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BTW Jun 2021
18 June 2021.

It takes the emptiness of another to raise that aspiration for yourself.
BTW Jan 2023
Haven’t Heard You Cry
5 January 2023

Haven’t been here for a while.
Last time made you smile.
You must be still OK.
Haven’t heard you cry.

We seemed best of friends,
Squawking every day.
Secrets that we could blend.
In a family’s way.

Used to know your clever smoke. .
Such talent made me laughed pgh.
Your kind of saucy poke,
Made my neighbours gasp. .

Remember Mom made splat pie,
Lemon on the run.
Didn’t ever make her cry.
Found that special ***.

Our old dog, ‘one day beast’,
Had to say goodbye.
Took him to Ever Peace.
Didn’t hear him cry.

When your mom did angel fly.
Heard from all her friends
Truly sorry, frightened cried.
Kissed their own sweet end.

Seems most fine treasures lie.
Old photos when they’re found.
Sometimes you were high,
Memory Kodak bound.

I manage, yup still alive,
Toes touched when can bend.
You did make me cry,
Bone pain, round my end.

Lonely as years fast fly,
Found a brand new friend.
Happy times I plied.
Nice if you came by.

Morning comes into sight.
Bacon, eggs are fried.
Six a.m. quite a site.
You think you tried.

Wanting all my money,
When I grow weak and die.
By gosh funny sonny.
Chance I’ll hear you cry.
BTW Apr 2021
Direction Haiku
5 April 2021

Direction lost.
Physicality grounded.
Merry Go Down.
BTW May 13
13 May 2024

Could one journey be too far,
In a life filled with travel.
One exotic meal too rich,
A road of rock and gravel.

Love held, thru sparse, sacrifice,
Angels loved, all one’s life.
Fortune worn on sweatered vest,
Labor shorn with the best

Leave my shoes on my feet,
Though my day seems complete.
I have lived straight and true,
Paid my debts when they’re due.

Perhaps one day we meet again,
Winter storm or summer rain.
No others share my blame,
Chose to ride the devil’s train.
BTW Jul 2021
Sometimes (Doors of Heaven)
2 July 2021

Days when poetry escapes, no longer here,
Days when closed drapes, warm beer,
Clouds rain, future feared,
Strength comes from you, your love lingers.
Words ring true, tips of your fingers,
Doors of heaven, open again.
BTW Mar 2021
18 March 2021

Cold sand, rock, unwind the darkened skies.
Passion’s tidal rhythms broken.
No place to hide. You lie still, nearby.
Moonlit shadows were burning fire,
Tokens pull me to your sea.
I am unquenched.
Paper-torn bordered fence.
Passports tossed.
Clock bells ring a broken pier.
I pause my poems to hear its warning.
Dark ship of hell docking.
The fog clears.
Laced lines of tears drawn.
Too soon, dawn does not come.
BTW Aug 2021
6 July 2021

In the peace of moon dust and starlight drifting,
Untethered from time and place,
I find the love and peace I take from you.
Blessed by living in your truth.
BTW May 2021
3 May 2021

Butcher, baker, candle maker, all glathered in a room,
Course time was late, earlier than noon.
No one had expected, what was yet to come.
Nothing to anticipate, recipe, or drum.
Butcher brought knifes, sticks and stone,
Baker broken spoon.
Candle wax, soap, and smoke were discord strewn.
No gold or silver ever found a place,
No one bowed their head, prayed holy grace.
Didn’t need a face.
What was put together would never last,
Was just a clump of things,
Older than the past.
Thought best lived with teeth and ***.
In the corner an old *** from witches brewed.
Threw all the pieces in for naught they knew.
Stuck out every way, never seemed a seam.
Kind of thing built by motley dream.
Wondered whether should be free,
This bit of dross poetry,
Looked a lot like me.
BTW Aug 2021
18 August 2021.

In his father’s eyes,
He saw the future dying.
BTW Aug 2021
18 August 2021.

In his father’s eyes,
He saw the future dying.
In her mother’s heart,
She saw the beaten.
BTW Feb 2021
Early Morning
28 February 2021

Start of another day, end of a month,
Quiet. Still no-one on the street.
This is my time of rest.
You are always in my thoughts.
Comfort, fun, surprises, peace.
Always loving you.
This new year is a blessing.
Grateful for you, your care and love,
The excitement of you!
Always loving you.
BTW Feb 2021
Ease me into the daylight
11 February 2021

When February comes, it comes at war.

Days strive lighter, nights grow colder. Each at challenge paces  - ready already to fire -February pawns and Kings! The other pieces have fallen.

