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barnoahMike Jan 2011
_ Little leonard  Lion,  decided to attend the Upcoming Town meeting  with an Open mind about the Subjects that were to be Discussed.   Many Times in the Past,   Little Leonard along with others of his Thinking,  Especially,  Anthony   Ant and Roxanne Roach,   Went to the Town Meetings with the Attitude of "Cautious-Listening"..    MANY Times the Town Meetings,  conducted by the Town Upper-Layers and their *Chief,  Wendall Waglips,  had NOT stuck entirely to issues ,  BUT rather Modified them.    SO,  that the Credits due to the *Proper Provider,   were Instead directed to  Themselves !   Waglips and his Upper Layers had announced the Upcoming meeting would be a *Revelation of NEW Ideas and Plans !   Needles to  say,  Leonard Lion, Anthony Ant and Roxanne Roach Could Hardly wait !   As they sat on the edges of their seats,   to hear the Proclamations  that Wendall and the Upper Layers would be *SWEETLY*  offering up to the Audience of " Fully Attentive"  Listeners .    Waglips approached the Podium of Announcement,  Stood behind it,  Grabbed both sides at the top,   Leaned forward toward the microphone,With a Self made Smile and his Attitudinal  Voice,   Began the Ritual of Proclamations;   #1= A Decree you will accept with Glee.   #2= When I Condone and accept it as the Known.  #3= Should you disagree,  DON'T bring it to me !   #4= What is Laid out,  ACCEPT it or get Out.   #5= The LAWS are on the Walls in the Halls,,*BUT*DON'T Loiter in the Halls.    Waglips continued His Finale ,   "These are for Your benefit and I am sure You agree,  That each of you they will fit !    These NEW rules we've SPOKEN for your  Wellbeing  for the Residents of this Town !      __Leonard,  Anthony and Roxanne Looked at each other and glanced around at the  2500 attendees !  As a Megaphone was Placed in Leonards hand!  He Repeatedly Shouted out !   "JOIN ME IN THE HALLS "...     So, whats in store for those who stayed in their seat and "DID-NOT" heed the Boldness of the VOICE ,calling them to the Halls  ?
copyright @2011     barnoahMike                   Mike Ham
barnoahMike Dec 2012
"Fashioned out of Bits and Pieces of Clay "~  Proclaimed the sign !    In fact,  the sign was surrounded with Neon lights and measured 35' by 80',  sitting so firmly supported above the entrance door to the Store of Stores~  named  ~  "STORE OF PLEASURES AND DELIGHT "   { Members~simply referred to this Giant as  " P L E A S U R E S " .      The Parking lot was full with 52,000  vehicles at 5;30AM~ and the store would open at 6;00 AM  'SHARP".     The people were already in line~ to select and choose the finest of what the store had to offer.  OH,,or even  "***"  the Pleasure  to be  had at "PLEASURES" !  !     Choice after choice of  Bits and Pieces of Clay'  Was what the Crowds were clamoring for~ in Their shopping Frenzy !   No where on Earth could such sweet Delicasies~ such as these could be found.   NO SIR~  when it came to the very best CHOICE  of items "Fashioned out of Bits and Pieces of Clay ",   ONE simply couldn't shop anywhere else~  ONLY~  at " P L E A S U R E S ".     Big,  Small,  Bright and Dull,   color after Color,   shape after Shape,   Long and Narrow,   Tall and Short,   Broad and Narrow~  Every possible  CONCOCTION   of Man's imagination~Was offered up for sale and consumption.    THAT... was  was the Speciality of      " P  L E A S U R E S "~  Whatever was presented from the Mind of Man~ WAS fashioned out of Bits and Pieces of clay at " P L E A S U R E S "~ From dreams and wild thinking  These were  the things offered up for  SALE ! !     From Weird to Plain,  From Gawdy to Drab,   from Elegant to Simple,  from  Bizarre to Mundane...   YES..  Man's Mind when allowed to "Roam-Free'~ would fill the shelves of each Aisle~ Freely Roam the store~ Click in your selection of  those Precious Items of " Bits and Pieces of Clay"~.   Click Approval and PAY...wave thanks to "P L E A S UR E S " as you Leave.   Your selections and an Attendant~ will be waiting at your vehicle~with "YOUR-SELECTION".     *PLEASE VISIT US AGAIN SOON.......for your choices of "BITS and PIECES OF CLAY...."
