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Bell'Alta Feb 2014
I write poems
to express,
the words in my heart
the song in my soul
without complete sentences
at times without a whole of sense
because, life is the same
not everything is as perfect
as we make it out to be
we've all been at a lost for words
not knowing how to endure life
how to express the love we feel so deeply for another
we cry in agony as we hide our wounds, while licking them when everyone is away
poems help me to just be
to just get it out
doesn't have to be perfect
just.  get.  it.  out.
Bell'Alta Feb 2014
When the demons are dancing before your eyes
write a poem and they will die
When words come to me in power and authority, I write them down, no matter what I'm doing, or who's going to see it, me, or cyber world.  Or even if it's fragmented and scattered.  It will all make sense, it will all come together, in the end, in the end.

p.s.  .....
The best thing to do is make friends with your demons and then they can tell you the honest truth.  And then you can truly change .....
Bell'Alta Feb 2014
The winds of time
they rush they slow
they run they blow

wither the wind goes
I will go
whether to far off lands
or here at home

i will go where the wind takes me
and i will heal those that need healing
be it father, mother, sister, nephew
uncle, aunt, cousin, friend
brother, neighbor, enemy, foe
or even if it's me, who needs the healing
yes, yes i will go
Bell'Alta Jan 2014
how can a vibrant soul have
demons deep inside
but still shine

how can the works of beauty
be tainted
with blood and crime

how can my love for you grow
and die
at the same time

thousands of questions
thousands of thoughts
all run through my mind
perhaps they should not

unwelcomed guests
scared to go to bed
for what i must face
when i'm in my head
Bell'Alta Jan 2014
damp fingers clench my soul
******* the breath right out
a heavy heart
cold hands
dripping in sweat
scared to death
scared to believe
this nightmare is real
it's happening to me
Dark, but what I imagine someone's experience with ****.
Bell'Alta Jan 2014
the white field of light
love, purity, strength and hope
all abide, freely giv’n to those
who break through the barriers of darkness
Going through old poems on my computer and thought I would share a few.  Not really sure what I was thinking or feeling when I wrote this, but I really like it.
Bell'Alta Jan 2014
time escapes me
hours go by
no food in the belly
im not hungry
I don’t know why
music takes you back to the moment you first heard it
and all that you were feeling, thinking, seeing, drinking in
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