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Bob B Apr 2022
Ramadan, Passover,
And Easter coincide this year,
But THAT doesn't matter to Vladimir Putin,
For he has a war to engineer.

He has arranged for a senseless war
To be carried out on Ukrainian soil.
Why be concerned about human compassion
When there is a neighboring land to despoil?

Geneva Conventions to Putin mean nothing.
Depraved dictators make their own rules,
Bombing civilian hospitals,
Train stations, homes, and schools.

The world has witnessed other examples
Of paranoid, cruel, despots before
Who have no qualms about committing
Monstrous atrocities during a war.

To massacre innocent people so
Is nothing short of genocide.
When the war is over how many
Innocent people will have died?

Whatever you are celebrating--
If anything--don't refrain
From holding a special place in your heart
For the people suffering in Ukraine.

-by Bob B (4-17-22)
Bob B Apr 2022
Florida wants to show
Its hateful, nasty side
By lashing out at gays
With zeal that it won't hide.
Governor DeSantis
Will not be outdone.
He wants to make a case
Where there's really none.
But who cares what
DeSantis has to say?
Turn his words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

Other states will now
Attempt to follow suit
With explanations that
They will convolute.
It matters not to them
What is right or wrong.
It's just a culture war
That nudges them along.
When states try to put
Their bigotry on display,
Turn their words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

Using toxic words
Like "groomers" to suggest
That anyone who's gay
Is on a lecherous quest,
Backers of the bills
Frequently beguile
Voters with the use
Of words like "*******."
When fanatics try
To bully you this way,
Turn their words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

Autocratic rulers,
Backed by troglodytes,
Despise tolerance
And stomp on human rights.
Don’t let other people
Intimidate you. No!
Just be who you are,
And tell them where to go.
Love is love is love,
So don't be led astray.
Turn their words around
And don't be afraid to say gay.

-by Bob B (4-11-22)
Bob B Apr 2022
Dangerous you might call her.
Off her rocker as well.
Her strange, obnoxious behavior
Is hard for her to quell.

How she was ever elected
Is anybody's guess,
And yet she's found supporters
To give her the guise of success.

Totally out of place
In Congress, she carries on
As though her sense of decorum
And decency are gone.

She heckles speakers in Congress
And always seems to be lusting
After ill-gotten attention.
Her antics are disgusting.

Her wacky QAnon stories
Are so far off base
That any sensible person
Would find them hard to embrace.

Now she's attacking opponents
In her typical style:
If you oppose her ideas,
You're called "pro-*******."

She lives for lies and drama
And loves to make a scene.
You must know who she is:
Marjorie Taylor Greene.

-by Bob B (4-7-22)
Bob B Apr 2022
Russian parents, do you know
Where your children are today?
Might they be on Ukrainian soil,
Many many miles away?

Might your kids be soldiers on
A Russian military squad,
Set out to **** Ukrainians
And bolster Putin's outrageous façade?

Might they be attacking civilians
And leaving their bodies strewn about,
While causing other atrocities
That we keep seeing day in, day out?

Perhaps they have been caught between
Following orders they know aren't right
Made by a dictatorial leader
Whose human compassion has taken flight

And knowing the truth and wondering
If that's who they were meant to be--
Conscripts used to fight a war
With nightmarish brutality.

When you watch your Putin-controlled
TV news, are you aware
That you are being lied to, and if
You do know that, do you care?

Can you feel the repercussions
Brought about by Putin's war?
Give it some thought. Do you have
Any inkling of what's in store?

If committing atrocities
Is the appropriate thing to do,
And if you're proud of your kids for doing that,
Shame on them and shame on you.

-by Bob B (4-4-22)
Bob B Apr 2022
It seems that many speakers of English
Appeared to succumb to slumber
When English lessons were taught regarding
The words "amount" and "number."

Large amounts of time. Correct.
Large amounts of rice.
"Amount" refers to something seen
As a mass, to be precise.

But when we refer to things we can count,
"Number" should be used.
For some reason, English speakers
Often get confused.

A large number of people, we say,
Vote in our elections.
Or a number of germs out there
Can cause major infections.

A large amount of people? No!
Do not go there, please.
But it's quite all right to request
A small amount of cheese.

"Beans" is one of those funny words
Often used as a mass:
I ate a large amount of beans,
And boy, do I have gas!

It really shouldn't be too hard
If you know how to count
To know how to distinguish between
"Number" and "amount."

-by Bob B (4-1-22)
Bob B Mar 2022
If Henry Higgins were actually living,
Certainly, he would be unforgiving
When hearing how English is spoken today.
I can imagine what Henry might say:

"English speakers who massacre grammar
Ought to be thrown into the slammer,
And there in the slammer they should remain
Until they treat English with much less disdain.

"Their usage of pronouns is simply atrocious.
One thing that makes me feel ferocious
Is when they use 'him' when they ought to use 'he,'
Or when they misuse both 'I' and 'me.'

"The past tense of verbs is not hard to learn,
And yet it's a practice that some people spurn.
The past tense of 'string'--the verb--is 'strung.'
The past tense of 'sing' is 'sang,' not 'sung.'

"And then there's the overuse of 'like.'
Has formal English gone on strike?
'I was like…,' 'He was like…,' 'She was like..' ****!
That's even hard to diagram!

"And what about the subjunctive mood?
When speakers misuse it, I come unglued.
'If I was you…' grates on my ears.
'If I would have known…' brings me to tears.

"Some people call it language abuse
And throw up their arms and say, 'What's the use?'
Social media makes it worse.
To some it's a blessing; to me it's a curse.

"Unfortunately, rules are broken
Wherever the English language is spoken.
A language will change. Yes, that I know.
Oh, but it's painful to see it change so!"

-by Bob B (3-27-22)
Bob B Mar 2022
Russian soldier, throw down your arms.
Turn around and leave Ukraine.
Are you proud of what you're doing--
Of all the innocent people you've slain?

Have you lost your dignity?
Your actions there will be your disgrace.
If you stand in front of a mirror,
How can you look at yourself in the face?

Doesn't it faze you when you hear
The cries of the people, day and night?
When homes and schools and hospitals
Are bombed, don't you feel contrite?

Have you lost some fellow soldiers
All because of Putin's lies--
Even though he calls his war
A military exercise?

Were your buddies' dying bodies
Left behind on the streets to rot?
Can you fathom the repercussions
Of what's going on, or can you not?

Are you proud of laying waste
To cities and towns in your neighboring land?
Human compassion: Could that be
Something you don't understand?

Stop doing Vladimir Putin's bidding!
Refuse his atrocious orders. Rebel.
Put an end to war crimes there,
And tell the tyrant to go to hell.

-by Bob B (3-24-22)
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