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We started, like all do,
As fresh minds ready to fill
With those lessons that are true
And gain in our own skills

Having fun, our great goal
Superseding all the rest
Remaining as a true whole
We found friends that are the best

Laziness, our weakness
But we keep with all them
Through the times of stress
We shine like no other gem

Now we must part
So comes great sorrow
You all remain in my heart
Through today & tomorrow
Dedicated to JAHS Class of 2011
Love you all :)
Bubbling water flows
Over rocks so sharp
Cutting deeper into me
Making red slip into the flow
Trying to escape
Making it worse
Pain doubling all over
So I fought the current
Carving my future's end
As these days roll forever on
I collect their disappointment
Hiding it and distracting them
To ensure that none fall silent

I am the reaper of misfortune
Or so I hope to be to them
As I make their lives be rich
Distracting from times that condemn

Where I hide all these weighty moments
Is a logical place, I believe
In a blackened abyss that moves all around
My own soul holds tight the moments I retrieve

You may be concerned
But, there is no reason to fear
I live with these tortures daily
Merely causing my vision to blear
Music and dancing
Brought us together
Laughs burst out
In the midst of new singing

Sarcasm ruled us
As did our hearts
Singing the night away
Giving a brightness

Trees were formed
With silly little words
As you showed me
My soul transformed

For all the tears that I cried
In this gray life
You showed me the path
On which to ride

Tensions were raised
Like a knife to the skin
As hearts flew anywhere
Our minds so fazed

Then the question was asked
That unlocked it all
Freeing your bird
Into the open, unmasked

Now you leave
Causing me insecurity
For our time left is short
To know and believe

I now see your heart
Once hidden away
Although intentions cloudy
We remain, even apart
Shimmering with darkness
Forever stuck in shadows
Your soul reaches out
To be saved from itself

Yet none show such kindness
None understand this pain
All left you in deeper depths
Which seemed impossible to leave

Then things began to change
Happiness seemed to reign
For another was found
Another with black wounds

Attempting to help you
Bearing their soul
Holding you tight
Suffering by your side
<3 SEP
I never thought it would be like this,
Where I fall over myself at your name alone
Trying to win you over, but I only miss,
For your heart was stolen before my own.

Yet here I am, waiting for you
To come around to me, in vain.
For you, I am not worthy, it's true,
But my soul keeps me here, insane.

My mind overflows.
You **** me, you do.
Your soul, it shows.
To you, I'll always be true.
Knowingly filled to the brim
Tears crumpled within
Beneath the pain
You continue to swim
Onward towards the light
Shining deep down inside
That black circle of vision
Shows your future is bright
And nothing can drown you
In this tide of mayhem
Ripping through it all
While you stay true
You All Shine
You see me crumpled
Covered in black & blue
My body stretched & pulled
By tortures no one knew

Bashed against the cold
Bones snapping, blood flying
Death slowly gaining hold
Tears fall, like crying

Try to help, you do
Words of relief & comfort
My liar's reaction, your clue
See what causes my hurt

You see I am lost
To my own deep depression
Hurting at all cost
At my head aims my gun
Demons knock so loudly
Echoes scream of their intent
Nightmares wrack my brain
Leaving my body broken, spent

Falling down the rabbit hole
Tumbling forevermore
No white rabbit leads the way
Darker creatures hide behind this door

Fixed in time
We laugh and rhyme
Blood seeps and pours
Drowning inner cores

Darkness need not defend
Knocking echoes the doom
The demons can't be let in
When they already fill the room
The soul of gold
Shining within you
Has rusted over
Nothing lasts forever
But that heart of stone
You built for yourself

So I guess I can't believe you
When answers slip out your mouth
To fill my eager mind with filth

I must be delirious to hear you anymore
When you whisper nothings into my body

All I ever knew was broken
Until you fixed me once
Enough to manipulate
These bones towards demise
Hatred grows inside
Ripping apart my soul
Digging down too deep
To keep in control

Spawning in my midst
There is none other to blame
Than that person in the mirror
The name reminiscent of flame

With troubled eyes I see
The pain I cause within
Never ending is this flow
Of personal hate and sin

Comfort is sent from others
Though it makes a mere dent
Causing little interruption for this ship
On a ceaseless path to torment
Like a child I play,
Among the pebbles and the sand,
Building dreams from grit;
Into a world, alone, I stray.

