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Please forgive
This blinding pain
I cause the world
To crumble in

With every compliment I ****
The little chance you have left
Of holding your, now liquid, world
In a perfect sphere around you

White and blue wash
As a stinging covers you
From the cuts all over
When your world caved in

As I attempt to piece you together
I only make matters worse
When I break the little parts
Down to worthless bits
Humanity is losing touch.
Humanity is gone.
This world is cruel, oh so much,
I wish it'd be redrawn.

Today, my life in ruins,
It crashes over stones
From my dam, removed by sins
Taken on by me alone.

As the water quickly sweeps
Past all I ever gained,
Wiping all I won for keeps;
Leaving the land worn and stained.

All is lost and forgot,
Now laying in a pool of rubble;
Leaving that for which I fought.
Guessing this world to be trouble.

And yet, can it be?
The water slowing to a trot?
Is there someone here for me?
Or am I truly left to rot?

A soft warmth enveloping
as they whispered my name,
my heartbeat wasn't dropping,
nor does it stay the same.

As the flow is cut,
I find the perfect place
to be, from the world, shut.
And know nothing, but that face.
Life rushed in and I lost everything. Then you built it back.
I'm drowned without you.
I see myself bend
Failing in all eyes
Oh to flick to my end
I hide all this behind lies.

Forever working to impress
Yet never living right, to them.
Never adding feelings but stress
And making comments to condemn

Close friends try to comfort
But to help a lost cause
Is like suicide from the hurt
That you receive with no pause.

I wish I could continue
Through this glorified life,
But no longer, to myself, true,
I turn to this colorful knife.

Oh the shiny, bright colors
Forever mixing as one.
This flow slips my mood calmer.
A red river does now run.
Sometimes hope hides too deep...
What is Death?
Our end.
A mere figure.
A deadly force.

Is it for us to know?
Or to guess wildly.
Or even blindly accept.

Why must we meet this stranger?
Can we not be ended in familiarity?

Will these questions mean a thing when we meet?
Hello, can you hear me?
I sing to you from miles away
While driving in my car alone
Towards a newer, colder day.
I never imagined silence could hurt
Until the day I realized a month went by
And no words had filled our conversation,
Just the emptiness of space and sky.
Alas, I cannot let this end.
It would tear me deeper than before,
It might leave me helpless and broken
Crying you a river on my bathroom floor.
I jump from this crowd
Slipping through the guards
Snatching your precious crown
The jewels to which they bowed

But you're no king
Not the kind that's revered
Your crown was built from spite
For those you kept on a string

I am no better than you
Stealing hearts to break
A fool filled with self-pity
Always doubting what to do

I don't steal what's not mine
Merely claim my title-to-be
The king of misguiding & self-loss
Just waiting for the end of the line
Focus. Focus. Please just focus.
The words don't ******* heal.
I can't seem to concentrate
On anything that's real.

Spinning in this blackness
I'm running all alone
You claim to be beside me
as I break my heart of stone.

As the shards fall all around
like the hope I held inside
You try to sweep it up
Like a secret we must hide

I knew I chose my fate correctly
I showed you who I was that day
The demons that I do carry
Keep all who might love at bay
Sad, lonely words
Circle me forever
Hazing my vision
Leaving us *******

                                        Cut to the bone
                                        Start pulsing blood
                                        Fading to black
                                        Society does condone

                                                        ­         It is fully understood
                                                      ­                         These phrases ******
                                                          ­                                  They slice deep
                                                            ­               Bring nothing good

                                                           ­                        Fight this darkness
                                                        ­                      Remind us of the light
                                                           ­                 But voices are drowned
                                                         ­                         By blood so heinous
Closeness is the key
When you refer
To you and me
For our lives have not strayed
From each other's paths
Even when lights did fade

Our bond is unique
To say the least it is
An ever-winding creek
Twisting and turning
Digging deep into banks
For the secrets we are unearthing

So as time moves on
We remain the same
Even past our eon
Into centuries not our own
We carry on in this world
Never fearing to be alone
Knock Knock
Who am I?
Oh no one of consequence.
Have you heard of this new book?
It's all about life's silly lies.
Read it.

Knock Knock
Hey dude!
Don't remember me?
That's okay!
Wasn't that book amazing?
Don't you see how everything is wrong?
Here man, let's go escape our sad society.
Drink this.

Knock Knock
You *******' ****.
You can't remember me?
Good, You little ****!
What happened to all the money you owe?
Wasted it on more?
You better find something quick.
Or it'll be the last you see of this life!

