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Bob B 2d
Musk is currently taking his chainsaw
To Social Security. Watch him cut!
We're on to you, Elon Musk!
You think the people don't know what's what?

Breaking a trusted agency
That serves the people: that's Trump's goal.
He has appointed Musk to be
The Terminator: that's Musk's role.

If they can wreck the agency,
Then they can rob it. Sorry, folks.
And all the talk of rampant fraud
Is nothing but a lie, a hoax.

They've been firing employees from
A system that is already stressed.
It's being tossed into the water
To sink or swim with no life vest.

With field office closings and no
Phone service, what do you do?
Musk is turning the system into
A troubling dilemma--a catch 22.

The Secretary of Commerce says
To stop the checks and see who complains!
Only the fraudsters will, he adds.
Does he think we have no brains?

Outraged is how we ALL should feel.
These are benefits people have earned
From payments made for many years,
And now the people are being burned.

Attend town halls! Demonstrate!
Speak or forever hold your peace!
Save Social Security!
The deadly attacks on the program must cease.

And by the way, if people are
Disgusted with Musk, that's no shock.
But if you have invested in Tesla,
You really ought to sell your stock.

-by Bob B (3-22-25)
Bob B 4d
We now live in a dictatorship!
Make no bones about it; it's true.
We thought we had a democracy,
But Trump has pulled a switcheroo.

Look at what the man is doing.
What's happening is not an UN-
But ANTI-constitutional
Power grab--second to none.

In order for him to achieve his goal,
He has pulled out all the stops.
Notice how often he's in the news
With dictatorial photo ops.

We are facing a crisis here,
With civil liberties under attack.
Trump will make an unlawful decree,
And then his toadies will pick up the slack.

Defying the courts and criticizing
Federal judges, he has bent
The rule of law, which he will flout
And always try to circumvent.

His obsequious friends in Congress
Sit by and watch this disaster take place.
Some say they don't like what he's doing
But will not tell him so to his face!

People, do not let this happen!
Do not fall for the tricks and lies.
We are rapidly losing our freedoms.
If you can't see that, open your eyes.

-by Bob B (3-20-25)
Bob B 5d
This is poem 1500
Of all the poems I catalogue
By date--including year--when I
Add them to my poetry blog.

After adding 1500
Poems to my résumé,
I am sure that readers wonder
If I have anything left to say.

There's ALWAYS something to write about.
Although as crazy as it may seem,
Many of my poems, I'd say,
Are variations on a theme.

Very straightforward is how I like them--
Not ambiguous, highbrow, or deep.
At times mine cause a controversy
When I choose to take a leap.

Different things will stimulate us.
For some of us it's reading and writing.
When we look at the universe
With wonder, every day's exciting.

As long as there are hypocrites,
Religious fanatics, thoughts to explore,
Natural wonders, current events,
And tyrants, I’ll have topics galore.

And so I'll keep on plugging along
Until my mind and body give out,
At which point I'll “lay down my pen,”
Without a whimper, without a shout.

-by Bob B (3-18-25)
Bob B 6d
Lately we're seeing so much nonsense
Happening in this Trump-ruled-land.
Life gets bleaker every day
As things get wildly out of hand.

--Sean Hannity--
Sean Hannity, speaking out--
Ignoring diplomacy and rules--
Says that Trump should bomb Iran.
One of those Armageddon fools?

--King Trump--
Trump regaled photographers with
His Evita pose with flair
At the Kennedy Center where he'd
Formerly made himself the chair.

--DEI and the Department of Defense--
Navajo code talkers are being
Removed from websites. Want to know why?
Pete Hegseth says the reason
Is all because of DEI.

They'd been key in World War II.
Their roles in the war are being displaced.
Unless we pass as white, straight males,
We are going to be erased.

--Lying Musk--
For buying votes of illegals, the Dems
Spent 200 billion bucks,
According to Musk, who's proving that
Trump and his team are lying schmucks.