COPYRIGHT   @2012  by barnoahMike         Mike Ham
barnoahMike Jun 2012
Aware the day was approaching,   Little tugs reminding how Quickly time passes.   And the knocks on the doors of his heart,   opening ---One at a Time ! !   To reveal memories in Full Color of each eventful day,   Clearly showing "ALL  the Extra joys that encircled him,   but never took the opportunity to be a Full Participant  ! !   ANNIVERSARY   DAY  *was presented ,  as if on a Silver Platter.  Engraved with "All those things *Missed because of Prior committals .  A stack of Priority signs, which offered choices and options,  he " F A I L E D "  to turn over and read the instructions.   That,   simply said "Choose carefully,  because as time goes by,.   You may overlook the options.    AND,  as more time goes by,   Routines and  Habits   begin to replace  the Presentations from the Silver Platter.    MAN'S WEAKNESS,  was the next sign offered up to him,  NOT the weakness of knees,  but thinking that empathy was understood,   the reality was not the extending of empathy,  but rather,   to be a Part of that which is "GOING ON NOW"  or that which was "GOING ON THEN ! !     ANNIVERSARY,  carries with it  the meaning of Commemoration.    Which is a  "CELEBRATION  of our MEMORIES *.   BUT,  by leaving out a sharing of this event,  it Dampens.   This "Celebration" should be Shared ,   in a Loving,  devoted,  caring,  joyful,  HEARTS Goal as "ONE".      On this Anniversary,,he Thanks GOD  for lighting the pathways of understanding.    This  Anniversary he "Celebrates" with her  with a humbled,  clearer  appreciation,  and with a "REFRESHING LOVE".   As he writes this on the Tablets of his heart,   "SHE"   is his " ANNIVERSARY "  .
copyright  2012   Mike Ham   barnoahMike
barnoahMike Sep 2010
WHEN  I first discovered the  "BEND IN THE RIVER" * , , ,         I had No Idea what was in store for those who  BELIEVE There's a LOT more to this Flesh and Blood Body than Meets the Eye!!       IT'S a Brand New World, , ,    That I've been instructed to "SHARE" with those who also believe *That the *SPIRIT given to us,,ALLOWS "ADVENTURES"  beyond explanation.  "For Example";     I uncovered a Mystery  that has been kept from man for Centuries!!   "Such As Follows".     Am I a fool to fish with an Unbaited hook??   Even though I did Caste it out "Very Far".   Will the FLASHING of it being Retrieved ever so FAST,  be enough to Attract the Hungriest of Those Looking for a New treat?    What,Oh What could be a "BETTER BAIT" than that which  I reeled in at a "Break-Neck" speed??     Was there No Deliciousness  coming Off that Rapid return?   PERHAPS,,a Tasty Morsel,  a Yummy TidBit be attached to the very Tip..  AND * YES Put below a Cork about 30"ABOVE!!     YES,,Gently,, Persuasively,,  Moving in the Smooth currents of "LIFE"!!!   Is this "BETTER BAIT" always available?  * I BETTER "RUSH" TO FIND OUT!!  "Are YOU with me??"
copyright 2010   by   barnoahMike     Mike Ham
barnoahMike Dec 2010
Pressing His  Cherub face against the window glass,   To get the * Better View.   Even as the Heat from his Breath caused the Fogging of the Glass !    Standing now on His Tip-Toes trying harder yet to get that Better  View..     The crowds around Him,  were pressing in,   Pressing in as if they  would NEVER Get a Turn.     The SIGN Clearly said ,,," ALL IN LINE ,  WILL GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE ,  TO ASK  and to CHOOSE ! "    There were no Sequence numbers assigned,  SO...the Poor LAD got Shoved further back into the MASSIVE CROWD .   Instead of the Line getting smaller,   it seemed that it was GROWING even Larger...  The LAD with the CHERUB face was now pushed all the way to the OUTER-EDGES of the crowd.   Not ONE without a *DRIVING URGE AND SPIRIT,   the Lad Shouted in a Loud Voice and Pointing to the *REDDISH-BLUE morning sky.  "There HE IS !   There HE IS  ! ! "    At that moment, everyone in the Great crowd turned toward the Lad and Looked up into the SKY...   With Keen Alertness the CHERUB faced Lad Raced toward the entry door......and to HIS ASTONISHMENT,,     *THERE  HE STOOD,,       The Tears of Great JOY and Excitement Poured   down the  CHERUB Faced Lad.    The Lad had made His Choice....AND...He Saw *OPEN ARMS extended  Open to Receive HIS  Embrace ! !  The Roar of Joy from the Great Crowd  did not dilute the *TEARS OF DELIGHT     Thoughts Racing thru His Mind,, about the CROWD     WOULD THEY PRESS-ON     AS THIS  "CHERUB" HAD DONE.
