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 Apr 2013 Audrey
Anthony Armetta
I wasn't always so easily discouraged.
I used to bristle with enthusiasm.
I glowed with it.
It didn't matter if the task was simple, or tedious, or daunting, or boring.
As though on rails, I slammed into each and every task with terrific force.

But I got older.
Things that used to come easily grew slippery.
What I used to do without thinking twice, I found myself over-thinking.
I threw the brake. I ground to a halt.
Finally, I became idle. A left-over husk of a kernel that's already been popped.
I drowned myself with doubts. Hypothetical situations that might never happen.
I lived in fear of what might go wrong.

So I began to watch everything go wrong, as though I was helpless.
I was no less able. I was no less compassionate.
But I had grown wary. Of what?
What was it that, out of nowhere, caused me to slow down?

I guess I looked down and realized that if I fell, I would not be getting back up.

When you're young, you have no worries, because nothing is relying on your success.
So you mess up a math problem. You'll get it eventually.
So you botch things with that cute girl who sits across from you. You're young, you'll get it.
Re-assurance, faithfully, unwaveringly. A safety line should I fall.
But I never really fell, did I? So why am I laying down like I have?

Get up.

Get up.

I worry about everything. I worry that I will fail.

I dread what comes, what I can't avoid. But time, and time, again, it comes, and I miraculously don't die when it hits, because I've been bracing for a train-wreck impact, a force that will really, truly, finally, definitely lay me flat for good.

I close my eyes, and brace. But the crash never comes. The silence that was continued to be.

I turn behind me, but there's no train there.

I'm starting to realize, with relief, (with horror), that maybe all I needed to do was step off the track.

I look down, and realize, with a first-creeping then-howling laughter that I was never on the track to begin with.

I look off where the track is. There's no train there, either. Maybe there never was.

Maybe there never will be.
 Mar 2013 Audrey
Melanie Melon
It was the time of summer where every kid had silently realized that it was ending,
No longer halfway through, no longer half full
Leaking and spilling out,
like the gas in my twenty two year old car
We couldn’t stop it,
And the moments of high school summertime
The moments that supposedly turn into stories we tell forever
Hadn’t seemed to have happened.

Both of us on the swing lazily swung
Dizzily from side to side.
Climbing forward, falling in reverse
Our combined bodyweight shifting back and forth
Tanned legs kicking up in an attempt at unison on every backwards glide.
Gravity hung us there,
Pulling the swing toward the ground no matter the rotation.

I sat on top.
I wore bleached shorts and bleached hair.
I worried that gravity or more so my value to it
would crush him.

At the same time, I felt unbelievably small.

The air pressed in on me from all angles,
it touched my bare legs
it easily waffled my shirt.

“Mel, if you were squishing me, I would let you know”,
he assured with a cocky tone of his very own that somehow made me feel special.
I couldn’t help but think he was only trying to be tough
Attempting to let sheer willpower overweigh my well earned quads,
My six foot frame.
The awkward body I never quite grew into
Never knew how to masterfully control
Never knew how to fill.
Though I secretly (wanted to) truly believe him

On this humid night I felt like the ball was in my court,
Like I could do anything and everything.
That nothing could go wrong
That the boy that I was sitting on was genuine
And that I could simply drive off to wherever.

(I had a full tank of gas and enough money to get me to Alabama).

I felt small in this,
in this infinity of possibility all around me.
Like a weight was pushing into me
Putting on pressure that couldn’t be ignored
That shrunk me just enough.
I felt powerless to fate
Powerless to this planet
To this grand, glorified hunk of earth which was so much greater than me
(and surely my insignificant weight anxieties).

I felt like the gas was leaking out faster than I could use it.
I felt like my infinity was disappearing as I swung within it.

Just like that, I let the ball drop and the gas leak out.
We just kept swinging.

Long walks, long talks under the south sky, we knew it was love
December, snowflakes, cold night but you made it warm
White gown, black suits, sweet vows, but that’s not how it ends
Black lies, midnight fights, angry cries, we know it’s not love (not anymore)
This is the morning when the French man curses Paris
This is the morning when the sun loses its light
This is the morning when promises become lies
This is the morning when are love kisses the lips of goodbye
Because on the eighteenth, summer turns to winter
All that we have withers
Everything warm and bright fades on the arm of September
I can ******* tears, I can feel my fears
You walk away with no words of love to remember
Whiskey, dancing under the night sky, I have heard you died
November, tears fall, sorrow cripples like a thief
Ugly box, pale cheeks, another goodbye, I pray to see you breathe
Regrets, lost love, indecent goodbyes, you left me twice
This is the morning when the French man turns to dust
This is the morning when he takes his life
This is the morning when memories fake the aches
This is the morning when even fears and tears can’t bring you back
Because on the eighteenth, summer turns to winter
All that we have withers
Everything warm and bright fades on the arm of September
I can ******* tears, I can feel my fears
You walk away with no words of love to remember
Your awkward smile, your deep blue eyes
Old  photos will remind they’re once alive
Your broken dreams with an unfinished song
No more Tuesday nights for you to sing along
Because on the eighteenth of September there’s no morning, only mourning
Song Lyrics
 Mar 2013 Audrey
M Seifert M
I want you
I want someone to want me
you don't want me

please want me

I'm broken
you don't want a leaky faucet
self repairs
with duct tape and silly putty

I'll recite you the backs of cereal boxes
throw away the locks on the doors of our common places
I'll keep a smile on mine if your face feels too tired from the weight of what your mind is speaking out your eyes

Every string
that hangs off of well worn sweaters
snags on finger nails and pealing calluses.