As the water glides closer,
Creating more materials to build,
My never ending dream-scape;
Built for me, or was it for her?

Higher go these course walls,
Reaching above my thoughts
Until away they slip;
Crushing waves remove all.

And so these waves take me,
Like my loose-sand halls,
Quickly tossing me back;
Out to that confusing sea.
Our subconscious is a dangerous place that we are often lost in...
Bounding forth in the light of evil
Sliding from your veins
Your hair and shoes and clothes are exposed
Dyed to the final hue of rebirth
Revealed in the rising fire
And screams of familiarity
Steep walls all around
Slip and fall right to the ground
**** that hurt,  I'm bleeding again
One day I knew I'd regret losing you as a friend
But it was all your fault, **** an apology
Some bridges burn too fast for accountability
To be decided, but we both survived
Far from unscathed, we finally arrived
At this moment of silence for the lost love
Between our souls now drifting far above

I can't express the pain
The loss and hate within
And now everyone gives me ten cents
Like a poor man begging to pay rents
That are left from the apartment he couldn't afford to keep
So he's stuck on cold dirt as a bed for sleep
Everyone laughing at him in disbelief
At his ragged clothes, hair, and broken teeth

******* for judging where his life has gone
Everyone knows we are just societal pawns
Left thinking about our life so beloved
Frozen on the pavement unclean, unloved
Don't be so hasty to assume on your own
That your life can't share a similar tone
Cause that man could be me or you
Left by our friends and lovers too
The ground beneath me trembles
As I look upon my soul
For my world no longer resembles
What I knew as my goal.

I stood alone so very long
That I thought none could see
the sharp notes of my sad song
or broken chords of melody.

So deep in song and thought,
Never to glance all around.
I didn't know that what I sought
stood near me, without a sound.

As I pause for a rattling breath,
Your  song, it filled my ears.
Not one of shame and death,
Just a song to banish fears.

Rushing from my ears throughout,
that song caused me to stir.
Now knowing, without a doubt,
For you, my heartbeat is sure.

Always helpful and forgiving,
having a heart is your fame.
In this world full of maiming,
You never play that game.

Yet, for all these things to love,
You drown yourself in hate.
Thinking everyone is above;
You, yourself, just too late.
You saw me and saved me, but I don't know how to help you.
In my swirling head
All day and all night
Making me see red
In a way of delight

Not a hint of this
lived from our past
Only craving your kiss
Vexed by a mood that's cast

Everlastingly close, yet far
So deep now, no way out
All that stops us is a bar
Made from the other love you spout
Sitting in darkness
Letting it swallow you
While warmness envelopes
And the numbness begins

Running through you
This emptiness so deep
That words hold nothing
But company keeps you sane

No noise is needed
Just the presence, so still
To remind you to continue
For another feels your pain

So alone this world
Never time for peace
Lest you sit and breathe
And let the stillness in.
Won't you spare a second
To help me close this wound
Stop the blood that drips
Put my heart back inside?
Why is your stare so blank?
Don't you know what I feel;
The anguish of a loner?
The regretting soul?
Perhaps you are right to stare
To be dim to such pain
For the world shows no mercy
And people, They are to blame.
Demons are my friends
I see your spine break
as it quickly bends.
I told you, it was the ******* end.

I live in this ****** hole
You didn't see it coming?
Me ******* your soul.
I told you, I am the ******* end.

Death am I, so I must be
Warm, dark, and flowing
is your blood onto me.
I told you, I was your ******* death.

I never ******* lose
You tried to beat me and all you did
was make yourself ooze
to death in my frozen arms.

I told you, I am *every ******* end.
My mind, so clouded
By these broken awful words.
Forming sentences to ****
In ways so absurd.

I can't seem
to find a balance
of these words that
me to the brink of
insanity in kind
for I can't begin to
Inspired by someone else's poem idea of matching an idea with a written style.
That little orange truck that barely went across the floor,
It’s wobbly, plastic wheels rode poor.
It barely meant a thing, even in my core.
Until you took it from me.

I would have lost it on my own,
But I didn’t have a chance, it was blown.
Now I care for it down to the bone.
When you took it, you took my respect.

