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3.8k · Jul 2016
The Narcissist
Ashton Jul 2016
They turn even on the closest in their lives
They lie.
They are blameless.
They are "perfect".
They belittle you
They tell you youll never be good enough
And you're just a huge disappointment
They strike fear in you to make you hush
They strike you down when you refuse
But you're her child so you must obey
You're her child so whatever she says goes
And no one will ever step in to help
Because you are her child
And you must obey...
Your mother
The Narcissist
1.2k · Sep 2016
Ashton Sep 2016
You just want to be accepted
For who you really are
But everyone around you
Makes you feel as if
Who you really are
Isn't okay
Or is weird
And just unacceptable
So you have to goo through life
My family
My life
1.1k · Jul 2016
Keep going
Ashton Jul 2016
Sometimes you just gotta keep going
No matter how hard it hurts
No matter how hard the blow was
You gotta keep going
774 · Jun 2016
Ashton Jun 2016
Affection is something some people rarely get
Affection is something everyone needs
Affection fixes the cuts
Heals the broken hearted
It puts a warmth in us that you just can't get anywhere else
But still affection is somethibg some people rarely get
Those people get cold
They need something
So they go looking for something to get that warmth
And thats when they get desperate
They will go to lengths that others cant fatham
They've been broken
And no one will fix them
So they find something to numb the pain
And numbing still doesnt fix it
Affection is dangerous to go without
758 · Oct 2016
Not Everyone
Ashton Oct 2016
You dont have to prove yourself to everyone
Not everyone understands your situation
Not everyone can see your view on things
And not everyone knows where youre standing
So just make sure you understand where you're standing
Know your view
Know it well
Thats all you need
Is your assurance
No one elses
572 · Sep 2016
Ashton Sep 2016
It feels like your being drug under the water
So deep
Then the pressure starts getting to you
Until it feels like youre gonna explode
Then they start ripping and tearing
Until your blood is everywhere
Then they let you float to the top
Just to do it all again
566 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
We will be okay
Maybe hurt  bruised
And maybe Mentally unstable
But alive
Which means we will survive
524 · Jun 2016
Ashton Jun 2016
Ive been hanging by
A Moment
A single specific Moment
One so magical
So magnificent
So beautiful
It saved me
That Moment
Just a single Moment
Saved everything
524 · Jul 2016
Fucking tired
Ashton Jul 2016
Im tired
Just ******* tired
Tired of doing everything
Tired of keeping everything together
Tired of nothing ever being okay
Tired of not having someone to hold
Tired of being such an irrelevant *******
I wanna ******* matter
I wanna have a place to ******* stand
I wanna be able to be loved
I wanna be able to happy
494 · Jul 2016
Going Without
Ashton Jul 2016
Im the one who goes without
Im made to fein
Im made to deal without
I give up what little i have for certain people
But dont i deserve something at all
Just a little something
Nothing big nothing too fancy
Just something
But i just hace everything taking away from me
No one seems to notice
Im the one going without
469 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
Physical wounds
Mental wounds
Emotional wounds
They are all wounds
We all have at least one
They are all equally bad
And we all deserve a hand clap for surviving  them
466 · Jul 2016
Shits and giggles
Ashton Jul 2016
For ***** and giggles
Lets pretend
Im the on in charge
Im the one with power
Over both of you
Would like these things yelled into your ear
Would like to be woken up the way i am
Would you like to feel the hole i feel
See the dark nightmares i have
Feel the pain i feel
Well would you
Didnt think so
So for ***** and giggles
Ill ask a question
Why do you both think its okay
Why would you put me through it if you ypurselves would chose not to go through it
444 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
They made me this way
I wasnt always this insane
They pushed
They screamed
They never stopped
444 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
Explain to me why he owes you
Explain to me why he doesnt owe me
Im the child
Im the one he walked out on
You left him
You both decied to call it quits
But somehow he owes you
But doesnt owe me
When he never called me
When he didnt show up to my birthday parties
He left me
Yall left each other
So he owes me and me only
He doesnt owe you
Im the one with that void
Not you
I dont know a certain love
Not you
You had a father
I didnt
438 · Jul 2016
Angels Without Wings
Ashton Jul 2016
God works in many ways.
God has a path for us all.
Sometimes life brings you down.
Further than the deepest oceans.
But there are miracles
I call them angels
But they're different.
They're angels without wings.
Other people call them soulmates.
I beleive they are much more.
Sometimes they are the ones who
Supports you.
Helps you.
Saves you.
They are..
Angels Without Wings