Copyright  2010  by barnoahMike      Mike  Ham
barnoahMike Jan 2011
On a pondering Morning,   watching the Sun Rise,   I see off in the Distance a Twirling Fog bank !    It was the calmest of Mornings,   So what TWISTS the fog ?   Even the sound of Footprints being Quickly made,  I could hear Running across  the Misty Glade .   An Echo of Light seemed to follow the Pace,   As well as did the turning of the Fog .    What,  Pray Tell,  Could I be Privy too on this New Morning ?    The Foot path beats seemed to be coming closer,   But still Unseen because of the Clouded Steps.   I CRIED OUT  "Is someone there?"   and again "Is someone there?"   NOT a reply except the approaching sounds and sights !    As if Music to my ears,   a Melody emitted from the scene,   Coming closer each second.   I Realized that Anticipation and Peace of Mind were Overwhelming me !    NO fear or apprehension crossed my mind,   Just a lifting of my Spirits,   as not but a few feet away,  ALL Three were nearly to me !    The Footpath Sounds,  The Twisting mist,  The melody of Calling....    Then,  What seemed like 7  Minutes of a Total Earth Quiet Time !   Out from the Mist Stepped a Glistening  Golden,  Shimmering in Velvet,  Raven Haired to HER Waist..Loveliest of Women ever to be Seen !  As she began to speak,  it was as if  each word became forever imprinted in my Mind !   She Proclaimed in a voice so Gentle and Concise that she was Sent,,  Sent,  SO I might See,   What a Gift from GOD  Looks Like,  "MY GILDED MUSE".   Tears filling my eyes as Her indwelling within me BECAME COMPLETE.......
copyright @2011  barnoahMike               Mike Ham
barnoahMike Sep 2010
The  Shadow that was there but a Moment ago,   Seems to have Moved a BIT  and now is Shining Aglow.   Why does the Shadow have such a SHARP,CRISP EDGE??   Is the light Behind it so great?   The Laughter I hear when the Shadow Moves,   I find NO sense of Humor in That Delight!  I was only Searching for the Source of the light,, You KNOW,  Like finding the "***-Of-Gold" at the end of the rainbow.   To my Surprise,,,,,When I did find the source of  such a strange light,    A Visitor by the name of "GRIMSTER"  stepped upon my toes,   Pushed Me from behind,   Laid a Trip-Wire in  MY PATH,   Broke every bulb Lighting The WAY,   Threw hundreds of Slippery marbles right at My Feet,   and all the while Demanding;;;   "I'll stop if ONLY you'll Claim me as Master!"   AS HE Tossed a bail of barbed Wire at my body!!  MY Retort cane from Deeep Within,;  "NEVER*Grimster I Proclaimed"!!   "What you offer is but a Facade,  Reality rests in the PATHS that I've chosen!"    THEN,,"Grimster" Turned UP the power of the Light,   The HEAT of which was beginning to Singe and Burn the Back of MY Neck..   I PICKED-UP a handful of the Marbles,   AND as  HARD AS I COULD THROW ,,,,   I Aimed them at the Center of the Light!!_The Quiet pause overwhelmed me!  THEN,   AS A NEW  kind of Bright Light FILLED my view.   I observed,  There were"NO" Shadows  and a Whispering MUSE of a Voice,  right in my ear,  as in Melodic Words ,,,,"PROCLAIMED TO ME three (3) TIMES!!      "GRIMSTER" has left for  "EASIER-PREY"
COPYRIGHR  @ 2010   barnoahMike   ,,,Mike Ham
barnoahMike Nov 2010
One Morning I raised my head,  Looked directly into the skies,  and this IS what I SAID ! !   Give Me a  Morning of Joy and Bliss.   Give Me a day of Tenderness.   Give Me a Night of STARS shining.   Gather Around and HEAR what I've got to say ! !  HURRY NOW ! !   Time is FAST Slipping away.   Enjoy this day Filled with GLEE,   Surprise Blessings being Given to YOU and ME !   NOW,  Let's join our hands .   OPEN,  Truly OPEN our eyes so we can really see.   Where these things we ask for,   From WHERE they really come.   AND,   as the STARS of Night began to Enhance the Heavens,   EVEN  the MOON ,    "JUST BRIGHT ENOUGH"_give us these "Realities",  DO we want All this Life of ours to SLIP-AWAY,   Do we enjoy that now it seems  "SOUND-BITES"  and  "VIDEO-CLIPS"  are our creators ! !    AS we watch "REALITY" slipping so Quickly away.    Were the Tears YOU Last shed   Hidden from others View ?    SO_I CRIED OUT TO  G O D  "PRAY TELL , it seems as if the path I Leave Precedes ME ! !     SO_I CRIED OUT TO  G O D ,,  "Give Me This  MORNING TO RAISE MY HEAD".    Let me extend a caring Hand to those who come on my PATH !   To Encourage them to 'RAISE THEIR HEAD"  Giving assurance to others,,  THEY STAND " NOT-ALONE" !