I'll draw the curtains
and ONLY
you first admit that you
and i know it.

Your doubt should drown.
We'll drink it down.
Sipping wine only to set the scene
already ditched our inhibitions
we decided that what was best for each other was to feeds each other's needs with the other's body.

This letter.
This note.
To you.
The long lost women of my dreams
the shape shifting goddess
who floats freely through the open windows of my memories.
Will this be enough to summon spirits to lift me to your level without being beaten to life by a trigger happy judge's gavel?

I built my prison to your specifications.
The measurements may be off
the bed...
The bed is warm
and cozy.
it fills my heart to see your cheeks turn that rosy
rosy red
that same
rosy red
that fills my heart
flows through yours.
Kept inside
peaking out in moments of vulnerability.
Shed your false
layers of security
toss them in the water and...

Flush skin of lips and finger tips
other places where my mind can only wander
wondering where in the world we will
meet again.

It's half past ten or some other hour,
I don't know and you don't mind
we're alive!
and our heart beats will set the pace
keeping time in place.

is softer



I'll give you your space{

to TRULY KNOW the color of your wings.

I'll continue singing
someone else may be listening.
although these tears won't quench my thirst
I'm learning more about myself through my time searching
through my ***** laundry:
Bags of rags
and forgotten junior high and high school notebooks.

Failed jokes took to heart
the stinging silence of laughter kept inside.

Broken funny bones
NUMBED by repetition [repetition]

Well, I'm not sorry
to tell you
this mouse
whose mouth you shut is now stirring

Stirring the ***
Kept at temperature
All the right spices and slices and dices to enlighten you as to what the taste of life is.
Please sit, here is your chair.
I love what you've done with your hair!
let me know if you would like seconds
that depends on if you brought your appetite.
I know I'M Hungary [hungry]
I won't slurp my soup if it offends you.

We'll take it slow
I know that
I still don't know you that well yet.
And I think we both could cool it down on the unnecessary judgement.
I'd really like to know you well, so I won't try to sell you anything that you're not buying.
And call me out if you think I'm lying, but I promise to be as honest as you want.

But it's a two way street
and I know you're probably tired from running down it so long
in which case I would gladly rub your feet
or your shoulders if you'd like to be a bit more discrete.

However, it still may be too soon for that
in which case I'll take a couple steps back.

Do you like music?
How bout dancing?
It doesn't have to be romantic
I just enjoy the feeling when I'm moving to the rhythm in time with other bodies.

Does you mind maybe feel clearer now that your body's moving free
are you holding back because you falsely feel that you lack the ability to let the music move

Your soul's of you feet.

Let go
and hold on to me.
I won't let you fall unless you're ready
but I'll catch you
please don't worry.

We are free

Let's just be

Forget fear
and see where that takes us
in a year.

Or more
Or less
Or until you decide
that your dress
is not
the most comfortable thing
could be wearing...

I'm just glad we can share the same air
and not care that our hair's getting messy.

is the best I've felt.

In a loooong while...

Spinning out of control
With you here next to me.
 Mar 2013 Audrey
Taylor Smith
The temporary taste your mouth craved quickly became forgotten by your restless mind. Didn't realize what you so desperately needed until ripe sweetness dissipated.
Her tired eyes could no longer precipitate on that overcast morning.
In sipping that black coffee a little too fast, bitterness struck the buds on your hot tongue.
She watched you cringe and almost felt the same shock that once scarred her. Because she did kiss satan before. And she did cry, hard,
for you.
Ice boulders against your freckled shoulders.
I leapt off the crescent moon's edge to feel the mere flecks of snow upon my own skin.
Everyday I wonder, was that kiss a sin?
Impossible to reel in, you tugged from afar. Gravity envied your strength.
The pull of your drift made me remember my weakness. I have felt the weight of hate, that small bit alone so great. Your heart played the victim bait on my stretched out line.
I swear, the moon's never shined so bright. You reflected my own light, I just wanted a cool touch but certain hugs can be too tight. Too hot to handle. I offered you my oxygen but grew lightheaded. Then I regained my balance.
I suffocated suffocating the most innocent catch I ever knew. I could never reel you too close to me again or, fatally, you'd burn too. You left nothing but an impressioned body orbiting other planets when I thought I was the star.
I commanded God to make up his mind. "Choose one side and give me a sign."
Bitter or sweet, he manipulated both.
Her system so solar, centered on herself, His help was useless against the burning lies and sin lying within. Never again did she feel guilty since the day she realized that she was only one galaxy in his limitless universe.
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