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Bless Senora Aug 2021
I found her as I was navigating through the wilderness;
She's delicate but strong,  fragile yet unbreakable
I met her under the moon,
Held her under the stars.
As the daylight slowly crawled from her legs to her cheeks,
I drowned in the words that I couldn't say
For I know that she's not mine to keep

I found her as I was navigating through the wilderness;
She stayed briefly but her presence lingered long after she left
For she was rare,
And rare moments with rare people will remain to be beautiful
No matter how fleeting they are
Written: March 2020
Bless Senora May 2019
Beating vessel,
We've encountered way too many departures,
Settled for far too much fickle feelings,
Heard countless goodbyes.

So perhaps this time around,
We ought to stay safe
Behind these walls
That we should have built long ago.

This time around,
Let's cut to the chase, dodge the bullet
And say it first:
So long, perhaps in another reality.
Written: May 2019
Bless Senora May 2019
You make the golden leaves rush down to kiss the earth
You make everything feel lighter,
As if being is weightless
And you draw the air from summer to turn it crisp and cold.
You know I've always adored the moon,
So you whisper to the sun to sleep earlier
So that the moon can stay out much longer.

Autumn, I've been waiting for you
But I know you can't stay long.
Despite your ephemeral presence,
You have brought me pure bliss--
For you put the grace in falling,
In beginning,
In ending.

See you again soon?
Written: March 2019

Have you ever met someone who felt like autumn?
Bless Senora Feb 2019
Her eyes were glued to the night sky
As she basked in the moon's soft glow
And the stars winked from afar,
She felt a tinge of thrill.
For the first time in a long time,
Hope embraced her.
Life might just offer some good will.
It was something new,
For madness
And darkness
did not envelope her this time around.
  Jan 2019 Bless Senora
one day,
we will reunite
beneath the blossoming
of the flowers that have awoken.

The songs of the church bell
will ring from a place afar,
we won't race towards it -
no, we are happy right where we are
because the sun is resting
upon our frozen cheeks,
and our souls are at peace.

We will share tales
of our pasts and families,
that we will no longer return to -
let us pluck the petals
from each and every flower
that we have set our sights upon,
and it shall drift onwards
floating across seas of clear blue,
and mountains of longful beauty.

Sitting in a circle,
our smiles at their brightest
and our laughter at its loudest -
one day we will reunite
but for now,
Bless Senora Jan 2019
As the sunset slowly melt into the horizon,
And the waves tirelessly sink into the shore,
There is still beauty in falling,
In disarming,
In loving,
No matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise.
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