copyright  2010   barnoahMike    Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2011
Sitting on her throne~one day~she Pondered about the world~around her.   Seeing that a lack of progress ~and fewer cheerful attitudes~were causing folks ~to walk around~as if with~"Pouty Lips.    This certainly~"Was not"~what the QUEEN~wanted to hear~about her throngs ~of followers~.    Even her Jesters~sent her whispered notes~that things were not well  !  She unfolded the silver whispered notes~over and over~as she was seeking an answer ~to the~doldrum cases~being reported to her~every day...     The Queens supreme Guard~asked if he might have a private audience with her~....   She, without hesitation~granted his wish~and declared to take~all the time he needed.   Getting to the point quickly~he knew~the QUEEN may suddenly change her mind~or create a decision ~Right-Now~,  as She was Prone to ~seeing that things Got-Done",  so, she exclaimed to the Captain,,  What is your presentation?   Standing before her,  she proclaimed,Please be seated~and let me hear!  Clearing his throat~trying to muster courage of~Required by QUEEN~ looking straight into her eyes~when she had granted audiences !    Madam QUEEN, he started,  Jesters have told me of the *WOE !  a Severe case of Doldrum stress~has attached itself to our people.    The QUEEN retorted, my Court has learned well......"WHAT IS THE PLAN" she bellowed~as she stood,in her stately,magnificently beautiful way,  glided to the balcony drapes, turned promptly and asked...."Well"?    The Captain~made aware of her  presence so profoundly,presented his case !   Madam QUEEN, have you ever met or know of Major Glib?   Yes,,she said quietly,turning her head away, I Know the Major.   the Captain continued,  this is the kind of Man we need ,,to face head-on, bring mountains of encouragement,show new skills,be their spokesman when needed,  to resolve all differences,,seek the Spices of life.....Learn the values of friendship and even Love.   Someone who puts a meaning and measureable value to the future~yes even tomorrow.   The QUEEN , interrupted~How quickly can we have Major Glib here for a discussion of Willingness?   The Knocks on the door~interrupted ~ the QUEEN nodded to the Captain to answer the door.  Twenty six determined steps brought him to the door, opening the door full way----there stood Major Glib.   The Major didn't say a word,walked directly to the QUEEN ~took her hand~gazed into her eyes~and asked,    You're calling for me?   My Life and time are now yours he proclaimed with authority !     {end of Part #ONE}--------
COPYRIGHT @2011 by  Barnoah                  Mike Ham
barnoahMike Oct 2012
How Brave you must be~the squaw exclaimed to the Chief.   " Why, I am more than a Brave", the Chieftain quipped.!   " Just look at my feathers and the scalps hanging by my side,    do they not tell of My many Deeds ?    Her reply was a simple ,,  "YES,  I can see how you have adorned yourself ! "   He retorted ~ " And you certainly can't miss all the colors by which I have claimed  MY-STATUS ! "     The Squaw responded~ "YES,  the HUES on you,  certainly   tell me who and what you are,  now that I look closely  ! "    And he added~ "Look at the careful way in which I have displayed my Collection of  SCALPS,  Spaced ever so carefully around my waistband !    She questioned further,  "Have you  ,Oh Mighty Chief,  Properly named each of the Scalps ,  SO YOU won't forget from whence they came ? ?     "OH,  My Goodness, YES,  he answered.   "I wouldn't  ever want to forget where they came from,  SO~I admire each and Call each of them, By Name~ Everyday.   "SURELY" She continued,  "YOU are  much more than any other  Chief,  and by the way , DO you use Windex or Glass-Plus  to clean your mirrors ? ?  "    HE exclaimed,  "I, really don't know what cleaning  agent my servant uses,  to clean my many mirrors !  BUT,  they certainly do shine,  when I look into them !      The SQUAW  queried~  " BUT  what about your shoes, moccasins , if you would,  WHAT~~ is that Green-Gooey Stuff all over them ? ?   HE-Commented~ " I guess that when I  take my mighty steps, toes and feet,  IN THE WAY,   Fall under the Prances that I make ! ! ? "    Then,She asked~ "Do you do your War'Dances often, or just as you are called on, by your mighty warriors ? "   AND,,this Brave-Chieftain  PROCLAIMED~  "WHY,  I"ll have you Know,   I do all of these Prances and Dances ~BY MY OWN CHOICE,  NO-ONE  tells me when or what to do.  Except my visits with the Prince of the Air !"   The Squaw thanked him~turned~then turned back~Asking " Measured by~ Scalps~Prances and Dances ? ?
