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 Aug 2013 Sand
Sometimes I take the long way home.
I hope you don’t mind.
It’s just in hopes of spending a few more
minutes with you.
And I take every chance to switch
into the right lane, just to steal
a few extra glances when you’re not looking.
I hope you don’t mind.
I’ve cracked open my ribcage and laid
every piece of what’s left on the table,
even if it’s not much.
I don’t need you to put me back together,
I just need you to be okay with
broken pieces,
fragmented statements,
incoherent whispers.
We don’t need to be fixed.
We just need to grow.
And how can we grow if there are not
cracks in our minds and gaping holes
in our hearts?
I think your pieces are beautiful.
I would like to hold on to them for a while.
I hope you don’t mind.
 Aug 2013 Sand
Robert Guerrero
Not many blunts can be found
In the pockets of my friends
Good thing though
I'm sick of that ****
Always lived by the code puff puff pass
Well I'm laughing laughing smiling
Because I found the girl for me
Gorgeous as can be
I think insanity is required
In this almost perfect scenario
I'm getting high off my ***
On the scent of her perfume
From a six maybe seven hour distance
I love the way she talks to me
Never a dull moment
She makes me feel like the animal I am
But the angel able to hold her
At a seconds notice
I'm not asking for fire place dinner
Late night walks on the beach
Or making love under the stars
I'm asking for a chance at her heart
Maybe a chance to steal her breath away
Let her suffocate on my speechlessness
No joke she's ******* amazing
Any man would **** just to look at her
I'm dying to stare in her eyes
I'm falling **** am I falling
Told you I wasn't going anywhere
Give it a week my ***
I'm giving it a week till you realize
Baby I'm hitting rock bottom pretty **** hard
 Aug 2013 Sand
Raj Arumugam
the novices are comparing notes
proud of their teachers
(for if you boast of your Teacher
you make yourself look good)

“My teacher can go without food
for days at will,”
says Owl at Lake

“My teacher is so elegant
he never yawns,”
says Silk Robe

“My teacher is even better,” says Energy Jump,
“for he can go days without food, water and sleep”

“My teacher,” says Lazy Mumble,
*“I reckon has to be the best
for he eats when he has to,
drinks when he must
and yawns as much as he wants to
and sleeps when it ‘s time”
...poem based on a Buddhist joke online...
 Aug 2013 Sand
Jai Rho
The airplane
is not one of God's creatures
but it might be serving
a heavenly purpose
by making the world seem
a bit smaller

And though
it is not an actual
time machine an airplane
can take you from
a place as primitive as
prehistoric times
to another place
as advanced as
modern civilization

in a matter of hours
or even minutes

But to take an airplane
almost anywhere
you usually have to go
to an airport
where you usually
spend an hour, and often
hours and hours,
going nowhere

other than the parking lot
or the rental place or the bus
station or the taxi stand
and the check in line and
the security line and the
food line and the bathroom
line and the shuttle line
and the gate line and the line
to take your seat and the line
to take off and then the airplane

usually has to land at another
airport where, unless you
took a direct flight,
you usually have to spend
an hour, and often
hours and hours,
going nowhere
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