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barnoahMike Aug 2010
"Here,take this Gift I give to you!!  Cooly, he responded,,Yeah-Sure,,What's the catch?   The Giver announced,,YES,there must be this certain reliance and confidence and trust..   the Giver continued,,"do You have a desire for a gift such as this?"  The responder,with caution,said  "Yeah,there are certain things that I Hope for,,BUT How can I know  you're  giving this gift Freely?"    The *Giver replied ," You'll not be able to touch or see this *Gift I give to You...   BUT,,,, You;ll have Confidence in knowing that you;ve Received it...and it comes with a  "BUILT-IN-NUDGER"...that when things seem Dull and Gray,,"The-Nudger" WILL BRING SOME BRIGHTNESS TO YOUR DAY!!!  OR,,,,YOU may *stomp on the Nudger,with the very heel of your foot, like the Ugliest of Bugs..  If you're still feeling this Tugging ,,Like the BIG-SHIPS .Being guided carefully by so many TUG-BOATS...   NO ONE else can accept this Gift for You!!!!  A HANDSOME PRICE WAS PAID FOR THIS GIFT .....and the GIFTOR DESIRES THAT "NONE" SHOULD PERISH!!!
copyright Aug 2010   by Mike Ham
barnoahMike Nov 2010
Hundreds of the 5'x5' Treasure Containers  were all around me.   NOT just in a rambling fashion,  But in a PECULIAR ORDER,  As if someone had meant to lay out a PATTERN and Path.   Each was EMBLAZENED with the Curious Markings and right in the center of the PULSATING Markings that  Identified each container as to what LETTER of the Alphabet was being Displayed !   I was looking for that particular ONE  that contained Millions of FOLDED GOLD  Parchment Papers !  With a Singular "GOLD-LEAF" letter,  Right in the Center.   I heard a slight Humming coming from behind me !  Growing in intensity,,  Calling ME to the Source.   I RAN ! ! There it was !   "ANOTHER...CASE OF THE "D's "..  AND with the SAME WARNING instructions on the latch in small caps;  " OPEN AND SHARE"....    * I DID AND I AM __ (#1 )= DINGY-DRAPES=  Wraps to put around those things in your life that appear to be JUST a Little GRAY, the DRAPES bring SPARKLES ! !   (#2)= DITCH-LIFTERS=  Highly trained folks, able to promptly aid your recovery OUT of and FROM that PIT you may be visiting, they PULL YOU *OUT and cement it over , so you may safely nand Never Return ! !   (#3)= DISMAL-DAMPERS=  Made of Indestructible CARBON STEEL, custom fitted to make a perfect fit over your head,  Guaranteed SOUND-PROOF.  Additional Eye openings included so YOU can watch the EVIL Captain of DISMAY *rush-away ! !  (#4)=DARK-THIRTY=  An Electronic Badge that starts flashing and SHRIEKING,  as a Warning that you are about to go past the POINT OF NO *RETURN,,  if you go to far,,ALL LIGHTS START  "SHUTTING-OFF" ! !   (#5)= DISCOVERY-DINNERS=  A special set of FAKE EYE BROWS,,,comes in Four colors,,when applied ,,YOU WILL SAY AND REPEAT THREE (3) TIMES;;;"I used to smell like Cantelope,  Then I discovered Escargot,  NOW I Smell like an "OIL-SLICK" ,, ? WHAT IS THE PRICE  OF A BARRELL TODAY??   __ "  MEMORIZE THESE,,  AND I'LL SEARCH FOR SOME OF "DEEEZ"__ !~ !
