Its over
I won’t change my mind
Fifteen years was enough
Your alcoholism
The verbal abuse
The constant fear
The wondering if you would make it home
The depression I suffered from the stress and worry
Never feeling whole or complete
No I can’t do it anymore
I want a divorce
What please stop saying it
No I can’t and won’t
My love for you died so long ago
I am wasting my life away in misery
If I stay I may not be alive tomorrow
The kids need me and I need to be there for them
I have found myself and can stand alone
For once in my life I'm ok
I know what I want and need
And it’s not you
I wish you well
Stop your crying
**** it up and be a man
You did this to yourself
You said you would stop drinking
Another of your lies
So goodbye
Oh and don’t forget you have the kids this weekend.