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Tattooed across his handsome face
Was a life of unfortunate stars
On his forehead were many a trace
Of the fights he had picked in bars

But it wasn’t just fighting in bars
That had made him his ominous tattoo
As a child he had smashed neighbours’ cars
Ramming into them sky high on glue

Hanging out with this guy meant trouble
He would never obey any laws
All the stupidest dares he would double
Breaking bones, smashing teeth, cracking jaws

If you see this guy, please, look away!
If he’s noticed you, run for your life
Every line on his face leads astray
And you don’t want to mess with his wife
a window ajar
cold body likewise open
the devil creeps in
I  know you.
I have been watching you
For a while.
I know you want me to
And that you want me too
I can tell this from your smile.

You know me
I know you have seen me around
I am somehow always there.
Every thing you do, I have to see
I have to hear every sound
You see,  it is all because I care

I knew it all along
From the way you smiled in class
That I was meant to be your girl
Is this totally wrong?
I know you've checked out my ***
I just know that I'd rock your world.

But I have to lay low
A relation is not allowed yet
But soon,  when you graduate...
So I'm planning to take it slow
Savouring the moments we get
Until we're allowed to date.

...and yes, I am a teacher!
This is an old one, written for a challenge. I was to write a poem from a stalker's perspective. ;)
Tiptoeing on velvet vines
silky and smooth to the touch
we dance in the twilight shades
of subtle poetic lines
trying never to say too much
thus preventing that anything fades

Imagining alternative scenes
in flexible collaboration
we dream in adjectives and verbs
as sentences rush through our veins
sweet figment of imagination
all our civilised structures perturbs

Dancing lightly across the keys
our fingers and souls thus create
quiet symphonies on backlit sheets
wishful journeys across the seas
of what we dare only comtemplate
as we immerse ourselves in these beats
There are days
When I am able to forget
We were there
For years
Sharing all
Travelling the same road
I was there with you
But we got separated
By life
I lost touch
lost my way
Got lost from you
And I tried to find you
Reconnect with you
But you wouldn't
You said you lost me
Back there
So I lost you
Right there
I just wish
I could lose the pain
Of remembering
How I lost you
When the rest of my world
Has still got you
But there are days
When I am able to forget...
She strips
Sheds her clothes
Her skin her            emotions
Her words.                      Every day
Every time                         Just to see
Them                                       smile
Just                              to hear
                 Them cheer
Sigh pant
Her art sin
Her beauty
She gives

what will
happen if
she lets her
******* fall
It all begins
With pronouns
I becomes the subject
Of my project
Adding you
And collectively we
I choose you and me
And I exclude the he and the she
Until I am certain of we

You and I pick verbs

Inflect them to match
begin narratives

Transitive verbs take objects

You touch
take skin
me with words

Words have become a clause
But still a simple construction
So, you tickle me where?

For this you need a preposition
To position your tickling ammunition
Do you touch
tease me ON my *******

Do you feel me INSIDE my mouth
Positioning is envisioning.

Then you use adjectives
To modify descriptions of
Sensory inscriptions
So, gentle complements touch
Soft and passionate kiss
And you become superlative

And adverbs elaborate experience

You fill me deeply
violently with all that is you

But adverbs can also mean time
Not sweet or cursed time
Or time denoting age
But timing is always important
And grammar dictates
Time adverbs are placed
As a beginning or an end
Like a lover's embrace

This morning, you woke me with
A demanding "here and now! " and I will reciprocate this, tonight, I vow.

Conjunctions are sentence connectors
And sentences behave like detectors
Bodies balancing with and, but, or
Otherwise subordinate
And the scale tips towards
Conditioning hypotaxis
Making actions a complicated praxis

(before my mind can connect, you will have to pursuade it /pursue it)

But we coordinate conjunctions
I touch you
You touch me
Exploding sensory functions

So, together we cry imperatives
Completing our ****** narratives

Yelling: Please... bind me!
touch me!
bite me!
take me!

Oh! Please, come!

I love the English language... ;)
I built a paper world
He helped me
He flew my paper planes
And let me dive from them
Onto a paper lake
He took me hiking in paper mountains
Seduced me in a paper cabin
And left me high
Lying on the paper floor

I built a paper world
He helped me
He drew my images
He filled my pen
But a storm arose
Carried off our paper world
And blew it into the fire
Torched it
Now it's gone.
the poem (and a lot of my other poems too) is from 2012 when I was experiencing a crisis and escaping from it online
I  always wear red...

Tonight I bleed
I make myself a
Dazzling crimson dress
Of blood
From random
Self-inflicted wounds

Tonight I bleed
My tears are red
From the blood spilled
When I tore your heart out
And threw it on the floor
I should have cried
Long time ago

Tonight I bleed
And I share the wounds
With you
We cut ourselves
To match
And once again feel

Tonight I bleed
My blood spills on
Treacherous paper
Dangerous paper worlds
They flood
They are destroyed

I always wear red...
You bind me
You tie me in a dream
You find me
You seek me out in the crowd and
Blind me
You fixate me
You put a blindfold on me and
Lead me astray
You tease me
You pass me pleasures and
Take them away
You observe me
You watch me wreathe and yearn
You create me
You might even break me and
Pick me right up
You make me
You deal the cards so I can play
with you
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