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He holds me tightly with warm embrace.
His hands pull me into his beating chest.
Like galloping horses his heart starts to race.
His heart whispers forever stay.

What lips, his lips, what emotions they create.
With heated passion, they roam, they travel.
As his lips linger leaving me in a frozen state.
His kisses plead don’t go away.

Those eyes stare deeper than they can see.
They pierce through my inner being.
What love in his eyes, his love grows free.
Stay in my presence his eyes persuades me.

When he laughs, what a cheerful sound.
That creates an inner joy in me.
And when he smiles, my heart falls down.
I know that he wants me to stay around.

And because he’s telling me stay forever.
Through every action that he portrays.
Just because I’ll leave him never,
I’ll stay, I’ll stay forever.

Because I’m telling you stay too.
Forever, I’ll stay, forever with you.
Forever I’ll stay, forever with you.
By: Keva Minus ©
Please touch me once again.
This time without your hands!
By: Keva Minus ©
she wears her jewelry proudly
purple, sometimes green,
maybe yellow
but it is always

she will tip back her head
and show you her
long neck and you
are overcome by the sight
of such
in one person.

sometimes she wears bracelets,
purple bands encircling
her dainty
and the colors are so beautiful.

she hardly ever wears rings
but for the purple one,
maybe an amethyst
that sits upon one of her fingers
and she will flinch
even wince if you try
to touch it.

but sometimes, maybe just once or twice,
you might even manage to
that her necklace,
and those lovely bracelets
and that beautiful amethyst
which she wears so very proudly
is made up of

Dust is my only memory.
White is the only color I see.
Emptiness is my only pulse.
Solitude is my only shelter.
In between all this chaos of nothingness lies my brain in a box of cigarettes.
Smoke becoming my only lover.
Caressing me with its ashes, while hypnotizing me with its nicotine.

I am looking for my mind and its nowhere to be found in this asylum
of heartless consumerism.
I am smoking my hopeless life away, with each cigarette.
Slowly burning my insides with its fatal dose of love.
Whispering: "ashes its all there is left after death, my darling."
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
Dan D
No worries on her mind
No battles to fight
Just peace
Her head on my chest
Her hand in mine
I couldn’t think of a better place to be
I can’t believe she’s all mine
To watch her as she sleeps
To brush her hair back behind her ear
I can’t wait to be here for many more years
I look into her lidded eyes and see nothing but sweet peacefulness
This is what I crave
This is what I live for
Your happiness
Your peacefulness in my arms
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
It seems I’ve managed to memorize your scent as if it were the first day of summer
With the flowers bloomed and the sun blazing high.
I’ve memorized the curve of your smile and the dimples under your lips;
Your beauty simply captured by every blink.

You’re everything I’ve ever wanted;
Every song I’ve longed to hear,
Every word I’ve wished to whisper in your ear
In the way that could only be known as love.

You, my love,
Are the definition of sly smirks and sweet smiles.
You, my love,
Are the beat of my heart to the rhythm of your breath.

You, my love,
Are the raw emotions I’ve never felt and have never believed to be true.
You, my love,
Are what defines love at its finest;

In its truest form,
In its naked and raw emotions,
In its fruitful desire for your hand in mine
And our lips attached and your arms encircling me endlessly

You, my love, are the things they told me about but never warned;
You are the risk
And the f
        ­                          l
And the rush in between.

You, my love,
Are worth every breath.
And look what you’ve done: just by your scent
You’ve managed to wrap me right around your finger forever.

                                                                                                        - g.d.
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
I tried to
make a playlist
of all the songs
that reminded
me of you
for the sole
purpose of burning
them entirely
and listening to
the rest in peace,
but I realized
every single one
was laced with
your name
so I ended up
burning everything
to the ground
and it still
wasn't enough
to get you out
of my head.
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