--The Voice of Freedom--
The Voice of America is being
Gutted by Trump. If you think
That such a move is wise, then know
That Russia and China are tickled pink.

--Misuse of Authority--
A couple hundred immigrants
Were flown to El Salvador, we've learned.
Trump is using wartime authority
During peacetime, but he's not concerned.

He is showing us that he'll
Defy the courts as much as he can,
Confirming what we already knew:
That he's a defiant, despicable man.

-by Bob B (3-17-25)
Bob B Mar 14
Trump is out to destroy our country
While the Republicans stand by and gawk.
Jobs and programs to keep us running
Smoothly have been on the chopping block.

When he rambles on he says
The craziest things we've ever heard:
Annexing Greenland, Canada,
And Panama! That's absurd!

He is making enemies
Of all our allies and friends from the past.
Our reputation's been shot to hell.
The nation's prosperity cannot last.

Folks on Wall Street are going crazy
About the tariffs that make no sense.
When other countries push back, the great
Retaliator takes offense.

His spokespeople, Cabinet members,
And friends in Congress give their support
By lying to the rest of us.
Even his lawyers lie in court!

Our lives are even more in danger
From careless decisions and deadly diseases.
The Trump administration, however,
Doesn't care. It does what it pleases.

Any talk of reason with him
Leaves the maniac none the wiser.
It seems as though his buddy Putin
Is his dearest and closest adviser.

He's the most vindictive person
I've ever seen! No one can top him.
Congress, are you listening?
Somebody's going to have to stop him!

-by Bob B (3-14-25)
Bob B Mar 12
Many people don’t know this, but it’s
As clear as clear can be:
The whale was once a land mammal
That made its way back to the sea.

We all came from the sea, of course,
And crawled onto the sand.
Later some mammals perhaps became
Tired of living on land.

Fifty million years ago
Is when those mammals decided
To spend a lot more time in the water
For something that it provided.

Their descendants became aquatic--
Fully so. We know
All of this because of what
The fossil records show.

The features they needed for sea adaptation
Were not new and bold ones.
All that they required were
Modifications of old ones.

Their bodies adapted; they grew in size.
Seas and oceans, make way!
After millions and millions of years,
We have the whale of today.

(Whales and hippos are very close cousins.
Although it’s not as big,
The hippo's more closely related to
The whale than it is to a pig.)

The whale has tiny hindlimb and pelvic
Bones embedded in tissue.
It is as though its body is saying,
“I don’t need or miss you.”

But what is the largest mammal on Earth?
The blue whale is by far.
How would you like to give birth to a baby
That’s as big as a car?

O mighty king and queen of the ocean--
So worthy of being acclaimed!
So much pain we humans have caused you!
We should be ashamed!

Mighty ones, you have seen
The damage we humans can do,
While all along we should have known
How much we could learn from you.

-by Bob B (3-11-25)
Bob B Mar 11
Have you heard of Ichneumon wasps?
Be glad you're not a caterpillar.
You'd have to be on the lookout for
The Ichneumon wasp--a serial killer.

The wasp will find a caterpillar
And suddenly will quickly surprise it
By stinging it--not to **** it--
Only to shortly paralyze it.

She lays her eggs inside her victim,
Which will eventually serve as food
For the growing larvae within--
The wasp's hungry little brood.

The larvae start with digestive organs
And chomp away on their scrumptious repast,
Somehow knowing that they must save
The heart and nervous system till last.

They keep their caterpillar host
Alive as long as they can, you see.
People say insects can feel no pain.
Would the caterpillar agree?

As Earth's living creatures evolve,
The fight for survival doesn’t seem fair.
Some creatures suffer more than others,
But nature’s indifferent and doesn’t care.

Wasps have predators as well.
Sometimes they're losers; sometimes they're winners.
The prey that escape are the lucky ones.
The unlucky prey become predators' dinners.

-by Bob B (3-10-25)
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