Knock Knock
Don't you know who I am?
No, I was your friend.
Back when you were, well, you.
Here, take my hand.
Let's go find a safe place to live.

Knock Knock
Are you home?
I know you are in there you *******!
Where's my money? Huh?
Knock Knock
Answer me you ******!
I want my money!
You really left me you ****?
You left me all alone...
Echoes are filling me up
Clouding my air and staining the walls
Memories follow deeper into the forest
Hidden in every shadow, eyes stare lifeless as a doll
Stumble and turn to find a light
Knowing nothing but fear and hurt
I scream and fall to my knees
Echoing a child at his mother's skirt
Their faces twist in my mind and scream
Killing me with daggers I build
From the wastes of youth that litter my halls
Potency more than had ever touched their wills
I won't call
I won't cry
But you already know
That's a bold - faced lie
Your eyes bring me back
To the place I call home
Where everything can be fixed
Do you know what I mean
Can't you see the words are real
When my soul collapses at your touch
Love is the only certainty I feel
But I don't dare admit
Not a word can be breathed
Fear fills me overflowingly
Scared shitless on my own
For our fate dictates things
Beyond our control is the decision
That could **** me or give me wings

All these words can mean well but they can never say it plain
For all the things I want to express would paint me insane
Simple phrases could be the key
So I admit I truly love you
And deeply hope you do not flee
Tantalizing is the use of harmony
Deep is the need to explain
Silence is never a friend
Words crash down like an autumn rain

Sense is fleeting and often askew
A sign could mean nothing
A word might change the world
Interpret each without knowing

Losing a battle of truth
Winning during a loss
Kindness ebbs and flows
Eyes painted over in a gloss
Bleeding and crying,
My soul expires itself.
Outside, I seem normal, at least,
That's what they say.
Perhaps it's a lie to ensure
That I am kept in the dark.

The dark is my friend,
But my worst enemy.
My insides are torn
Seeping my soul away.
The darkness invaded,
After I lost my light,
Consuming me to survive.

I try to portray me,
But the dark interferes,
Showing itself for all to see.
I know it's not normal
To want to rip apart your soul,
But I can't find
Myself anymore.
Some say our lives are meaningless piles of
useless actions to appease our horrendous society
I say this cannot be, for it should not be, and it will not be

But what do I know?                        
Only the valleys of red.                      
Formed on the hills of snow.                
From our rotting dead.                    .
I love you so much
I ***** at your touch
I smile at your name
To know you is a shame
This feeling is great
This overwhelming hate
Like heaven on Earth
For to me, you have no worth
My heart it trembles for you
I want to stop your heart, I do
Only you can have my soul
*I'll take you to hell through this hole
This world it means nothing,
Oh yes nothing, to me.
Forever I will sing
How I no longer wish to be

Bury me now
with your shovels of dissonance

No help, am I, to friends
Who need it so desperately.
Nothing will ever mend
These scars, so many scars, that hurt greatly

As I lie in this hole,
Arms crossed, eyes wide,
Throw earthy weight on my soul;
Once you did, no longer tried

Carve my gravestone
with your chisels of discontent

So run while you can,
For you know you did this.
This blade, yes it ran
By my hands, now me, you miss.
Silent whispers scream all around
The voices, they never stop
Calling out a friendly word
Is not their true intent
Yet out of this hate
Comes their twisted feeling, Love

Love is divine
Some say to me, but
can divinity cause the pain I feel?
Perhaps it's to teach
Or to truly inspire...
I say it's their twisted hate

O to be young
When little was known
And all was acceptable
Yet they ruined it all
With the twisting of hate to Love
I Love her
But her answer?
Air crisp
Plants show
River swift*
Crashing as I stamp
Boots pushing on Earth
Mud holds tightly
Ripping from Nature
Her grip now broken
Stumbling in awe
Mother Nature's beauty
Blinding & killer
Lost in this place
Trees push me
Slip silently into the flow
Riding these rapids
Air crisp
              Plants show
River swift
Crushing as I stamp
Boots pushing on Earth
Mud holds tightly
Ripping from Nature
Her grip now *broken

Stumbling in awe
Mother Nature's beauty
Blinding & killer
Lost in this place
                                                           ­   Trees push me
                         Slip silently into the flow
*Riding these rapids
Bathed in the dark
This creature stalks me
I hear it's metal claws
Smell the rancid breath
Feel sweat tickling my back
Stumbling through this fog
Attempting to breathe
Spinning in circles of streets
Hallowed echoes from the stones
Splashing in sticky, red puddles
Blaise, it's morning
I hear this shout
Like a demented whisper
It's time to wake up
Darkness dissipates away
Eyes burst open, filling with light
*Only a dream?
Echoes emanate from within me
Sorrowful and hateful sounds
From deep within, they exude
Keeping my soul fully drowned

