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Aug 2021 · 75
an inexplicable feeling
phie Aug 2021
the trees breathe for us, the sun brightens our world
the window leaves a new scene each minute
our mirror images change each glance
our blood flows and lungs expand
bodies get big and small and big and small
the ants crawl at our feet and the birds fly over our heads
we have stardust watching over us at night
Aug 2021 · 57
the dog days of august
phie Aug 2021
is loneliness always this permanent?
a scar that shows its head as the moon rises
never profound, always blurry
weeks become one day, one day stretches into weeks
interacting with others like a child again
relearning how to be human again
Jun 2021 · 63
phie Jun 2021
the milk expired today
my head aches
2:00 all day in bed
the table adorned in molded cups and jewelry from the days before
plants need watering, body needs watering
alongside my pillow lies my rings and lighter and glasses
eyes heavy and mind clouded
coffee accidentally too sweet
May 2021 · 550
phie May 2021
a ghost kisses the inside of my wrists
as i reach toward the sky i feel ribs under my fingers
the moon is lovely tonight and id love to spend more time with her
Apr 2021 · 484
my sunshine
phie Apr 2021
the morning sun melts the ice
the green on the trees seems a shade lighter
the sky around seems brighter
green has always been my favorite color
Apr 2021 · 89
views from the balcony
phie Apr 2021
as i sit on the balcony of a house that is not my own
i see the passerbys enjoy the warmth of the sun
sheltered from the heat, stuck feeling the chill
i see the cars drive past while my feet sit still
my morning coffee bitter, and my heart cold
it seems as though the breeze has taken hold
the shadows on the side of the house the only mark of me
Apr 2021 · 83
as it was
phie Apr 2021
the almost summer breeze sends shivers through the trees
the greenery too bright for the cold
my heart aches as the weather changes
but change is always meant to come
Mar 2021 · 34
phie Mar 2021
for a long time when i looked in the mirror there was a disconnect between what i saw and what i looked like
my cheeks were pudgy and my lips were dry
i had picked apart myself until what was reflected didn't reflect myself
Mar 2021 · 3
phie Mar 2021
when i was a child i had thought of a life much different from mine
as an adult i still long for the delusions of my dreams
it is hard to picture my future absent of some magic
some otherworldly force to make it worth the effort
when i grow even older will i still wish for more
Mar 2021 · 35
phie Mar 2021
the sticky smell of the dogwood blossoms as i drive through the streets most familiar to me
brick houses and front porches and dogs in the backyards
windows down the sun is out but the trees aren't yet green
i could close my eyes and the way would find itself to me
left right right foot on the brakes and park
Mar 2021 · 41
love will tear us apart
phie Mar 2021
i have experienced love in a past life of mine
but the skin on my bones has changed since then
long lost are the memories of lips on lips
the heat of another body close by
my face has aged
my hair is cut short
but alas i have grown anew
Mar 2021 · 24
burned out
phie Mar 2021
you know the saying ive left claw marks on everything ive let go
well ive left no claw marks behind
somehow ive ended up empty handed,
all my pieces on your side
you asked and asked and asked
ive never been able to say no
ive dipped my toes into life and i have drowned in its sorrows
i give and give and give
ive never been able to say no
Feb 2021 · 142
skeleton bones
phie Feb 2021
is just existing truly enough?
to feel the beat in your chest
and the expansion of your lungs,
does that satisfy you?
is life the movements of the flesh
or the activity of the mind
Feb 2021 · 44
phie Feb 2021
honey drips from her lips
as sweet nothings come from her mouth
eyes interlock, hers with an innocence of gold
one touch from me and
i would leave a handprint of ash
Feb 2021 · 72
the starless sea
phie Feb 2021
i am drowning in a sea of golden honey
it fills my mouth with a deadly sweetness
that i just can help to love the taste of
soon i will be petrified
but, god, will it be sweet
Feb 2021 · 33
phie Feb 2021
the warm orange light at the end of a long
narrow hallway beckons me
it's late and dark
with phosphorescent lights guiding the way
as you walk the end stretches backward
the hallway is never ending
i know this.
i don't turn around.
i move forward aimlessly through
the linear labyrinth
Feb 2021 · 59
phie Feb 2021
nothing will look the same between me and you
the light angles and shadows differ from our perspectives
what i see as hideous
could be what you see as immaculate
Nov 2020 · 35
phie Nov 2020
my hand passes through solid matter
my feet never touch the ground
i have no reflection in the mirror
my throat can make no sound
days and years and decades fly past
standing in this same tacky house
the white walls like prison bars
stuck in a labyrinth and i am the mouse
Nov 2020 · 26
untitled 11-2-20
phie Nov 2020
lavender coffee too late into the night
the caffeine makes it hard to stay seated
my mouth stuck in a grimace from the bitter taste
but i try to fight it every step of the way
a little flourish to make it sweet
but it still manages to linger
Sep 2020 · 26
baby blue
phie Sep 2020
the chill of the wind rushing through your bones
thrilling biting breaking through walls
what once was lost now lies behind the door
will you open it?
