This is my fourteen-hundredth poem
Published on my blog so far.
My inspirations are almost endless--
Sort of like an open bar.
I'm going to quote myself this time
By using almost to the letter
Lines that come from my twelve-hundredth poem.
It's hard to say it any better:
I've "published" my poems on various sites,
Which, as I said, include my blog.
"For me, my poetry collection
Is almost like a travelogue--
"A mental travelogue depicting
My thoughts traveling to and fro."
I'm never certain where my thoughts
Will take me. "I just go with the flow.
"Today might be a little visit
To a place called 'Hypocrisy-land.'
There you'll find politicians
Who have gotten out of hand.
"Tomorrow might take me to a place
Where I spend a lot of time--
A place where animals can talk
And anecdotes are put to rhyme.
"To outer space my mind might travel;
Or out to explore nature's wonders.
Perhaps I'll take a nostalgic trip
Or write about people's triumphs or blunders."
Climate change, current events,
"Unknown figures, people of fame,
Likable folks, and miscreants, too,"--
All these topics become fair game.
Religion is not off-limits, for I
Detest religious hypocrisy,
The ways religion is misused,
And the dangers of a theocracy.
Sometimes I'll write a poem that could
Be sung to a melody of my own;
Or maybe I'll write a poem that could
Be sung to a song that is well known.
"Eschewing ambiguity
Or language rich in metaphor,
I find that a simple, conversational,
Straightforward style suits me more.
"To many poets, poems that rhyme
Are--according to them--passé.
Although it has its limitations,
Rhyming for me is here to stay."
The quoted lines are what I wrote
In December 2021.
Writing continues to be a challenge
That's stimulating, exciting, and fun.
So when it comes to poetry,
I don't want to be myopic.
I maintain that anything
Imaginable can be a topic.
-by Bob B (6-5-24)