My extra blanket seems poor armor, as do the now naked trees, my quivering knees, world of snow and ice - what options, where is certainty?

I need to hold on. Some are laughing, but I am not. Who holds the die? Media? AI?

Anticipation is not today; it is not yet come. Even the earth needs to tilt again to a kinder place, and the anticipation makes me dizzy. Yet spinning the circus wheel threatens only but another toss into chaos and confusion today.

The Rook, the Bishop, Queen are off the board. The game is almost played.

Today’s paper renews my view. Boiling and bubbling that stew of staff-dead worlds we ‘*****’ ourselves to avoid. Where is mine? Who holds my manhood?

Factories steaming into the night. Workers walking head low. Asking where is our’s.

Up and down, round and round. Struggle-hungry for a quiet warm home.

Ease me into the daylight. I am trying not to blink.
Tis’ not my favorite, this famous February of 2021.
BTW Aug 2021
Easy Morning (Haiku)
4 July 2021

Calendar empty.
Day spent plan null focused.
Lay in bed with you.
(Heard the rooster.  .doodle do)
BTW Mar 2021
24 March 2021

Some are not compliant,
On rules others reliant.
Though tracked from their nose,
To the tip of their toes,
Who they are no one knows.

They act in oddest ways,
Some up at night, not in days.
They live trip of the edge,
Bets that few want to hedge.
Computer, camera, watch them roam,
What will they next call home?

Always lifting the ante,
Sometimes plain, others fancy.
Often go to a dance,
Anyone has a chance,
Love, laughter, and prance.
Their spirits are their worth,
High though still on earth.

Some people just shake their heads,
Choose to lie in their beds,
With ones that they truly wed.
Normalcy never alone,
Living life on their phone.
"Eccentric", they dare bemoan.

When your humor has left,
Eccentrics see why the theft.
BTW Mar 26
26 March 2024

You heard deep travelled dark,
Right whale time of together.
Joy infinite momentary await.

Pleasure strips away truth.
Destiny bare, alone I ‘m empty.
BTW Mar 2021
Enlightenment, Courage
4 March 2021

In extraordinary times,
Cherishing the ordinary.
BTW May 2021
5 May 2021

Caught between myself and myself.
My freedom nerve suppressed.
Challenge is to stay well,
While not party dressed.
One of me says a fool,
The other buys the rules.
Only time will tell.
Is this heaven, or hell?
BTW May 2021
Essence of Gods
2 May 2021

Eyes of your children hold the essence,
Of the Gods you deny.
Gentle, sweet, unbroken trust,,
Waiting to hide in the dusts,
Of life of your pride.
Gift of youth soon lost as you wander,
Paths long waiting for your eyes.
Hold them close and strong.
Soon they will be gone.
BTW Apr 2021
Eternity’s Touch
8 April 2021

Music my one, your touch on my skin.
Heaven so close, far from love’s sins.
Songs of your heart singing our rune.
Crossed as your cello, strings finely tuned.
There on beaches, moon kiss each dune ,
We danced, filling heart’s room.
Bright as stars burning the dark,
Keeping together when some forced apart.
In fading light of the day,
Your touch forever, our music plays.
BTW Nov 2023
21 Nov 2023

Nature takes it time,
Bringing change define.
Around our love and place,
Patience sets the race.

We grow unseen at first,
Writing our own rules.
Outcomes finely burst,
Worn out broken tools.

Put aside the pain.
Our path is always plain.
Storm with fertile rain,
Blossoms truth again.

When each challenge rears,
Together we are one.
Accepting without fear.
Our love has just begun.
BTW Aug 2022
10 August 2022.

To die bitter old men, yoeman’s mate,
Stare at the gate. unsaved.

Perils, future plans dangle.
Unloved darkened grave waits.  

Stone etched, trued fate and sign.
Take what I have. ‘‘Twas never mine”.
BTW Jan 2023
29 January 2023

Snow, spiral ecstatic feathers.
Diva dance!
Frisson firs, shiver!
Holding stage.
Aside, "Primal, MyWindow."
BTW Feb 2021
February 2021

My piano is out of tune.!
BTW Jun 2021
8 June 2021

When our love is over,
And only worked for me.
My judge  murmers dear,
I am not “Guilt free”.
Am I worth the price,
You pay to be with me?
The beauty you carry,
The smile when you greet me,
The day that we married,
So precious they true be.
You are that gentle women,
That always sets me free.
Those times we are together,
When flesh has ruled my day,
Tell me true.
Am I worth the price you pay,
When I am into you?
BTW Sep 2022
Fill Me
19 September 2022

Bring me wine.
Bring me time.
Bring me love.
Bring me youth.
Fill me before I journey to stars.
Empty me as I die.
BTW Nov 2023
First Snow
24 November 2023

It started as a morning frost covering the deck.
And a little bit of lace cold stars fell.
In the Martin moment of great darkness,
The world was clean again.

