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 Mar 2014 Bianca Wilkins
i want to know the story
behind every freckle on your
back and ever scar on your
hands, i want to know how
they stuck with you and i want
to know the story of how
i stuck with you too
Finding excuses to binge and purge
Is ever so easy
I have to use the bathroom anyways
I am lonely
It is my only escape
Finding reasons not to
Is a whole lot harder.
Everybody makes mistakes
I have people who love me.
I am enough
Am I enough?
I just keep looking for reasons to say
*Yes, I am.
 Mar 2014 Bianca Wilkins
I know it's only my mind contouring his mouth into a smile and when I turn to walk away the velcro on his lips part; words like a choke-chain. But he has lyrics that remind him of somebody else etched into his hands, and she'll always be part of the plan.
He hums her song into my throat and we both pretend I don't understand.
Believe truth
                   lies flee
                             Confusion dies
                                               You will do fly
 Mar 2014 Bianca Wilkins
 Mar 2014 Bianca Wilkins
they say
i will be here for you
you believe them

but it's the dead of night
your mind is racing
you're clutching a blade
dragging it across your skin
your tears fall every second
you scream into your pillow
you isolate yourself

they say
i will be here for you
you dismiss them

but they weren't there for you
so you say nothing
when they ask what's wrong
you smile and laugh
when you want to cry
you don't let them see you
the way you need them to

they say
i will be here for you
let them prove it
open up

that girl in the photo,
who wears a smile upon her face
with twinkles in her eyes
and a skin that glows
you have no idea

you have no idea
how once struggled
in finding herself
and fighting for her
many dreams

that girl in the photo,
she once cried for
365 consecutive days
and suffered eight years
of depression

that girl in the photo,
she once thought that
her body was fat
and starved herself
for days

that girl in the photo,
she once hated herself
for the way that
she wasn't perfect
in any aspect

that girl in the photo,
she was a wallflower
who was thought to be
anti-social because
she was quiet

that girl in the photo,
she had her heart broken
one too many times
and lost herself
in so many ways

that girl in the photo,
you have no idea
how much she cried
and wanted to end
her precious life

— The End —