copyright  @2012   barnoahMIKE      Mike Ham
barnoahMike Jan 2011
How may I introduce these people  to YOU  ,  in a way that will Not make fun of them,  but rather,  just simply Identify them !               Identified by their present achievements and Job functions..              PERHAPS,    they are always this way__.                 SO, in my studies of Mankind,     HOW to Label All those who are  "FULL OF * S __! "                               Such as the following List ! !                                                                ­                            #1=STIFLESKILLSMAN=   A person who has been highly trained to Stop you from going the direction you were trying to go !                                                          #2= STIFLECOATING=   A spray you can apply ALL over your body to keep  a "STIFLESKILLSMAN"      away!!!!                                  ­                                       # 3= SHUNHAT=  A cap you can wear on days when NO one is paying  any attention to you,,AND,,"Thats the way You want it ! ! "                                                           # 4= SEEMEEARWAX = A wax placed on the surface of both ears that GLOWS in the dark and in bright Light it changes colors every "SIX" Seconds,  SO people will really pay attention to YOU ! !  __                 *W A R N I N G_____W A R N I N G *.        "Never apply *SEEMEEARAX  when wearing a  "SHUNHAT " !                                           #5= STUNNINGLOSS=  a spray for your hair and neck,   that as it Dries,  becomes like a Rainbow  and causes People to ask__"Where's the ***?"                                                            ­                           # 6= SWORDGAS=   The odor produced by people who must have come out of the swamp Just Recently...Because it *CUTS  so Deep.....   # 7= SWORDGAS=PAIR=  *TWO people of the SWORDGAS  squad,  SHARPLY Gassing their words in unison,  uplifting one another in Endless delight!.                                                        ­                                                        # 8= SNOOZESTOMPINGER =  A Device you wear like an Engagement ring,,to Keep YOU  awake  .                                                    ­          # 9 =  SIGHTGIMMICKLENS =    Glasses that only let you SEE what has been Pre=Programmed in the Lens,,{ a PC approved}..                        # 10 = STARTERSTALLS  Like band-aids placed right under your eyes to keep you from getting out of bed before it's time.                             # 11 = SWEATTYSLIDES = SPECIAL gloves that make it appear that you are about to LOSE control   { WHEN  actually,,puts YOU in TOTAL control of all situations for a 24 hour period ! }                                 # 12 = SUDDENLYSUPER = A really fast acting Spray that on days when you are just not QUITE up to Par!    Just a fast SPRAY_ and *VOILA,    Sudden appearance of doing just fine !!                                        * WELL,   I  have a list of Seven times Seventy, to add,,                                  *(PS)  Do You know any of  *"S"  TEAM ,,?
copyright 2011     barnoahMike                              Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2010
Once upon a time in a far off  Village lived a Tribe of people called the "WITH-ERS".   next were the Tribes named Nearest,  Nearer,  Near,  Searchers and the Lost..  The WITH-ERS LIVED in the very Center of the Tribal Areas.  Each Tribe had it's boundaries marked by Barbed wire,  Concrete blocks,  Electric fences,  Guard dogs,  Warning signs,  Armed Patrols,  Flashing Lights and Laser beams...  The *WITH-ERS  Tribe Boundaries were marked by Every tree that GOD  has ever made.   Each Tree was always in full bloom and showing the brightest of Green..  Sweet, Soft Music  came always from the Center of the *WITHERS community,  YET NO BAND  could be seen..   The LIGHT from the EYES  of each of the WITH-ERS tribe members  seemed to glisten to ANY  OBSERVER.   When standing next to a WITH-ERS one could feel the Energy,  love,  fellowship and helpfulness that always seemed to be present.    The WITH-ERS were envied,  hated,  despised,  loved,  adored,  threatened,  praised,  and Talked about  by ALL  the Surrounding Tribes and they especially liked to call them "PECULIAR"..   THE WITHERS* GLADLY ACCEPT any who "WOULD-CHOOSE" to join them...BY THE WAY,,,Which Tribe should we  decide to JOIN,,,,THE CHOICE " IS OURS ".......