If you listen to this harsh noise
Words can soon be made out
From grumbles of a hollow soul
Chanted like a deranged devout

Vibrating my being so violently
I no longer control emotions
Erupting from me in random bursts
T'was, coursing through me, a poison

Dying more and more each day
I want to fight and remain
But, this world seems to have forgotten
What others look like in pain
Thick as mud
Pouring from my soul
******* tainted blood

Don't you smell the fear
Coursing within me
Causing me to tear

All these monsters who rule
Shove me past the brink
With words for broken tools

One day you'll see
Within dark dreams that
This world is not for me.
Always showing your blue eyes the tortured path I take
Attempts to bring about a sense of urgency with higher stakes
Holding hands and stealing hearts
I wrap my arms around you and your broken parts
Your jagged edges cut me deep and pour me out
I hold you tighter, knowing without a doubt
That these demons you hold inside
Are forever based in mortal lies
And every night my thoughts sink lower
Trying each day to go out and show her
I'm not a bad guy trying to hold her back
I just love her more than beans are loved by Brak
But none of that matters anymore
Not a single thing touches her core
At least that's what she shows me
I can't figure out if we could be
Together for real this time
That's why I wrote this rhyme
To ask you how you dare feel
In this time when nothing seems real
Would you take the plunge for hope of a chance
One or more nights of true romance
Growing up was hard
But not the worst thing
Simply because I had you
To help me survive it all.

Let's give a hand, for the best.

If only words could express
All this gratitude inside
For without you I'd be lost
Among the swirling tides of life.

Let's sing a song, for the best.

Your life is not perfect
There were some hard times
But now you push through
Showing your strength to all.

Let's dance, for the best.

Swirling in life's mist
I barely could manage
Save you taught me enough
To find my way through the dark

Won't you join in this celebration?
Give your thanks, for the best.

Through all life does
We remained close, as we should
Now I'm bound for a new world
Because you gave me strength through life

I give a hand, sing a song, dance, and give thanks.
Don't you know it's for the best? I do.
Just be grateful, like a river to it's banks.
Who's the best you ask? Why that's you!
Dedicated to the best, Christy Lynn Felt Seymour. I love you with all my heart mother. I couldn't be here without you.
Taught of our scars
And life’s many pains
She will be lifted beyond
Our tattered remains

Brought into this life
As a gift from above
She saves us for good
As a product of love
Scarcity has gripped out world
The lack of knowledge, lack of resources, a lack of trust
We hopelessly divide ourselves up
Perfectly portioned for our predators
We scream at injustice
So we may turn away from our own shortcomings
We aim to fix others
And yet we leave our own hearts and minds torn asunder
And for what?
Don't answer that. It's a trap.
Just like that new sale at Nike
Or the newest superhero movie
Because their only commonality:
No Way Home
This world is running 'round,
Further out of my control.
In everyone's tears, drowned.
Coursing in my blood, runs phenol.

Burning everywhere I go,
That poisonous mix pumps.
Seeping through icy veins so slow,
Making me a useless fleshy clump.

They see me running, screaming
****** ****** in this awful town.
With great force from within, beaming
These filthy lies in full meltdown.

Yet, no one sees my frightful scene.
How can they? I'm sitting alone.
This moment, so wretchingly serene.
Still, my life is coming unsewn.

I feel it laying down now,
My life, so quietly it snaps.
So regally it suffers, I must bow,
For this substance causes collapse.

Burning inside I smile, so small,
Thinking of the glorified cause.
I gave up, taking this horrified fall
And making it to life's last pause.
Tripping* over her
Every time I even
See her name or her
Smile that shines.

I can't be without her.

Looks between us
Often show me
Very little I can
Explain in mere mortal words.

You carry me
On through life.
Understand the simple phrase.
So comforting
and terrible
It haunts us with blood
And calms with love

What we see is not what is
What is felt can be mislead
It's just a game we play
To make others feel our way

Emotions drive us
They make things exist
In pain and sorrow
Yet with love and passion

But what is this
Simple thing that evokes
All this and more within
Yet just a shade of life
This feeling, so hot,
Coursing right through me.
I hope they simply rot
As their red sets me free.

I cut for the red.
Just crying for pain.
I'll wind up dead,
If not, past insane.