BTW Nov 2022
Always The .First Time N.

13 November 2022

With the glow Of first time,
Unbridled love, fireworks.
Nerve on ration.
Excitement in bloom. We are one.
We are bound in those magic moments.

First times.
Let our sea,
Ever be,
The first time.

Standing in the hall,
Waiting at your door.
Asking you.
Love burns.

First time.
Alive and free.
Breathless wind,  
Gasps freeze.
Burden left, steer right.

Make our every time,
Once more, our first time.
Love  Not fade or grey.
Fresh, new, every day.

Take my ready hand.
This time again, turn over the glass.
Stir again the sand in perpetual swirl.
Our first time with my girl.
It’s that time. First time.
BTW Aug 2021
The Fish Market (Haiku)
12 August 2021

The fish market,
Centers of love making,
Whale tale pain.
BTW Feb 2021
20 February 2021

Foul wind here too long.
No place for you to belong.
Sing your song elsewhere.

(Covid remembrance)
BTW Dec 2022
A Forever World
Dec 10 2022
My words are my Worlds. Christmas thoughts.

My favorite walk was in the forest,
My body soul got more rest.
Where the wild cried out peace.
Where poverty was only leased.
Where love held and hold.
I felt so brave and bold.
A Forever World kind and right.

My favorite music made me smile.
Words were true and wild.
Mother made breakfast every day.
My best friend called us out to play.
Fresh sweet tarts, jam and bread.
Chores at home filled my head.
War was far away, then stopped..
School visited by the local cop.
A Forever World with steady light.

Rent was due and promptly paid.
Allowance for theatre, table laid.
Uncle and Dad played crazy eight.
Parcels sent never late.
A Forever World with girls and dates.

When I woke up early morn.
A new world  no fight, safely born.
Country drive was never far.
Dad had a old find car.
A Forever World was new delight.

Neighbours near were easy friendly.
Christmas cards mailed, presents sent were plenty.
Chestnut grew on backyard trees.
Same tree where dogs would ***.
A Forever World sweet on sight..

The time that we were living here.
A time with wine and beer.
A time when our loves were warm.
A time we kissed every storm.
Kids played in safe green yards.
That dreamed delicious cakes and tarts.
A Forever World on birthday bright..

If only we were here with words,
A Forever World free and bright.
A Forever World,. Time to start. To All, “Good night.”
BTW Apr 2021
3 April 20214

Care for our bodies, our world, our spirit, our identity.
Fundamentals of life.
Moments, passions shared in pursuit constitute our entity.
Under morning stars, reflections of seas curling on trees budding.
We can hold our partners hand, quiet affection and appreciation.
Whole hearts fill.
It is not the hook for nourishment in a pond,
Nor a hymn sung by a choir of children,
That brings us to that quiet place.
Rather our common heritage, hearing nature speak.
Can you hear the trees humming, feel their embrace?
Smell storm winds over a desert, empty?
For me it comes with a peace that awaits hunger,
Fed only by sharing honored.
Quiet time in a noisy world distracted.
The bird still sings of life to fill.
The worm dies, the moon is cold.
Fundamentals. Partners in care.
BTW May 2021
10 May 2021

I need new glasses.
Old news badly broken.
Who can fix that?
BTW Aug 2021
20 August 2021

We crossed paths on that dating site.
Lunch on the road set the GPS.
You were just right, no less.
All dots on the map matched.
Our love story hatched.
Travel passed all the tests.
You know the rest.
Haven’t had any since!
BTW Jun 2021
Grandpa's Complaint

18 May 2021

Being a grandpa, challenge the system,
Everyone expects with your age, you have wisdom.
It’s not simple, you remember that,
When you were younger, you were a brat.      
Before you were ancient, and terribly old,
You never did, what you were told.

Always delighted when you heard of a scandal,
Something folks had trouble to handle.
Milkman too long at neighbor's door,
You knew that he was trying to score.
Kids don’t get it, shop at the store.

Much that we used to think was bad,
Now on TV easily had.
Sight of a garter or nylon or two,  
Hardly raise any kind of “to do”.
Burlesque was a place for dance and song,
Now those places are all closed and gone.
Today it’s a striptease, too much to see,
Even a shock for an old guy like me.