copyright @2010   barnoshMike     Mike Ham
1.5k · Jul 2012
* " DANGER-SIGNS " * ( #67 )
barnoahMike Jul 2012
The Surgeon with his highly trained skills~carefully prepares the area into which he will be Entering and Exiting.   He does not enter the freeway from the feeder street,  without first looking to check , to see if the way is clear or if there  may be an Oncoming Danger.     He does not go down the Dark Basement Stairs~without first turning on the light ~to make sure the steps are clear~ and exactly where he should place his very next step.   He does not stick his hand in the mouth of the Alligator~unless he knows the jaws are properly secured.          IF Man is so Aware of these Danger Signs~what is it that makes him so Unsure about tomorrow ?   And what is IT that makes another man~so sure about tomorrow ?   Which are the greater fears~the ones seen or the ones Unseen ?  Per chance the problem lies in the fact~ Man doesn't know for Sure~whom to ask !    Has mankind asked the wrong questions~ to the the wrong people ?   OR~does any other man~hold the correct  answers ?    Why is it~the salve rubbed on early in the morning~usually wears off by noon ?     Man has tried to make Erasers  for his fears~but as we scrub harder and harder with ~Man made Erasers~!    WE finally rub a Hole in the Paper !   So~what to do with the hole ? Start all over~on a new clean sheet~with even more erasers~as fears and errors~mount by the day.    As Man approaches his last sheet~erased and crumbled to the finest of powders .    Spelling out  ~ "WHO TO TURN TO " .
COPYRIGHT     @2012       barnoahMIKE       Mike  Ham
1.5k · Sep 2011
" ALDIN AWK " ( #61)
barnoahMike Sep 2011
He knew that he was an Alien,  He knew that he was peculiar,  He knew that he was different,   He knew the Air-Prince would continue to encourage others to Strike-Out at Him~ whether they knew the meaning of that which he spoke !       They even made fun of his name~ they would blurt  out~  There goes "AWKARD AL" ~ Words bellowed out~as if to a 100psi ! !    They tried to throw enough "HOT" words  to Blister~His Back.       Then one day,  while at a concert, a few moments before it was to begin,~ a LOUD Murmuring ~ hovered over the audience.   and in Unison they proclaimed ~"There sits ALDIN AWK,  the man whose words Bristle with Brackishness .! and  they~.....Chanted in unison " His words Bristle with Brackishness" , they repeated the chant  over and over.     Aldin stood up,  the crowd thinking ~that He  was about to leave the concert.       To their surprise~ he walked to the stage~ was handed the microphone~ bowed his head for a Moment......     and as He began to speak~  "EVEN GREATER WERE THE BRISTLED WORDS OF BRACKISHNESS"    that came from him thru the tears "Pouring forth"  ....
copyright 2011     barnoahMIKE      Mike Ham
barnoahMike Nov 2010
One Morning I raised my head,  Looked directly into the skies,  and this IS what I SAID ! !   Give Me a  Morning of Joy and Bliss.   Give Me a day of Tenderness.   Give Me a Night of STARS shining.   Gather Around and HEAR what I've got to say ! !  HURRY NOW ! !   Time is FAST Slipping away.   Enjoy this day Filled with GLEE,   Surprise Blessings being Given to YOU and ME !   NOW,  Let's join our hands .   OPEN,  Truly OPEN our eyes so we can really see.   Where these things we ask for,   From WHERE they really come.   AND,   as the STARS of Night began to Enhance the Heavens,   EVEN  the MOON ,    "JUST BRIGHT ENOUGH"_give us these "Realities",  DO we want All this Life of ours to SLIP-AWAY,   Do we enjoy that now it seems  "SOUND-BITES"  and  "VIDEO-CLIPS"  are our creators ! !    AS we watch "REALITY" slipping so Quickly away.    Were the Tears YOU Last shed   Hidden from others View ?    SO_I CRIED OUT TO  G O D  "PRAY TELL , it seems as if the path I Leave Precedes ME ! !     SO_I CRIED OUT TO  G O D ,,  "Give Me This  MORNING TO RAISE MY HEAD".    Let me extend a caring Hand to those who come on my PATH !   To Encourage them to 'RAISE THEIR HEAD"  Giving assurance to others,,  THEY STAND " NOT-ALONE" !
