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614 · Apr 2016
Wings of fire
Ayussh Srivastav Apr 2016
Rising from the ashes you spread your wings to fly,
Reaching now for these final dreams,beleif will never die.
Beautiful,glorious and sacrificing self for renewal,
You have it all the bird for eternal.

Dreams are now your destiny,
Reach with all you might.
Don't be afraid,you're a powerful infernus
Ablaze and in full light,
Cause you have the wings of fire.

Take the heart, travel the sky,
Fly and shine, be strong and powerful,
Cause you hav the wings of fire.

Leave the pain behind,
Be joyous my freind,
Cause yesterday was past,
And today's the present.

My dear freind,
You are not empty,
You are filled with melody,creativity,harmony and light,
Cause you hav the winhs of fire.

The things that you write express your beleif,
Each line shows a purpose,
Each line has a heart,
Each line is claw ripping you sadness apart,
Each line shows the phoenix inside you.

Listen to your dreams that call to you,
When you're on your own.
Dreams will help your hand and lift you,
Dreams will be the star of of your heart
Let them light your path.
These are the wings of fire
That are never dying! Never dying! Never dying!
560 · May 2016
The Song Of Emotions
Ayussh Srivastav May 2016
From inside I may be crying,
But outside I will always be smiling,
No one notices,
But it's hard for me to controll

My physical wounds would heal
But my heart will never.
The night is yet to be over,
But my emotions are beaten,
And my brain has become more valuable,
It' general

Then comes the teaes, and i think how to change?,
As i cry for rage,
You say you understand,
And lend me a helping hand.
That may be true,
But first stand in my shoe.
You.will take a scoop of nothing but shame.

Strong and then weak,
Happy and then sad,
Sometimes feeling hopefull,
And always dreadinh the bad

I stand scared and uncertain,
And ask myself "where am I?"
It's dark in here
Don't know what to do.

Thoughts stomp in my mind,
Let me get out of here,
I try and try and try.
But the light goes further and further apart.

Every day, Every hour and Every momment
I live in shame
But then i close my eyes
See someone whose most important in my life,
And think "Life is full of problems,
I need to fight it to make it big"
For all those in depression
510 · Apr 2016
Who am I??
Ayussh Srivastav Apr 2016
"Who am i?" I ask myself,
Nobody can tell me,
Nobody can teach me,
Who am i and what i need is
Something i need to figure out myself.

I finally get my answer,
I'm me .
I am what am meant to be,
I am as bad as the worst,
But thankhod as good as the best.

For me what you seee is,
What you get.
Yes you may call me naive,
But i love my life.
I am happy
And for that my freind,
I make no appologies.

I hav had some up's and downs
Super highs and some really low lows
I dont regret what i hav been through,
Cause i know i hav been blessed with my life,
And rewarded with hood freinds,family and good health.

I am not in a competition,
With anyone else,
I am in a race of my own.
I hav no desire to the game of being better,
I just aim to improve.

I am selfish,impateint and a little insecure.
I make mistakes, I'm out of controll
And sometimes i am hard to handle,
But if you cannot handle me at my worst,
Then you don't deserve my best.

I would rather be hated for who i am,
Than being loved for whom am not.

I am unique,
I am speacial.
I am who i am meant to be,
I am me :-),
And. thats all

I'll ever be.

— The End —