Copyright  2010    Barnoah     ,  Mike Ham
barnoahMike Jun 2012
Since the very beginning of joining the *ELEPHANTS TUSK CLUB".  He wondered whether others might make fun of him,   and sure enough,   every time he put on his Hide Coat and his Tusk crown,   joviality seemed to pour out from the walls.   "HARTY-HAR,,,HARTY-HAR,  laughter and mirth he heard from near and far.  But, that didn't deter him from his Delight in being a Member in the ELEPHANT -TUSK club.   Just about everybody desired the benefits the Club membership provided.    Here listed are some most asked  about:   TWO years Free cleaning for your Hide coat,    Two years free shining of your Tusk crown,   Two years of *Bellowing training at the unheard Price of only 10.00 per class,   based on attending 9 classes a month,   instead of the standard price of 25.00  per Class of *Bellowing training,   Two years of Free Circus tickets,  for those events not occurring in your home town,   Two years of Hauling feed and hay training for the low,,low price of  25.00 per class, for 4 classes,        *YOU would not believe the waiting list for Membership in the *ELEPHANT TUSK CLUB ! !  Filled with folks from "ALL"  walks of life.    "SIGN UP NOW" and receive THREE (3) grades of memory chips,,#1= everything for last 40 years,   #2= the last 20 years,   #3=- last 10 years  !  AND,  that means  memories of everything,  FULL descriptions played over and over until you "Click-Off".     ALSO,,includes Memory of Elephant,   Trainer,   Tusk Remover.   Each time you click on- the memories will be played over and OVER AND OVER ! ! The fee  "AT MANAGEMENT- IS ONLY 5.00each replay.     " W O W " ,,,,Y O U, yes YOU,   will Not forget anything !         THAT IS WHY YOU WANTED TO JOIN THE CLUB,   ISN'T  IT ? ?
COPYRIGHT  2012  by Mike Ham  ,    Barnoah
barnoahMike Jun 2012
Since the very beginning of joining the *ELEPHANTS TUSK CLUB".  He wondered whether others might make fun of him,   and sure enough,   every time he put on his Hide Coat and his Tusk crown,   joviality seemed to pour out from the walls.   "HARTY-HAR,,,HARTY-HAR,  laughter and mirth he heard from near and far.  But, that didn't deter him from his Delight in being a Member in the ELEPHANT -TUSK club.   Just about everybody desired the benefits the Club membership provided.    Here listed are some most asked  about:   TWO years Free cleaning for your Hide coat,    Two years free shining of your Tusk crown,   Two years of *Bellowing training at the unheard Price of only 10.00 per class,   based on attending 9 classes a month,   instead of the standard price of 25.00  per Class of *Bellowing training,   Two years of Free Circus tickets,  for those events not occurring in your home town,   Two years of Hauling feed and hay training for the low,,low price of  25.00 per class, for 4 classes,        *YOU would not believe the waiting list for Membership in the *ELEPHANT TUSK CLUB ! !  Filled with folks from "ALL"  walks of life.    "SIGN UP NOW" and receive THREE (3) grades of memory chips,,#1= everything for last 40 years,   #2= the last 20 years,   #3=- last 10 years  !  AND,  that means  memories of everything,  FULL descriptions played over and over until you "Click-Off".     ALSO,,includes Memory of Elephant,   Trainer,   Tusk Remover.   Each time you click on- the memories will be played over and OVER AND OVER ! ! The fee  "AT MANAGEMENTS- IS ONLY 5.00each replay.     " W O W " ,,,,Y O U, yes YOU,   will Not forget anything !         THAT IS WHY YOU WANTED TO JOIN THE CLUB,   ISN'T  IT ? ?