copyright  2010   barnoahMike    Mike Ham
barnoahMike Mar 2012
Are things really as they seem to be ? ......He was trying to explain his vision to a friend,  who was listening with a   Bent ear,  that kept some of the Truth from entering into the ear canal and properly vibrating the ear drum.     Thereby,  making for a somewhat distorted message ..    And the "Stirring-Vision" was explained and detailed as follows:     "There was this dog I had,   that instead of Barking ,  it meowed and wanted out in the Middle of the Night.    And,there was this Cat I had,   that instead of meowing,  it Barked and it wanted to jump up on people and wag it's tail.        There was this horse I had, that instead of wanting to come into the Barn at night,  it preferred to lay in the Mud-Wallow.    And,  there was this Hog I had,  that instead of Oinking and wanting slop for food,  would try to jump the fence to get to the Salt-Lick..    There was this Rooster I had,  that instead of crowing in the early morning,  it let out Bleats and desired to chew on cans.   And,  there was this goat I had,  that instead of wanting to climb  everything,  spent most of its day in the Hen house , as if it were an egg inspector.     There was this Parrot I had,   that instead of repeating words that were taught to him,  simply called out .."Please Milk Me".   And ,  there was this cow I had,   that instead of  wanting to have a peaceful day of chewing it's Cud,  spent almost all the waking hours,  Repeating every word it had ever heard.    Then,  I saw this snake , crawling away into the tall grass,  trying to get away before it was discovered.    Yes,  there's something about snakes,  just always trying to change things.   Slithering away,  as blame on changes, goes to another as he claims his credits  !
COPYRIGHT  @ 2012       by barnoahMike         Mike Ham
1.4k · Jul 2010
barnoahMike Jul 2010
Everyday,,everyway,,  Everyday,,everyway,,  Lookin for Love that's gone Astray.  Sad tears and a broken love,,I Remember YOU,,Everyday,..  My life became yours that day, You said you loved me, You said it'd  Always be, Two as one forever,,Everyway,,everyday...   Now you're gone far away... I thought my heart was Stone, BUT, it Broke like Glass..  I'd cross wide rivers,,I'd climb High mountains,,Everyday,,everyway,,Just to have you near me...  BUT NOW,,you;re gone forever,,,Everyday..
copyright July 2010 by; barnoahMike  ..Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2010
The nearness of you , it's like a Dream come true,.  The very way You touch Me, the Way You Kiss me,,  Makes me feel like a Man,, Makes me know that I can, Give to You some peace of Mind, Giving You this love of Mine..  I've got Your Love to make Me feel glad,  Just thinking of You, is what I like to do..  It's knowing that You care, You're with me Everywhere.   The way You Smile, the way You  Look at me,,  It thrills me so,, OH YES,,OH YES,,I know the feeling that I have.. It's a Fire inside of Me,,a Fire that I Love in me..  The nearness of YOU ,,It's like a dream come true.  The way You've touched me,,the Way You've Kissed me..   Makes me feel like a MAN,,Makes me know I can,,,And Knowing  YOU,,'MAKES ME"
copyright Aug 2010  by Barnoah   Mike Ham
1.3k · Aug 2010
barnoahMike Aug 2010
If they have them on Handlebars and steering wheels,,WHY aren't they always there when YOU need them Most??  {grips ,you know, those things you hold on to}...  If  Grandma Elizabeth was always telling me to say "Stand behind Me-satan",,,How come I'm always turning around and looking for him??  I'm sure glad Water was made just the Right thickness and AIR just Light enough ,to **** it in,,Aren't YOU??   Hunger, it sure has a way of "just-Keep-on-showin-up",,  It sort of Nags at you,Tugs at You. Urges You on, Leads you to seek it's satisfaction...Is there anything else in Life that Behaves in Just about the same manner??  Why does it seem that all the things That are Bright and new Right now,,can"t be seen as what they really are,,10 years from now??  Should we buy only 10 year old things,,or even 19, just to be safe,and Paint Past pictures of them on the walls of our mind??  Funny Thing about Clouds,,some are Wispy and Signal WIND AHEAD,,,some are Full and DARK to signal the oncoming storm,,Some are Fluffy and light, moving ever so slowly, announcing the Gentleness of the Day..  Have you tried catching one Lately and feeling it's very existence??  Who WILL JOIN me in cloud flying,,a GIFT from THE "ONE IN CHARGE"....