~by: M. Blade Wilson

(My cousin)
425 · Sep 2016
Ashton Sep 2016
Things just dont work out
406 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
I cant touch or see you
I cant kiss or hug you
I cant cuddle or hold you
Yet i feel so strongly for you
I feel as if i kiss you every morning
And hug you every night
We have something special
We have something real
We are just waiting to be face to face
Then the sparks are gonna fly
And we will light up the sky
390 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
They will never know the beasts they  created...
380 · Sep 2016
Ashton Sep 2016
Sometimes you have  to show what makes you different
373 · Jul 2016
Sorry its kinda long
Ashton Jul 2016
They point the finger at me
They say everything is my decision
But they shove me down when i do decide
They tell me im not smart enough
And when i point out  they made me feel
As if i wasnt good enough
They tell me they didnt do anything
They say i shouldn't listen to them
They say that they were "playing"
Knowing **** well they weren't
They act like they have no blame
They all act that way
And the ***** that is suppose to be there for you
Goes along with them
And expects you to ******* be there for her
No *******
Im no longer helping you
Whenever you ger suicidal dont ******* call me
And dont try to tell me i was never there
I was always there
I was the one taking blow after blow
I even took the blows going towards you
And you never once took a blow
Dont come calling on me
Dont ever ******* come to me again
Im sick of being walked on and ****
So *******
Im done taking the blows for you
Just for you to take me for granted
I hope you see how much i did for you
369 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
I love you
I just wish i could explain
But i can't
353 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
Why didnt they love me
Why didnt they want me
Why did the people who were suppose to protect me
Harm me
And why doesnt anyone care
Why wont anyone help
353 · Sep 2016
Sense of direction
Ashton Sep 2016
But just your
heart feels empty
And soul feels cold
Like the little warmth your heart did have one day
Just disappears the next
And your body is just tired
You feel lost
But you dont know whats missing
So you search aimlessly
No sense of direction
344 · Jul 2016
Everyone deserves
Ashton Jul 2016
Everyone deserves happiness
Some of us are just shoved into ****** up situations
And we have to be the ones to make ourselves happy
Yeah its hard
But not impossible
You just have to change your mindset
Quit blaming yourself
And ******* care about yourself
Zach. Its okay not to be okay but dont ever hate yourself.
Like **** happens but itll be alright as long as your still breathing.
337 · Jun 2016
Midnight thoughts
Ashton Jun 2016
Im not like a typical poet
I dont rhyme
And i dont write well
I dont know how to put my feelings into words
But here i go again trying

So here i am wide awake
Thinking about you
Hoping your dreams are sweet
Or that their of me
Ive been realizing lately that your  my best friend
The person i talk to everyday
The person i actually care to impress
I want you to think so highly of me
And i want you to view me as i view you
See you're more than just my relationship status on facebook
You're more than my boyfriend
I was lucky to find a guy as good as you
As understanding and willing as you
Im falling even more in love with you everyday
These are my midnight thoughts
316 · Sep 2016
Ashton Sep 2016
Without rain
And rainbow could never exist
Without pressure
Diamonds would never be made
Without saddness
Would we really know when we were happy
Without pain
Would there be joy
I guess we have to have pain in the world
For us to understand when things are okay
Idk im just not in a good mood and im thinking about a lot
314 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
My mind
My body
My soul
All starved
All on the brink of destruction
But no one seems to hear my screams
My agonizing pain is getting to be to much
But no one seems to even notice
But thats life right
Its unfair
Its unjust
Thats just ******* life
313 · Jun 2016
What am i suppose to do
Ashton Jun 2016
How am i suppose to fix us when you dont even try
How is everything always my fault
I dont know what im suppose to do
Im confused
And you wont even answer my texts anymore
I just miss us
How we used to be
We were so happy
And now
Look at us
We arent even us anymore
313 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
Hes seen every part
Every crevice
Every inch of my body
His hands have traveled where no one has
So gentely he squeezed and scratched
His gentle sighs of pleasure
Along with mine
Then he whispers in my ear how beautiful
I am
How much he cares for me
And then he nibbled on my ear
Wrapped his arms around me
And continued thrusting
310 · Sep 2016
One day
Ashton Sep 2016
One day
They are gonna look at you
And they are gonna regret
307 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
We were the helpless
We were the abused
We were the weird ones
We were the freaks
We were the ones ignored and bullied
But now we are the strong ones
We are the smart ones
The ones who survived the struggle
We are too close to freedom to give up
We have ran the race this far
We can finish it
And finish it strong at that
307 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
You never cared anyways...
No one ever does...
306 · Jul 2016
He'll take
Ashton Jul 2016
"Figure it  out! Or ill take... "
How do you expect me to figure it out when you have never showed me
Never set a  **** example
all because i had a valid point
Because you couldn't argue with it
"He's a deadbeat, at least she stayed! And if you ever say that again ill take..."
Im sick of this
im sick of it always being ill take this ill take that
You isolate me from the world and then threaten to take every connection to the people i care about and just everything else from me if i dont sit here and take this abuse
305 · Oct 2016
Ashton Oct 2016
I make mistakes
Im not perfect
Sometimes those mistakes are big
And they hurt people
But i never intentionally mean for that to happen
Im a good person on the inside
If you could see my heart
And feel the pain i feel when i cause pain
Youd understand
276 · Jul 2016
Emotional pain
Ashton Jul 2016
Physical pain: bruises, cuts, gashes, broken bones, concusions, cracked ribs...
Emotional pain: depression, anxiety, disorders, migranes....

