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Always there, Justin Tyme.  He's a good friend of mine.

This morning I went into the kitchen and yelled "you're toast!" and then I ate it.

A lovely response to a question:  "Does a bear **** in the woods?"
I reply, "What about polar bears???"

When people say, "Jesus is holy." Do you think he cringes?

My girlfriend told me that I had scruples. I suddenly became scared and made a doctor’s appointment for an STD check.

What did Ernie say when Bert asked to get ice cream? “Sure Bert.”

I find it interesting when people say,
"It's the quiet ones you have to "worry'' about.
I believe it's the ones who blend in you have to worry about.

"Awkward Silence" ??
What is so awkward about silence???
I believe people are awkward, not silence.

I need some bliss so,  I'm going to be ignorant.

Along with his three Peeps, Hershey Kisses the Tootsie Roll Midgets.

To display their different mediums of art, the sky is the Gods exhibit and we are the critics.

For the Nondreamers:
You may look down on me as If I appear to have my head in the clouds.
Note to self: When you look up at the sky, I'm looking down on you.

Some say I'm cheesy...may be that I'm just Krafty.

I saw a sign on the freeway that said 'Exercise daily and walk with Jesus.' So I did. Jesus and I walked together laughing and smiling all the way to the lake front, but he kept walking...Then it dawned on me,  I forgot my aqua shoes.

"I tend to add a hint of lemon while preparing my sought after traditional Christmas goose."   Here's a hint, don't ruin the hint.

Ask a person with a lisp to say thimble and sounds the same.

We are all artists who never put ourselves out for display.

Empty thoughts filled with absence.

What's on my mind is nothing, but what's inside is pure bliss.

I'm existing in the nonexistent.

God needs glasses and hearing aids.

Last night she nailed me harder than Jesus! (too soon)??

"I would be more than happy to give you an external hard drive."

"Ah, give or take.'' I'm confused...what do I do??

Good Friday??? Good God! That's terrible.  Put me on a cross and I'll tell you how "good" my day is...maybe we should consider revising the name of this holiday?

I'm a conductor who's lost his train of thought.
I wish I could erase
Those days fawning over him
Just so I could say
I have only ever loved you
But I must be harsh
To be honest
And that is what you ask
So I did once love a boy
Long after you left
Because he stopped tears
And had nice dimples
He was so different from you
I knew nothing of him really
But was enticed
So lonely and lustful
My infatuation
Morphed into a mutated love
But now I wish to erase him
Erase the eyes
Erase the tears he saved me from
Erase everything
Except how I still mentioned your name
To him
All the time
Because the truth is
You were my first love
And that
Is unforgettable.
 Jan 2013 Ashmita
michelle reicks
i'm terrified of seeing you again.

and it's very different because it only ever brought me joy

because i would see the happiness and joy in your eyes

and i'm terrified that i'll just see hatred
towards me

for hurting you
but i would deserve it.

and you deserve to be happy. i wish i could
erase all the pain that you are feeling

and hold you again

but i can't

because i chose to let you go.

this loneliness is so difficult

and i miss you.

but being strong for yourself is better than being weak for someone else.
 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Thomas Wolfe
Oh, will you ever return to me,
My wild first force, will you return
When the old madness comes to
Blacken in me and to burn
Slow in my brain like a slow fire
In a blackened brazier - dull
like a smear of blood,
Humid and hot evil, slow-sweltering
up in a flood!
Oh, will you not come back, my fierce song?
Jubilant and exultant, triumphing over
the huge wrong
of that slow fire of madness that feeds
on me - the slow mad blood
thick with its hate and evil, sweltering
up in its flood!
Oh! will you not purge it from me -
my wild lost flame?
Come and restore me, save me from the
intolerable shame
Of that huge eye that eats into my
Naked body constantly
And has no name,
Gazing upon me from the immense and
Cruel bareness of the sky
That leaves no mercy of concealment
That gives no promise of revealment
And that drives us on forever with its
lidless eye
Across a huge and houseless level of
a planetary vacancy
Oh, wild song and fury, fire and flame,
Lost magic of my youth return, defend
me from this shame!
And Oh! You golden vengeance of bright
Not cure but answer to earth's wrong
 Jan 2013 Ashmita
Anon C
I want to burn in the fire
drown in the water
be buried in the earth
stripped by the wind
to feel alive
charred, living in the sun
lungs purified by the clear blue
body consumed within clay
hands erode in a sandstorm
to feel love
I guess I could explain but then I don't really get it...  I love the planet.
 Jan 2013 Ashmita
I sacrificed a lot for you
Missed you too much
Cried because I missed you
You never appreciated me like you should have

But you made everything look so good and so promising
I was so confident about our situation
You seemed to be too
I helped you through so much

I traveled to see you
Talked with you all the time
Was there when no one else was
And how do you repay me?

By ignoring me all weekend while you’re with your friends
Then you say I deserve better
That you’re a mess
You can see my feelings for you progressing

And they were
I was falling in love with you
I’m not sure why though
Because I do deserve better

I’m out of your league in more ways than one
But I was falling for you nonetheless
I started to lower my walls
And you saw me falling

But instead of catching me
You got scared
And ran away like a little boy
You were going to let me fall flat on my face

My momentum was building up
But luckily, as you turned to walk away
I looked up and saw your turned back
And I caught myself

I fell, but not as hard as I could have
I didn’t hurt anything but my pride
Like my fall in the cafeteria
I still looked like a fool and I’m embarrassed

But in the grand scheme of things
You’re just the piece of ice I slipped on in the cafeteria
Everyone saw it and talked about it for a while
But I got back up and kept walking like nothing happened

And that’s what I’m going to do now
You were right about one thing
I deserve the best
I am better than you and the best you will ever have

I put your things in a box
And labeled it “Military Boyfriend”
Not “Funny Boyfriend” or anything else you wanted to be called
Just “Military Boyfriend”

I learned a lot from you
You weren’t trying to teach me
But I learned
I learned a hell of a lot

And when you see me in 3½ years when you come back
I will be “that fine bitty you see walking around campus”
But I won’t give you the time of day
Because you’re just "Military Boyfriend"

You’re just the piece of ice I slipped on in the cafeteria
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