COPYRIGHT @2005 BY BARNOAH       Mike Ham
1.3k · Aug 2010
barnoahMike Aug 2010
While I'm sleeping in the Shadows,  Will You spend some time with me?    Why I MISS You Heaven knows, All this waiting lonely me.  Everyone said You'd be Leaving,  If onlyI'd known in time. But now I sleep in Shadows..  Perhaps I could have stopped you from Leaving,  Maybe,just Maybe I could get you to stay and watch My Sleeping in the Shadows.   The Tear Drops from my Eyes,,,Break My heart!   The Pain I feel Inside,,is Simply Love for You!   Lonliness now is what Lives in my Heart... HOWEVER,,,I saved a Special Space Just for You...In my heart a Room Prepared,,..._BUT for now I SLEEP IN THE SHADOWS!!
COPYRIGHT @2010 BY  BarnoahMike   Mike Ham
barnoahMike Nov 2010
LONELY  as a Breeze in SPRING,   like THE wind I've been  carried Far,   Wondering what the SUMMER  will bring.   Will it Bring Flowers and Stars?....LONELY  as a Breeze in WINTER,   WILL My Love go like the Winds,   Will She Ask for my Return?   ....LONELY as a breeze in  SUMMER,   blown Away  with a KISS  from the SUN.   GONE are the TEARS from my eyes,     GONE are the pains in my Heart..... LOOKING for a NEW WAY to Start.....LONELY,,,LONELY  as a breeze in FALL,    Where HEAVEN has Touched the  Leaves,   EVEN As It Has TOUCHED my SOUL !     Will a New Season Remove this HEAVY LOAD I carry ?   BECAUSE,,,,,I Now SEE something NEW  !..    A LOVELY,    A LOVELY BREEZE,  for ALL  Seasons.....    Bringing Forth a LOVING VISION   of Great Things to come.    YES,,,,YES,,,I GIVE MYSELF  to this  *LOVELY BREEZE....
copyright @2010  barnoahMike        Mike Ham
barnoahMike Nov 2010
She's about a LOVELY LADY,    Wearin Diamonds , , Wearin Silk..   WHERE'S SHE BEEN ? ?    I Ask Again, ,  WHERE'S SHE BEEN ? ?  Around the WORLD,  Lookin for HER Lover MAN ! !    NOT THAT she has one now !   CAUSE--SHE'S GONNA BE A " ONE-MAN-WOMAN " !   BUT  when she Finds that ONE MAN,   Then,  we can ALL-SAY ,  THAT'S A "ONE-MAN-WOMAN"   A N D,  Shes such a LOVELY LADY.    As she wears Her Diamonds,   as she wears Her Silks.    BUT,    She never stops Her lookin for just that RIGHT MAN.    "W O W " What a PRIZE  awaits Him !   HE JUST * HASN'T  been Found !   She'll know for sure who IT IS ,  ,  The PROMISE was made clear to HER !    JUST keep searchin ROUND the World,   Be that LOVELY LADY,   Wearin those Diamonds and Silk ! !   The CELEBRATION when they MEET,   Will mean to clear ALL things from the Street.    A MIGHTY PARADE of Friends with Flower Petals from  ABOVE,,,   WILL  Adorn     This meeting   of 'TWO SOULS " !   ! !  "BECAUSE"----SHE'S    "ABOUT A LOVELY LADY "
copyright 2010  barnoshMike       Mike Ham
barnoahMike May 2011
Seems to me that the man who doesn't Shine his Shoes,    Might Not have remembered to change His Socks !    If you only half-way stop at the Stop sign,   Must you also wait for the light to turn Fully Green, Before you GO ?    Do Ants really like being in OUR they  Simply like the trails We leave?    If streets are paved to keep down the Dust,    Does that mean there's never any Dirt on our Vehicles!   Since cars have battery operated Starters,   Should Humans have to be Plugged in overnight ?    If Floss is used to clean between our teeth,   Would it be better to do it More Often,  So as to have a Better taste for things ?    Some folks sing out Loud with Joy,  Some folks show their Joy in their Face,  Some in their talk,   some in their habits,  some in their attitude.....WHAT is Seen in Their Mirrors ??     If a Road Hog wallows in Width,  does that mean we should dig Deeper to keep from falling into Pits ?    If Truth is seen in the Light,  How long of an extension cord should WE carry around ?     If DUST is something to come from,   It's sure nice to know,  that You've got something firm to stand  on!    Was that Wind blowing thru my hair,   OR was I just running to Fast ?       Aha,  there's a bench,  I'll sit down and wait for you.    Looking forward to that LONG Chat ,  Aren't YOU ??
