange to me!

He said he HAD many friends who could help him succeed,
And he asked us why we had a problem with greed.
He said that greed's a virtue and it must be clear--
That the government shouldn't stop a profiteer!

Well, boogeyman, Putin fan, lyin' orangish freedom hater,
Addled-brained, unrestrained, lyin' orangish freedom hater.
(He loves golf pants) lyin' orangish freedom hater.
Strange? You must agree! (Freedom hater?)

There's a problem with him, and, yes, it's sad to say:
It looked as though he would be here to stay.
"Move to Russia," we said--"a perfect country for you.
Let the Russian dictator make all your dreams come true."

-by Bob B (9-7-24)
Bob B Sep 2024
The Cult of Trump does NOT want all
Americans to vote UNLESS
They cast their vote for a certain person.
Who do you think that could be? GUESS!

WHAT they're saying is IF Trump doesn't
Win the election this fall, by God!
That means the whole election was rigged
Because of rampant voter fraud!

There's NO evidence whatsoever
Of massive voter fraud, and yet
Trumplicans are spreading the lie
That it is a major threat.

Immigrants who happen to be
Undocumented, they say,
Are registering to vote in hordes.
That's NOT occurring, by the way.

Spreading such vile misinformation
Is devious and downright wrong.
And yet election deniers continue
To keep on singing the same old song.

Now they're saying that President Biden
Is encouraging people to vote
Who aren't American citizens!
Another lie they want to promote.

Sowing distrust in our elections
Is one of their underhanded goals:
Jim Crow-era strategies
To keep Americans from the polls.

When people have to cheat to win,
Have they no decency? Have they no shame?
How sad for the country to see so many
People playing the Lying Game!

-by Bob B (9-5-24)
Bob B Sep 2024
Oh, poor drone! Do you think
That life has dealt you a nasty blow
While you do what nature demands,
And while about your business you go?

The female bees--the worker bees--
Gather nectar and pollen. Not you.
You make no honey and have no stinger.
There's not a lot for you to do.

The workers feed you and keep you around
To help them heat or cool the hive.
But, ultimately, they have an excellent
Reason for keeping you alive:

You truly play a major role,
For you are there to mate with the queen.
But after you mate, you die, poor fellow.
Why must Nature be so mean?

The queen will mate with more than one,
But MOST drones never have the chance.
That fact that you must die after mating:
Is that something that's known in advance?

As winter approaches and food grows scarce,
The workers will say, “Farewell, drone!"
They will kick you out of the hive,
And you will perish on your own.

Ah, we humans also have
Our reasons for being, but by and by,
No matter what our role is on Earth,
Eventually, we ALL have to die.

-by Bob B (9-2-24)
Bob B Aug 2024
The River of Lies and Deceit keeps flowing.
It's obviously a matter of course.
Desperation and guile feed it,
And Donald Trump is the river's source.

Almost everything that comes
Out of that man's mouth is a lie.
Have the psychoanalysts tried
To figure out the reason why?

Poor ***** training perhaps
When he was a kid, wetting his pants?
Does that explain his nasty behavior?
Does that explain his childish rants?

Call someone a socialist
And that will spell the person's doom,
He thinks. Donald Prevaricator
Ought to be his nom de plume.

He lies about his opponent's record;
He lies when he talks about immigration;
He lies about election polls;
He lies about the state of the nation;

He lies when he speaks of border issues;
He lies about his foreign connections;
He lies about the economy;
He lies about fraud in our elections.

Would it be better to count the times
He tells the truth instead of lying?
Hmm. Let's see. It's going to take
A while to do it…. We're still trying.

How he gets away with it
Is really hard to understand.
Meanwhile, the River of Lies
And Deceit continues to flood the land.

-by Bob B (8-31-24)
Bob B Aug 2024
Book banning is humankind's
Sad display of puny minds.
Narrowmindedness, indeed,
Spreads as does a nasty ****.

It's another way to control
What others can do, and on the whole,
Banning books is clearly a tool
Of harsh, dictatorial rule.

If you don't want your kids to peruse
A certain book, then you can choose
To tell your kids, "It's not for you."
But DON’T tell others what THEY can't do.

Some books headed for the bin
Have gay characters therein.
Making believe that gays aren't here
Will not make them disappear.

It's so absurd when people say
That books can turn their children gay.
Books can merely make it known
That gay youth are not alone

And that we are not all the same;
Therefore, no one should feel shame.
Families can be different from
One another. Rule of thumb:

Open minds, open hearts:
That's where loving acceptance starts.
Providing people with love and support
Is an idea we all should court.

And if a kid remarks, "Ye gads!
Why does Freddy have two dads?"
A book can show the reason why
And simply try to clarify.

If Hope, perchance, has TWO moms, we
Should not say "I disagree
With their lifestyle." No, we should
Say "LOVE is love, and LOVE is good."

Here's a thing to contemplate:
Books don't make us gay or straight.
Instead, they help us understand
Ourselves and thus should not be banned.

-by Bob B (8-25-24)
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