You helped me once,
Then forgot to stay near.
After all these months,
Why'd you leave me here?

Blue , now falling fast
Towards the never ending dark.
Trying to forget my past
As red and blue mix, so stark.

As I let these colors fall
On my soul's own abyss
From heights far too tall
No heart sees I'm amiss.

Forgotten, cold, alone I gasp
For air that left me too.
If only our hands would clasp,
You'd finally help me through.

Now the red is slow
And all blue is gone.
All since you went to go,
I've become a slaughtered fawn.

The colors are gathered
Across my body and floor,
In artwork to be treasured
By you forever more.

You missed me that day;
Came for something to do.
Seeing me made you sway
And from your eye, fell blue.
I have no idea...
These words reflect my soul
With the edges gleaming
Sharp and invitingly cold

Stark images flash before me
Causing momentary lapses
And moods flooding the body

Words flow into pictures
Seizing hold of the moment
Tearing apart connections

Forever lost to a sea of thoughts
The idea will soon fade
And with it, I go in-kind
This road in my sorrowful life
It was paved with good intentions
Built upon the ground of strife
It holds secrets I never mention

Can't we just forget this world?
Tell it to lose us for the night
Becoming close with souls unfurled
Lye inseparable in moonlight

This can't happen anymore
For this road leads me astray
It still tears and rips to the core
I lost you in most every way
Slice the cover
Grab your heart
Nothing left inside myself

So I'm forced to steal
Forced to die alone
Never knowing the privilege of family

But who can give me a soul
I've craved to care, but never could
Sitting alone, bastardized, and broken

So I take what I can't have
Leave you in my place
Calling out to this empty world of hate
The cycle can never be broken
Flitting oh so lightly
A bird does sing its song
To anyone who listens,
But none have heard in so long
This bright and sweet tune
That shows a bird's own soul
Dripping with ****** sorrow,
While burning hot like a coal,
Smoldering into gray ash
That covers our minds, now blind,
Making us heavy in thought,
Turning on our own kind.

So as we fly like birds,
Forever discovering old skies,
I hope one day our world
Will depart from the same old lies.
Psychotic and lonely
Fighting through it all
Rip myself so cleanly
I'm always left to bawl

The voices grow louder
My control loses grip
Through life I wander
Occasionally I trip

Crazy as I can be
Some still remain close
Form the base of my tree
Where life places crows

Can't you see I'm a friend?
I've been here through it all?
Are you making a knife descend?
My life ends as you maul...
Savannah Davis talked to me tonight and inspired this in a way...
I ran from these demons
For all my ******* life
Now I stand in their presence
With inner strength and might
You thought you could control me
I scream with a grimacing face
No longer can you hold me down
As I shot them and sealed my fate
So as they were ripped forever
From my scarred memories
I came at last to that final man
Who has been as steady as the sea
So you finally found a way around
This everlasting game? He asked
I smiled from behind my gun
And fired my freeing shot at last
Thoughts flooding out the mouth
From me they seep so clear
Showing every single fear
Never able to make things clear

I see her lying next to me
Forever by my side
Yet as I look, see where she lied
I only see where I cried

I scratch at these eyes
In hopes of ending the pain
Seeing the absence of you, my bane
Will forever drive me insane

My nose is scarred all around
From tearing at that repulsing aroma
Killing my soul, each breath a plethora
Of death as if I had Asthma

Ears ring with your disgusting euphony
My tongue forever moves sure
Making sounds about you with no cure
Your infamy lives in me in grandeur

I hate you and your gorgeous soul
I see it there, alive and well
It seems I have fallen under your spell
To have you haunt me and in my soul, dwell
I smiled at the thought of the game.
You ran (as I whispered your name),
Stumbling, whimpering, down the corridor,
And slipping along that sticky red floor.

My salty tears, oh what salty tears.
My salty tears will stain your ****** cheek.

You lay there barely alive
On the other end of my .45.
What’s that look on your face for?
I shot your gorgeous leg, *****.

I shot, I shot, I shot.

Will I be alone?
Was she a clone?
Will it tear through my bones?
Will I, I will be alone.