copyright @2011  by barnoahMike       Mike  Ham
1.3k · Aug 2010
* " LOVE ESCAPES" (#13)
barnoahMike Aug 2010
Givin all you can and then some,,  That's what the're sayin about YOU;;  Is it TRUE what The're  sayin'  Hon??  OR ARE THEY JUST WORDS TO MAKE ME BLUE??  It seems no matter How Hard I try,LOVE ESCAPES  from me!  YES,,Love Escapes from me!! Don't let clouds get you down,,hold  your head UP High,,..These are the WORDS  I have found, that keep MY SPIRITS High..."even-though" ,,,Love escapes from me,,,Love escapes from me...
Copyright @2009 by barnoah   Mike Ham
1.3k · Aug 2010
barnoahMike Aug 2010
As I sit here a Tear begins to fill my eyes, A Tear that only reminds me of You.  Reminds of the times You Loved me,, Times we spent together,  holding each other in arms.  Holding You closely brings warmth to my heart..  Warm as the Breezes blown by the Summer  Winds..  It's bringing Your Love for me to have and Hold..  Having you is like a dream sent from Heaven,,  A Dream  that is True and now I'm here with You..  Knowing that You've loved me , has made Life worthwhile,,shared with Such sweetness as you.. AND-NOW ,,,As I sit here and Tears begin to fill my eyes,,How often they Remind Me of the Times...
copyright Aug. 2010 by barnoah    Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2010
Hear the bells,,hear the bells.   It's a Love Song  Written by the WIND,  A song of Love that Only the Wind  could proclaim ...  A Melody for Lovers, a sweet Loving Tune.   It Whispers in My ear forever,  Love Don't go away to soon.  Even on the Hillside  the Melody plays Lightly..  Come and stand by My side,,You can Hear the Tune Nightly.  Hear the bells,,It's a Love Song, Written by the Wind!!   Please Love,Stand Closer.  Share the sounding  winds,,I Feel the nearness of Her, close in My Arms ,all is well!  The Song that I Hear has brought You back to me...  Hear the Bells,,The Love  Song Written by the Wind.....
Copyright   @2010    By Barnoah      Mike Ham
1.2k · Apr 2011
* " NO-BODY KNOWS " * (#56 )
barnoahMike Apr 2011
No body knows the Trouble I;ve Seen~Except my Aunt Maude and the Mowin machine..  No body knows the garbage I've tossed~Except for that stray dog~who by now Must be lost...  No body knows the Trash I've tripped over~Except for that Yellow Horse that eats all the clover...  No body know the Turmoils and Bruises~Except for those folks who take Long cruises...  No body knows the Tormenting stress~Except for Garden hoses and the guy doing the Bench Press...   No body knows the Aggravation I've got stored~ Except  for a Majesty sitting on His Throne...   No body knows the Deceit that I've been dealt~Except for that guy who always wears the Bright Blue belt...   No body knows that awful dog Grover~Except the Fat Lady who sings ,When's it's all over...   No body knows what Sloppy Joe Means~Except for the people who wear Hand-me-down Jeans...   No body knows what it's like to feel Really  Blue~Except for the people who try to make friends with fast drying Glue...   No body knows where all these Roads might lead ~Except for those who know what it's like to be on your knees...    "NO BODY KNOW THE TROUBLE I'VE SEEN ! !
