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511 · Jul 2011
My Love Is Her Hate
Silent whispers scream all around
The voices, they never stop
Calling out a friendly word
Is not their true intent
Yet out of this hate
Comes their twisted feeling, Love

Love is divine
Some say to me, but
can divinity cause the pain I feel?
Perhaps it's to teach
Or to truly inspire...
I say it's their twisted hate

O to be young
When little was known
And all was acceptable
Yet they ruined it all
With the twisting of hate to Love
I Love her
But her answer?
Flaws, they burn our souls,
Yet, yours shine in my eyes.
Forever a fight to show;
You never believe what i feel.
I plead and concede my faults
While praising your ****-ups
Like they can't be wrong.
I know you are human,
And ****** like the rest,
And still your soul reflects
The good you ever do.

Oh, if you were mine,
Even for a moment,
Never would I care
That my heart is dead
And my soul, it cries,
For I had you
For a little at least.
Alas, you struggle to keep
Me away at all costs,
While you slowly want to give
A small chance, yet you can't.

So wait I shall do,
Until the world is grey and sad,
Until my tears are taken by Death.
For she is worth all I can give,
No matter the cost to me.
Always showing your blue eyes the tortured path I take
Attempts to bring about a sense of urgency with higher stakes
Holding hands and stealing hearts
I wrap my arms around you and your broken parts
Your jagged edges cut me deep and pour me out
I hold you tighter, knowing without a doubt
That these demons you hold inside
Are forever based in mortal lies
And every night my thoughts sink lower
Trying each day to go out and show her
I'm not a bad guy trying to hold her back
I just love her more than beans are loved by Brak
But none of that matters anymore
Not a single thing touches her core
At least that's what she shows me
I can't figure out if we could be
Together for real this time
That's why I wrote this rhyme
To ask you how you dare feel
In this time when nothing seems real
Would you take the plunge for hope of a chance
One or more nights of true romance
497 · Jul 2011
We Is Comfort
I can't sleep
And nothing helps
Maybe a bottle
Can calm my keep

Some use distractions
To keep them sane
From this worry
And their demons

So distract me
Dear friend of mine
While I fall into
The comfort of *we
Beginning inspired by "Death of Me" by City & Colour
Steep walls all around
Slip and fall right to the ground
**** that hurt,  I'm bleeding again
One day I knew I'd regret losing you as a friend
But it was all your fault, **** an apology
Some bridges burn too fast for accountability
To be decided, but we both survived
Far from unscathed, we finally arrived
At this moment of silence for the lost love
Between our souls now drifting far above

I can't express the pain
The loss and hate within
And now everyone gives me ten cents
Like a poor man begging to pay rents
That are left from the apartment he couldn't afford to keep
So he's stuck on cold dirt as a bed for sleep
Everyone laughing at him in disbelief
At his ragged clothes, hair, and broken teeth

******* for judging where his life has gone
Everyone knows we are just societal pawns
Left thinking about our life so beloved
Frozen on the pavement unclean, unloved
Don't be so hasty to assume on your own
That your life can't share a similar tone
Cause that man could be me or you
Left by our friends and lovers too
Hello, can you hear me?
I sing to you from miles away
While driving in my car alone
Towards a newer, colder day.
I never imagined silence could hurt
Until the day I realized a month went by
And no words had filled our conversation,
Just the emptiness of space and sky.
Alas, I cannot let this end.
It would tear me deeper than before,
It might leave me helpless and broken
Crying you a river on my bathroom floor.
Anger flows every way
Through my soul and in my brain it stays
I tried my best to simply obey
Attempted to drown you out with Parrot Bay

"I miss you"s falling from my lips
Stinging all along my hips
Bruises on my heart from your tight grip
Sanity and hope begin to slip
I just am suddenly super not okay with how this frickin happened
463 · Nov 2015
Spurious Friendship
Struggling to breathe in this very empty room
I swore I would stay and prevent this doom
So here I stand alone again
I scream your name inside my soul
Begging for you to let me in
And all I hear is silence cutting deep into my ear
I know now that you loved me out of fear
Fear I might break and shatter along the floor
No longer worried if I should breathe
****. You. ****. You.
457 · Oct 2013
Fears Exposed
The warm pressing of two hearts
Brings tears of pain within
For the joy pulsing deep inside
Breeds itself a pool of sin

Yet this sin is not real
The cuts it makes are deep
Tracing hateful words all over
For the promises I couldn't keep

Foolish were such promises of faith
Truth reveals no strength in me
To fight for our long lost cause
Is sealing my fate to drown at sea
449 · Mar 2015
I wish I could get through to you
I really truly wish
I wish that moon would reflect in your eyes one more time
I wish a lot of things
For money & fortune & fame
I wish cancer wasn't real
I wish I didn't always have to be right
But the wish I wish more than any wish I wish
Oh what a wish it is too
For my world will be as empty as these wishes without you beside me to see them come true
441 · Mar 2011
Reading Straight Down
Tripping* over her
Every time I even
See her name or her
Smile that shines.

