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 Oct 2013 Blue eyed vamp
Old tom cat caught my sharp eye
he sits watching lady cats from high perch in tree.
He pounces on hips of lady cat with nice tail in air.
Old tom cat is sometimes like me.
Swinging tail of lady cat and soft meow
purrs as she walk close to old tom cat.
Fur brush fur and nice meow from old tom cat.
Old tom cat sit smiling on perch in tree.
Up early as usually but this time with a mission to complete Halloween Costumes.
Not a pain free day most definitely, but have kids who rely on me to be a good mom.

Everyone has haters; the two faced, "your girls" wanting your guy or envy clothes style,
or randoms you never met, desiring your life, home or new car bought with hard work.

Most days what's posted on sites about me makes not a bit of difference in my world,
I ignore and move on with my life, know haters have nothing better to do than gossip.

No news is good news and nothing from my usual "Town Criers" saying "Guess What?"
One day got messages in text, "You have been labeled Babylon's ***** by Craiglisters!"

Not a "lol" nor "Roflmao" situation. Thinking, What in the world? and How in the world?
Me, Ms. Abstaining and they, who love assuming and posting drama without thought.

Their world; small town America and believers of truth in "all" internet rumors and media,
not willing to give benefit of doubt, once minds, so limited in thought, have been made up.

E-mail inquiries from potential employers I never met from destinations far far away,
asking and informing that person with such low morals shall never be part of their world.

Drama finds me and neither welcome nor do I seek it out, way too emotionally draining,
believer in live and let live, authored "Celibacy" poem to stop jokes made to my kids.

Who knew that trying for your dreams could bring forth bringers or illogical pure hatred?
Who knew that emotions of my children whom I love, would be affected by narrow minds?

After family conference and with full support, by the way, had to explain "*****" to son,
this mom carries on and still on second journey pursuing dreams and making realities.

If I give up dreams it will never be because someone posted bold faced lies on open forum,
it will be because I choose to do it with good reasons and those reasons are mine alone.

Pitfalls? Have been numerous. Will? Strong and still determined to see this through to end.
Tomorrow isn't promised and hear my dad say, "Daughter, go forth and let haters be fuel!"
Proud to be celibate and writing "not" from a place called "be ashamed".  
Touchy subject and taboo to most, this discussion of abstinence.
For me it's about keeping most intimate physical part of my being,
untouched by man until heart joins in marriage to the one I love.
Not judging lifestyle choices or anyone who makes personal decisions
based upon their own beliefs and what they feel is right for them.
Times I've been in love? Proud to say, I can count on only "one" hand.
My body "is" my temple and all parts to be shared only with my true love.
Early bad memory of writings; teacher accused me of plagiary.
Untruth, but at age eight, was thought words far "too" advanced.
Same holds true with drawings and paintings entered in contests.
"No child her age could create these!" was written to my mother.
"It is our expert opinion that her entries are from someone else."
No interest in turth, but came to me disqualifications; that's life!
With an understanding that you find my words a great read,
your imitations are flattering, but they're not your life or truths.
Writing for me comes easy, been that way seems all my life,
always something happening that inspires just the right words.
Wont ramble on and hoping you will remove and not repeat.

I never let what that teacher said or the people who refused to believe
that I could create art stop me from being who I was born to be.
Canvases.......layered on floor and ready to go. need we used your body parts.
Lighting........soft and turned dim then very low.
Ready willing and able to create works of art.
Waited with shallow breaths in deep anticipation.
Drew back curtain to expose my Nubian queen.
I was breathless as you stood before me naked.
Art creating will never be the same after that.  

Still thinking of all the memories we created Betty
and your smile and **** voice saying you loved me. : )
 Oct 2013 Blue eyed vamp
Danny C
It's amazing what can happen in a month. And how when you meet someone, you see them how you want them to be, and they go along with it for a while. But as time goes on it totally changes. Like, things get all tangled and twisted out of shape so very easily. You never see it coming, but once it's painfully obvious you've lost control, you start to see all the warning signs you either missed or chose to ignore. And then, that conversation you dreaded for days is that much harder. It's like watching the ceiling start to give in and break apart, and you're just sitting there watching the plaster and dust crumble down just before the drywall and beams cave in. And when she leaves you tell her you understand, because you have no choice. But that's not enough when you're lying awake at night waiting for your phone to vibrate and spray a burst of blue light across the darkened walls and falling ceiling. But she's really gone, and she really is moving to Chicago and will probably find someone else who'll keep her warm when the winter comes through.
the tortured ones are those who cannot sleep.
Their brains filled with words
which ceaselessly whirl
like drafts of a breeze
dancing through the fallen
leaves of autumn.
lamp posts beside windows serve
as a reminder that dawn approaches;
a subdued, yet piercing, orange light
envelopes everything it touches.
Perhaps the secret lies with the eyes.
Does darkness cure the tortured soul?
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