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 Mar 2016 b more
paint me
persuade me

touch me
degrade me

crown my smitten soul
mark me muse worthy

so i may be ridden
of your ruthless romance
cast queen upon your
rose quartz heart
 Mar 2016 b more
flinch at the carnival food
I can't really recommend it
maybe if you have
some broccoli with it.
 Mar 2016 b more
 Mar 2016 b more
found the star, guys. found the
neon yarn, the tall me tell tails.

I hope I didn’t embarrass you
at dinner, when I got on the counter
and started wiggling around
like bacteria. I’m sorry but I
was bleeding for your attention.

the coolest place I’ve had a bandage;
kissing the inner eye.

found the stuff, guys. my crush’s name
is bell jar toadstool. I think I love him…
that’s a tangent.
a tangerine ant in the fear mouth.

but this is not a love poem, I swear.

— The End —