Grandma’s gone to that heavenly place,
Here no one even says grace.
Seems we are putting gas stations away,
Fuel cards for places where rascals can play.
We used to go to the old drive-in show,
Our friends in the trunk, all in tow.

No one had cash except Mom in her purse ,
Now credit card trouble take first.
Birthdays are getting hard to take,
Too many Candle’s my birthday cake.
When kids come to visit they try hard to smile,
Don’t want to stay for a long while.

Stories of lore kept me true,
When we were young, we knew what to do.
Seems now no one knows a doodle,
Have to look it all up on Google.
Not sure what they’re learning in school,
Just hope it includes the golden rule.

Soon married with kids of their own,
Half living in faraway homes.
Most of us old folks learn how to text,
Passwords making us all total wrecks.
No one at all will cash a bank check.
Look at you crazy, an old geezer fella,
Check to see if your eyeballs are yella.  
Course now some of us drink quite a bit,
Otherwise this world would give us a fit.

Fortunate now we have neighbors who too,
Happy to share their stories with you.
It’s getting harder to get around,
Taxis and buses cancelled in town.
Some shouldn’t drive, all squint and frown.
Hard to walk with those sore hips,
So keep driving,  parking lot hits.

One old lady, the other day,
Dented my fender at shopping way.
Wasn’t screaming or yelling took place.
Was handled with gentle grace.

Well time flying bye, my hair in long locks,
Everything closed by virus talk.
I think I’ll get up from my chair, take a walk,
Pick up my mail at the far away box.
Look to see if the pension has come,
Pay my bills, hope some left for fun.
Who knows, might even see someone.
BTW Jun 2021
10 June 2021

Twisted their backs in pain.
They danced the night away.
Broken banjos.
BTW Nov 2023
Half Hour Haiku
Nove 19 2021

Half hour of love's bliss,
Time slows, your embrace I miss,
One kiss, endless joy.


Age has slowed me down.
No longer much fun in town.
My love for you can’t stop
Half hour, I need your love.
Half hour, to hold you tight.
Half hour will be the bliss.
Time for one more kiss.
Half hour now and then
Against your skin
Half hour to prove,
Love for you.
Half hour is my plea  
Half hour all I need

BTW Dec 2021
Dec 29 2021

Each waking morning I celebrate you.
You are my earthly love, passioned true.
In the cold of winter, the promise of spring,
You are my gift, always giving right living.

In the darkness of forever lasting,
I will dream of your touch, your laughing.
In the pain of loss, the thief of grief,
I have found you, Hallelujah. All relief.

Stay. Keep heart warm and free.
As you travel, cantor our soul alee.
Distance, an illusion of this world.
Beside you, hear my songs dance, twirl.
Softly, tenderly, I whisper your ear.
You are safe. I am here.
Hold eternal our bands, our hands.
In this ever strange, hungry, neverland.

I celebrate you.
BTW Jul 2021
Happy Endings
23 July 2021

Submerged every moment,
Heaven wish eternal.
Sovereign love we all share,
Golden life maternal.
Generations joy dare,
No beginning end lent.
Love intense in times spent.
BTW Aug 2022
Hard Times
26 August 2023

Sudden cold winds sweep the net.
Wrap up wool, thick blankets.
Leave the others, awaiting play.
Little sign, still damp gray.

Dog wandered days ago,
Nott. an easy sow.
Coins totalled wood,
Poor neighborhood.
Family month of pain,
Marking time, time again.
Fears have passed,
Courage strong.
Covid facts,
Street gone wrong.

West coast in sight,
Pavement empty.
Next tough night,
Not so plenty.  
Forage wide ditch,
For meal and clothes.
Nature’s mind must switch,
Wild red rose.

When you can’t get upstream,
When all seem wet dreams.
Alone, struggle true bereft.
When hard times have riches theft,
Spend your day, looking west,
Follow the dog, with wagging tail
She “nose””the way, never fails.
BTW Jul 2022
15 July 2022

Always feel a cycle pedal,
Up, down, round and round.
Not winning awards, medals,
Mental,  some unsound.

Always try for happiness,
Want you to see I'm wise..
Looks like i raise your guardess,
Lose each time I rise.

Not just you when t feel slain,
Seems the whole **** town.
Pants caught in that greasy chain,
Almost pulled them down.

