it feels like I've left a soul that speaks my mind
I have been juggling too many on one plate
a plate smaller than my fears, how much I am able to consume, and how much of it can hold
a wide screen television envelops a lot of places, faces and unending staircases
'one step at a time' is nowhere to be found when I got caught up with I'm not sure if still mine
mine to bear, mine to feel, mine to keep
to let go of even that's mine is such a test of time
quantifiable, disclosing dates and how many hours per day
with documentation being necessary
I wish that what's undocumented and forever changing inside you heals you as well, that like any other, we can surrender to our self
to feel safe and be heard
and in our thoughts, may we find what isn't really ours
and to just consider it fleeting, midair
like the fallen leaves, let the wind send it away