Alone, I now sit, without a toy at all.
Staring into the void and at the wall.
Now all I can do, out to you, I call,
“Bring it back! (Bring her back!)”
Hidden little treasures
Fighting to remain
While decay grabs them
Presence is becoming feign

The entrance is bolted
Greenery does becloud
Covered with cobwebs
And a dusty shroud

A trip to their home
Would reveal great worth
Forgotten worldly gems
Memories filled with mirth

Still no one visits
Dust gathers all around
Forever lost in time
In misery they have drowned
Twist the red into a kiss
From the one you truly miss
Turn the red into the song
Your mother sings when you are wrong
Let the red become the talk of the town
Because no one sees you drown
Slide the black into the words
Realizing your choice is absurd
The purple sky holds the answer for you
Swirl it right, and your life will not skew
But by the time you see the truth
You'll have fallen far from this sturdy roof
Mysteries drive us
Insanity makes us
We live in chaos

But onward we march
Into the depths
The black and lonely dark

Forever searching
Trying to brave through it all
Unsure of the next moment
We have so much in this world
And yet we see only that which we lose
We only devote attention to emptiness
Where those people used to be within
Yet, they are gone from your heart
So that part of you freezes over
And if left to itself for too long
This ice spreads like a disease
Destroying all you hold dear
Capturing it as a single meager memory
One as fragile and beautiful as your life
Preserving them inside makes you cringe
You can't handle the truth of it all
That they never left you alone
You left them, for your own devices
And here you lie now, broken
A shattered mess of perfection
Little ones they run, forever young,
Avoiding the pain while strung
Upon their good times with glib tongues.

Confide, Relied, And Died.
Slip, Slide, Rip, Glide.

Never could they see my bleeding soul
That dripped the color charcoal,
Yet for me, there was no extol.

The light shone through those eyes
And what it does to me defies
All life has shown me it implies.

Confide, Relied, And Died.
Slip, Slide, Rip, Glide.

I fight the demon with these words
To ensure the avoidance of hazards
Of the knife, in hope of being lovebirds.

Sighed, Relied, And Guided.
Pried, Tried, Beside Her, I Flied.
I can't believe
My life can be
Another routine
Lost in me

I hate constants
And changes bring me life
But nothing is left
To awaken me from strife

I search and find no solace
In this mundane college *******
That traps me to a lifestyle
Of boring hypocritical skits
That smile, oh that smile,
Forever haunting my brain
That smile, oh that smile,
Marking me with it's glowing stain.

Willingly, I walk slowly,
Through torturous flames
Towards my goal, so daily,
Playing any wicked game.

That smile, oh that smile,
Worth any lasting pain.
That smile, oh that smile*,
Drives me utterly insane.

If you knew what that smile
Creeping up on your face
Does to make me stay awhile
In hopes, you, my arms will enlace.

That smile, oh that smile...
Every time I make you smile, my heart beats madly...
Echoes leaving traces
Of that life we all knew
That filled us, overflowing,
With this thin, dark liquid,
Dripping from familiar places.

--OWN, --OWN, --OWN

Wishes of sleep elude
As we all begin to fear,
What has come for us
Is not real, but is just
Our own mind in a form so crude.

--ARK, --ARK, --ARK

Solace, from our friends' senses,
cannot end this grimacing demon
or it's quest to eat us whole.
Waiting in nothing but silence.
Holding our breath as muscles tense.

--ETH, --ETH, --*ETH
The beast within us will never let us be...
Losing all control
Why even care
Feelings not returned
Left oh so bare

Yet no one sees
My dark road
Creatures swarm
Alone I never am
As I stumble on
Through a murky world
Air toxic to all
Shattering hopes
And killing dreams
******* up all
Never asking forgiveness
Always cutting
Breaking hearts and bones

I'm lost in emotions
No where to run
Surrender to this world
Started with a gun
Drowning in the sorrows of my fellow men
Staring at their souls' dark and bitter end
I come to the conclusion
And have left no illusion
Death makes friends when we least expect
While the devil befriends all who stand *****
So rigid and so proud it makes them fall
For centuries we gossip and lie and stall
Until we break into little tiny pieces
Shattered and broken, all breathing ceases
Fall, the leaves turn yellow
And they fall from the trees.
It's also a good time to hike with a fellow,
And the time to sleep for bears & bees.