barnoahMike Aug 2010
Used to Think that dreamin was a man's game,   Used to Think that Schemin was a Woman's Game.  Now I've learned the Truth about Livin,   Now I've Learned the Truth about Givin.   It takes More than Dreamin,  It takes more than Schemin,  To Make a Man a Man,,  to make a Woman.   It takes a World of Smilin,  it takes Away the Cryin.  Used to Think that Dreamin was a Man's Game,   Used to Think that Schemin was a Woman.    Give Me the Winnin,   Give Me the Grinnin.   A Man Will Dream of Gold and Mountains,   A Woman  will Dream of Diamonds and Fountains.   But there's got to be Another Way.   To Brighten Up our Remaining Days.   **WHERE'S the Answer????   Is it in the Dreams of Her?   Is it  in the Dreams of Him?   Would You believe it??  I just Found another WAY!!  No more Dreamin & Schemin I say!!  Time Has come to Lend a Helpin Hand,  Stand up and Help Woman and Man~~  It takes a World of Smilin,  TO=  Take away the Cryin ....USED TO THINK IT WAS IN DREAMIN,,,,   "NOW,,,IT"S IN THE " K N O W I N "
copyright 2010 by barnoahMike  ,, Mike Ham
barnoahMike Sep 2010
"May I introduce to YOU! "  Wee Willie Frog of Mine.      JUST because you're Green,  You think you're "SO-FINE" !    Sittin with your nose STUCK-UP in the air,   Jumpin here and Jumpin There!_ .    Just WAITIN for the chance to "SNAP-OUT" your Tongue ,,   Even as we sit here listening to the RIPPITING  Song you've sung !    NO longer do they call you the Polly ***,   OR even the Tadpole swimmin under the Log.    NOW _You're the GREAT BULL FROG  of all time,   Wee Willie Frog of Mine.   Just because you're Green,   YOU think You're So Fine !   From Lilly Pad to Lilly Pad You jump so Neat,   Landing Perfectly on all Four feet.    Looking around for Dinner to come Your WAY,   Croakin OUT your songs all the day  .   Jumpin here and Jumpin there !   Sittin with Your Nose stuck UP in the air  !   ALL can hear YOU in the night,   Bellowing out your Songs with All your might.    Wee Willie Frog of Mine,  Just because You're Green,, You think you"re so fine  !    The LORD  Made You my favorite Pet,   But I haven't seen you Jump in my Pocket YET !   MAYBE,  JUST  Maybe  with some practice  YOU'LL learn ALL the tricks,  even the one with yellow Building Bricks....   " I Really Like It,  That when I Call,   * YOU Call RIGHT-BACK",   Could it be ,   You want to see what's in my sack ?    A  SNACK for You is what I've brought,   *SOME  "Y U M M Y - B U G S * ,   is what I caught. "just for you ! !  Yes you're  GREEN ,   yes You're SO FINE! !                 "WEE WILLIE FROG OF MINE"   "RIBBITT"
copyright @ 2010   barnoahMike     Mike  Ham
barnoahMike Jul 2010
Have there been times when you didn't know what to do? Have there been times when all seemed Lost?  When YOU wanted things to be better,,NO matter what the Cost?  Hoping that someone would be brought into you life;;Just to Listen::Just to hear: That you;ve been crying out...and Don't know for sure if  ANYONE  has heard!!  Some of Us Know there is a Helper,One who cares& Listens....Have you told GOD  I can't do this Alone,,,,,,and then cried "O U T" HELP ME;;;;; EACH DAY WE ARE SERVED TWO PLATES,,,to start the day with.. Which one have you been selecting??  Are You Pondering and Weighing Each Morning that is given to YOU??  Have you actually considered the LOAD it represents,,,taken it to the "MORNING=MIRROR"  and "NOT WALKED * AWAY with the reflection still there..  Try 'POINTING TO THAT "reflection  and saying "WILL YOU COME WITH ME AS A HELPER TODAY??"
