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 Feb 2014 Liz G
Matthew Walker
I don't know your favorite tea.
I'm not sure how you get up when you're knocked down.
But I love the places you take me;
the shivers on my spine when you're around.

You've never told me your favorite color
or the things that break your heart.
I'm praying to God there's not another,
the thought of being without you is tearing me apart.

I don't know a thing about you,
but I'm already falling for you.
I don't know anything about you,
but I know I've gotta have you.

*~ m.w. ~
 Jan 2014 Liz G
Kiss me,
Hold me,
Tell me it will be okay.
Stroke my skin,
Look into my eyes,
Take me away, even just for a little while.
Sing to me,
Lay on my chest,
Tell me you love me.

Be mine, and I will be yours.
 Nov 2013 Liz G
In my room, there sits a massive book,
whose only job, for now is to collect dust.
But one day when we finally meet, you and I will take turns writing our story on its crumbling pages.
When we fight and my tears drip on the page as I recount each incivility and purposeful insult, the ink will smear before you can dab it away;
forever leaving proof of the raw imperfection in our story.
When we decide to go on spontaneous road trips, we will bring the book and buckle it up in the back seat;
stopping only to rest as write lyrics to the songs we sing and reminisce about the places we’ve been.
When you and I sit down and make a night of writing in it, and we spill our wine all over the floor, we won’t be afraid to mop it up with the pages because that’s a memory just the same.
Every little moment, the good, the bad, the ugly, will be recorded and remembered.
And when our story reaches its end, you and I will press our lips to the last page and share one last kiss that will forever be held and remembered, like our love, in a massive book, never touched, that just collects dust.
 Oct 2013 Liz G
Nick Durbin
As the light fades, and the darkness settles over my room,
My thoughts are engulfed by you –
A woman whom has encapsulated my struggled journey through this world…
She, who received my heart and simply kept it –
So, I watch as the sun sets on this day,
Flickering against the porch and the clouds above -
Fading over my horizon, and shedding light on the beginning of yours…
I reach for the fiery embers and dissolve into the sea of orange and red,
Melting into the sky, in search of your beauty –
Bursting ‘cross the shores, crawling over the ebbing tides,
Erasing shadows, meticulously illuminating each minute morsel, each delicate droplet of life –
The arrays pouring over your skin, as I soak into your golden brown complexion,
Seeping deeper and deeper, layer by layer…
Flooding your body; saturated,
I am a part of you, I am now yours -
This poem is for Jing, the woman I have met through poetry and love through delicate words...
 Oct 2013 Liz G
Nick Durbin
When I embrace you,
                                                       my right hand caressing your cheek,
                             running the length of your face to reach the nape of your neck…

                                                   I will stare into your eyes,
                                                           ­    smile,
                                                          ­           then kiss you longingly.
A conversation with Jing.

— The End —