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 Jul 2013 Beaux
I am the kind of girl
To graze your lips,
Watch them slightly curl
As your hands hold my hips.

Soft kisses around your neck,
So soft they are opaque and iridescent.
My kisses turn you to a wreck,
And you'll never forget it-

The way I laughed in your arms
And swayed under the stars,
The way I set fire, set off the alarm
Enclosing your heart behind bars.

You'll never lose the time
Of rain dancing, you stayed to listen
As I stole you heart, it was a crime
To take an unsuspecting victim.

I robbed you of your stature,
Because I kissed you without the intent
That I would provide utter rapture;
Instead I left you damaged and bent.

I am the kind of girl
To hurricane into your lungs,
Steal your breath with a whirl.

You are the kind of boy
Who deserves the world-
One full of reciprocation and joy.
Written in May of 2013
 Jul 2013 Beaux
 Jul 2013 Beaux
I am craving a cuddle like a smoker needs their
My heart's racing, fingers twitching and thoughts scattering.
I want you, need you, can't have you.
My breath hitches in my chest,
Temperature rises and I break in a sweat.
I am suffocating, losing my calmness.
I draw on my inner strength, deep breaths.
Panic seizes my unrest.
I need something, anything to take my mind off the stress.
I need you.
Do be my fortress.
 Jul 2013 Beaux
M Clement
 Jul 2013 Beaux
M Clement
Hello my Demons,
It's been a while,
Or so I believed.

                             Here's the truth:
                             You've been here all along,
                             Just a different guise.  

I really wish you'd leave;
I'm pretty tired of you,
And I'm tired of the me
That exists when you are
                                I'm really hoping this
                                Is the final time I reference you,
                               Because I've got better places
                               To be than
                               In your clutches.
 Jul 2013 Beaux
I'm not here to capitalize on you
     I'm just here to exploit your emotions

I'll be your new anti-depressant  
     Your defense mechanism
     Your Oral fixation

Your morals are safe with me
     I promise

Take this down and try calling in the morning
     You're not numb anymore
     I'm your electric addiction
     Your unorganized prescription

Little Miss OCD Queen supreme 
     I'll give you something to run with
     When you're feeling uninspired

Sweet ambrosia,
Straight from my loaded God complex
      That oxytocin's a helluva drug

Come on,
Invite me in

Breathe in and out the light,
before darkness falls
let me transmute your pain to medicine.
I know the title's a bit risqué but thats what arts about, its supposed to be ambiguous, but most importantly subjective. Take it however you want. This is one I've been working into a song as well. I just thought I'd share what I had. Again, several references in here to songs and books. They're like Easter eggs find em.
 Jul 2013 Beaux
she told me that
     my parents are ignorant *******.
that I deserved better.
    that I needed support.

it's true. I do.
because maybe if I knew who
     I was then this
hell wouldn't be so bad

because I'd be able to have
 Jul 2013 Beaux
we talked about how I
seem to be noticing girls
more than guys.
how that the way some
of these beautiful women
makes my
lips quiver
makes my
heart skip beats
makes my
mind race with thoughts.

I thought maybe I could
control these feelings but
the dreams I have of the
faceless woman has shone
that I'm anything but
 Jul 2013 Beaux
Therapy today
 Jul 2013 Beaux
i cried in therapy today
while telling her that i
hate that nothing bad has
happened to him yet--
He still has his phone and
his life while i'm caged up
Like some animal and
cant have anybody i love or
care about with me
 Jul 2013 Beaux
Seems like (10w)
 Jul 2013 Beaux
Every day is
The same--
Cold, dry
and empty
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