Harassment turns, looks my way,
Fills up those cold bold days..
Oh well, spin wheel again,
Still got some hell to raise.
BTW Aug 2023
Heart Aches
21 August 2023

Dreaming, flying, fallen
Aging all alone.
Talking garden’s wallen,
Building empty home.
Awaiting day of sunshine.
Bottle empty wine.
Holding one now dying,
Loving never shown.
BTW Feb 2021
10 February 2021

Weights of the world shouldered some days,
Pain, sorrow, unkindness, full play.
Friends far away caught in a crowd,
Voices lost to others too loud.
Needing that gentle hand and touch,
Sharing the struggle that became too much.
Age and time take huge toll,
Heavy on even an angel’s soul.
Finding the strength to carry on,
Looking for light, tomorrow’s dawn,
You are the strength that I need,
That last found gentle sweet seed.
Valentine’s day, love's in your deeds.
BTW Jul 2021
Hold Back The Dawn
31 July 2021

Hold these heated seconds frozen quivering on Ares Spear.
Eternal passion’s black hole freed of flesh and fear,
Where fate and chaos lose their grasp.
Leave us one soul melded before light call cast,
Tomorrow’s sorrow furrow melt,
Lost in time fast, too slow.
BTW Sep 2021

24 September 2021

I wish you joy, new days to thrive on earth.

Love’s richest purse, styled in tender verse.
Life free of pain, happiness profound,

Sun matched treasure patch, I have found.

Moon, southern breeze,  charmed morning free. 

Gentle skies, greenest leaf, high on every tree.

Past tests were set uphill, sweated every day.

Search hours spent, ungentle sway.

Others felt your smile of angel salve,

For them, lives grateful had.

You were levered promise, tomorrow's ever gift,

Ode of poetry song, spirit slow, swift.

Karma dressed others less than we,

Others broke, lost and toked for calmer seas.

Memory, hard times, failed to sail alee.

No sweet honey, sour cease to please.

I wish bold hours, trouble to the past,
Lifelong comforts, you deserve at last.

No wants left me drown.  Wept, I found you.

Whole, kind, soul filled. Sweet and true.

Struggle never leaves, you bequeath your strength,

Amazed, grateful wonder, fate still bent,

To spend my life, new with you.
Heaven hope's scent.
BTW Jun 2021
9 June 2021

Fog on the windows,
Replicate in my brain.
Morning risings from my bed,
Wet with sweat unlabored.
Everything creaks and I croak,
Like an old bullfrog grumbling.

To sleep in a warm bed,
Once the heat of another,
Was welcome.
Humidity spots instead.
BTW Apr 2023
23 April 2023

He walks in the room,  hello those there.
No disturbance,   relaxed happy mode.
Clean cut, nice suit,  cut  his hair.
Shoes polished,  pressed pants turning  old.

Offered a drink, was driving, soda please.
Music started  play, friends to dance.
Looked for  spouse to love and  tease.
Soon gave him that comfort glance.

Kids had grown, reputation sown.
Holidays soon to come, time to roam.
People wished them well, stay healthy, safe.
Clear he knew his place, showed in  his face.

End of night  near, time to leave.
Door opened, walked in  his neighbour.
Felt the ladies look, reach for  that  sleeve.
Somehow eyes always got their favor.

Was a man who carried a glow.
Considered by others icon of lust.
Conquests all  seemed to kow.
Made him  not one of us.

Husband wondered about his role.
Trying to keep wise and whole.
Another day wished  could seem,
Like that crazy time, last night’s dream.

Years ago had those offers.
Marriage kept him coffered.
Husband true as any known.
Always found love at home.
BTW Aug 2021
16 August 2021

I cannot be you.
If ever possible be,
I would not be me.
BTW Apr 2021
I Chew on Your Bones
26 April 2021

Little meat in my stew, so many of you wry.
Pasty meal, “why try?”
Stories of past victory lie with Valkyrie,
Oars, thrusting seas consummating,
Roaring as blood floods rock cliffs and coast.
Raspberry jam on toast wet with sweat.
Odin sleeps while I starve.
BTW Sep 2023
I heard you
9 Sept 2023

You spoke with your eyes, time past.
Dreams that died,
Broken on the pavement of life,
Driven wide.
Who holds the truth of winter,
The pain of summer?
You spoke with your eyes.
Colours of fall, wonder’s resound.
Promise, spring thunder heart’s pound.

My love, I hear you. Heaven’s long.
BTW Sep 2021
The Illusions of who I am

9 September 2021

Father, husband, neighbour.
Manager, debtor, son whose favoured.
Every day a different flavour. .

Patient, uncle, old granddad.
Devil, angel, senile, mad.
Friend, lover, high school grad.

Pilot, mechanic, pianist, realist.
Poet, dreamer, schemer, meaner.
Each day there is a trend,
No end to how I’m bent.

I belong to you, decide.
I have no need to hide.
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