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I study everything before closing my eyes.
  Memorizing every line,
every curve.

I'm always afraid that
my eyes
won't realize what
has moved
everything must remain
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
I find it hard to believe
That we could choose to stay together always
And we could make it happen

Perhaps, I have allowed myself to believe
In Fate too much
Maybe I have given too much control
To Destiny
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
Let them fight
Let them scream
Let them try to hurt me

I can't feel a thing
I can barely even see
I can hardly feel my body

I took a sip or two
Probably more than a few
Alright, I'll admit to multiple shots

So let them try to burden me
They won't get very far past my confusion
Because at this point, I can barely even breathe
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
These old wooden floors shake with each footstep
Cold air seeps through the cracks in the walls

Dust has settled on the piano
These keys haven't been played in far too long

My mind is tired
My dry skin aches
Everything was easier when you were here

I don't remember the last thing you said to me
But I know it wasn't goodbye

What will we think when we look back on this
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
At this moment
I am telling you that I love you
I love everything about you
Your hair
Your lips
Your voice
Your skin
Your taste
I choose to keep you forever
Out of every human being on this planet
I Choose You
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
Baby, hold me
Love me
Stay here, and lay here with me

I wished on that star
So many times
For you to be mine, my infinity

Baby, hold me
Love me
Stay here, and sleep here with me
everyone assumes the worst of me
my family and my friends
i hear all of the insults
and cry until it ends

i really do try sometimes
but really there's no point
they'll just assume the worst
so i just light another joint

they never try to see my side
they don't really care
but they're poisoning my soul
until there's nothing there

sure i've made a few mistakes
and then i get the blame for theirs
everything is my fault
is there anyone who cares?

i lay in bed whenever i'm home
just to stay away
my soul can take no more
not another day
If I fall, unbidden, into your idle daydreams,
Do you scourge me from your head with thought-blades,
Gouge me from the soft grey jelly with a blunt steel mind-spoon?
And how precise are these eviscerations?
Perhaps you may just miss a lingering memory;
That birthday kiss, your hands like angels whispers on the nape of my neck.
The glance across the room, or one of my fleeting messages,
Vanishing in seconds, but scribed indelibly into your psyche.
Or not so indelibly; perhaps you never think of me at all,
Or only as you think of other embarrassments, and guilty pleasures,
With a vague distaste, and a promise to yourself to do better.
If it's the former, and you find yourself gouging,
Dig deeper, my darling, I would wish to be gone forever
from your lightly troubled mind,
I can bear to be reviled, I can bear to be a torment,
I cannot bear to be a troublesome fly-thought, easily swatted,
An irritating echo, or a faint and tainted ***** dream.
And still, it hurts...
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
My flesh
Why must you forsake me
You give away
My deepest, blackest secrets

My voice
Why must you portray me
You tremble
And give away my hiding emotions

My love
Why must you obey me
You follow
My heart, and you deny my mind
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