My salty tears, oh what salty tears.
My salty tears did stain your ****** cheek.
This is about the fears I have, thrown into a severe story.
The stars shine so bright
Yet, the moon is filled with fright
For something outshines
Down on the surface

Confused by this turn of events
It searches for this fragment
That steals all the beauty
From the moon itself

As it makes its daily cycle
It finds something far from hostile
Hidden in a broken town
Getting ready to move on

The moon sees no threat
But a mere asset
To make the night sky
A beauty forever

So she asks this girl
To join her daily twirl
In hopes of sharing
This new found beauty
Burrowing further
Shattering a path of rubble
Darkness lurks
Calm storms bring trouble
Escapism prevails
Tearing truth apart
Slithering disguised
Venom floods the heart
Stifled into shadow
Creeping across the floor
Drown amongst the rubble
Arresting inward evermore
A dream, just a dream
                                                           ­                               That's all it took
                                                            ­          To throw you from your perch
                                                           ­              Cascading to the dark below
Whispers in my death
Give you clues to subjects
Floating within this head
'Till I wake from this state
                                                           ­                          Assuming all is known
                                                           ­                       Would bring our demise
                                                          ­                    For these words hold little
                                                          ­                                  In the way of truth
So I slumber on
Through your sleepless time
Leaving you solitary thoughts
To mingle with your sanity
Our words are immortal
To those whom are dead
For we celebrate it all
Where others feel dread

A new speaker succeeds
From generations advanced
Speaking good and evil deeds
Truth of life no longer danced

Speakers for the dead show all
None can be hidden
That moment of shoplift at a mall
And care to another's son

What we ignore today
Will be plain in the end
For others will finally say
If they were truly a friend

Society will never change
But it's occupants can
See others without derange
As merely a human

                                            But who am I kidding
                                            When I say things with hope
                                            I know none will listen
                                            Not a soul will really hear
                                            For people are thick-skulled
                                            And hear what they want
                                            Not some beggar on the street
                                            Or an artist wishing to preach

So I continue to write
Not knowing the purpose
With all this blindness
*Who will dare to see?
Partially inspired by Orson Scott Card's idea.
Struggling to breathe in this very empty room
I swore I would stay and prevent this doom
So here I stand alone again
I scream your name inside my soul
Begging for you to let me in
And all I hear is silence cutting deep into my ear
I know now that you loved me out of fear
Fear I might break and shatter along the floor
No longer worried if I should breathe
****. You. ****. You.
Sensations revolve around me
All are causing me to react
Some are foreign, some friendly
One is too familiar for any tact

As this world of many feelings
Revolves steadily about my head
One is perpetually bombarding
It's those simple words you once said

You remember those fateful words
That generate nothing but sorrow
I can hear them echoing now
As if you uttered them not so long ago

But it wasn't that long for me
For I never will move on from this
I'm trapped in that broken moment
My mind forever set amiss

So I will sit in a mournful world
Reliving those words that undo
That forever ring in my mind's ear
"I just don't think I can trust you..."
Crisp, clear drops
Fall so far, so fast
Splashing off leaking life
From cold paths we past

Lying gently alone
As light shines suddenly
Revealing a heart lost
Life flowing out slowly

In gray, dim light
A figure stumbles
Slipping into the light
Leaving a man so humbled

None see this treachery
So I now die alone
Freed from my senses
I grow cold as stone
Fog, thick as blood, surrounded me
Blinding and menacing as it swirls
Containing the hate and pain
Forced upon my soul, unfurled

Through my smokey confines
A light seemed to flash
A trick my mind creates?
Or could it just be the ash?

With a sudden rush of air
The fog was swept far, far away
In its place were shadows too tall
Making me give up today

A hand reaches for me
But, I am too scared
It is shrouded in darkness
Like the eyes that stared

But, what is this?
The hand reaches my chin and lifts
I look up to see a strange sight
An unexpected and loving gift

Friends now surround me
They were never menacing or dark
So, I am not really alone
For my life renews from their spark
Always in my mind from dawn to dusk.
Never leaving me like the scent of musk.
Fears tear me through her.


When I hear that letter, she never leaves.
Forever stealing my soul, like a pack of thieves.
I wish the best for her.

Those **** letters…..

I say it’s alright, and it will be, one day.
I can never, in full, repay
You for your touch on my soul.

The letters never leave me...........
And neither does she.
You scare me to the bone
Leave me trembling
Wanting so much more

Send me shivers through the phone
While I fear you
Afraid of your darkened soul

As my heart is being resown
You come closer
Attempting to finish the task

Can I run and be all alone?
No, your pull too strong
I slink to your side, accepting the pain
Colors everywhere
Flapping madly
The wind  exposing true colors

Trying so hard
Yet always a struggle
Beauty comes with fragility

Your wings have been torn
Ripped and bent
Fluttering rapidly to remain afloat

In hopes to capture you
As you have me
I shield you from further harm
Themed from another's poem.
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