I can't be without her.

Looks between us
Often show me
Very little I can
Explain in mere mortal words.

You carry me
On through life.
Understand the simple phrase.
Perhaps it's the darkness creeping up
Or the hollowness echoing within
But your words melt before me
And expose your many sins

I can't believe it has come to this
A point of no return
But how do I ignore the pain
And heal where you burn

Within my hallowed maze you walked
Carving your initials all along the walls
You left no place safe for me
Within my own dreary halls
388 · Aug 2015
Colors Can Kill
Twist the red into a kiss
From the one you truly miss
Turn the red into the song
Your mother sings when you are wrong
Let the red become the talk of the town
Because no one sees you drown
Slide the black into the words
Realizing your choice is absurd
The purple sky holds the answer for you
Swirl it right, and your life will not skew
But by the time you see the truth
You'll have fallen far from this sturdy roof
360 · Sep 2022
Freezing Cascade
Hatred flows like a mountains melted snow
Cascading against these stones
And ripping apart all my bones

Chill seeps in deep
But our demons drown slow
While our souls dim their glow

Can't escape this trap I've laid
Frost burns through the skin
Reject this life for my final sin
250 · May 2018
Universally Empty Words
Breathe... Breathe.......breathe....breathe..breatheBreatheeee
Where has all my air gone?
Did you steal the oxygen I so desperately need?
Or has the air lost its life as you did?
Nothing hides in plain sight like the broken man of yesterday, stepping through each day as if it were a doorway into the infinite of repetition.
Work numbs the brain and drugs dull the pain.
Words comet across the sky
Bursts of flame and rage trailing behind
Brilliant array of blues and greens to twist my world round and round towards the blackest pit the world has never known
Dedicated to those we have lost
238 · May 2018
Let Them Go
Echoes are filling me up
Clouding my air and staining the walls
Memories follow deeper into the forest
Hidden in every shadow, eyes stare lifeless as a doll
Stumble and turn to find a light
Knowing nothing but fear and hurt
I scream and fall to my knees
Echoing a child at his mother's skirt
Their faces twist in my mind and scream
Killing me with daggers I build
From the wastes of youth that litter my halls
Potency more than had ever touched their wills
186 · Sep 2022
Wicked This Way Comes
Trouble brews these wicked nights
Dark gazes pierce the facade
Hunger tells us to rip each other apart
Ravenous and devoid of heart

Crippled minds run this show
Beating down your soul
Chopping off your limbs
Culling out hope with a snip and trim

Can't catch what never leaves a trace
Demons can't walk among us
For the fate of our grubby hands
Lies within our festering palms
138 · Oct 2022
Snakes Spread Like Wildfire
Burrowing further
Shattering a path of rubble
Darkness lurks
Calm storms bring trouble
Escapism prevails
Tearing truth apart
Slithering disguised
Venom floods the heart
Stifled into shadow
Creeping across the floor
Drown amongst the rubble
Arresting inward evermore
131 · Dec 2021
Scarcity has gripped out world
The lack of knowledge, lack of resources, a lack of trust
We hopelessly divide ourselves up
Perfectly portioned for our predators
We scream at injustice
So we may turn away from our own shortcomings
We aim to fix others
And yet we leave our own hearts and minds torn asunder
And for what?
Don't answer that. It's a trap.
Just like that new sale at Nike
Or the newest superhero movie
Because their only commonality:
No Way Home
128 · Jan 2022
An Army Awaits Within
Demons knock so loudly
Echoes scream of their intent
Nightmares wrack my brain
Leaving my body broken, spent

Falling down the rabbit hole
Tumbling forevermore
No white rabbit leads the way
Darker creatures hide behind this door

Fixed in time
We laugh and rhyme
Blood seeps and pours
Drowning inner cores

Darkness need not defend
Knocking echoes the doom
The demons can't be let in
When they already fill the room

— The End —