Fall, it starts to get cold.
Fall, the best time of year;
When I take my blanket and fold
It around me, while I hide from cold in fear.

And don't forget Thanksgiving Day,
When we eat turkey & pumpkin pie.
Now I'm going to lay
In my bed before, in happiness, I cry.
Basic poem from like 7th grade.
The warm pressing of two hearts
Brings tears of pain within
For the joy pulsing deep inside
Breeds itself a pool of sin

Yet this sin is not real
The cuts it makes are deep
Tracing hateful words all over
For the promises I couldn't keep

Foolish were such promises of faith
Truth reveals no strength in me
To fight for our long lost cause
Is sealing my fate to drown at sea
Screams echo deep in the dark night
But shivering hearts freeze from fright

The time has come for words pronounced
Bitterness melts the frostbitten hate announced

Souls do bond when the winter quells
Shooting stars among the Gods fell
I wrote this in the back of my friend's car on a random trip to chipotle tonight.
I struggle to be,
This happiness prescribed.
For my nature, you see,
Is depression inscribed.

Tied to my subconscious
Is this *******, hate.
My senselessness
Is deciding my fate.

The past, how it haunts,
Forever decaying my soul.
Ridiculing with taunts,
Preventing me from being whole.

Yet for all my words,
I never saw what to do.
I can always move forward
When I focus on you.
I hack for her eyes.
I chop for her soul.
I rip for her radiant beauty.
Hack, slash, dig; it's my duty.
All is for her

As I raise my weapon high,
I think of nothing, but her.
Slaying in her name is a cinch
Yet for myself, it's a pinch.
All is for her

Monsters, they scare her so.
I tremble in fear,
but she gets me through.
To her, I am always true.
**All is for her
Hatred flows like a mountains melted snow
Cascading against these stones
And ripping apart all my bones

Chill seeps in deep
But our demons drown slow
While our souls dim their glow

Can't escape this trap I've laid
Frost burns through the skin
Reject this life for my final sin
So many friends surround me when I ask
But, few complete their promises
Like their barren wasteland of a soul
They keep their word in similar crudeness

So into solitude I am forced
Waiting for a true friend to emerge
Out of this inky black pit
In which the world is submerged

Most revealed are covered in muck
The kind caused by our idiotic hatreds
But, a true friend will shine above
And never be decayed by such acids

And thus I wait
Forever hoping for that friend
When suddenly I realize
No one is so alone in the end
Gray hopelessness surrounds me
Red fire burns within the soul
Can’t I make you finally see?
We hide our hearts in a deep hole

These grays press me down
Gray pushes me to the brink
For a brief time, my fire drowns
My essence begins to sink

I smell the rotting gray I become
Burning the senses into nothing
My senses fight back some
A mud-covered friend came clinching

They near and I revive in colour
Tell me of their venture into dirt
Saw me falter under gray lure
Show me their gift wrapped in shirt

This prize emitted a red hue
I could make a new start
There’s nothing I cannot do
I now possess my own heart
My soul,
It rushes warmly
To the frozen ground.
For the lack of tension,
At my wrist,
Releases me.

My brain,
It Seeps onto
The welcoming floor.
For the gaping hole,
At my crown,
Saves me.

Click, Flick.
Push, Pull.

My only refrain
From continuing this discourse
Is your essence,
Nothing more.
Doth the Sun not shine upon our life through its many cycles around our home, this ground, we now stand knowingly upon? For ye, there must be many nights withstanding your weakened days. Yet, I see no darkening of the mind to spite these wicked themes of the universe casting clouds across thine only sky. Perhaps a better man, call the rainbow among your kin. I see not a beauty born from damp darkness surrounding. Nay. Thy beauty sprung not from storms ripping through thy soul. Beauty flows from far-reaching caverns over filled with life and truer passion than mine own heart may fathom. Lo, I drown within those seas upon thy face. Drag me to their depths and anchor mine heart among the shells and bones.
May thine favor ever be towards me and shall thee be blessed and loved as thou hast never known
Perhaps it's the darkness creeping up
Or the hollowness echoing within
But your words melt before me
And expose your many sins