@COPYRIGHT BY barnoahMike  2000
barnoahMike Jul 2010
Have you ever been to a place ,,where the sky touches the ground?; AND;;when you turn around all you see is Scarlet Red..In your deepest thoughts ,,what does it remind YOU of??  Have you ever been to a place in your Life,,,When things were Dark and Gray??  AND;;when you turn around,,all YOU see is pain and strife>>Did you feel the Need to Bow or EVEN P R A Y???  now WOULD be a good time,,No more delay,,Because You're at that Place where  the Sky Touches the Ground.. get to that place that you're longing,,and when YOU turn around,,You'll SEE ,,,I'm Still Here with you,,Right where we if WISDOM HERSELF had taken us to this lofty place to peruse with previous unknown clarity,,from this place where the SKY TOUCHES THE GROUND         BY:barnoahMike
barnoahMike Aug 2010
If they have them on Handlebars and steering wheels,,WHY aren't they always there when YOU need them Most??  {grips ,you know, those things you hold on to}...  If  Grandma Elizabeth was always telling me to say "Stand behind Me-satan",,,How come I'm always turning around and looking for him??  I'm sure glad Water was made just the Right thickness and AIR just Light enough ,to **** it in,,Aren't YOU??   Hunger, it sure has a way of "just-Keep-on-showin-up",,  It sort of Nags at you,Tugs at You. Urges You on, Leads you to seek it's satisfaction...Is there anything else in Life that Behaves in Just about the same manner??  Why does it seem that all the things That are Bright and new Right now,,can"t be seen as what they really are,,10 years from now??  Should we buy only 10 year old things,,or even 19, just to be safe,and Paint Past pictures of them on the walls of our mind??  Funny Thing about Clouds,,some are Wispy and Signal WIND AHEAD,,,some are Full and DARK to signal the oncoming storm,,Some are Fluffy and light, moving ever so slowly, announcing the Gentleness of the Day..  Have you tried catching one Lately and feeling it's very existence??  Who WILL JOIN me in cloud flying,,a GIFT from THE "ONE IN CHARGE"....
COPYRIGHT @2005 BY BARNOAH       Mike Ham
barnoahMike Jun 2011
Here Kitty,  Kitty,, called aloud the man~relaxing in his Lounge chair~while sipping a Slightly-Sugared Iced tea.   Here Kitty,  Kitty,,He continued to call~wondering where the curious cat~might have have made off to~THIS TIME..     Perhaps to the New neighbors~where boxes of all shapes and colors~were carefully~Disarrayed in the back yard~Just waiting for the curious...      Not getting any response from Kitty~the Man decided to PEER over ~the Neighborhood Alignment Fence~and Sure enough~There was Kitty!     Kitty was Springing~Up and Down~Like a YO-YO and Jumping from Box to Box.   Curiosity is an Amazing thing~Isn't it?    The Man seemed to be caught in a Trance~As he watched Kitty~continue to jump and  YO-YO !    What could be in those boxes?~that held such fascination?   Was it a Creepy-crawler~a Slimy-Slitherer~a Wise-Wiggler~a Dashing-Dancer~an Awful-Awesome~a Yelping-Yeoman~an Energized-Egrit~an Ugly-Duckling~a Fast Frog~a Gorgeous-Gargantula~a Social Secret~a Horrible-hulk'a Raspy-Rascal~an Insensitive-Iguana~a Jumping-Jackal ?     OR ,    was it simply the color of the Boxes ?     Look at that Curios Kitty~Jumping and Jumping and Jumping !      SUDDENLYthe Man~Totally overcome by ~Lady Curiosity~Bounded over the Alignment Fence~Dashed Promptly to the Boxes~Scattering them all over the Yard~Trying to Discover ~ "THE SOURCE" ..    Only ONE box remained ~after opening~All the Others!  NOW he would find the ANSWER!   He carefully approached the LAST BOX~Gently pulled it closer~looking for a way to Open~-------  Lifting Lid carefully~Slowly~KITTY~came Bounding out~All claws~digging and clinging to His chest~Was that FEAR~~HE SAW in KITTY'S  eyes?_  "AS His ALARM-CLOCK ,, Screamed out to Him"AWAKEN_
COPYRIGHT @2011   by barnoahMike         Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2010
Hear the bells,,hear the bells.   It's a Love Song  Written by the WIND,  A song of Love that Only the Wind  could proclaim ...  A Melody for Lovers, a sweet Loving Tune.   It Whispers in My ear forever,  Love Don't go away to soon.  Even on the Hillside  the Melody plays Lightly..  Come and stand by My side,,You can Hear the Tune Nightly.  Hear the bells,,It's a Love Song, Written by the Wind!!   Please Love,Stand Closer.  Share the sounding  winds,,I Feel the nearness of Her, close in My Arms ,all is well!  The Song that I Hear has brought You back to me...  Hear the Bells,,The Love  Song Written by the Wind.....
Copyright   @2010    By Barnoah      Mike Ham

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