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Sunshine on the beach
A beautiful, fair girl skips
portrayed by the queen
What a glorious day it is
To be happy
How wonderful it is
To be happy
It's such a good thing
To be happy
I just can't wait
To be happy
There was a young lady called Anne
All the way home she ran
But she never thought
That maybe she ought
To just stay away from the ram
Can you help me?
Can you help me understand why I feel this way
Why my stomach ties itself in knots and sends strange signals to my brain
Why I get nervous and jittery
Why I blush and blunder
Why I can't stop
Why my mind is crippling me
Why I can't do the things I want to
Why my mind won't stop even though I tell it to
If you could help me it'd be great
I keep lying
and lying and lying and lying
And when I'm confronted about my lies
I lie more

My life is a lie
I don't tell the truth
Why do people listen
When all I say are lies
A shank, however hard it tries,
Will always be bent.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the dirt covered earth,
Gently it goes - the resolute, the crooked, the unerect.

A hilt, however hard it tries,
Will always be ornamental.
Never forget the decorative and nonfunctional hilts.

Weapons are sharp edges.
Sharp edges are weapons.
Now old is just the thing,
Old blunts the edges

I saw the faint symbol of a generation destroyed,
How I mourned for a dagger.
Does a dagger make you shiver?
Does it?
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