I can't believe it has come to this
A point of no return
But how do I ignore the pain
And heal where you burn

Within my hallowed maze you walked
Carving your initials all along the walls
You left no place safe for me
Within my own dreary halls
The hacking at your soul
Causes a deep, deep hole
That you can never fill.
You just wish, on your sill,
That the decision was made
And then there is no need of blade.
Why must your soul be riddled,
Mine in kind? Both just fiddled
With emotions all through life,
Causing our own pain and strife.
We never see inside
Only the other’s side.
We show all the flaws
That cause us to pause
Long enough to save each other;
Until one collapses and smothers
Out their light.
You always knew me,
Everything there was.
Just like your favorite tree,
You know every branch.
Until, that is, I could see.

I saw my voice was not strong,
So I made it loud, and proud,
And shouted it along,
So others may hear me say,
"I have my own song."

I saw none understand,
Why I was not being me
Yet I was finally able to stand
On my own two feet and I knew
All I needed was your hand.

So, I stand trembling,
Seeing so blindly,
Hoping your hand is stretching
Towards mine to finally grasp
Our reality, and begin it's mending.
And so this story goes forever
Being held to the ground for being clever
I don't know what these ******* even teach you
But you can't stand for yourself (it's true)

The world emanates the fear of our souls
Expressing what we feel disrupts their goal

Stricken to the bone, we tear our flesh
To show our opinion in a scarring mesh
They make us cover it all or be removed
For professionalism is dictated by what they approve

Hold your head high while you ******* can
Bills are passed to begin the eternal ban

Stripped of our freedoms
Naked and exposed
To invasion of comfort and artistry
I say *******
And **** them too

For they have nothing to say against our cries of injustice
They know what they do is an expression of narcous
I kinda imagine this being a Protest the Hero type song after I wrote it...
Black and warm beats within
Oh what a sight to behold
I'm so glad you took a knife
And cut in me a deep hole
Sure it hurts like hell
And now there's blood stains
But wasn't it worth it to find
Just how I feel inside

See how I am not so different
See how my heart beats intently

Now we all know, thanks to you
What my soul consists of
For once you ripped bone and flesh
Removing my inner-self
I no longer could hide what I am

So here I stand, broken like all
So here I stand just for you

Now everyone sees
This pain and longing
I can no longer escape the feeling
But will it matter?
Only time will show
If your heart beats for me
As mine for you
I'm an outcast
I'm a freak
My quirks are plenty
My life is crazy
Always haunted by my past

Fitting in never works
Friends, they never last
But I know who I am
And I ****-up like everyone
So I ignore all I irk

Join me if you're an underdog
Join me if you're a loser
Let's raise hell, like we should
Let's forgive & forget it all
Rise above society's fog
Inspired by : Raise Your Glass by Pink
Numbing all flesh
Freezing with burns
Your soul's icy depths
A dark filled hole
Yet now you attempt to warm
Getting closer, you crawl
Hair floating like snow
Air thick to swallow
I miss your grip
No, I miss your warmth
All fire within you gone
You aim to kiss
**** my soul dry
I turn, stop you short
It shall not happen again
Learning from our past
I step away from it all
Leave you alone now
Your jar of lonely hearts
not much help to melt
Your soul's frozen ways
I could use somebody
But not the likes of you
You and your twisted humor
Your bitter words
Sinking deep like icicles within
You, who rips apart my soul
Little pieces torn by sharp words
Your fiery emotions
Engulfing me, burning alive
But, I could use somebody
Just like you
You, with the ability to listen
Soak in my problems, make me ease
Your encompassing hold
Making me forget all
You, who smiles so kindly
Opening up all hearts
You, my rock to stand on
Never crumbling beneath my pressure
You, willing to break down
By my side, through it all
So I guess I need someone
Someone like you
But not you
And yet only you are worth it
Break these bones of sorrow and regret
A skeleton of secrets and demons
Holding me together is the fabric of the lies
The lies I told to hold you back from this pain
Each fragmented word sinking deeper
Colder than cold shivers trace down my spine
I built this world of magic to protect the world
Sealing the darkness inside for the greater good
But now that I stand atop my lonely mountain
Am I even the same man that chased such dreams?
Dedicated to the friend of my innocence - C. B.
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