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 Oct 2013 Sand
I’ve gone through uncountable cups of coffee
over the past few months,
but none of them ever quite taste the same
as the first one I’ve had.
Sometimes not enough cream,
other times too much sugar;
always without you
on the other side of the table.
 Oct 2013 Sand
 Oct 2013 Sand
Perfection is really hard to achieve,
Still I try not to budge from the path,
From the harder path to perfection,
For I wish to make perfection mine,
Staying truest is my determination,
Determination to achieve perfection,
For I am the one that will be yours.

My HP Poem #455
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2013 Sand
It’s almost 6, and the night is fighting with the last rays of sun,
Its armor and sword are both stronger the glow of sun, Stars comes out like your eyes, breathing down my neck,
Sitting across the Chinese restaurant in, with a cigarette dangling in your fingers blazing as harshly as bitumen laying on road as your skin on my skin was last night
You have been constantly eying me like I am breast of the freshly cut chicken,
I take slow sips of my beer, opening and reopening my fortune cookie, but it’s already been cracked and my fate has been sealed,
I pity the planets and us, we all are stuck in our orbits, and we always talk about the corruption in Russia and about pirates in Somalia,
We take detour of this city, and only this one, driving circles around the Wal-Mart, buying coffee beans and condoms,
I quiet my raging mind, which writes essays about the Greek gods and Atlantis; it fights with the night, but night plays word-games,
It twists its words into lyrics of lovers and pours them in my mouth, and twists its fingers in my ******
Its, almost 8, there are two bottles on the table, emptied like my heart, your ash tray full like your lungs with smoke and lust
Its 8, and sky is cobalt with streaks of lighter shades passing through like the Helicopters on Independence Day and I take this as my sign, and leave 20 dollar bill and a letter which screams “I’m gone”,

Bustling street and a Vegas sky welcomes my heart to the possibility of finding Atlantis.
hope you like it!
 Oct 2013 Sand
I never smoked
Since you left me to bestow me rigorous ache
I pressed one pipe amid my two lips
Then I was about to lit the pipe with a gaslight  
All on a sudden your face emerged from the pipe
I stopped! Tell me how could I burn your Beautiful face?
 Oct 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
I am one of those
who do watches
and people love to watch me -
they watch, but ironically,
they call me Watch Man

Well, for a start, I can eat watches
At a recent show
I ate 4 watches in 6 slow hours -
it was time-consuming

My wrists stretch on the touch of
watch bracelets
and so they made me wear many to see
how many I could wear on each wrist
20 on either wrist is what my stretch could take –
yeah, you could say,
I just had too much time on my hands
Last on show they made me wear a belt of watches
which was a pretty waist of time,
if you know what I mean

Look I’ve applied
to join DC Comics
Me as Watch Man
along with the likes of Iron Man, the Hulk
and Spider Man and such characters nondescript
But I’ve been turned down
Just not your time yet, I’ve been told

Well, so I content myself meantime
as Watch Man at Freak Shows
Doing the Time
before my Big Time
When there are enough time-savvy people
Who can recognise the genius
of those who do watches
...poem based on jokes I found online....I'm moving house now and may not have internet connection for a while...I've been so time-poor, I have not been able to acknowledge your responses to my previous poem and to visit your apologies....will do so after I return in the next couple of weeks....meanwhile, I offer the poem above for your amusement and reflection...
 Oct 2013 Sand
Bernadette Rivera
snow shoe challenge
trekking untouched expanse
cracking beneath

rock climbing boots
eyeing open summit
crevaase shifts

lifetime chances
snowbound slide buries all
expanse untouched
 Oct 2013 Sand
Bernadette Rivera
piles of leaves crisp air
the sight of Aspens turning
roads choked off by flood
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