Sep 2020 · 64
i'll drive
phie Sep 2020
take me by the hand lets go
off to see a world unknown
messy and smiling
soaring our way into the mystic
looking not behind for there is magic in front of us
Sep 2020 · 41
ghost wall
phie Sep 2020
floating from room to room
my feet never feeling the floor
i sway amidst the others,
standing unknown
Feb 2020 · 42
phie Feb 2020
sitting by the window, i am a witness to many things
the spirit of the wind rustling the leaves,
then disappearing into the sky,
the sky, so immense and ever changing
always remains in sight
above the heads of passerby pedestrians
they pay no mind
to the beauties of this world
as they walk by.
these passerbyers have their own life,
they are fueled by what appears from their own eyes
they can't see the one
who is fueled by the sight
by the window seat
Dec 2019 · 67
untitled 12.10.19
phie Dec 2019
the sky, grey and condescending
brings the reminder of the non-stop grandfather clock
cased in old oak with its frontward face
wise with history
these days go by as i sit and rot
in self inflicted solitary confinement
overwhelmed and stuck
behind an open window
watching through as the sun and moon
rotate without knowledge
of my internal afflictions
i was reminded that this site exists, brought back some mojo
Sep 2018 · 111
untitled love notes 2
phie Sep 2018
Am I overreacting?
Is something not wrong and I just don’t deserve the effort he gives?
I gave him a sliver of my heart,
Should I have given him the whole thing?
Sep 2018 · 134
bad situations
phie Sep 2018
I am alone in these woods
Its silent when trees fall
They were not meant to last
Blocking the path, it is unfamiliar now
I will remain stuck as I have been
Mar 2018 · 105
phie Mar 2018
As the sun rises from its golden slumbers
The moon decides to rest
The tides reach for what once was there
But now are filled with light
Lifting out of the haze of sleep
The bugs birds and beings bask in their life
Loving dreaming feeling
Breaking burning crumbling
All under the blues of the skies
So beautiful is the extent of the horizon line.
Feb 2018 · 131
phie Feb 2018
Soft green moss underneath my toes accompanied by
The bittersweet breeze of march air and its wind rushing through your bones
The garden is lovely and full of newly blossomed flowers
Ivy hikes up the brick siding of the house
It is a striking emerald,
But it is little compared to the color of your eyes
Feb 2018 · 110
phie Feb 2018
Chipped pink nail polish and dirt caked on your hands
Running around with your imaginary best friend
Scraped up knees with a big bright smile
I wish I got to stay a kid longer
Feb 2018 · 122
phie Feb 2018
Thoughts of springs bursting through the side of the mountains
The patient river flowing past the banks
Full of sticks and rocks and deer prints
Idly waiting in the sun surrounded in the warm rays of sunlight
Walking through the narrow path
The dark is cut through by the golden hazy sunshine.
Feb 2018 · 113
ice age
phie Feb 2018
My footprints leave marks in the snow
What will I leave behind?
It’s hard to tell what others know,
Will my life be doomed to hide?
How will I leave behind a mark
In this large universe?
We are so small and space is so dark
I guess it could be worse.
Feb 2018 · 102
femme fatale
phie Feb 2018
Your vanilla scented perfume
So sweet and warm
You walking by makes my heart bloom
Your eyes are an icy storm
Conflicting thoughts keep me awake
Darkness seems welcoming
Your tender touch makes my heart ache
Your words are enchanting
Feb 2018 · 127
phie Feb 2018
my head is pounding
my eyes feel heavy, light flashes
like the blue and red on cop cars
i want to close my eyes and never wake up
i long for what i cannot do
how can i sleep when the firing of gunshots sound through my skull
Jan 2018 · 94
phie Jan 2018
my thoughts dance around
i can't keep my eyes focused on the road
when did the light turn green?