Copyright 2011    barnoahMike           Mike Ham
barnoahMike Aug 2010
Are hearts meant to be broken, are hearts meant to be mended?  As the passing of time, Won't  you make your love mine?  When the Ocean tides come in, reminds of a Love to Win...  Is it gone,  this love of ours,  is our Love Now,  but a Passing Shower?  I Remember,,I Remember,,That promises were made..  YES,,it was December, my memories will not fade..The Very Words you said....You'd always love me,,,,  SO,,,Are hearts meant to be broken,  are hearts meant to be mended?
copyright July 2010, by  barnoahMike    ,,Mike Ham
957 · Mar 2011
* " RAMBLINGS "* ( #54)
barnoahMike Mar 2011
{#1} *The Shadow has this great Confidence-=OF th Bright Light Behind HIM!!!   {#2}= Who voted for thes people in chargeand even ***** Times,,Geeez!     {#3}=  There aren't enough stars to Count,  to say or to Care.  There aren't enough grains of Sand to Count,  to Say,  To Care,,   To Send,  to Wish,  to Brighten"TO *YOU !    {#4} = Every handsome Knight should have his "Morning Sunrise",   SHE is Worthy of her Name,   a GOD given Brightness,   for HER Knight !   {#5"= The songs I write are Not just words on Paper,  but rather, the Very Melodies from My Heart !   _  Please"ENJOY these "ALLEGORICAL RAMBLINGS"   May they Bless a Very Special Way!   _M
copyright  2011  barnoahMike      Mike Ham
925 · Jun 2012
* " TUSK CLUB " * (#65)
barnoahMike Jun 2012
Since the very beginning of joining the *ELEPHANTS TUSK CLUB".  He wondered whether others might make fun of him,   and sure enough,   every time he put on his Hide Coat and his Tusk crown,   joviality seemed to pour out from the walls.   "HARTY-HAR,,,HARTY-HAR,  laughter and mirth he heard from near and far.  But, that didn't deter him from his Delight in being a Member in the ELEPHANT -TUSK club.   Just about everybody desired the benefits the Club membership provided.    Here listed are some most asked  about:   TWO years Free cleaning for your Hide coat,    Two years free shining of your Tusk crown,   Two years of *Bellowing training at the unheard Price of only 10.00 per class,   based on attending 9 classes a month,   instead of the standard price of 25.00  per Class of *Bellowing training,   Two years of Free Circus tickets,  for those events not occurring in your home town,   Two years of Hauling feed and hay training for the low,,low price of  25.00 per class, for 4 classes,        *YOU would not believe the waiting list for Membership in the *ELEPHANT TUSK CLUB ! !  Filled with folks from "ALL"  walks of life.    "SIGN UP NOW" and receive THREE (3) grades of memory chips,,#1= everything for last 40 years,   #2= the last 20 years,   #3=- last 10 years  !  AND,  that means  memories of everything,  FULL descriptions played over and over until you "Click-Off".     ALSO,,includes Memory of Elephant,   Trainer,   Tusk Remover.   Each time you click on- the memories will be played over and OVER AND OVER ! ! The fee  "AT MANAGEMENTS- IS ONLY 5.00each replay.     " W O W " ,,,,Y O U, yes YOU,   will Not forget anything !         THAT IS WHY YOU WANTED TO JOIN THE CLUB,   ISN'T  IT ? ?
barnoahMike Jul 2010
There she sat at 21,,Not the Club,,even though the thought did occur.  Looking at her watch,a News more present came to Her.  Soon the number 22 would be the carry note,,,as if a Broadway Musical*Melodies Would Ring-Out...Not being shy, she set out with great hope,,There's a world Out-there she realised,,Not one of despair, that Makes Most Mope,,,NO,,I dare say NO,,,But rather a world of challenges..Fearing not what they might hold,,She quickly proceeded..  Being one who didn't want to miss out on that which was meant for her,, Gladly took that first step into what is called ,,"UNKNOWN".  Simply put, the beginning of another day, choices to face,decisions to make,Reactions to consider,Nothing deleted,,,,Each Issue, squarely faced, seeking outcome at each space...Wanting not others to color them in, Her choices were the ones, Ones she had to risk,,Branded with Heart and Mind, Powered by a  Spirit, that Only SHE could hear.  Listen " I Will"  she proclaimed,,yes ,,for this life presented to Me.  She held Keys to a door,  that was a Closet of "THINGS CAREFULLY STORED".  Just waiting there for HER to insert the Key, YES;;ONLY SHE  WAS ABOUT TO OPEN.....
copyright Mar. 2010 by barnoahMike

— The End —