The creatures came out of nowhere
Their faces horrid
The natives lived in fear
For the creatures knew only one thing
The creatures wander around
Replacing the natives with stone and metal
The natives want to run
They cant
Fear stricken
Frozen in place
The creatures are here
Destroy, destroy, destroy
The creatures are here
Their faces horrid
Two eyes the size of quarters
A nose
A mouth
The natives live in fear
The creatures fill the air with toxic gas
The creatures fill the ground with poison
The creatures take over
Creating things to destroy others
The circle goes on
The natives live in fear
The creatures create to destroy
Create, destroy
Create, Destroy
Destroy, destroy, destroy
The creatures go by many names
The creatures go by one name
They go by the name Human
The natives fear the Human
The natives cant move
For their roots are deep
Deep in the ground
They get destroyed
Petal by petal
Leaf by leaf
They get destroyed
The creatures have gotten taken over.