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Ashton Jul 2016
We were the helpless
We were the abused
We were the weird ones
We were the freaks
We were the ones ignored and bullied
But now we are the strong ones
We are the smart ones
The ones who survived the struggle
We are too close to freedom to give up
We have ran the race this far
We can finish it
And finish it strong at that
Ashton Jul 2016
Explain to me why he owes you
Explain to me why he doesnt owe me
Im the child
Im the one he walked out on
You left him
You both decied to call it quits
But somehow he owes you
But doesnt owe me
When he never called me
When he didnt show up to my birthday parties
He left me
Yall left each other
So he owes me and me only
He doesnt owe you
Im the one with that void
Not you
I dont know a certain love
Not you
You had a father
I didnt
Ashton Jul 2016
Physical pain: bruises, cuts, gashes, broken bones, concusions, cracked ribs...
Emotional pain: depression, anxiety, disorders, migranes....

Physical pain heals with medicine...
Emotional pain heals with medicine...
But with emotional pain there ones part you cannot heal...
And thats the emptiness you feel inside
Its always gonna be there
No matter how many millograms you take
No matter how many grams you smoke
No matter what you do
Its always gonna be there
But you do learn to live with it
And it gets easier
And soon understanding fills the void
You dont know why its there
You dont know how to fix it
But you understand that its there
And you understand nothing is gonna fill it
So understanding itself  fills it
Ashton Jul 2016
I cant touch or see you
I cant kiss or hug you
I cant cuddle or hold you
Yet i feel so strongly for you
I feel as if i kiss you every morning
And hug you every night
We have something special
We have something real
We are just waiting to be face to face
Then the sparks are gonna fly
And we will light up the sky
Ashton Jul 2016
Maybe it wasnt me
Maybe it wasnt you
Maybe it would have been that way enevitably
Maybe there was no way to avoid that
Maybe we were meant to end in disaster
No matter how hard we tried
We would have crashed
We would have burned
Ashton Jul 2016
They turn even on the closest in their lives
They lie.
They are blameless.
They are "perfect".
They belittle you
They tell you youll never be good enough
And you're just a huge disappointment
They strike fear in you to make you hush
They strike you down when you refuse
But you're her child so you must obey
You're her child so whatever she says goes
And no one will ever step in to help
Because you are her child
And you must obey...
Your mother
The Narcissist
Ashton Jul 2016
Physical wounds
Mental wounds
Emotional wounds
They are all wounds
We all have at least one
They are all equally bad
And we all deserve a hand clap for surviving  them
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