Physical pain heals with medicine...
Emotional pain heals with medicine...
But with emotional pain there ones part you cannot heal...
And thats the emptiness you feel inside
Its always gonna be there
No matter how many millograms you take
No matter how many grams you smoke
No matter what you do
Its always gonna be there
But you do learn to live with it
And it gets easier
And soon understanding fills the void
You dont know why its there
You dont know how to fix it
But you understand that its there
And you understand nothing is gonna fill it
So understanding itself  fills it
269 · Sep 2016
They didnt like that
Ashton Sep 2016
They told me i was wrong
They told me i need to shut up
But at the end of it all
I knew
That i was right
And they just couldnt handle the fact i put up a fight
And every word that feel from my mouth
Was truth
And they didnt like that
They tell you you're wrong to try to cover up the fact that they were the ones who were wrong not you but your a kid so your stupid and they think they can lie to you
269 · Jul 2016
I love you
Ashton Jul 2016
Sometimes i feel as if
You hate me
Im really sorry that i disappoint sometimes
But i when i try i feel like you push my further away
I wanna be close to you
I wanna be able to have a connection with you
But i dont feel like you feel the same
For a special person in my life that i wish i was closer to
268 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
Maybe it wasnt me
Maybe it wasnt you
Maybe it would have been that way enevitably
Maybe there was no way to avoid that
Maybe we were meant to end in disaster
No matter how hard we tried
We would have crashed
We would have burned
265 · Sep 2016
Your Voice
Ashton Sep 2016
I miss your voice
The way it calms every ounce of fear in me
The way it soothes all my aches
The way it feels my heart with this warmth
The way it gives me a sensation like no other
The way I know its yours
I miss it
263 · Jul 2016
As if
Ashton Jul 2016
I continue to look behind me
As if you're gonna be there
255 · Jun 2016
Ashton Jun 2016
Im sorry
Im trying
But nothing is going right
But im still here putting up a fight
For us
Im losing you
Im scared
My mind is a blur
And your difting further and further
I can no longer feel your warmth
Your comfort
Its all leaving
So are you
Im begging you
Just to stop
Think about this
I love you
Im sorry
Im trying
Please give me time
Stephen youre all i got
I love you
251 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
     Escape maddness
             Screams the mad man
                     Who knows no insanity
250 · Jun 2016
Good ole days
Ashton Jun 2016
These are the days im gonna miss
All these late night phone calls
Just because i couldn't stop thinking of you
All these long texts trying to explain my feelings
All these emotions racing through my brain
Trying to find someone to numb the pain
Failing hoplessly
But still having enough in me to get back up
Yeah these are the days we are gonna miss
When we are old and sitting alone reminiscing
These are the days we are gonna come to
All these long texts
phone call
All of them
Im gonna miss them
Death is inevitable
246 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
You're the only one who...
Who has ever made me feel wanted
You make me feel like i matter
Like i am cared about
See i dont get that very often
So whenever you do it
It means alot to me
I never felt special before you came along
235 · Jul 2016
Lets just say
Ashton Jul 2016
Lets just say

You're what holds me together

You're the only thing holding me together
232 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
I am what i never wanted to be
Im the monester under the bed
Im the one i hide from
Im scared of me
But i cannot escape me
227 · Jun 2016
Ashton Jun 2016
Their growing
Longsr and longer
Under the worst circumstances
We still try
Trying to carry ourselves everyday
Knowing that these miles are killing us
Making the us feel more like you and I
These miles fill our heads with assumptions
Every night we argue
I feel like everything is being faked
These miles are tearing us apart
We thought we could do it
Now im fearing that i put my all in again
Just for miles to take it all away
221 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
They're just *******
217 · Jun 2016
Ashton Jun 2016
Maybe i wasn't wrong
Maybe it was you
Maybe we shouldn't have tried
Maybe we should have just let it end
Maybe we shouldn't have pushed
Maybe you shouldn't have screamed
Maybe i should have yelled back
Maybe i should have gotten in your face also
Maybe i should have been the one to put us to rest
But ill never know
216 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
We will prevail
We will be victorious
We will
And there isn't a dann thing they can do about it
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