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Ava Weiland Sep 2019
the beautiful thing about infants
is they speak no language
yet everyone understands.
Ava Weiland Sep 2019
the Maasai people
eat mostly blood and milk
after a certain age.
a man we met
showed us his sleeping father
claiming his father was
one hundred and eight
years old
the man under the blanket
looked tiny and fragile
a tangle of bird bones
I could have lifted
in my arms.
Ava Weiland Sep 2019
a man living in a Samburu village
must have strength and grit
a young man will be circumcised
in front of other villagers
he must hold dignity through the pain
lock every muscle
completely still
if he so much as winces
he will bring disgrace upon his family.

when a man comes of a certain age
people make it their business
to find him a wife
if the man is traveling
in a nearby village
and happens upon a delightful young woman
he must bring this news
back to his parents
who will make the decision.

if the parents agree
he will supply the young woman
with gifts of:
one camel
four or five goats
and seven or eight cows
unless the woman is special
then she might receive
two camels.

once a man is settled
with his first wife
he may find more wives
sometimes up to eight wives
or more.

each wife may bear about five children
while the children are young
the man may not know
the names of the children
or which mother they came from.
Ava Weiland Sep 2019
we were never strangers
we were never friends
I think it would hurt both of us
if we ever had to pretend to be
either of those things.
Ava Weiland Sep 2019
her belly is on the concrete
the sun makes her
softer than the water
she is bored
she does not acknowledge
the great gift the light has given the world
by reflecting
off her body
Ava Weiland Sep 2019
try not to
your heart
even when it feels
like the easy
or practical
thing to do.
Ava Weiland Sep 2019
are you
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