Jan 2018 · 106
put me six feet under
phie Jan 2018
i am a skeleton compared to the entity i used to be
the flesh fell off my bones as i tried to disguise myself to be a part of the cookie cutter image of my surroundings
i was just a little bit out of the lines.
my bones sink into the wet grass when it rains,
there is the weight of all the lives i am living pushing on my shoulders
maybe i'll finally end up in my grave,
all i want is to be able to sleep again
Nov 2017 · 129
bad habits & old habits
phie Nov 2017
asking them how they are when you know what you've done to them
the heartbreak of realizing you have to break someone's heart
setting up the trap before you realize you are the villain
using them for your own personal needs
how come you two can never kiss when everything is okay
Nov 2017 · 122
spinning out
phie Nov 2017
your kiss is as passionate as a dying ember
the fire went out a few hours ago
and here we are, still sitting around the ashes of our dying love for each other
Sep 2017 · 114
magnetic fields
phie Sep 2017
sometimes i feel pulled down a road im too scared to go down
its steep and dark, monsters linger in the shadows
i want to go down the lighted path
with fairies and floating candles, a welcoming enviroment
but you cant tell if they're just pretending or not
i long to be friends with the goblins and underdogs
Sep 2017 · 133
losing your flame
phie Sep 2017
slowly by slowly every color decides to fade
ran out of fuel, running on empty
drinking cold cups of old coffee
pressure from all sides
I'm about to expire
and fade away into nothingness so i can't be accused of being a burnout
sometimes it takes a lot to feel again
i wish you could light my spark but it takes time to heal
Jul 2017 · 129
phie Jul 2017
is this what people are gonna remember me by?
being a lazy nobody
average looking and privileged
****** grades and no personality
another human being
without any distinctions
Jul 2017 · 169
vanilla scented poison
phie Jul 2017
conflicting thoughts keeping me up at night
i don't think darkness has ever been this welcoming
Jul 2017 · 175
u g h
phie Jul 2017
make me feel alive again
emotions and disgressions shooting holes straight through my hollow head
my mouth cant search for the right words
my head cant fathom all of my fears
Jul 2017 · 274
stuck in a maze
phie Jul 2017
sitting on the cold tile floor
****** and exposed
don't forget your meds, you've already upped your dose
stare at the mirror for hours
forgot who i've become
lying on your back
gazing at the stars
you leave to go home after only an hour
just to wind up back
sitting on the cold tile floor
Jul 2017 · 164
untitled love notes
phie Jul 2017
set me ablaze
sweet kisses leave the taste of honey
your hand in mine, side by side
covered in flames
playing with my hair
soft hazy looks
a haphazard smile was all it took
please never leave
you make me all warm inside
with your green eyes and freckles
giving me that look that makes me melt
Jul 2017 · 157
tear me apart
phie Jul 2017
your hands brush through my hair
bubblegum pink and short
you say you like it better long,
i've considered growing it out
distraught and yearning for help
i reach for you like roots searching for water
but retreat when i see my reflection
will you like the true me?
i hide so much, you can barely see
the things you should know are things you shouldn't
i have scars and stories
would you still want to be with me?
my heart is icy cold
the walls are high and made of steel
it takes more than a spark to take them down
Jul 2017 · 146
phie Jul 2017
i feel repulsed by your touch
do you just want to use my love for your selfish needs
what do i mean to you?
Jun 2017 · 221
black tar
phie Jun 2017
sometimes waiting is hard
waiting for that spark of inspiration
it gets hard to wake up on my own
motivation is fleeting
it feels like your brain is void
full of the unexplainable
dark energy and matter
taking up space but without any known impact
it's there but can't be seen
you've got to be patient and wait for everything to align
it might be slow and tedious
or so quick it's uncomprehensive
Jun 2017 · 187
perfect blue
phie Jun 2017
what happens when you loose control of your avatars
when they become an entity in and of themselves
who am i and which version of myself am i
switching through to find which persona i want to wear
tearing myself apart from the inside out
what am i doing and what have i done
so many lies I've told, what isn't one
I'm losing who i am
can't tell which is truly me
someone help me get a grip on reality
May 2017 · 194
@ you
phie May 2017
decaying roses sitting in a vase
astonishing words come from your pen but your lips are stitched up
you make me have butterflies in my stomach, at display at all times
it seems like I'm an exhibit; please stare straight through my ribcage
sipping slowly on some nice red wine
a picnic during a thunderstorm
your glance shoots through me
like the harsh strike of a lightning bolt
your kiss on my neck leaves dark purple bruises
tracing all the way to my pursed lips
your puppy dog eyes and my ever so fluttering heart
please, just tell me what you want
do you want all this to be directed at you?
force my hands, tell me what to do
my attention time and heart
taken up
by you
May 2017 · 201
shortness of breath
phie May 2017
I'm having chest pains, it's getting harder to breathe
i can't believe i let myself do this to me
stressed beyond belief, i can't handle it
I'm going to explode just like a bursted blood vessel
soon my heart is going to go into cardiac arrest
the beeps on this machine could be a rhythm due to its irregularity
everything gets so bottled up, the pressure is too high
its absolutely terrifying to think that one day we're all gonna die
p.s. if you have chest pains and a shortness of breath those are warning signs of a heart attack so like, you should go get help for that
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