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209 · Jul 2016
5 minutes
Ashton Jul 2016
They play
They joke
They have fun
While i sit just a room away
And cry
And they dont even notice
And no one will ever know
Its all apart of this
This crazy cycle
I get sad
I go some where alone
Let it out (just some of it,dont wanna gwt hysterical)
Then wipe it away
And go right back to the battlefield
Thats all within 5 minutes
207 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016

Thats literally all i can think about.
205 · Jul 2016
Mom says
Ashton Jul 2016
"I deserve respect! You dont! You havent earned anything! Im the one who does for you, while you sit on your *** and bark orders spoiled little *****!"
Yet she has never lifted a single finger for me
She has done everything for herself
I go without just so my sister has enough
She leaves for weeks at a time
Leaving us without food or anyway to get any food
She pawns her own daughters off to her parents so she can go party and hang with friends
I have to sacrifice
I have to raise my sister
Im the one who cleans and makes sure everything in the house is okay
And i have to care for her when she o.d. or detoxes
Yet im a spoiled ***** and sit on my ***
Says my horrible "mommy"
202 · May 2016
He knows
Ashton May 2016
I found the silver lining
Im no longer dying
Im not even trying
Its just falling into place
With such grace
Now im watching my pace
Keeping it slow
Showing him im not perfect
But worth it
And he knows it
He has see my growth
Me at my worst
Still he smiles at me
And just laughs
The kisses me slowly
And tells me he loves me
He keep me going
Making sure im trying
Instead of crying
He knows i need support
He knows i need him
Now that can be harmful
Yet at the same time helpful
I love him
And yea he knows that too
Stephen Milliron
196 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
...I want to feel wanted...
192 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
I love
How you look at me
I love
How i can be myself with you
I love
How you bring out the best in me
I love
How you can turn my day around with just a laugh
I love
I love you
See love may just be a word but we all make our own (very different) meanings for it and mine well my meaning for a while wasnt good at all but now its just perfect love isnt the person and it isnt a thing yeah its always been a feeling but only certain very certian things can make you feel it truly #love #hope #him #always #10.19.15
188 · Jul 2016
A lot
Ashton Jul 2016
They may not care
But i do
I care a lot
But maybe my caring isnt good enough
182 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
I wonder when

When you will notice

Notice me and how much i love you
Just for a moment i wish you would notice
181 · Jul 2016
Ashton Jul 2016
Its alright
Everythings alright
I mean thats what they say right
Well maybe its not alright
Maybe im  crying every night
Because nothing is alright
Dont tell me its alright when clearly its not
154 · Jul 2016
One day
Ashton Jul 2016
One day we will wake up
And be happy
A nice breakfast
Then off to work
Then come back home
Just being happy
Gernerally happy
Doesnt that sound great

— The End —