Yesterday night I was told to do something different today.
Something that I never do normally.
So at 3 in the morning when I was in mental hell.
I called my bestfriends mom.
She was the only person I wanted to talk too.
She always told me to call her even at night.
Though she didn't answer.
I really needed her.
So instead of sitting there on the verge of tears.
I did something different.
I walked across town to see her.
I needed her.
So I got up and walked.
I didn't let myself sit in my own misery.
I didn't allow myself to fall into the norm.
I challenge everyone who reads this to do something different tomorrow. Whether it's to lay outside and smell the grass. Watch the sunrise, or take care of yourself. Do something different and find a way to see the world outside of how society tells us. Life is beautiful, take the time to see it.