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 Mar 2010 Bard
Lindsey McCarty
Don't wish to be remembered for something i'm not,
Or forgotten for the honest of me,
I want to walk tall, be known by the all,
And not fake what the world and I see.

What I am is not broken or wearing,
I'm not one who's known for a crime,
I am the one in the crowd, who would scream it aloud,
That this life is a privelage, and is granted one time.

Where and if I shall live this born beauty,
And pass on to the life after now,
My past yearns to live long, with my mem'ries shared strong,
For my life's adu, take a bow.
 Mar 2010 Bard
Lindsey McCarty
The star outshining the whole entire sky,
All the other twinkling want to know the reason why.

Why they can't have some sympathy, they all urge to fly,
All glowing bright as they begin to intertwine.

So why must one, and not them all share the righteous fame,
Given by Lord and Heaven above, they all were built the same.

So as these stars perservere beauty, they all know the real,
That they're all stars in their own way, as glory fails to seal.
 Mar 2010 Bard
Marcus Lane
In the warm silence
Of that still September night
The hunter's moon
Brooded red and low
Over the rustling thatch
That shielded us,
Our eyes closed,
In each other's secrets.

© Marcus Lane 2010
 Mar 2010 Bard
Reagan LaVey
 Mar 2010 Bard
Reagan LaVey
Hello, goodbye,
Don't wonder why,
I'm here today,
I hope I'll stay.
 Mar 2010 Bard
Amanda Mary Rose
This one is for you
Mr. Brand New Obsession

Though I don't want it
Could easily be
Not inevitable
Not unavoidable
Not unwarranted

This time
I’m putting up my fists
Blocking hits

I am not giving up
I refuse to give up

Here I go
I will open the door
But I will stand right behind it
Swinging like Babe Ruth
If you decide to try to break me down

I will give you some pieces
But each one will
Beware this will self-destruct
If we do

I will admire you
Through binoculars
Behind my barricade

Though you have never done

I will be keeping you out
As I try to let you in

So this is my plea
Stand in this doorway
Allow me to tidy up the mess I have made

If you remain
You can come and see
What love remains in me

Please Refrain
From fearing all this Rain
And just Remain
 Feb 2010 Bard
Kathleen D Weibe
All my life I was beat, hurt, and knocked down
bruised, choked, slapped,and hit
not only that I was kicked while I was down.

Do every thing that was told by commands
feeling not important to any one
Just being that punching bag that stands

Calling for help and for hope so many time
wishing my life was over
for my life isn't good enough just a living crime

I asked myself why me what did I do to deserve
I even asked God do me a favor
Please save me a spot in heaven please reserve

Hoping that all this would come to a end
I wish not to go on any further
nothing can heal my pain no happiness to mend

Abuse in all it many forms I physically, mentally endure
from my parents and every man I ever loved
For me to end this hatred and suffering there is only one cure

Maybe in death I will finally be at peace
wont have to search for love
and all this crap will come to a cease

True love is all I wanted more and nothing less
for someone to love me
and to tell me how pretty I look when I wear that dress

For I am broken and shattered cant put back together
all I want is a piece of mind
as far as I see it hell is here on earth that's for sure

I question God and in front of him/her I will stand before
why was I singled out from the rest
An answer I request nothing less noting more
 Feb 2010 Bard
Kathleen D Weibe
In the third round beat like a dog
seeing double vision, head in a fog
blood running down
hoping to win this one last round

Sound of the bell rings its chime
to win in a sub-mission this one time
tired as hell but have to push through
what else is a fighter to do

Punches hit like a on-coming train
have to stay focused even in pain
knocked down put in a hold
doing everything that was told

Have no more energy inside
on this rush what a ride
doing the best one can do
in a choke turning blue

Have no choice have to tap out
hold it as the the ref shout
illegal hit to the head
different approach should be used instead

This is it down to the wire
hands  and legs feel like they are on fire
lost this fight but cant win them all
still standing in this brutal brawl.
 Feb 2010 Bard
Kathleen D Weibe
I'm not sure if this is the right place
and even if its the right time
but no words needed
for I can see the expression on your face

My mind wanders in places unknown
the deepest and darkest abyss
already have the answer just by your tone

I give up for I have no other option
left in confusion
left in awe
I question myself to places I have been

Words are mere words nothing more
what else should I do kneel to beg on the floor?

Below the standards I will not fall
hurt is a promise
death is certain
emotions flare but this deal was very raw

Should I sell my soul to win your embrace
and kiss your passion
living your dream
wishing it was me in her place

No spoken words of a goodbye
felt betrayed
a knife pierces my beating *****
no honesty just a bold face lie

Nothing more I can do for your mind is made
I will leave silently
with a trail of petals
in the shadows I will begin to fade
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